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Proposed Common Strategic Policy 2018–22 (P.110/2018): fourth amendment (P.110/2018 Amd.(4)) - amendment (P.110/2018 Amd.(4)Amd.)

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Lodged au Greffe on 28th November 2018 by the Council of Ministers


2018  P.110 Amd.(4).Amd. (re-issue)



PAGE 2 –

Substitute the words sixth Strategic Priority' with the words "seventh common theme" and substitute the text "Nurturing a Diverse and Inclusive Society" through to the end of the final bullet-point with the following text –

"We will nurture a diverse and inclusive society

We are a diverse community made up of different nationalities, ages and genders. Sometimes these differences act as barriers to participating in society. As a Government we will work to remove barriers and promote inclusion and equal opportunity for all. This includes supporting inclusive communities, encouraging greater diversity in boardrooms  and  in the Assembly, and ensuring people with disabilities and older people are able to better participate in society. This common theme will be considered in the delivery of each of our strategic priorities, but particularly –

  • Putting children first
  • Reducing income inequality and improving the standard of living
  • Improving Islanders' well-being and mental and physical health
  • Create a sustainable, vibrant economy and skilled local workforce for the future."."


Note:  After this amendment, the fourth amendment would read as follows –

THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

in accordance with Article 18(2)(e) of the States of Jersey Law 2005, to approve the statement of the Common Strategic Policy of the Council of Ministers as set out in the Appendix to this Proposition, except that a seventh common theme should be added as follows –

"We will nurture a diverse and inclusive society

We are a diverse community made up of different nationalities, ages and  genders.  Sometimes  these  differences  act  as  barriers  to participating in society. As a Government we will work to remove barriers and promote inclusion and equal opportunity for all. This includes  supporting  inclusive  communities,  encouraging  greater diversity in boardrooms and in the Assembly, and ensuring people with disabilities and older people are able to better participate in society.

This common theme will be considered in the delivery of each of our strategic priorities, but particularly –

  • Putting children first
  • Reducing income inequality and improving the standard of living
  • Improving Islanders' well-being and mental and physical health
  • Create a sustainable, vibrant economy and skilled local workforce for the future.".

And consequential amendments may be made to the Common Strategic Policy to correctly refer to seven common themes.

Page - 3

P.110/2018 Amd.(4).Amd. (re-issue)


The importance of nurturing a  diverse and inclusive  society is recognised in the proposed Common Strategic Policy ("CSP"). Improving social inclusion has been identified as a key mechanism by which income inequality can be reduced and the standard of living improved. Page 15 of Proposed Common Strategic Policy 2018–22' offers the following –

we know that not everyone can take part fully in Jersey life and make the most of those opportunities. OIder people and disabled people are especially vulnerable to loneliness and social exclusion, while others are isolated through language  or  culture.  We  need  to  create  a  society  where  everyone  has opportunities, helping people to participate to meet their potential and to improve their quality of life. We will implement the Disability Strategy, clarify rights for newly-arrived residents within a new population and migration policy, and improve citizenship education. We will work with Parishes and local community groups to reduce social isolation and loneliness.'

The CSP already captures the aims set out in the fourth amendment and shares some of the detail (for example, a commitment to implement the Disability Strategy).

In recognition, however that Diversity issues must be considered across all Government activity and in all policy making, the Council of Ministers would like to incorporate diversity as a further Common Theme' and thus give this topic further prominence within the Common Strategic Policy document.

Financial implications

The Council of Ministers will bring forward in the Government Plan spending proposals to support their Common Strategic Priorities.

Manpower implications

Implications for staffing and resourcing will be developed in the Government Plan and departmental planning process.

 _____________________________________________________________________ Re-issue Note

This publication is re-issued to correct the wording of the substituted text.