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Provision of land for lifelong dwellings (for people over 55) and first-time buyers - amendment to Island Plan (2002)

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Lodged au Greffe on 22nd May 2008

by the Minister for Planning and Environment



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to r ef er to their Act dated 11th July 2002 in which they approved the Jersey Island Plan 2002 and, inter

alia, Chapter  8 (Housing) Policy  H1 Provision of Homes; and Policy  H2 Sites to be zoned for Category A housing, and to agree to –

O n P age 8.4 of the Jersey Island Plan 2002

(a ) in s ert after paragraph 8.19 the following new paragraphs

" L if e long homes (for people over  55)

8 .2 0 In response to the demographic trends that are altering the make-up of the Island's society and in

particular, the increasing proportion of older people within the community, the States has set objectives in the Strategic Plan 2006 – 2011 (at objectives 2.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.6, 3.8, 3.8.6 and 4.7) to effectively increase the provision and number of lifelong dwellings to enable a greater number of older people to remain living independently in the community, in their own homes for as long as possible.

8 .2 1 In seeking to facilitate the provision of lifelong homes (for people over  55), a proportion will need

to be accessible to those who cannot afford to occupy homes provided by development in the open market, and will need to be for social rent. Facilitating the provision of other lifelong homes (for people over  55), available to those who can afford to purchase on the open market, can enable downsizing' and encourage the release of larger homes, that may be more suitable as family accommodation, elsewhere in the housing market.

8 .2 2 T he parish system, and the active community engagement associated with it, is an important part

of Jersey's identity and character. The States is committed to supporting the parochial sense of community and the provision of homes for older people to remain in and contribute to their parish is considered to be important to the social fabric and identity of the place. Ensuring that there is opportunity to provide lifelong homes throughout the Island's parishes can help support and sustain mixed communities and vibrant parish life.

8 .2 3 T he provision of land for lifelong dwellings (for people over  55) for social rented housing and

homes to buy has a key role to play in providing this specific type of housing that is appropriately designed and which can play a role in supporting vibrant parish communities. Lifelong homes (for people over  55), to buy and for social rent, will need to be designed to accommodate both fit' and less  able' people  over  the  age  of  55,  in  a  socially  supportive  and  stimulating environment which enables them to live independently for as long as possible in their own home.

8 . 2 4 T his is effectively a mix of need' (or affordable') and demand' housing and, in view of

increasing requirement to monitor and plan for this specific element of the housing sector relative to  the  demographic  changes  of  an  ageing  society,  the  introduction  of  an  extension  of  the definition of Category A housing is warranted, to include:

Housing for older people

Lifelong homes (for people over  55), to buy and for social rent."

O n P age 8.13 of the Jersey Island Plan 2002

(b ) to insert a new paragraph after paragraph 8.59

" 8 .6 0 The definition of Category A housing has been extended, in 2008, in order toenable the zoning of land to enable the provision of lifelong homes (for people over 55), to buy and for social rent, designed to accommodate both fit' and less able' people over the age of 55, in a socially supportive and stimulating environment which enables them to live independently for as long as possible in their own home.",

an d r e -n u m  b er the paragraphs of this section.

(c ) In the third paragraph of Policy H1 – Provision of Homes

(i ) a f t e r the words first-time buyer homes' insert the words or lifelong homes (for people

over  55) to buy';

(i i ) a f t e r the words each site', insert the words or where the social rent proportion is greater

than 45%'.

O n P age 8.18 of the Jersey Island Plan 2002

(d ) In Policy H2 – Sites to be zoned for Category A housing, after paragraph 8.87, insert the following

new paragraphs

" 8 .8 8  In order to contribute to meeting the requirements for Category  A housing, and particularly the need and demand for dwellings for older people (over  55), from 2008 until the adoption of the new Island Plan, a further eight sites comprising a total of approximately 26 acres/ 58.5 vergées, are zoned for Category  A housing at the following locations.

8 .8 9 A n estimated dwelling yield is given for each site. This has been produced as a theoretical yield

derived from a desktop study to indicate the potential scale of development on each site. These yields are, therefore, entirely indicative and do not represent a maximum or minimum developable yield for each site, but rather give an indication of the scale of development that is likely to be achievable. Any subsequent development proposal, which will remain to be the subject of a formal planning application to be assessed against a development brief, will need to demonstrate that the estimated yield is achievable and appropriate and an efficient use of land.

