Committee/Panel: Corporate Services Panel | |
Launch Date: 13 June 2014 | Close Date: To be advised |
Submissions Deadline: To be advised | Ministerial Response Date: To be advised |
Review Status: Report published |
The Draft Budget is due to be lodged on 15th July 2014 and debated on 22nd September 2014
Terms of reference
1. To consider the proposals of the Minister for Treasury and Resources in the Draft 2015 Budget Statement in respect of:
a) Income Tax;
b) Goods and Services Tax (GST);
c) Impôts;
d) Stamp Duty; and
e) Other tax proposals;
2. To consider the Capital Programme for 2015 as presented in the Draft 2015 Budget Statement;
3. To consider any transfers which the Minister may propose in the Draft 2015 Budget Statement between the Consolidated Fund and other Funds;
4. To consider how the Draft 2015 Budget Statement fits within long-term tax policy;
5. To consider the economic implications of the Minister’s proposals in the Draft 2015 Budget Statement;
6. To consider the current status of the financing of the Housing, Hospital and Liquid Waste Projects;
7. To consider how the Key Findings and Recommendations of Medium Term Financial Plan (SR18/2012) have been addressed by the Minister; and
8. To assess the implications of the Long-Term Revenue Plan for the 2016 – 2018 Medium Term Financial Plan.