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Rural Economy Strategy - D.Roberts - Submission - 14 May 2010

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D.WR. oberts English Solicitor r

The StablesL, es Chasses, La Rue des Chasses,

St.John,JerseyJ, E3 4EE, ChannelIslands

T- +44 (0) 1534865584 F. +44 (0) 1534865516 E:-

Our Ref: R-DwPJSoB/c.24lJ.l/P.20 Date: l4thMay,2010

Darren Scott ,Esq., Stateso fJersey, ScrutinyOffice, MorierHouse, HalkettPlace, St.Helier, JerseyJ,E1l DD.

DearMr. Scott ,

The Rural EconomvStrategv

I am writing to you in responseto an announcemenwthich the EconomicAffairs ScrutinyPanel placedin theJerseyE veningPoston 27thApril2010.

Like the majority of IslandersI, believet hat the key elementof the countrysides trategys houldbe to keep the countryside"green" so far as is possible. Whilst, of necessity,t here will be requirementfsor additionalhomesi n the countryparishesI, feel that one shouldavoid both large- scalehousingdevelopmenat ndi ndustrialandcommerciadl evelopment.

FurthermoreI think that greater diversification is required in the use of agricultural land, particularlyi n the light of the declineof the traditionalJerseyherdsand our heavydependencoen the growing of JerseyRoyal potatoes. This year has been a disastrousy ear for the latter, as c'woonrfsirtmpeodtabtyo asenaasrotincfloer o5n0t hyee afrrosn' "t. paWgeitohf tthhee i JnEcrPe oafsi5ntghinMteany s2it0y1o0f hgeloabdaeldw" aGrmroiwnge,rcshleitarblyy,

things will not get better. Additionally the intensivegrowing of crops such as potatoeshas an adversee ffect on our limited water resourcesa s farmersare forcedto use inisation to savet heir cropsandusef ertilizersto increasetheiryields.

The introductionof sheepf arming has been a welcomediversificationof land use. Another obviousalternativeu sef or land is horse-grazingH. orsesarean essentiapl artof Jersey'sh eritage andbring pleasureto thousandso n the Island,as reflectedin the Island'st hriving HorseandPony clubs,t heRaceClub and,of courset,he JerseyDragHunt. Benefitsi nclude:

o broadenintgh eutilisationof landi n Jerseyw, hilstkeepingtheIslandogreen';

o a 'hedge' should, like at present,difficult economictimes presentt hemselvesin the

traditionalf armingi ndustry;

2/Continue.d.. ...


Darren Scott ,Esq.,

Stateso f JersevS. crutinvOffrce. 14thMay, 2010

.  a non-controversiaal ctivity which is complementaryto other businessactivities, in particulart,ourism;

o a businessthat createsemploymentboth directly (by the employmentof stablemanagers and stablehands)and indirectly (by the employmentof blacksmithsv, eterinarysurgeons, andl ocalcontractors);

o a businessthat producesr evenuenot only for the employeesp reviouslymentionedb ut also for the feedmerchantsa nd the suppliersof saddleryand associatedit ems,with a resulting benefitt o the JerseyTreasuryin the form of taxationandGST.

Of course,J erseyhasalreadycomet o prominencein the horse-world. At the 2008Beijing Para- Olympics,SimonLaurensof Trinity won a gold medalf or Britain in the dressagecompetition- a

magnificenat chievemenftor Jerseyb, ringingt o the world's attentiona very positivesideof Jersey, in contrastto someof the ill-foundedadversep ublicity it hasr eceivedof late.

If you have any questionsconcerningmy submission,or if you feel I can be of any further assistancep,leasedo not hesitateto contactme.