(1 2 ) F i e ld s 516, 516A, 517 and 518, St.  Saviour

T h e s i te p r e s e n tl y comprises approximately 27¼ vergées of agricultural land located

opposite Grainville playing fields on St. Saviour's Hill and has access to good public transport and is in walking distance to shops at Five Oaks and Bagatelle. This site is a logical extension of the built-up area and the proximity to amenities and facilities makes it appropriate for older persons' homes.

  P r el i m i n a ry p ro p  o sa ls have suggested that the development of this large site could take the

form of a mixed tenure retirement village with a potential yield of approximately 98 no. open market and 80 social rent lifelong dwellings (for people over  55). It has been suggested that up to thirty of the social rent lifelong dwellings will be ceded by the developer to the Parish.

  P r o p o sa l s h a v e su g g ested that the development of the site could also provide for a 75-bed

residential care and dementia home, guardian accommodation, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, shop, surgery, car parking and amenity space. A public car park to relieve potential on-street parking in Chasse Brunet and amenity open space will also be provided as part of the development. The amenities and facilities provided by the developer will be managed by a non profit making professional organisation and available to all residents.

  T h i s ty p e o f d e v e lopment  will  have no  impact  on  schools  and  traffic impact can  be

reasonably managed. The site is large enough to incorporate a significant area of open space.

(1 3 ) F i e ld 274, La Lourderie, St. Clement

T h i s is a b ro w n field' site which comprises a number of redundant glasshouses on

approximately vergées. The site is located near La Rocque, is contiguous with the existing built-up area, is on a good bus route and is in walking distance to shops at Pontac.

  I t i s co n s i d e re d t h at this site could accommodate a mix of approximately 34 lifelong

dwellings for older people (over  55).

(1 4 ) F i e ld 605, St. John

  T h e si te c o m p r i se s approximately vergées of agricultural land. The site is located near

the centre of St.  John's Village and is in easy walking distance of all the village amenities and facilities, and is a short walk to the Parish Hall , St.  John's Primary School and the recreation centre.

I t c o uld accommodate a mix of approximately 16 lifelong dwellings for older people

(over  55).

(1 5 ) F i e ld s 561 and 562, St. Mary

T h i s i s a b r o w n f ie ld site' which comprises a number of redundant glasshouses on a site

area of approximately vergées. The site is located to the south of St.  Mary's Village and is in walking distance of the village amenities and facilities. There is also capacity at St.  Mary's primary school to cater for children living in first-time buyer homes.

  T h e s it e c ou  ld a c c ommodate at least 33  dwellings, providing a mix of first-time buyer,

open market lifelong dwellings for the over-55s and lifelong dwellings for social rent.

(1 6 ) L a n d north east of Maison St. Brelade

T h e si t e co m p r is e s vergées of uncultivated land. The site is located at Maison

St. Brelade and in easy walking distance of the bus stop and a range of shops at Quennevais Precinct and the amenities and facilities at Les Quennevais recreation area.

  T h i s s it e c o u l d ac c o mmodate an extension to Maison St.  Brelade providing approximately

8  units of accommodation.

(1 7 ) F i e ld 148, Rue des Maltières, Grouville

  T h e s i te i s a n i n f ill development of land  between Clos des Maltières and  residential

properties fronting Rue des Maltières and Rue Horman. It comprises approximately 4 vergées. The south east part of the site is adjacent to Grouville marsh and should be retained in its natural state. It benefits from a field access to Rue Horman, which could enable a direct pedestrian route to Gorey village.

T h e si te c o uld accommodate approximately 20 lifelong dwellings for the Parish of

Grouville , the development of which would be undertaken by the Gouray Lodge Charitable Trust.

(1 8 ) F i e ld s 818 and part of Field 873, Trinity

  T h e si t e p r e s en t l y c omprises approximately vergées of agricultural land. The site is a

logical extension to the existing Parish sheltered homes and is in easy walking distance to the post office, pub, church and youth centre.

  T h e s i te co u l d ac c o m  modate approximately 12  lifelong dwellings for social rent. (1 9 ) F i e ld 578, Trinity

  T h e s i te p re s e n t ly c omprises approximately vergées of agricultural land. The site is in a

prominent and elevated position, located opposite the existing Parish sheltered homes and is in easy walking distance to the post office, pub, church and youth centre. There is also adequate capacity at Trinity primary school to cater for children living in the first-time buyer homes.

