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THE STATES assembled on Monday 17th July 2023, at 2.30 p.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff , Robert James MacRae , Esquire.
All members were present at roll call with the exception of –
Connétable Deidre Wendy Mezbourian of St. Lawrence – excused attendance
Deputy Louise Mary Catherine Doublet of St. Saviour – ill
Deputy Kirsten Francis Morel of St. John , St. Lawrence and Trinity – en défaut
Deputy Inna Gardiner of St. Helier North – ill
Deputy Lyndon John Farnham of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter – en défaut (défaut raised at 2.45 p.m.) Deputy Kristina Louise Moore of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter – absent on States business Deputy Philip Francis Cyril Ozouf of St. Saviour – ill
Deputy Beatriz Borges de Sousa Vaz Moreno Porée of St. Helier South – excused attendance
Standing Order 55A – remote participation
THE STATES, with reference to their Act dated 14th September 2021, in which they had agreed that, notwithstanding Standing Order 55A(1), members who did not wish to attend in the States Chamber might continue to take part in States meetings using Microsoft Teams (until the States had considered and voted upon a proposition to re-apply Standing Order 55A(1) or to repeal or vary the terms of the Standing Order), assembled in accordance with Standing Order 55A with members able to participate remotely using Microsoft Teams.
Tribute to the late Mr. Jean Pierre Vernon Falle, former member of the States
The Deputy Bailiff paid tribute to the late Mr. Jean Pierre Vernon Falle, former Deputy of St. Saviour . The States observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.
Subordinate enactments tabled
The following enactments were tabled, namely –
Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Commencement of Amendment No. 3 Law) (Jersey) R&O.59/2023. Order 2023.
Minister for External Relations.
Documents presented
La Collette Waste Management Site – Development Plan (P.17/2023): second P.17/2023. amendment (P.17/2023 Amd.(2)) – amendment – comments. Amd.(2). Presented: 13th July 2023, Minister for Infrastructure. Amd.Com.
Draft EU legislation (Information Accompanying Transfers of Funds) (Amendment) P.36/2023. (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.36/2023): comments. Com. Presented: 12th July 2023, Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Learning from previous hospital projects – a follow up review (R.82/2023 Res.) – R.82/2023. comments. Res.Com. Presented: 13th July 2023, Public Accounts Committee.
Notification of lodged propositions
La Collette Waste Management Site – Development Plan (P.17/2023): second P.17/2023 amendment (P.17/2023 Amd.(2)) – amendment. Amd.(2). Lodged: 11th July 2023, Deputy A.F. Curtis of St. Clement . Amd.
Support for parents of babies needing additional neonatal care (P.52/2023): amendment. P.52/2023. Lodged: 11th July 2023, Minister for Social Security. Amd.
Negotiation of purchase for the site of the Seaside Café, Grève de Lecq (P.53/2023): P.53/2023. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 11th July 2023, Deputy L.K.F. Stephenson of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter .
Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel – resignation of members
THE STATES noted the resignation of the Connétable of St. Clement as a member of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Written Questions
(see Official Report/Hansard)
WQ.304/2023 1. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture had tabled an answer
on 10th July 2023 to a question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding
financial funding to industry sectors affected by rising interest rates and inflation. WQ.305/2023 2. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture had tabled an answer
on 10th July 2023 to a question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding
the impact of the Mini-Budget.
WQ.306/2023 3. The Minister for Social Security had tabled an answer on 10th July 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding the prospect of making the minimum wage sector specific.
WQ.307/2023 4. The Minister for Infrastructure had tabled an answer on 10th July 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding public play areas and parks. WQ.308/2023 5. The Chair of the States Employment Board had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding headcount within the
public sector.
WQ.309/2023 6. The Chair of the States Employment Board had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding the turnover of public sector staff in 2022.
WQ.310/2023 7. The Chair of the States Employment Board had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding the current number of vacancies in the public sector.
WQ.311/2023 8. The Minister for the Environment had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy S.G. Luce of Grouville and St. Martin regarding the average monthly sea temperature recorded in local waters.
WQ.312/2023 9. The Minister for Housing and Communities had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South regarding the Northern Quarter housing development.
WQ.313/2023 10. The Minister for Children and Education had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a question
asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding expenditure on agency teaching staff from UK agencies.
WQ.314/2023 11. The Chair of the Comité des Connétable s had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding dog licences.
WQ.315/2023 12. The Chair of the States Employment Board had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding pay talks with teaching unions.
WQ.316/2023 13. The Chief Minister had tabled an answer on 17th July 2023 to a question asked by Deputy
G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding poverty levels and housing costs.
