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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 4WE
Deputy Geoff Southern Chair, HSS Panel
03 November 2022 Dear Chair
Re: Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel: Government Plan 2023-2026 Review (Letter to the Registered Manager of Le Geyt Day Centre)
Thank you for your letter dated 27 October 2022 addressed to the Registered Manager at Le Geyt Day Centre. I have since liaised with the Registered Manager and they have provided the following response.
"We are grateful to be approached to offer feedback on our recently submitted business case and proposed financial allocation in the Government plan. As you are aware, this is to support increasing our staffing levels to meet the needs of the individuals transitioning into Adult Day Services from 2023 onwards.
We have spent time consulting with our current staff team, identifying the needs of our existing service users and forecasting individuals who will require essential respite through day services for the years 2023-2026. We also sought guidance and support from the Principal Social Worker, supported us to prepare and propose a business case.
We are grateful that the full-proposed figures have been supported by Government. This will allow us to continue to provide vital community-based services for some of the most vulnerable individuals within our community. The establishment and uplift offer highlight the shortfall in 2023 and gives us time to begin the recruitment process within the first quarter.
With the commencement of 4 HCAs within Le Geyt we will be able to offer consistently high- quality day services support. We believe in giving individuals with a learning disability the opportunity to access choice and meaningful daytime activities within their community. This is essential daytime respite for families to support them in their caring role.
The funding will ensure that we have the right skills and expertise to support the increasing levels of care needs of the individuals we serve within our island community.
We are passionately part of the wider Learning Disability provider network and seek to continue to promote community services for people with a Learning Disability. We are a vital service for many families, currently free at the point of delivery. We enable families to continue supporting their individuals to the best of their ability, preventing the need to access full residential services. This promotes the family unit and offers choice to the individuals we serve.
Our Plan for 2023/2026 is focused on improving the health and wellbeing of our service users by utilising data relating to transitions, ensuring we have adequate staffing and skill levels meeting the needs of future individuals.
Whilst working closely with Mont A'Labbe School we recognise the additional needs of the individuals needing our services over the next 5 years. This includes more complex physical health needs and support relating to positive behaviour support.
Here at Le Geyt we seek to encourage people with a Learning Disability into the wider community and to participate in a range of person-centred activities. We offer skill acquisition and social inclusion, focusing to improve health and wellbeing. We are committed to working alongside organisations across the Island to ensure these needs are met.
Without this significant investment we would place additional strain on families and services to meet this demand. If you require any further information or would like to find out more about our services, we would be pleased to facilitate this."
I trust that the above response from the Registered Manager is of use to the Panel and their review and if you require anything further, please do not hesitate to write to me directly. Alternatively, my officers and I can make ourselves available for any further briefings you require.
Yours sincerely
Deputy Karen Wilson
Minister for Health and Social Services D +44 (0)1534 440540