  T h e si te c o u ld a c c o mmodate approximately 36  homes, providing a mix of first-time buyer

and one-bedroom lifelong dwellings for social rent."

an d r e -n u m  b er the remaining paragraphs in the section. O n P age 8.18 of the Jersey Island Plan 2002

( e ) I n Policy  H2 Sites to be zoned for Category  A housing, after the words Within the sites,

planning applications will be invited for a mix of social rented and first-time buyer dwellings', insert the words –

" In o r d e r t o contribute to meeting the requirements for Category  A housing, and particularly the need and demand for dwellings for older people (over  55), from 2008 until the adoption of the new Island Plan, eight sites comprising a total of approximately 26 acres/58.5 vergées, will be zoned  for  Category  A  housing  at  the  following  locations,  as  shown  on  the  revised  Island Proposals Map;

1 2 . F i e ld s 516, 516A, 517 and 518, St.  Saviour (12  acres/ 27.25 vergées);

1 3 . F i e ld 274, St.  Clement (2.5  acres/5.5 vergées);

1 4 . F i e ld 605, St.  John (1  acre/2.5 vergées);

1 5 . F i e ld 561 and 562, St.  Mary (2.5  acres/5.5 vergées);

1 6 . L a n d north of Maison St.  Brelade, St.  Brelade (1.25  acres/ 2.7 5vergées); 1 7 . F i e ld  148, Rue des Maltières, Grouville (1.75  acres/ 4  vergées);

1 8 . F i e ld  818 and part of Field  873, Trinity (0.75  acres/ 1.7 5vergées);

1 9 . F i e ld  578, Trinity (4  acres/9.25 vergées).

W it h in th e s e 8 sites, planning applications will be invited for a mix of first-time buyer dwellings or

lifelong homes (for people over  55) to buy and social rented lifelong homes (for people over  55 in accord with the purposes for which they have been zoned.".



  1. I n t roduction
  1. T h is proposition seeks to enable the provision of land for housing on 8 sites, involving an areaof land of approximately 58.5 vergées, throughamendmentofthe2002 Island Plan.
  2. T h e proposition seeks torespond to a need for housing, and in particular theprovisionof lifelong homes to meet the specific needsofolderpeople(over 55) identified by the Minister for Housingandparish Connétable s, and supportedby statistical evidence from a variety ofsources. The proposition notonly seeks to provide land for housing that will enable the provision of lifelong homes (for people over 55) for social rent andpurchaseon the openmarketbut also, in thecaseoftwo sites, to provide homes forfirst- time buyers in St. Maryand Trinity . The provision of newhomesonthese sites will be subject to the same proportional split oftenure as thoseH2 sites already zoned in the 2002 Island Plan, such that at least 45% shouldbe for need' or affordable' (i.e. social rent) andup to 55% canbeforsale to first-time buyers and, under this proposition,olderpeople(over 55).
  3. A s well as contributing to the overall requirement for homes throughout the Island, the proposition explicitly seekstosupportand sustain the life and vitality of parish communities by ensuring that people, young and old, are provided with opportunities to live andengageinparish life: this is particularly relevant to the Island's rural parishes, wheredevelopment opportunities and access to housing might otherwise be limited.
  4. D e sktop estimates of potential housing yield from theseeight sites indicate that they have the potential to provide at least 337 homes,together with associated community and other facilities insomecases.One proposed site – Fields 516, 516A and 518 in St. Saviour – has the potential to provide half of this potential yield,theremainderoftheproposed provision being spread aroundtheremainingseven, smaller sites in six parishes.
  5. T h e provisionof land for lifelong dwellings (for people over 55) for social rented housing and homes to buy, has a key role to play in providing this specific type of housing that is appropriately designedand which can play a part in supporting vibrant parish communities. Lifelong homes (for people over 55), to buy and rent, will bedesignedtoaccommodate both fit' and less able' people over the ageof55,in a socially supportive and stimulating environmentwhich enables them to live independently for as long as possible in theirownhome.
  6. L i felong homesshould not be confused with sheltered accommodationwhich normally provides anon- site staff to provide first handcare.Thesize and design flexibility of the lifelong dwellings will mean that residents willbe able to receive careand support from relatives or nursing agenciesorParishes will have the option to use oneof the dwellings aswardenaccommodationshould this be considered necessary.
  1. E v i dence ofneedanddemand
  1. T h e States is committedtoproviding a goodstandardof affordable homes, as set outinthe Strategic Plan 2006 – 2011 (objective 3.8 and4.7) and to ensuring that the Island is wellpreparedtomeet the challenges and opportunities presented byanageingpopulation (objective 2.1). Specifically the Stateshas set out explicit objectives to increase levels ofhomeownershipand to ensure that olderpeople can remainin their homes for as long aspossible.Theprovisionof land specifically for new homes, for purchaseby first-time buyers andolderpeople(over 55), and for social rent for olderpeople(over 55), is a direct way in which to contribute towards these stated objectives.
  2. T h e demographic shifts occurring in the Island'spopulation – most notably the falling householdsize and the increasing proportion of the population that is madeupofolder people – is well documented and understood. A sample of the existing body of evidence to support the requirement for new homes generated as a direct consequenceof these population changesissetoutatAppendix 1.
  1. T h e most recent data to support the provisionof land forhousing in advanceofthe Island Plan Reviewis provided by the latest Housing Needs Survey 2007: Jersey's Housing Assessment 2008-2012.Whilst this survey represents anestimateof a point in time in a dynamic housing market and is a planning tool rather than a definitive statement, the headlinesofrelevance to this proposition are that:

