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Lodged au Greffe on 5th December 2006 by the Minister for Home Affairs
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
in a c cordance with Article 2 of, and the Schedule to, the Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law
1999 –
(a ) to reappoint Mr Leslie May FCCA. as Chairman of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a
further period of 3 years;
(b ) to reappoint the following as members of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a further
period of 3 years –
M r . A n th o n y B e a u m ont M r . A n d re w C o r n i sh M r s . T o n i R o b er t s
( c) to appoint the following member of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a period of 3
years –
M r . S t e p h e n L u c e .
In December 2003, the then Home Affairs Committee, took a proposition to the States to reappoint a chairman and 3 members of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority, for a period of 3 years with effect from 1st January 2004, and to appoint a new member for the same period (P.183/2003).
The tenure of office of the chairman and these 4 members will therefore come to an end on 31st December 2006. Two other members of the authority are part way through their term of office, which will not expire until 31st December 2007.
The Chairman and 3 members have expressed the wish to remain in office for a further 3 years with effect from 1st January 2007. The Deputy Chairman of the Authority has decided to retire at the end of his period of office on 31st December 2006; and another member, whose term of office is due to expire on 31st December 2008 has decided to resign at the end of 2006.
The position was therefore advertised in the Gazette section of the Jersey Evening Post, and following an interview by a panel comprising the Chairman of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority, the Senior Human Resources Manager for Home Affairs, and a representative of the Jersey Appointments Commission, the position was offered to Mr. Stephen Luce .
The Minister recommends that the following be reappointed to serve on the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a further period of 3 years –
M r . Leslie May FCCA, Chairman, came to Jersey in 1973 as a senior civil servant and held the
following posts: Financial Controller – States Telecommunications Board; Fuel Controller – Defence Committee; Director – States Telecommunications Board; Treasurer of the States – Finance and Economics Committee. He retired in 1991. Prior to coming to Jersey, Mr. May's career was in the private sector in the United Kingdom where he held senior management positions in the Imperial Group, Fisons Ltd. and J. Lyons & Co.
M r . M ay has served on the Parish Rate Appeal Board since 2000 and was appointed Chairman in 2006. He
is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants and a Fellow of the Institute of Directors. He is also a member of the Jersey Rotary Club and over the years has been Chairman of numerous Rotary committees.
M r . Anthony Beaumont was a civil servant employed as a senior engineer with the Public Services
Committee from 1974 until 1998. After completing a 5-year mechanical engineering apprenticeship, he served with Her Majesty's Forces in the REME. Following his military service, he worked for various major civil engineering contractors in the United Kingdom prior to coming to Jersey, subsequently taking an appointment with the Public Services Department.
M r . A ndrew Cornish MBCO, BSc (Hons.) was educated in Bedfordshire and at City University, London
where he obtained his Bachelor Science degree in 1987. He is a practising optometrist and the Director of Opticians in St. Helier. He is a past member of the Jersey Round Table and has been involved in community projects and fund raising for 18 years. He also serves on the Youth Court Panel.
M r s. Toni Roberts MBA, ACIS, TEP is the Fiduciary Services Business Manager for Europe, Middle
East and Africa for J.P. Morgan Trust Company (Jersey) Limited and is responsible for fiduciary structures managed in Jersey and Geneva. Mrs. Roberts gained an MBA at Leicester University is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administration and a Trust and Estate Practitioner. Mrs. Roberts is an Overseas Aid Commissioner, a Rotarian and a former Chairman of the Jersey Branch of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Her outside interests include golf and snow- skiing.
The Minister recommends that the following person be appointed to serve on the Jersey Police Complaints
Authority for a period of 3 years –
M r . Stephen Luce was born in Jersey and educated at Victoria College and the Royal Agricultural
College, Cirencester. He is managing director of 2 companies involving a mixed farm unit and shellfish. From 1996-2003 he served on the Youth Panel, and has been a council member of both the Jersey Farmers' Union and the R.J.A.&H.S. during the 1990s. He is currently a Roads' Inspector for the Parish of St. Martin and has been a crew member of St. Catherin'es lifeboat since 1989. His outside interests include music, golf, boating and fishing.
There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.