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Response to the Care Inquiry Update Report Q4 2018 - Jersey Association for Family Therapy - Submiss

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Jersey Association for Family Therapy thanks The Care of Children Review Panel for the opportunity to express their views.

JAFT is commenting on the areas that we commented on in to the last review panel

The employment of a children's commissioner is a very positive step as is the establishment of a Minister for children.


 However our committee have concerns that both of these positions reflect an individualistic focus on children which whilst of utmost importance is in danger of viewing the child in isolation and sustaining a culture of parent blame and alienation. We also have concerns that parent participation and parent advocacy service (helping parents navigate child protection etc) seems to have gone off the radar even though it was mentioned in the care inquiry. This is concerning as parent voice and parent participation can be tokenistic which was found in recent local research.

Recommendation 4 –Sustainable Workforce

Establishment of accredited training programme in systemic practice.

4.4 From what we understand a number of social work practitioners are undergoing training in the UK in systemic practice and CAHMS have now employed three Family Therapists one of whom is a systemic supervisor


We would be interested to know if managers have or plan on undertaking this training as the approach needs to be embedded throughout the culture of the organisation.

We also wondered who is monitoring and evaluating the outcome of the investment into this training and if there are any plans to offer the training to all front line workers including family support workers and health visitors?

This also raises the question of the need for supervisors to be trained in systemic ideas as it is a vital part of keeping the systemic momentum going. This seems important in terms of the substantial economic investment in training.

JAFT has been able to support the establishment of a two year systemic practice course run by the Tavistock-and Portman NHS trust on island. It might be possible to negotiate with the Tavistock to add on extra time so as

to be able to include more of front line staff. We still have concerns with the number of locum social workers in the service which we hope local social work training (4.4) planed for September 2019 will address. We would also like to consider how this development could be woven into the challenge to develop systemic practitioners and family participation.

Recommendation 5- Legislation

5.2 JAFT is interested to know how 5.2 is progressing in terms of a schedule of children's policy and legislation.

We are keen to see the development of a Policy Development Board for Early Years and are curious as to what this looks like in practice and how children and families are contributing to it? This seems important as there is an urgent need to consider resource allocation in the context of the whole family across the generations as opposed to respond to individual needs of specific groups in isolation.


What actual research is been carried out and collated locally about children and families and who or how is it looked at or monitored. This is important for all communities not least children and families who are part of ethnic minority groups. Whilst 1001 days focuses on toxic trio (domestic violence, mental health and addiction) we know local research recommended the need to change this to include the impact of poverty and inequality on children and families.

Recommendation 6- Corporate Parenting

6.1 JAFT is interested to know who has been consulted re the revised children's plan.

6.3 We applaud the Chief Ministers move to encourage all politicians to sign up to corporate parenting. In the last review we were concerned that there was no reference to the role of parents and families and are pleased to see that in the strategic plan the family' is present. However, in terms of changing culture /turning curve we are anxious to know how this will be sustained and monitored.

Jane Pointon Chairwoman JAFT

Dr. Patricia Tumelty Deputy Chairwoman JAFT on behalf of the JAFT committee.