There is a total 5-year shortfall of up to 400 older persons (over 55) homes.

There is a notable potential shortfall in 2-, 3- and 4- bedroom owner-occupier properties.

About two thirds of people are looking to move in the next 2 years.

  1. It isalso relevant to note that the need fornewhomes,of the tenure proposedineach site, issupported and endorsedby the relevant parish Connétable , based on their ownassessmentandknowledgeof the need anddemand for homes from parishioners.
  2. T h e 8 sites identified in this proposition have the potential to provide at least337 homes,including in th region of 292 lifelong homes (for people over 55) as well as new first-time buyerhomes. Under the preliminary termsofproposalssponsoredby individual parishes, this could contribute to the provisionof important newhousing opportunities for young and old in the northern rural parishesof St. John, St. Mary and Trinity in support of the continued vitality of rural community life; provide new housing opportunities for olderpeoplein Grouville and St. Clement; and an extension of facilities inSt. Brelade whilst alsoofferingthe potential to enable a new multi-faceted large scaledevelopment for older people in St. Saviour, of benefit Island-wide , through the provision of lifelong housing, together with the prospectofother community facilities.
  3. T h e States hasalsorecentlydebated, and implicitly supported, the principle of zoning additional land to provide newhomesbefore the completion of the ongoing Island Plan Review, in the context of the proposition brought by the Deputy of Grouville (P.33/2008: Rezoning of sites in the Green and Countryside Zones and the Island Plan Review).
  4. G i venthe time taken to realise the developmentofhomesandtheir beneficial occupation and use, it should beacknowledged that any rezoningof land in 2008 will not likely yield anycompleteddwellings until 2010.
  1. S i te assessment
  1. O n the basisof the evidenceof need anddemand,as set outabove, it is the role of the Minister for Planning and Environment, to consider, assess andweigh the meritsofproposalsto zone land for housing in advanceof the Island Plan Review,on a sitebysite basis, taking into accountthe relevant material planning considerations.
  2. T h e Minister hasdone this in a structured and consistent way. In particular, the Minister has evaluated each site against the spatial strategy of the existing Island Plan toconsider the degree of integration with the built-up area; andhas considered issues of efficiency of land use, accessibility, environmentalimpact and infrastructure as well as the equity of the proposed distribution ofdevelopmentthroughout the Island.
  3. T h e potentialdevelopmentofthese sites for housing has also been the subject ofconsultation with the Transport and Technical Services Department to consider issues of access and traffic; main service providers toconsider issues of infrastructure; and the Health and Social Service Department's Health Protection Department, to consider matters of contamination, noiseand other health issues.
  4. It is important to stress that site assessment has been undertaken on the basis of an estimated dwelling yield for each site, produced as a theoretical yield derived from a desktop study,and reflecting discussion with individual parishes about the scale ofdevelopmentoneach site. These yields are, therefore, entirely indicative and donotrepresent a maximumorminimumdevelopable yield for eachsite,but rather give

an indication of the scale of development that is likely to be achievable. Any subsequent development proposal,

which will remain to be the subject of a formal planning application to be assessed against a development brief, will need to demonstrate that the estimated yield is achievable and appropriate and an efficient use of land.