Oral Questions
(see Official Report/Hansard)
OQ.144/2023 1. Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North asked a question of the Assistant Minister for
Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding the impact of increasing costs.
OQ.156/2023 2. Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Minister for Social Security
regarding the administration of Income Support repayment plans.
OQ.153/2023 3. Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade asked a question of the Acting Chief Minister regarding the
prioritisation process used by the Chief Minister in determining her absence from a States meeting.
OQ.159/2023 4. Connétable M.K. Jackson of St. Brelade asked a question of the Assistant Minister for
Children and Education regarding the policy for the teaching of French in Island schools. OQ.161/2023 5. Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Vice-Chair of the States
Employment Board regarding the public sector pay offer for 2023.
OQ.148/2023 6. Deputy S.G. Luce of Grouville and St. Martin asked a question of the Assistant Minister for
Infrastructure regarding the provision of sporting facilities at Le Rocquier School. OQ.154/2023 7. Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Assistant Minister for Children
and Education regarding the impact of recruitment and retention challenges on the delivery
of the curriculum in the Island's schools.
OQ.150/2023 8. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Vice-Chair of the States
Employment Board regarding the delivery of savings by changing zero-hours contracts to full-time contracts.
OQ.163/2023 9. Deputy C.S. Alves of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Minister for Treasury and
Resources regarding the claims submitted by companies to Revenue Jersey for benefits in kind provided to employees.
OQ.147/2023 10. Deputy A. Howell of St. John , St. Lawrence and Trinity asked a question of the Minister for
Infrastructure regarding the treatment of contaminated leachate at the sewage works. OQ.151/2023 11. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South asked a question of the Minister for Health and Social
Services regarding the provision of support for people affected by Motor Neurone Disease. OQ.160/2023 12. Deputy G.P. Southern asked a question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources regarding
the impact of increases in the UK base rate.
OQ.158/2023 13. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South asked a question of the Minister for the Environment
regarding the delivery of affordable housing on large, private developments.
OQ.149/2023 14. Deputy S.G. Luce of Grouville and St. Martin asked a question of the Assistant Minister for
Children and Education regarding the meetings held with Acrewood Nursery.
OQ.152/2023 15. Deputy A. Howell of St. John , St. Lawrence and Trinity asked a question of the Minister for
Infrastructure regarding the security and safety of the administration of leachate taken from La Collette.
OQ.157/2023 16. Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Assistant Minister for
Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding the development of the medicinal cannabis industry.
OQ.164/2023 17. Deputy C.S. Alves of St. Helier Central asked a question of the Assistant Minister for
Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding the development of a coordinated approach to sport.
THE STATES noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 63(9), a written response would be provided to the following oral questions that had not been asked during the time allowed at the meeting –
OQ.155/2023 18. Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism,
Sport and Culture regarding the Ports Policy Group.
OQ.145/2023 19. Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social Services
regarding the commissioning of third-sector services.
OQ.162/2023 20. Deputy L.V. Feltham of the Minister for Housing and Communities regarding the impact of
tax residency policies on the delivery of the objective to ensure as many homes as possible were occupied.
Oral Questions without notice (see Official Report/Hansard)
The Minister for the Environment answered questions without notice from members.
The Minister for International Development answered questions without notice from members.
Arrangement of public business for the present meeting
THE STATES rejected a proposition of Deputy Montfort Tadier of St. Brelade that the Assembly adjourn. Members present voted as follows –
Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Brelade Deputy M.R. Scott Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Peter
Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. Martin
Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. John
Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Mary
Deputy M. Tadier Deputy C.F. Labey
Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat Deputy S.G. Luce
Deputy S.M. Ahier Deputy R.J. Ward
Deputy S.Y. Mézec Deputy C.S. Alves
Deputy D.J. Warr
Deputy H.M. Miles Deputy J. Renouf
Deputy L.V. Feltham Deputy A. Howell Deputy B. Ward
Deputy K.M. Wilson Deputy L.K.F. Stephenson
17th July 2023
Deputy I.J. Gorst
Deputy Sir P.M. Bailhache Deputy C.D . Curtis Deputy R.E. Binet Deputy H.L. Jeune Deputy M.E. Millar Deputy T.J.A. Binet Deputy M.R. Ferey Deputy R.S. Kovacs Deputy A.F. Curtis Deputy M.B. Andrews
Oral Questions without notice (see Official Report/Hansard)
The Chief Minister answered questions without notice from members. Adjournment
THE STATES adjourned, having agreed to reconvene on Tuesday 18th July 2023 to consider the items of public business listed for debate at the meeting.
THE STATES rose at 5.56 p.m.
L.-M. HART Greffier of the States