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Submission - Andy Howell - Bridging Island Plan Review - 14 September 2020

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To whom it may concern:

I wish to object to the shorter 'Bridging' 3-year Island Plan which is to be 'decoupled' from a migration and population strategy.  

The 2011 -21 island plan agreed a limit of increase of 325 net per year but this has not been adhered to. Rather, there has been an increase of migration to some 1200 + per year. I contend that we should continue to use the current plan until we have a robust population policy. It has served us well and there is no reason why it should not continue to do so.

It is wrong that the net increase in migration has risen so dramatically above the target figure with no control. We cannot just go on letting more and more people come to live here. We simply do not have the infrastructure, schools, water supply, housing to cope. It is not a sustainable position, but rather a 'Ponzi' type scheme.

As there has been insufficient time for a proper Island Plan to be developed, then we should ask for an extension of the current Plan until such time as proper strategies have been developed.

Yours sincerely Andy Howell