Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel | |
Launch Date: 20 January 2022 | Close Date: To be advised |
Submissions Deadline: To be advised | Ministerial Response Date: To be advised |
Review Status: Review concluded |
The Panel has now published its report on 21st April 2022.
The draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap (CNR) was published on 17th December 2021 for public consultation and is the product of a people-powered approach to inform policy development in the area. It sets out a pathway to net-zero carbon emissions and outlines the proposed policies that will start Jersey's journey to net-zero. Islanders' views, detailed technical studies and the recommendations made by the 45 citizens who formed Jersey's Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change has helped to inform the proposed policies within the draft Roadmap.
The carbon reduction policies in the Roadmap are divided into four categories:
- Transport (transport emission reduction policies)
- Heating (heating, cooling and cooking emissions reduction policies)
- Other on and off-Island emissions (policies that tackle other on and off-island emissions)
- Enabling Policies (policies that enable delivery and implementation and support the systemic change needed to transition the Island to a low carbon economy fairly)
Within its report, the Citizens' Assembly made 14 high level recommendations on climate change. Seven recommendations on transport and seven recommendations on heating, cooking, and cooling. Each recommendation was supported by supplementary recommendations. In addition, a statement on Sustainable Finance was made. Subsequently, the Minister for the Environment's response to each of the recommendations made was published as an appendix to the Carbon Neutral Preferred Strategy in November 2021 and would help to inform the development of the draft CNR.
The Government's public consultation of the draft CNR is due to close on 31st January 2022 and the draft Roadmap will be revised in light of the feedback received to produce a final version for debate by the States Assembly in April 2022.
The Panel's review aims to cover the following key areas in relation to the draft CNR:
- To assess the Government's response to the Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change recommendations and how the recommendations are reflected within the policies proposed and the delivery thereof
- To assess and provide commentary on the outcomes of the public consultation on the draft CNR prior to the States debate of the CNR in April 2022
To evaluate the substantial evidence base in line with the proposed policies and delivery outlined within the draft CNR to identify any gaps and to inform any potential Panel Amendments to the proposed policies and the delivery thereof, prior to the States debate of the CNR in April 2022
Terms of reference
1. To analyse and provide commentary on the Government of Jersey's response to the Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change recommendations, including how the recommendations are reflected within, and align with, the policies proposed and their delivery thereof within the draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap.
2. To evaluate the evidence base accumulated through the development of the draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap, including the outcomes from the GoJ public consultation, in conjunction with the following and to identify any areas of concern or gaps:
a. The five strategic policies which provide the framework and strategic direction for the draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap:
- Jersey's net-zero emissions pathway (what the CNR seeks to achieve)
- Island energy market (implications for Jersey's energy market)
- Financing strategy (how action will be funded)
- Policy programme and development (how investment will be prioritised)
Becoming carbon neutral (what the CNR seeks to achieve)
b. The proposed carbon reduction policies for 2022-2025 and their delivery thereof. The carbon reduction policies in the Carbon Neutral Roadmap are divided into four categories:
- Transport (transport emission reduction polices)
- Heating (heating, cooling and cooking emissions reduction policies)
- Other on and off-Island emissions (policies that tackle other on and off-island emissions)
- Enabling policies (policies that enable delivery and implementation and support the systemic change needed to transition the Island to a low carbon economy fairly)
3. To utilise the outcomes of the Panel's evidence gathering and analysis process to inform any Amendments it may wish to make to the draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap prior to the States debate scheduled for April 2022.
Submission - Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - ATF Fuels - 17 March 2022 Submission - Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - Cardin Pasturel - 10 March 2022 Submission - Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - Jersey Electricity Company - 14 February 2022 Submission - Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - ATF Fuels - 10 February 2022 Submission - Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - ATF Fuels - 9 February 2022
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Letter - from Minister for External Relations and Financial Services - Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - 1 Apr 2022 Letter - from Minister for Treasury and Resources - Written Questions re Draft Carbon Neutral Roadma - 29 Mar 2022 Letter - Minister for Home Affairs - Written Questions re Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - 28 March 20 - 28 Mar 2022 Letter - Minister for the Environment - Written Questions re Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - 28 March - 28 Mar 2022 Letter - Minister for Children and Education - Written Questions re Draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap - 2 - 25 Mar 2022
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