Mental Health survey launched
10 October 2018
Today, on World Mental Health Day, the Health and Social Security Panel has launched a mental health survey. The survey is seeking the views of anyone who has accessed and used mental health services on the island in the last two years – since the government launched its mental health strategy in 2016.
The survey forms part of the Panel's review of mental health services in Jersey. The review is assessing the government's progress towards delivering its mental health strategy.
The Panel is interested in hearing both positive and negative experiences of accessing and using mental health services in Jersey. This includes people with direct experience but also their family and friends.
All responses to the survey will be treated anonymously. The results of the survey will help to inform the Panel's final report which will include key findings and recommendations to government.
Mary Le Hegarat, Chair of the Panel said:
"We have launched a survey seeking the views of anyone who has accessed and used mental health services on the island in the last two years – since the government launched its mental health strategy in 2016. We are interested in both your positive and negative experiences of the services you have used. We hope that with your help we can build an up to date picture of Jersey's mental health services informed by the people who matter most – you."
The survey is open for 6 weeks. It is available online, in hardcopy and in English, Portuguese and Polish. The online version can be accessed at Hardcopies can be requested by writing to the Panel's Scrutiny Officer, Tom Leveridge (
Find out more about the Panel's review by visiting:
Find out more about World Mental Health Day here:
Written evidence
The Panel has published the written evidence it has received in response to its call for evidence. The responses are available on the Panel's website and include a response from the Department for Health and Community Services; the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills; and a range of local charities, businesses and other stakeholders.