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Privileges and Procedures Committee (3rd Meeting)
8th March 2023
Part A
All members were present with the exception of Deputy M.R. Scott of St Brelade, Vice-Chair, Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St Martin, Connétable M.A. Labey of Grouville , Connétable M. O’D. Troy of St. Clement , Deputy P.F.C Ozouf of St Saviour, Deputy I. Gardiner of St Helier from whom apologies had been received.
Deputy C.S. Alves of St Helier, Chair
Deputy L.M.C Doublet of St Saviour
Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St Saviour
Deputy H.L. Jeune of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity Deputy M.B. Andrews of St Helier
In attendance -
K. Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer
K. Camara, Research and Project Officer
Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A.
Minutes. A1. The minutes of the meeting held on 25th January 2023 were approved.
Government A2. The Sub-Committee discussed a paper by the Principal Committee and Panel Diversity Officer regarding a number of Government initiated network groups. The Sub- Network Committee noted the following existing network groups:
• Neurodiversity Network - established to influence policies that affect colleagues and be the voice of those whose needs and wants might otherwise be overlooked.
• Race, Ethnicity and Celebrating Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network (formerly called the Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) Network) – established to create a supportive working environment and policy framework for REACH colleagues in Jersey. It also aimed to encourage all staff within the organisation to understand the needs of REACH individuals within the community and organisation.
• LGBTQ+ Network - established to create a supportive working environment and policy framework for LGBTQ+ colleagues in Jersey. It also aimed to encourage all colleagues within the organisation to understand the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals within the community and organisation.
The Sub-Committee agreed to invite representatives from each network to meet with it to learn more about the purpose of the groups and their aims and objectives. The
Principal Committee and Panel Officer was tasked to make the necessary arrangements.
Diversity A3. The Sub-Committee, with reference to Minute No. A3 of 25th January 2023, Forum Legacy received and considered a paper by the Principal Committee and Panel Officer Report. regarding the previous Diversity Forum’s legacy report. The Sub-Committee recalled it
had requested that the outstanding actions contained in the legacy report were set out under a Red-Amber-Green (RAG) rated system.
The Sub-Committee considered each action and requested the following:
• A letter to the President of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee in relation to gender balance on Panels and Committees and encouraging greater diversity during the induction programme after elections.
• A letter to the Chief Minister regarding an equality duty.
• An email to the Chief Statistician regarding sex disaggregated data.
• The Diversity Forum should be included under the Privileges and Procedures Committee in Standing Orders of the States of Jersey as a permanent Sub- Committee.
The Sub-Committee also requested that the RAG system was included as a standing agenda item for its consideration.
Commonwealt A4. The Sub-Committee, with reference to Minute A3 of 25th January 2023, noted that h Dr Jessica C. Smith, author of the report entitled ‘Commonwealth Parliamentary Parliamentary Association - Effective and Inclusive Parliaments’ had been invited to attend the Sub- Association – Committee’s next meeting on 25th April 2023.
Effective and
States A5. The Sub-Committee received a States Chamber Access Audit Report which was Chamber undertaken in 2018. The Sub-Committee requested that more research was undertaken Access Audit on the report with a view to implementing its recommendations to make the States Report 2018. Chamber more accessible. The Principal Committee and Panel Officer was tasked to
draft a paper for the Sub-Committee’s consideration.
States A6. The Sub-Committee received and considered a paper on the results of a States Members Members’ Survey. The Principal Committee and Panel Officer explained that the survey Survey 2022. had been undertaken towards the end of 2022, and that a similar survey had been
conducted in 2021. Both surveys had included standard comparative questions as well as ones specific to each individual year and collected feedback on the services provided by the States Greffe Members’ Resources Team.
The Sub-Committee agreed that it would be beneficial for Members to receive an organigram of the Members’ Resources Team and the States Greffe as a whole. The Principal Committee and Panel Officer was tasked to make the necessary arrangements.
Meeting A7. The Sub-Committee received a meeting schedule for 2023. Subject to minor Schedule 2023. amendments the Sub-Committee approved the schedule and tasked the Research and
Project Officer to send the dates to those Members of the Sub-Committee who were unable to attend the meeting.