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Economic Development Department - Transfer of Functions - Submission - 18 November 2015

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Transfer of Functions

Questions for Ministers

Overall changes: Vision and transition planning




Transfers In

Transfers Out


P.46 states that the proposed transfers of functions underpin the draft Strategic Plan 2015-2018.

Please state what benefits the proposed changes will bring to your department and explain how these will be achieved.

The transfer in of Sport and Culture will more closely align both sectors with EDD's responsibility for Tourism and allow the ability for product development in the areas of Sport, Culture and Heritage-led events, promotions and exploitation, as part of extending the tourism season further within the shoulder months.

The creation of Visit Jersey with its greater emphasis on marketing and overseas promotion, along with the launch of Sport Jersey independent of Government with its focus on developing sports performance and sporting events, will dovetail with Events Jersey to create a greater range of opportunities with which to go to market'

The delegation of responsibilities for Sport (Connetable Pallet) and Culture ( Deputy Norton) two ED Assistant Ministers will provide both sectors with a political Champion' allowing them to better present themselves to Government and bid for both resource and greater political support/profile

In the Sport sector, the Assistant Minister is an advocate of physical literacy from an early school age, creating a healthier, more disciplined and cohesive population

The completion of the transfer of Financial Services to CMD will see it have a dedicated political lead and put all the resources under the control of a single Assistant Minister.




whilst reducing some of the current financial burden upon the States.

In the culture sector, an early public consultation exercise is proposed to evaluate the range of activities provided for locals and visitors alike. A partnership approach with the Private sector and local philanthropists is envisaged that would help secure greater investment and voluntary support.

The redevelopment of Fort Regent is mentioned in the Strategic Plan however no States Financial resources have been identified for proposed investment. Combining the Fort's tourism, sport, cultural and health (exercise referral) interests, opens up the potential for an EDD-led approach towards securing a multi partner private/public sector approach towards securing redevelopment, without negatively restricting public access to quality, low cost sports and cultural infrastructure



Are you in full agreement with the proposals, or do you have any concerns about them?

The Minister is in agreement with the transfers.

The Minister is in agreement with the transfers.


Has a full business case been prepared for the changes as they will affect your department, analysing options, opportunities, resource implications and any potential disadvantages?

If so, please attach copies; if not, please explain why not?

No, although once the Department has had chance to carry out a full review of each sector it is believed that significant opportunities will be identified and resource reprioritisation/savings achieved



What other work has been done within your department to prepare for the transition to the proposed arrangements?

A significant amount of effort has been invested by senior management and EDD's finance and HR resource to understand the current operations and evaluate the impacts of transitioning the new sectors into the Department.

Staff within those areas proposed to transfer have since March 2015 been operating to the Assistant Chief Minister (who has the necessary delegated authority) as if the transfers had already taken place.



(Please attach copies of all other preparatory work.)

Once transfers are completed the proposed strategic reviews will highlight areas of potential development or reprioritisation, which will be shared with Scrutiny as part of ongoing EDD Policy Development

As a direct consequence relationships have been developing with their new Assistant Minister and his team in all the areas of policy development that should allow an efficient and effective transfer to take place.


Has your department taken any advice or consulted with any third parties about the proposed changes, if so what was the result?

No, other than consulting widely with Officers within ESC

EDD is currently working with ESC to establish Jersey Sport as an independent body outside Government to advise the Assistant Minister of future sport development activity. Recruitment is under way that should see a Shadow Board for Jersey Sport in place before the end of 2015



Have any potential disadvantages to making these changes been identified, if so, what are they and what steps will be taken to mitigate them?

The major disadvantage of the transfers has been the uncertainty and difficulties in planning terms for both EDD and Sport&Culture at a time when MFTP 2 has been under development.

This will be further promulgated by the timelines being put in place by Treasury (March 2016) for finalising detailed spending plans for 2017 -19 so soon after the Department assumes responsibility for the new sectors

The major disadvantage of the transfers has been the uncertainty and difficulties in planning terms for both EDD and CMD at a time when MFTP 2 has been under development.


Please identify in detail all of the departmental activities that will be affected by the transfer of functions as proposed, giving details of work currently carried out, numbers

of staff involved, budgets allocated, etc.

See Medium Term Financial Plan agreed by the States Assembly and the detail contained within the Chief Minister's Proposition.

Incoming staff: c.120+ FTE plus Sport budget of £4,013,746 (2016) and 1 FTE plus Culture budget of £4,388,868 (2016)

See Medium Term Financial Plan agreed by the States Assembly and the detail contained within the Chief Minister's Proposition.

Outgoing staff: 5FTE plus budget of £6,049,800 (2016)


Will the changes involve relocation of staff to different offices or operational areas?

If so, please give full details.

One member of staff will relocate from ESC to Fort Regent

Yes, however they will be relocating into CLMH as EDD rather than being located in Liberation Place. These staff would have faced a relocation anyway as the intention was always to terminate the Lib. Place lease in 2016 as part of spending reductions already banked' by the Department



Have any opportunities for staff reductions / savings been identified as part of the proposals?

If so, please give details.

No, although the Department will carry out a full review of each sector upon the transfers taking place

Not by EDD


Have all staff who will be affected been fully informed and consulted about the impact of the changes?

If so, what were their reactions?

All EDD, Sport and Culture staff have been kept updated on progress, however this has proved challenging given the length of time between the original decisions and securing States approval for the transfers.

Efforts have been made to keep all EDD staff updated on progress, however this has proved difficult given the length of time between the original decisions and securing States approval for the transfers


Have any concerns or objections been raised, either by staff who will be directly involved in the changes, or others who feel their work may be affected?

If so, please give details, and indicate what steps you have taken / intend to take to address these.

EDD is not aware of any significant objections having been made and has been working with ESC to ensure that all stakeholders are kept updated on progress

EDD is not aware of any significant objections having been made and has been working with CMD to ensure that all stakeholders are kept updated on progress


Please identify the budgetary implications of the changes, giving full details of any variation from existing department budgets under the proposed new arrangements.

(If there are other budget variations arising simultaneously but for separate reasons please clarify.)

Discussions with ESC have clarified the exact areas of transfer plus associated budgets in readiness for the proposed handover.

EDD has no immediate plans to vary current 2016 Sport or Culture spending plans and gone out of its way to help sustain MTFP 1 Growth Funding for Sport during 2016 in order to allow it to develop longer term plans and funding proposals for the forthcoming 2017-19 period

Discussions with CMD have clarified the exact areas of transfer plus associated budgets in readiness for the proposed handover.