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Privileges and Procedures Committee Machinery of Government Sub-Committee (4th Meeting )
22nd November 2023
Part A (Non-Exempt)
All members were present.
Deputy L.V. Feltham of St Helier Central, Chair Deputy T.A. Coles of St Helier South, Vice-Chair Deputy A. Howell of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity Deputy H.L. Jeune of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity Connétable R. Vibert of St Peter
In attendance –
Miss. K. Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Mrs. J. Hales , Research and Project Officer
Miss. J. Lepp, Research and Project Officer
Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A
Apologies. A1. No apologies were received.
Minutes. A2. The Sub-Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 19th October
Democratic A3. The Sub-Committee discussed the Democratic Accountability and Governance Accountability Sub-Committee recommendations. It was noted that the Chair had discussed the and Scrutiny related ones with the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (SLC) at its meeting held Governance on 21st November 2023.
Committee The Sub-Committee noted that one of the recommendations related to minimum Recommendati memberships on Scrutiny Panels which was similar to the proposition lodged by Deputy ons. M.B Andrews (P.94/2023) due to be debated on 28th November 2023. It was understood,
however, that Deputy Andrews had been asked whether he would consider deferring the proposition to a later date in order for more consideration to be given to minimum and maximum memberships.
The Sub-Committee continued discussing the recommendations and agreed a number of areas to discuss with the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers. In that regard, the Principal Committee and Panel Officer was tasked to draft a letter to the Chief Minister which listed a number of requests relating to the DAG recommendations.
Timing of A4. The Sub-Committee agreed it would discuss this item at its next scheduled appointments meeting.
in the States
States' A5. The Principal Committee and Panel Officer advised that a read only copy of the
4th meeting 22.11.2023
Decisions Decision Tracker would be sent to all States members in due course. Tracker.
Future A6. The Sub-Committee confirmed that its next meeting would be on Wednesday 20th Meetings. December at 9am. The Sub-Committee discussed the frequency of meetings and agreed
that meetings for 2024 would be held monthly for one hour each. The Research and Project Officer advised that 2024 dates would be sent to the Sub-Committee in due course.