  1. T h ese proposals have been thesubjectof discussion and consideration whichbegan in September 2006. Formalpublic consultation was undertaken, through the auspices of a WhitePaper,betweenNovember 2007 and February 2008, and parishes have also held assemblies, where the proposals have been discussed in anopen public forum.
  2. T h e Minister has considered all of the representations received in determining those sites whichhave come forward in this proposition. A total of12 sites, embracinganareaof 36 acres/81.25 vergées, across 8 parishes, were included in the original consultation process that was the subject of the White Paper.In considering all of the material considerations pertinenttothese sites, four of them havenotbeenbrought forward at this time, and will be considered withinthecontextofthe Island Plan Review.
  3. O f the remaining 8 sites the subjectof this proposition, it is relevant to note that five of them are, within the context ofthe existing policy regimeconferredby the 2002 Island Plan, within the CountrysideZone including:

Fields 516, 516A, 517 and 518, St.  Saviour (12  acres/27.25 vergées);

Field 561 and 562, St.  Mary (2.5  acres/5.5 vergées);

Land north of Maison St.  Brelade, St.  Brelade (1.25  acres/ 2.7 5vergées);

Field 148, Rue des Maltières, Grouville (1.75  acres/4  vergées);

Field 818 and part of Field 873, Trinity (0.75  acres/1.75 vergées);

3.8 an d one is within the Green Zone:

Field 578, Trinity (4  acres/9.25 vergées).

3.9 T h ere is a general policy presumption against new development in both the Countryside Zone and the Green Zone, although both policies provide for exceptions to be made where it is considered to be in the Island interest. Having weighed all of the material considerations, including the value and benefit of the development to the local community relative to its impact upon the environment and the character of the countryside, the Minister considers that the principle of releasing these sites for development to provide homes is in the best interests of the Island, and is, therefore, justifiable.

3.10 T he two remaining sites, listed below, are already earmarked as potential housing sites in the 2002 Island Plan under Policy  H4 Sites safeguarded for future Category  A housing, although they remain to be formally zoned for housing:

Field 274, St.  Clement (2.5  acres/5.5 vergées);

Field 605, St.  John (1  acre/2.5 vergées).

  1. D etails oftheindividualassessmentforeachofthe sites, including their location and spatial extent, are set outatAppendix 2.
  1. D  ev elopment briefs
  1. In accordance with Policy  H6of the Island Plan, guidance will be provided in the form of a development

brief to guide and assist the development of these sites, which will be informed by comment received from the

recent public consultation.

  1. T h e development proposals will berequiredto respect andcomplement the essential characterofthe existing neighbourhood,byensuring that the form, designofthedevelopment is appropriate for the setting. Proposals will need tocomply with therequirements for internal and externalspace, accessibility, car parking, services, general amenity space and community facilities. The design, landscaping and materials willcomply with the Minister'spublished design principles and architects will be required to obtain site-specific design advice from the Department Architect andthe Design ReviewPanelat an early stage.
  2. T h e development briefs will also outline the proposed planning obligations that developers for each site will beexpectedtoenterinto.

D e v e lopment specification and criteria

  1. S u bject to the rezoningof land insupport of this proposition,the Minister for Planning andEnvironment will have regard to general criteria for the design and specification of all newdwellingson rezoned land and specific criteria for lifelong homes (for people over  55), assetoutatAppendix 3.
  2. In light of the Statesdecisionon the proposition broughtby the Deputy of Grouville (P.33/2008), it is incumbentupon the Minister for Housing, together with parish Connétable s, to develop and establish policy for the allocation ofhomeson rezoned sites.

P la n n ing obligations

  1. In addition to securing larger and energy efficient Lifelong dwellings,andany further benefits negotiated by individual Connétable s,the Minister for Planning and Environment will seektoensure that planning obligation agreementsare entered into,as appropriate; to regulate and uphold in perpetuity the following:

A tenure split on each site, which accords with policy  H1 and will ensure the provision of affordable social rent dwellings.

The provision of an on site residents meeting room which will include a kitchen, toilet and storeroom, subject to the agreement of the social rented housing trust and transferred to that

organisation for its administration on behalf of all of the residents of the development.

The provision of communal open space, which may take the form of sitting out space and allotment gardens.

The provision and ongoing maintenance and renewal of community facilities and areas.

Any associated infrastructure provision or related costs; for example, drainage or traffic management, health or environmental protection measures.

