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Email Submission – Nick Green, Group Development Director – Ferryspeed Further to request please see responses do the 5 questions raised.
- What do you think of the TECA and it impact on Goods and Trade
- DoyouhaveanyconcernsabouttheenhancedchecksforEUgoods that will be required
under TECA?
- What impact would there be on Jersey'stransportandfreightindustry if Jersey terminated
its involvement in the TECA within the 90day cooling off period?
- Following approval of Jersey's inclusion in TECA, the UK will retain ultimate responsibility for the development, monitoring and enforcementoftradepolicy and practices, through so called Trade Committees' Do you have any views on this
- The withdrawal from direct access to trade policy enforcement mechanisms as a result of inclusion intheTECA,hasbeencitedas arisktoJersey'sautonomy and ability to develop its international identity, which will be mitigated via agreements with the UK, do you have any views on this.
It is our belief that many of our clients have not been able to prepare correctly, generally through the uncertainty portrayed by the UK and other EU Governments over the last 4 years. This was an inevitable challenge with a No deal' outcome a very real possibility until the eleventh hour.
We prepared for all eventualities and we remain so even in light of the impact of the agreement coming into force. We have not directly experienced any major issues thus far. Operationally we have been unaffected as we had anticipated with the wellpublicised delays not affecting our day to day ability to operate normally. However our clients are still facing challenges, for example when goods are originating from the EU, purchased from the UK but not cleared into free circulation for customspurposes.Thereforeresultinginarequirementforcustoms declarations and formalities, furthermore certain goods require further paperwork such as phytosanitarycertificates forplants. All of which we can and are providing advice and solutions to ourcustomersandtheircustomers.An awareness of what consignments do require customs formalities still seems to be an area of confusion for some, with the vast majority of freight entirely unaffectedwesuspectthiswillbethe caseforsometime. Thisis the caseforbothconsignmentsimporting into Jersey and also those exporting from Jersey to the EU.
We have had several discussions with Jersey customs and we continue to work with them to ensure the impact of some relaxed and deferred clearance of EU goods into the UK at the point of entry does not result in an accumulation of pent up issues that will come to light over the coming months astheseagreementsexpirebyJulyofthisyear.
WithregardstoJerseyoptingout,wewouldneedtohaveclarity onwhat thiswouldlooklike,what would the process be to effect clearances from EU origin if transitingviathe UKunder any agreement outside of TECA.
In conclusion we would welcome continued discussions with yourselves and any other relevant authorities in Jersey and beyond to assist in any way we can.