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Review of Speed Limit Policy - N.Howorth - Submission - 29 January 2011

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For The Attention of The Environment Srutiny Panel

Retention of 15 m.p.h speed limits on Green Lanes - not an Increase in to this limit

Dear Panel Members,

 My concern is specifically in respect to Green Lanes and the retention of the existing 15 mph limit. I additionally would advocate increasing the number of Green Lanes to discourage "Rat Run" drivers, therebye promoting and increasing road safety for walkers, cyclists and horse riders - especially in rural areas.

By virtue of the fact that almost no rural Jersey roads have pavements ALL walkers and cyclists are in the road. Speaking as a driver and a walker 15 mph is a speed which needs to be moderated to 2 or 3 mph to stop dead when encountering or passing pedestrians, horses or cyclists. Stopping from 20 mph whether heavy farm vehicles or cars leaves less time for all concerned to avoid accidents and injury. It would be worthwhile establishing if Jersey already experiences a disproportionately high levels of pedestrian and cyclist injuries per 10,000 population or per 10,000 vehicle registrations in comparison with the UK for instance? Speed Kills, Therefore there is no justification to increase speed limits. Journey times will not be be improved by a measureable amount by increasing speed limits but road safety will be compromised.


Nigel Howorth FRSA