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Review: Ash Disposal

Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel
Launch Date: 23 April 2012 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Review concluded


For a number of years Jersey’s waste ash has been buried at the reclamation site at La Collette. With the new Energy from Waste Plant in full operation and the question of whether or not to import waste from Guernsey still to be decided, the Environment Scrutiny Panel has launched a review into how we deal with our ash. The Panel will look at the existing policy of the Minister for Transport and Technical Services as well as investigating possible alternative methods for treating ash waste and air pollution control residues in a sustainable way, including whether they could be recycled effectively for use as construction materials.

Terms of reference


  1. To review the department’s existing Ash Strategy, relevant reports and proposals for the short, medium and longer term disposal of ash from the Energy from Waste Plant
  2. To compare the existing policy and new proposals with best practice methods for ash disposal elsewhere
  3. To consider and evaluate alternative solutions which may offer economic, environmental or other benefits to the Island
  4. To assess any environmental impacts or concerns relevant to current or proposed methods for disposal of ash, including impact on visual or other amenities
  5. To investigate funding implications for the department and the States of alternative proposals for the disposal of ash
  6. To consider the potential effect of any decision by the States regarding the importation of Guernsey waste, and possible further development of the Waterfront area in terms of ash volumes or other implications