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Privileges and Procedures Committee (5th Meeting )
17th October 2022
Part A (Non-Exempt)
All members were present with the exception of Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St Helier and Deputy M.R. Ferey of St Saviour from whom apologies had been received.
Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St Martin
Deputy L.J Farnham of St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter Deputy C.A. Alves of St Helier
Deputy L.K.F Stephenson of St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter
In attendance -
Ms L. Hart , Greffier of the States
Mr W. Millow , Deputy Greffier of the States (Chamber and Members' Support)
Ms J. O'Brien, Head of Digital and Public Engagement (Items A3, A4 and A5)
Mr M. Waddington, Senior Legislative Drafter (Item B1)
Professor C. Pich, Nottingham Trent University (Item A3)
Ms K. Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer
Ms K. Camara, Research and Project Officer
Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A and B
Minutes. A1. The Minutes of the meetings held on 1st September 2022 (Part A) and 12th
September 2022 (Part A and Part B) having previously been circulated, were taken as read and approved.
Forthcoming A2. The Committee considered forthcoming business for debate by the Assembly at its business for meeting on 1st November 2022. The Committee decided that it did not wish to make a debate by the formal comment on any of the Propositions which had been lodged au Greffe' for States debate on that day.
Engagement A3. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. A2 of its meeting of 26th July 2022, with the welcomed Professor C. Pich, Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent Business School, to electorate. the meeting. Professor Pich advised the Committee that he had previously undertaken
a study entitled A huge political experiment – exploring the Political Brand Positioning of political parties in Jersey from an internal-external perspective' which explored Jersey's political system and the positioning and perceptions of political parties from a multi-stakeholder perspective.
Professor Pich explained that phase one of the study had focussed on the perspective of party members from all 4 parties and phase two had focused on young voters and young voter engagement. Professor Pich had identified four main themes from the study:
- Consistent desire for change
- Gaps between identity and image
- Ineffective strategies and tactics
- Aspiration for engagement
Professor Pich explained that he was currently drafting a number of articles for academic journals based on the study, but he could also draft a number of practical reports and guides which could be used by States Members or prospective candidates to improve communications between politicians and voters. Professor Pich believed that this would be of interest to the Committee particularly in relation to the delivery of its public engagement work. Furthermore, Professor Pich explained that research partnerships could be established in order to co-create additional projects and initiatives to build on the work already undertaken.
The Committee agreed that tailored, simplified guides would be beneficial for non- academic audiences, including States Members, prospective candidates and the general public. The Committee looked forward to working with Professor Pich in relation to this particular element of his work.
In terms of research partnerships, Professor Pich explained that work was currently being undertaken with the Digital and Public Engagement (D&PE) section at the States Greffe to investigate the voter journey including experience and engagement ahead of the 2026 General Election. This would include a number of focus groups to be held in November 2022 which would be led by Professor Pich and supported by D&PE.
The Committee agreed that the study on voter engagement would help develop and inform much of the work of the States Greffe and States Assembly. In that regard, the Committee looked forward to receiving an update on the outcome of the study once it was complete.
The Committee thanked Professor Pich for his time, and he withdrew from the meeting.
Digital and A4. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. B9 of 22nd September 2021, of the Public Committee as previously constututed, received and considered a paper by the Head of Engagement - Digital and Public Engagement (D&PE) regarding States Assembly branding. The Head branding for of D&PE explained that in February 2019, the States agreed that Jèrriais should be the States incorporated into official States signs and letter headings. When the D&PE team was Assembly established in July 2020, they were asked to explore how best the States Assembly
branding could be updated to include Jèrriais.
The Head of D&PE explained that the existing logo at that time already included States Assembly' and States of Jersey' in both English and French, which presented a lot of words, and was not realistic to create a useable and legible logo with both titles in a third language.
In addition, having two names within the core logo had the potential to cause confusion to the public who might not know the difference between the States of Jersey or the States Assembly.
When reviewing the existing branding and how it was used, the D&PE team found that all content on the States Assembly social media channels tended to look the same, although the subjects varied significantly. The Head of D&PE explained that the current branding had been agreed by the former Committee and signed off by the Bailiff in September 2021, which included the introduction of a secondary colour palette for use on non core' States Assembly business – for example educational resources, petitions and Chamber Tours.
One of the objectives set out in the D&PE Strategy 2021-24 was to increase public understanding about the difference between the States Assembly and the Government. A crest and colour of similar appearance, along with the legacy of the Government previously being known as the States of Jersey' meant that part of the design brief was to identify ways of differentiating the Assembly to help build public understanding.
In that regard, the Head of D&PE recommended the Committee to agree to a brand descriptor which could feature alongside the logo. The aspiration with descriptors was that over time they were not needed as the public would gradually become familiar with the brand. The Head of D&PE recommended that Jersey's elected parliament' was adopted along with the current logo.
The Committee agreed with the Head of D&PE's suggestion, and it was confirmed that Jersey's elected parliament' would feature as a brand descriptor as appropriate.