P la n n ing applications

  1. If the sites are rezoned for development, a detailed planning application will subsequently be required to be submitted by the applicant. This will need to clearlydemonstrate that the proposedschememeets the requirements of the developmentbrief as wellas taking into account any physicalorlegalconstraints whichmight affect the site. This will enable the Minister to ultimately determine the development of the site, including the final number of homestobe built, having regard toall the material considerations relating toeach particular site and planning application.
  1. F i n ancialandmanpower implications

5.1 T h ere are no financial or manpower implications arising from this proposition. Planning obligation agreements will be used, as appropriate, under the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, to address any requirement to regulate and maintain tenure; secure essential infrastructure provision or contributions; and other infrastructure or amenity requirements associated with these developments.

Evidence of need and demand

  1. I s la nd-wide Strategy for the Ageing Society (ISAS)

In 2004, the Island-Wide Strategy for the Ageing Society (ISAS) raised the issue of the Island's increasing elderly population and identified that the number of elderly people in Jersey would begin to steadily increase over the next few decades and made it clear that this was not a temporary bulge, but rather a long-term shift in the composition of the Island's population.

So far as Jersey's population is concerned there are currently about 5  people in employment for every pensioner. This is predicted to change rapidly as the population ages and the proportion of pensioners increase, and by 2032, the ratio of employed persons to pensioners will be as low as to 1.

A geing of the current population

Population structure to 2035 : nil net migration

Population 100,000 declines

90,000 to 80,000 80,000




50,000 16-64


1.8 w4o0r,0k0e0rs for every

non-worker Total


1.3 workers

20,000 for

every non- 10,000 worker


2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035

The 2001 Census found that 17% of the population (14,507  persons) were above working age (women/men aged 60/65 and over) and the ISAS predictions expect this number to rise to 19% by 2011 and to around 30% by 2031.

ISAS recommended that the Island should start to plan now for this eventuality and identified a number of key principles  which  the  States  should  aim  to  achieve  and  those  which  refer  to  the  quality  of  people's  living environment are outlined below

Improve the quality of people's living space and their local environment as these are key issues if health inequalities are to be reduced;

Establish  and  recognise  the  requirement  for  the  provision  of  a  sufficient  amount  of  housing  to accommodate an increasing and changing population in Jersey;

Use existing stock of living accommodation occupied by members of an ageing society wisely and appropriately to the requirements of residents;

Enable people to feel safe and secure, and have good access to a high quality visual environment as well as open space and other amenities and services.

  1. S t a tes Strategic Plan 2006 – 2011 The Strategic Plan commits to

Promoting a safe, just and equitable society, by providing a good standard of accommodation for all' – with the success indicated by:

Increased levels of home ownership;

Reduction in the number of people waiting to be adequately housed;

A supply of homes that better meets the Island's housing requirements;

Equity in access to the housing market;

Stable housing market/prices;

Building standards that are equal to those in the U.K.;

Increase in the percentage of homes in public ownership at Decent Homes Standard;

Increase in provision of Island-wide sheltered housing.

Create the environment in which everyone in Jersey has the opportunity to enjoy a good quality of life, by meeting the challenges and opportunities presented by an ageing population' – with the success indicated by:

An increase in the number of older people provided with support to remain in their own homes.

  1. N ew Directions Strategy

In respect of its New Directions Strategy the Health and Social Services Department comments

Without adequate accommodation, specifically designed to enable older people to retain their independence, they will be unnecessarily consigned, in growing numbers, to expensive institutional care.

A capacity model identifying future requirements for sheltered housing and institutional care accommodation is being developed.

The typical lead-in time for this additional accommodation is estimated to be at least 2 years after rezoning. It is anticipated that key recommendations regarding long-term care funding contained within the New Directions Strategy will be in place before these homes are completed.

Site assessments

Fields 516, 516A, 517 and 518, St. Saviour (D r a w i n g N o. 2007/04)

The site presently comprises approximately 27¼ vergées of agricultural land and was designated in the 2002 Island Plan as Countryside Zone.

Preliminary proposals have suggested that the development of this large site could take the form of a mixed tenure retirement village with a potential yield of approximately 98 open market and 80 social rent lifelong dwellings for older people (over  55). It has been suggested that up to 30 of the social rent lifelong dwellings will be ceded by the developer to the Parish. In addition, the Parish have further negotiated that the lifelong social rent dwellings it acquires will contain and element of two-bedroom units with the final proportion being determined by the Connétable . The initial feasibility proposals have suggested that the development could also provide a 75-bed residential care and dementia home, guardian accommodation, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, shop, surgery, car parking and amenity space. A public car park to relieve potential on-street parking in Chasse Brunet will be ceded to the Parish along with pedestrian improvements in Chasse Brunet. The amenity open space, provided as part of the development, will also be protected in perpetuity by legal covenant.

