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States Assembly 28th September 1995

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STATES MINUTES 2 8 t h S e ptember 1995

P ri c e : £ 1 . 0 0

T HE STATES assembled on Thursday, 28th September 1995 at 9.30 a.m. under t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

P hilip Martin Bailhache , Esquire

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,

 General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E., w a s p r e sent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator John Stephen Rothwell - ill

S enator Terence John Le Main - out of the I sland

 I ris Medora le Feuvre, Connétable of St.

L awrence - excused

E dwin Le Gresley Godel, Connétable of St. M ary - out of the Island

J ohn Baudains Germain, Connétable of St. M artin - out of the Island

 C arlyle John Le Herissier Hinault,

C onnétable of St. John - out of the Island

G raham Huelin, Deputy of St. Brelade - out

o f the Island

 A lastair John Layzell, Deputy of St.

B relade - out of the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

P r a y e rs

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

Welcome to H.E. the Lieutenant Governor

The Bailiff introduced to the Assembly General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E., the newly appointed Lieutenant Governor of Jersey.

Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , O.B.E., then welcomed His Excellency and Lady Wilkes on behalf of all the members of the States, whereupon Sir Michael Wilkes replied, indicating his intention of taking an active interest in

the life of the Island.

THE STATES then adjourned, and re-convened at 11 a.m.

Strategic Policy Review 1995 - Part II ( Resource Plan'') - P.107/95 (Part II)

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the Strategic Policy Review 1995 Part II ( Resource Plan'').

Sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) were adopted.

Sub-paragraph (c) was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade that in sub-paragraph (c) after the

figures 4.4 there should be inserted the words

with the exception that, in the recommended programme for 1996, item 6 Termination of Pregnancy Law' be ranked ahead of items 1 to


Sub-paragraph (d) was adopted.

THE STATES, having received the Strategic Policy Review 1995 - Part II ( Resource Plan'') -

 ( a) endorsed the overall budgetary strategy

o f t he Finance and Economics Committee

a s s et out in paragraphs 2.1 to 3.5;

a n d the cash limits for each of the

n o n -trading Committees for 1996 as set

o u t in Appendix 2;

 ( b) approved the recommended capital

p r o gramme for 1996 as set out in

A  p pendices 3.1 to 3.3; and approved, in p r in ciple, the capital programme for

1 9 9 7 to 1999 as set out in Appendices

3 . 1 and 3.4;

 ( c) approved the interim legislation

p r o gramme for the period ending 31st

D  ec ember 1995, as set out in Appendix

4 . 3 and the recommended legislation

p r o gramme for 1996 as set out in

A  p pendix 4.4, with the exception that,

i n t he recommended programme for 1996, i te m 6 Termination of Pregnancy Law'

b e r anked ahead of items 1 to 5.

 ( d) endorsed the overall manpower strategy

o f t he Establishment Committee as set

o u t in paragraphs 6.1 to 6.32

Strategic Policy Review 1995 - Part I ( 2000 & Beyond'') - P.107/95 (Part I)

THE STATES resumed discussion of the proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the Strategic Policy Review 1995 - Part I ( 2000 & Beyond'').

Sub-paragraph (d) was adopted, the States having accepted an amended amendment of Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade at the previous


Sub-paragraph (e) was adopted.

THE STATES commenced consideration of sub- paragraph (f) and accepted the amendment of Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel of St. Saviour (Third Amendment) that in clause (ii) of sub- paragraph (f) after the figures 11.13 there

should be inserted the words with the substitution for the first action point of the following -

t he Policy and  Resources Committee to be r equested to examine what changes are

d esirable in the organisation of the

S tates, including any suitable changes in

t he constitution of the Policy and

R esources Committee, to provide for the m ore effective achievement of States'

s trategic policy objectives, and to present a report and proposition to the States not

l ater than June 1996.''

Sub-paragraph (f) was adopted as amended. Connétable of St. Lawrence - attendance

Iris Medora Le Feuvre, Connétable of St. Lawrence , was present after the luncheon adjournment.

THE STATES, having received the Strategic Policy Review 1995 - Part I ( 2000 & Beyond''), accepted, to the year 2000 and beyond -

( a) the population and immigration policy

a s s et out on pages 19 to 27 and -

( i) agreed the objectives in paragraph 5 .4 ; a n d

( ii ) approved the action plan in

p ar a g r aph 5.5, with the deletion

o f th e first action points

p ro p o s ed for the Housing

C o m m  ittee;

 ( b) the environmental policies as set out

o n pages 28 to 33 and -

( i) agreed the objectives in paragraph 6 .6 w i th the substitution for the

el e v e n th objective of the

fo l lo w ing -

to p ro t e ct the Island's

sp e c i a l a rchitectural and

ar c h a e o lo gical heritage;'' and

( ii ) approved the action plan in p ar a g r aph 6.7;

 ( c) the policy for the health of the

e c o nomy as set out on pages 34 to 44 a n d -

( i) agreed the objectives in paragraph 7 .1 2 ; a nd

( ii ) approved the action plan in p ar a g r aph 7.13;

 ( d) the social policies as set out on pages 4 5 to 48 and the policies for the

q u a lity of life as set out on pages 49

t o 5 1 and -

( i) agreed the objectives for social p o li c ie s in paragraph 8.6;

( ii ) approved the action plan for

so c i a l policies in paragraph 8.7;

( ii i)  agreed the objectives for q u al i ty o f life in paragraph   9 . 4 ; a n d

( iv ) approved the action plan for

q u al i ty of life in paragraph 9.5, w i th th e following addition -

th e P o li cy and

R e s o u rc e s Committee to be re q u e s te d to prepare a report

o n t h e c a se for and against

th e in t ro d uction of a Bill of R ig h t s f o r Jersey;''

 ( e) the policy for international

r e la tionships as set out on pages 52 a n d 53 and -

( i) agreed the objectives for

in t e rn a tional relationships in p ar a g r aph 10.4; and

( ii ) approved the action plan for in t e rn a tional relationships in p ar a g r aph 10.5;

 ( f) the policy for the public sector as set

o u t on page 57 and -

( i) agreed the objectives for the

p u b li c sector in paragraph 11.12; an d

( ii ) approved the action plan for the p u b li c sector in paragraph 11.13 w i th th e substitution for the

fi rs t a c tion point of the

fo l lo w ing -

th e P o li cy and

R e s o u rc e s Committee to be

re q u e s te d to examine what

ch a n g e s are desirable in the

o rg a n i s at ion of the States,

in c l u d in g any suitable changes in th e c o nstitution of the

P o li c y a n d Resources

C o m m i tt ee, to provide for the m o r e e f fe ctive achievement of S ta t e s' s t rategic policy

o b je c t iv e s, and to present a

re p o r t a n d propostion to the

S ta t e s n o t later than June

1 9 9 6 .''

THE STATES rose at 5.30 p.m.

G  .H  .C . C  O P P O  C K

G  re f fi e r o f the States.