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Review: Government Plan 2023 - 2026 Review - Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel

Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel
Launch Date: 25 October 2022 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Review concluded

​The Panel has published its comments paper which can be found below. 


​The Government Plan seeks to bring together public income and spending against the context of the stated strategic priorities of Government. It is a rolling four-year plan but is brought back and updated each year to take account of changes in the Island's economic outlook.

The Proposed Government Plan 2023-26 is scheduled for States' debate on 13th December 2022.

Details of the proposed plan include:

  • Estimated income and expenditure of the Consolidated Fund
  • Amounts to be internally transferred between States funds
  • Efficiencies and re-balancing (value for money) proposals
  • Any other proposed financing
  • Programmes and projects and their proposed costs
  • Estimated income and expenditure from States trading operations to be paid into the States trading operations Fund
  • Amounts to be appropriated from the Consolidated and States trading operations funds for the next financial year
  • Estimated amounts in States funds at the start and finish of each financial year
  • Borrowing and debt management framework
Key Issues:
  • What is the impact of the Government Plan proposals on departmental budgets and staffing levels?
  • Does the Government Plan align with the objectives of the Common Strategic Policy and aims of the Ministerial Plans?
  • Are the proposed programmes and projects appropriate and deliverable within the specified timeframe?
  • Are the resources allocated to programmes and projects sufficient and the best use of public funds?

Each Scrutiny Panel has been allocated various proposed additional revenue programmes and capital projects specific to its remit to scrutinse. For a list of programmes and projects allocated to the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel, please see the document published below under Research.  In addition, the three main funds under the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel's remit are:

  • Climate Emergency Fund
  • Jersey Car Parking Fund
  • Jersey Fleet Management Fund

Climate Emergency Fund proposals in the GP23-26

In 2022, the Carbon Neutral Roadmap was agreed, outlining the Island's strategy and policies to transition to carbon neutrality. In the same year, the Paris Agreement was extended to Jersey. The Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) provides the financing needed to ensure policies are funded to meet the targets set by the Carbon Neutral Roadmap and the Paris Agreement. The CEF distributes funds to policies to support decarbonisation, climate change, sustainable heating and transport and addressing the biodiversity crisis and protecting wildlife and habitats.

The CEF was established with £5 million transferred from the Consolidated Fund in 2020 and receives annual income from an above RPI increase in fuel duty. In the Government Plan it is noted that the transfer from the Consolidated Fund to the CEF is estimated to stay the same (£4.4million) from 2023 to 2026. It is noted that at its current value the Fund will not be sufficient to fund the Island's carbon neutral ambitions so it is expected that further income streams will be added to the fund.

Within the proposed Government Plan 2023-2026 various measures are proposed with regards to the Climate Emergency Fund. The main measure proposed is the freezing of duties on road fuel whilst maintaining the commitment to pay 9 pence per litre to the Climate Emergency Fund.

Jersey Car Parking Fund

The Jersey Car Parking trading operation manages the provision of the public parking places that are within the functions of the Minister for Infrastructure. Priority is given to maintenance and refurbishment of car parking facilities.

Jersey Fleet Management Fund

The Jersey Fleet Management trading operation manages the acquisition, maintenance, servicing, fuelling, garaging and disposal of vehicles and mobile plant and machinery on behalf of the Government of Jersey. Charges are set to recover the up-front cost of the asset, routine maintenance and servicing and the costs of managing the fleet operations.

Proposed Government Plan 2023-2026 [P.97/2022]

Proposed Government Plan 2023-2026: Annex [R.146/2022]


Terms of reference

​To review components of the Government Plan 2023-2026 Proposition which are relevant to the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel to determine the following:

  1. The impact of the Government Plan proposals on departmental budgets, savings and staffing levels.

  2. Whether the proposed additional revenue programmes and capital projects are appropriate and likely to have a positive impact on Islanders and Island life.

  3. How the proposed additional revenue programmes and capital projects align with the Common Strategic Policy and the aims and objectives of the Ministerial Plans.

  4. Whether the resources allocated to additional revenue programmes and capital projects (including major projects) are sufficient, ensure value for money and are best use of public funds.

  5. The impact of the Government Plan proposals on the Climate Emergency Fund, Jersey Car Parking Trading Fund and Jersey Fleet Management Trading Fund.