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Submission - HealthHaus - COVID-19 Response Support for Businesses - 19 February 2021

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Please see my answers below in blue:

Have you accessed a support scheme and if so, which one?

Payroll co-funding and deferral of GST and Employer Social Security Contributions (also FCSS)  

How did you find the application process? Were you provided with any information on the scheme?

 All information came from the Support Self Employed / Small Business Support re COVID-19 social media groups set up by Beverly Le Cuirot, our bookkeeper, emails from Jersey Business and then following up on website.  

The application process for all schemes was straightforward. (Application for FCSS is more confusing and I'm waiting for clarification on certain points).

Did you feel supported through the process?

Amazing support form Beverley Le  Cuirot via her  social media groups.  Have  not required Government support until now. I only emailed FCSS 2 days ago, so can't comment on the support offered by them at this stage.

Were you excluded from applying for a scheme? If so, which one?


If you could make improvements to the scheme(s) what would they be?

It would be useful if all applications were done in the same way e.g. via a central portal. You could click on which scheme(s) you wanted to apply for all in the one place.

It would also be very useful if the application took you through a process of advising which schemes you are applicable for through a series of Q and As, though I appreciate this would be a lot of work to put together.

Ideally any standard information such as business name, address etc would be saved to that you don't have to complete it each time

It would have been very helpful if FCSS had been available sooner Healthy regards

Nathalie Le Mottée

Managing Director