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Submission - Review of Maternity Services - Nadia Sangster – 11 February 2021

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Nadia Sangster – 11 February 2021

Hello I have recently seen a post on Facebook asking for people to contact about the maternity unit !

I gave birth to my daughter in 2015 I was 15 days over due by the time she arrived ! I had been induced for 2/3 days my midwife was the most awful woman I have ever met ! She kept telling me YOURE WASTING TAX PAYERS MONEY! Because the pessary they had put in me to induce labor kept falling out (I was a 22 year old tax payer at the time) I was treated like I was a child who was in trouble ! They changed my baby weighed my baby and fed my baby before I was even out of theater I had expressed I didn't want my child dressed or weighed as I wanted to be there for it all ! I had a c section and I was forced to walk to the "kitchen" for food by the time I had walked there there was no more lunch food left leaving me without food un till dinner time ! By that time I had no energy to walk and actually had a family member bring me food from home ! I was made to shower with the door wide open and a curtain type thing out in front of it which made no sense to me at all ! I was moved bed multiple times due to them needing the beds that I was in ! I feel like the did the least possible to bring my already way over due labor on and I was also told by a midwife "we've already left you too long we should have really gotten this baby out yesterda" due to the fact I was 15 days over due ! My baby most certainly had jaundice and no body in that hospital was even bothered about listening to me ! I left the hospital without bathing my child (I left when she was 3 days old) because they told me they don't have the staff to show me how to do it ! Once in the middle of the night I woke up to find my baby missing they had just came and taken her which I don't believe is right in any standard ! My entire time in that ward was horrific !! It has fully put me off ever having another child in that hospital !

I understand this is about the quality of the ward and not how people were treated BUT a lot of women have complaints about how they were treated that have been fully ignored for years and something needs to be done