The site is located opposite Grainville playing fields on St. Saviour's Hill and has access to good public transport and provision will be made for a bus lay-by and shelter. This site is a logical extension of the built-up area and the proximity to amenities and facilities makes it appropriate for older persons' homes.

The retirement village will consist of a range of amenities and facilities which will be provided by the developer and managed on a non profit-making basis by an appropriate professional organisation, approved by the Minister for Planning and Environment. A planning obligation is proposed which will seek to ensure that the communal social amenities, such as day care services, community hall, activity facilities, restaurant and cafe, hairdressers and shops are fully accessible to residents and the wider elderly community.

The Health and Social Services Department has confirmed that the principle of a retirement village is acceptable and that it would support the inclusion of a care and dementia unit within such a complex.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group object to the loss of the land, which they consider is capable of sustaining a wide range of crops.

Health Protection have no comments other than the site should have a sustainable travel links to the town.

Transport and Technical Services support the site, however because of the potential size of the development, would require a full transport assessment to be provided as part of the planning application, which may generate transport-related planning obligations. In addition, careful consideration should be given to improving pedestrian permeability and safety in and around the site with the relevant authorities.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation: The scheme is too dense. (The density will be approximately 65 hr/a.)

Loss of privacy to houses in Clos du Patier because of difference in level. (The issue of loss of privacy will be addressed as part of the development control process.)

Boundary treatment and landscaping needs to be addressed. (The issue of boundary treatment and landscaping will be addressed as part of the development control process.)

Support proposal for this site. (The comment is noted.)

Proposal will not impact on traffic as older people will not conflict with school traffic. (The comment is noted

and accords with the advice given by the traffic engineers.)

Good bus service will avoid the need to use cars. (The comment is noted and Transport and Technical Services support this site which is on a good bus route, subject to a transport assessment.)

The proposal will have a significant traffic impact. Traffic impact needs to be understood. (The comment is not accepted. Traffic engineers have looked at the impact and advise that the impact can be managed.)

There is no open space in the area, apart form Grainville playing fields. (The comment is not accepted. The scheme will comply with the Minister's requirement for open space. The site also benefits from being close to Grainville playing fields.)

There will be 2  years of development upheaval for neighbours.(The comment is noted.)

Establish need for this amount of housing. A recent private developer survey obtained 936  responses (now over a year old). 582 from first-time buyers wanting family homes. 354 from over-55s wanting to buy or rent homes. (The comment is noted and the results of the 2007 Housing Needs Survey will be published at the end of April.)

Development should be on a brown field or in town where elderly are close to amenities. (The comment is noted and brown field sites are being investigated.)

Houses should be for first-time buyers not elderly. (The existing primary school could not accommodate the number of children from a development of this size and would also add to peak traffic congestion.)

Glasshouse site in St. Martin should be used for first-time buyer housing. (This proposal is dealing specifically with finding an appropriate site for the Parish of St. Saviour.)

Greenfields and offices are not the way to go. (The comment is noted.)

Can it accommodate 78  homes and a 70  bed care home?(The site is 12 acres and which is ample space for a development of this type. Avalon Park at St. Clement is an example of a similar density.)

Allotments should be included on site. (The comment is accepted.)

Over-55s will use roads at peak times and contribute to traffic congestion. (Traffic modelling has been carried out for this site and does not support the assertion being made.)

Pedestrian access, safety and traffic management need to be carefully considered by both the Parish and TTS. School children need a safe route to and from school. (The comment is accepted.)

Need to ensure a good quality of life is achieved for residents of the new development. (The comment is accepted.)

Jersey Dairy could be used instead. (The comment is not accepted, the site is not available and the owners of that site will want to maximise its value.)

Physical size of the development will have a tremendous impact. (The comment is not accepted. By way of example, Avalon Park is a similar density.)

The proposal is biased toward rental sector already well catered for by existing developments in St.  Saviour.(The comment is not accepted. This development would provide 55% open market downsize homes and 45% Parish social rent. The Parish of St.  Saviour do not own any social rent property.)

