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States resumes - next week’s meeting

States Assembly

4 September 2020

The States Assembly will be meeting on the 8 September for its first sitting following the summer break. The meeting will be held virtually due to Government guidelines which currently restrict gatherings of more than 40 people.

Members will be taking part using Microsoft Teams which has been successfully used since restrictions came into effect in April. Solutions which could allow Members to take part in a "hybrid" meeting, with some Members returning to the Chamber and others accessing remotely, are currently being tested.

The Assembly will begin at 9:30am on Tuesday morning with two hours of oral questions. The Minister for Education, Tracey Vallois and the Chief Minister John Le Fondré will then take 15 minutes of questions without notice each before an hour of questions without notice to all Ministers.

The Minister for Home Affairs, Len Norman is also going to be making a statement regarding the response of Home Affairs services to Covid-19. A range of topics will then be debated:

TopicsMore information
Health and safety of rented dwellingsProposal and amendments here
Tax compliance rules for opaque offshore structures
Proposal here
The protection of First Tower park from States DevelopmentProposal here
The prohibiting of dogs and other domestic animals from landing on Les Ecréhous and Les Minquiers.Proposal and amendments here
An increase to the food costs bonus which assists low income householdsProposal and amendments here
A temporary reduction in Social Security contributions for employees and self-employed individualsProposal and amendments here
The allocation of remaining 2018 CI Lottery funds to the Association of Jersey CharitiesProposal here
An increase to the minimum wageProposal here
The protection of Millbrook playing fields and adjacent agricultural fields from developmentProposal here
The extension, suspension and repeal of a number of emergency Covid-19 regulationsProposal and related here
The extension of the draft Covid-19 laws which will allow the assembly to continue to make emergency laws if necessary, in response to Covid-19Proposal here

The full Order Paper, including all written questions can be found here.

A notification when each debate begins, a summary of the proposal and the results of each debate will be shared on the States Assembly Twitter and Facebook accounts throughout the sitting, which is expected to extend beyond Tuesday.