On a related matter to the work of the D&PE section, the Head of D&PE provided the Committee with an update on a number of different workstreams including the rollout of an initiative offering all Members a chance to record a 30 second video once they had lodged either a proposition or amendment. The Head of D&PE explained that the purpose of offering this to all Members was to help the public connect with the work of the Assembly.
The Committee raised concerns about the duration of the videos, particularly as more complicated propositions could require longer than 30 seconds to explain. The Head of D&PE explained that each proposition and amendment could be taken on a case-by- case basis, but general best practice was to keep social media videos to 30 seconds in order to keep the viewer engaged.
The Committee agreed that the exercise should be undertaken as a pilot over a four- month period to establish whether the required time and resources were worthwhile in terms of public engagement. The Head of D&PE was requested to provide the Committee with an update in early 2023 once the pilot had been undertaken.
All States A5. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. B2 of 28th March 2022, of the Members Committee as previously constituted, received an update from the Head of Digital and Inbox. Public Engagement (D&PE) on the message all States Members' option on the States
Assembly website. The Committee recalled that concerns had been expressed that the contact form did not include a box for the public to state in which constituency they lived which made it difficult for States Members to represent their constituencies through the system.
The Head of D&PE explained that this matter had been taken up with the external company who administered the website. By the end of November, it was envisaged that the public would be able to choose their constituency from a drop-down menu which would also include a ministerial and scrutiny filter. The Head of D&PE advised the Committee that the change would need to go through the Change Authority Board before it was made live on the website.
The Committee thanked the Head of D&PE for the update, and she withdrew from the meeting.
Remote A6. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. A4 of its meeting of 12th September participation in 2022 received and considered a draft amendment to Standing Orders from the Deputy the States Greffier regarding remote participation in the States Assembly. The Committee recalled Assembly. that it had previously agreed that Standing Order 55A should accommodate a Member
being able to participate remotely in States Assembly meetings when they were unable to attend in person for health-related reasons, but would not otherwise be marked as malade'. The Committee had also agreed that this should be expanded to concern the health of either a family member or household member of the Member concerned.
In order to address the adoption of the first part of Deputy I. Gardiner 's Proposition entitled States Meetings – Remote Participation and Proxy Voting' (P.63/2022) the Committee also agreed that the amendment should include provision that a Member could participate remotely when they were unable to be present in Jersey due to unforeseen circumstances' with such circumstances to be determined in accordance with guidance issued by the Bailiff .
In considering the draft amendment, the Deputy Greffier explained that there had been a small oversight in relation to removing the words state of emergency'. The Deputy Greffier explained that it would be prudent to retain the reference to state of emergency' in order to 'future-proof' the prospect of another emergency being declared. The Committee agreed and noted that the Deputy Greffier would make the necessary changes to the amendment and consult with the Bailiff on the wording before a revised version was placed on the Committee's next agenda.
Bus passes for A7. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. A11 of its meeting of 26th July 2022, States received an oral update from the Deputy Greffier regarding the provision of free bus Members. passes for States Members. The Deputy Greffier explained that the matter had been
discussed with the Department for Infrastructure and, although it was feasible to offer States Members free bus passes, a funding stream would need to be identified.
The Committee noted the update and believed it would be prudent to ask States Members whether they would take up the scheme before proceeding any further. In that regard, the Deputy Greffier suggested that a question could be added to the survey for all States Members. The Committee agreed and requested the Deputy Greffier to take the necessary action.
States A8. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. A8 of its meeting of 12th September Members' 2022, received an oral update from the Deputy Greffier regarding Information Information Technology (IT) provision for States Members. The Committee recalled that it had Technology requested that the sum of £850 per Member be examined to ensure it reflected the Provision current market value of a desktop, laptop or tablet computer.
The Deputy Greffier explained that research had been undertaken and the £850 sum was an appropriate level for the grant and did reflect current market value albeit some equipment could be more or less expensive depending on the specification.
The Committee agreed that the sum would remain at £850 for the current term but requested that the policy included an increase in accordance with the Retail Price Index (RPI) for every States term. The Deputy Greffier advised that an increase in the grant in accordance with RPI would be included in the policy.
The States A9. The Committee received and considered a paper from the Principal Committee and Greffe. Panel Officer entitled What is the States Greffe?' which provided an overview of the
Department including its three main sections – Chamber and Members' Support, Committees and Panels and Digital and Public Engagement.
Although the paper included some budgetary information, the Committee requested a further breakdown in the budgets in accordance with the three main sections. The Principal Committee and Panel Officer advised that a further paper would be provided at the Committee's next meeting.
Fairtrade items A10. The Committee was advised that the Chief Minister had asked the Greffier of the for the States States whether Fairtrade items could be purchased for the States Assembly building. Building. The Deputy Greffier explained that, in the past, Fairtrade items had been purchased, but
some Members had asked for other branded items. Therefore, the current stock of products in the States Assembly building was a mixture of both Fairtrade and branded items on offer to Members.
The Deputy Greffier explained that purchasing additional Fairtrade items would be explored and the Committee would be updated at a future meeting. On a related matter, the Committee requested that the fridge in the States Members' Common Room be stocked with soft drinks and fruit juice. The Deputy Greffier advised that this would be taken forward by Support Services within the States Greffe.