Committee/Panel: Economic and International Affairs Panel | |
Launch Date: 19 April 2017 | Close Date: To be advised |
Submissions Deadline: To be advised | Ministerial Response Date: To be advised |
Review Status: Comments published |
A review of P.21/2017, lodged by the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture on 31st March 2017.
Terms of reference
To review the arrangements for interaction between EDTSC and Jersey Sport to establish whether the States' interests and public finances are properly protected, including but not limited to consideration of:
the proposed Partnership Agreement
- the establishment of the Trust
- the Articles of Association of Jersey Sport Limited
- the role of the department in setting and monitoring KPIs and other targets for Jersey Sport
- interim plans and monitoring arrangements for Jersey Sport (pending agreement of a Business Plan for 2018)
Additional matters for consideration may arise from the Panel's study of the evidence. The Panel will report its findings to the States.