These fields have remained fallow for years and should be cultivated. (The is noted.)

New shops will compete with existing ones. (The comment is not accepted. The on-site facilities will provide goods and services to residents.)


489 CarPark


71.4 Car Park

67.3 PlayingField



PlayingField gatt e

o TennisCourts PlayingField Cairot



490 73.5 74.1

72.9 73.0 M 240.63




490 69.8





l U/C

64.0 St. Saviour 's Hil 71.8



Pool 4

59.1 ST. SAVIOUR518

t e

n La Croix de Bois sseB


(Five Oaks) a h

C a



516 Gardens

La Chasse


66.4 CarPark




61.6 61.9 Le Clos de Pâtier

516A ElSubSta


67.1 63.4



56.8 58.1 60.4 66.6

  1. 67.6

Issues 619 64.9


67.4 66.1

59.4 s

  1. Le Jardin à Pommier

Pool La Ruette de Patier 68.5


65.8 PrimaryS





58.0 67.9

69.0 69.

618 67.6



60.8 Le Jardin à Pommiers 67.5

Pool 68.9

61.6 64.0 U/C 69.2

Drawing Number 2007/04 Scale:1:2500 COPYRIGHT STATES OF JERSEYFields 516, 516A, 517 & 518, St Saviour Date:31:10:07

Field 274, La Lourderie, St. Clement   ( D r a w  in g N o . 2 007/05)

This is a brown field' site which comprises a number of redundant glasshouses on approximately vergées and designated in the 2002 Island Plan as Site H4 (14).

It is considered that this site could accommodate a mix of approximately 34 lifelong dwellings for older people (over 55).

The site is located near La Rocque, is contiguous with the existing built-up area, is on a good bus route and is in walking distance to shops at Pontac.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group has no objection to the loss of the site to horticulture.

Health Protection believe that the glasshouse complex may mean that there are issues of contamination, which should be investigated prior to the submission of a planning application.

Transport and Technical Services support the site provided vehicular access and egress meet the current standards and that careful consideration is given to improving pedestrian permeability and safety in and around the site with the relevant authorities.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation:

Potential loss of privacy to adjacent property. (The comment is noted and the issues of privacy will be addressed at the application stage.)

Elderly downsize homes must be affordable. (The comment is noted and planning obligations will be used to secure affordable rental homes. Developers will also be conscious to ensure that the open market downsize home are taken up.)

Internal room sizes must be reasonable. (The comment is noted and internal space will be well above the minimum requirement.)

Accessibility to facilities is important. (The comment is noted and the site have been selected on that basis.)

The site is remote from the church or community hall. (The comment is noted, however the site is on a good bus route.)

The Parish Hall meeting did not provide any hope for first-time buyers, the land is being zoned only for social rent and open market sheltered homes instead. We have no objection to the social rent homes but the open market homes are not fair. (The comment is noted and will be considered following the release of the Housing Needs survey.)


Tra Pond 585 587 Drain ck


585 587

9.1 272D

275A 372A 272A 272C 586


8.2 273A La Petite Sente 590





8.9 Reservoir 274 8.3 8.5







Pool Pool 11.1




C 8.7 C















ool P

Le Fondrillon


Drawing Number 2007/05 Scale:1:2500 COPYRIGHT STATES OF JERSEY Field 274, St. Clement Date:31:10:07

Field 605, St. John     ( D r a w  in g N o . 2 0 0 7 /0 6 )  

The site comprises approximately vergées of agricultural land and is designated in the 2002 Island Plan as Site H4 (16) – Sites safeguarded for future Category housing, although it remains to be formally zoned for housing.

It could accommodate a mix of approximately 16 lifelong dwellings for older people (over  55).

The site is located near the centre of St.  John's Village and is in easy walking distance of all the village amenities and facilities, and is a short walk to the Parish Hall , St.  John's Primary School and the recreation centre.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group has no objection to the loss of the site. Health Protection has no issues with the development of this site.

Transport and Technical Services supports the site for the development of lifelong homes, but remains concerned that the bus services in this area is limited. Vehicular access and egress will be required to meet the current standards and careful consideration is to be given to pedestrian permeability and safety in and around the site.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation:

What alternative sites have been investigated? (Several sites were mentioned by the Connétable , however only two were agreed to be taken forward for consultation.)

Traffic issues, dangerous road and traffic congestion around shopping precinct. (The comment is noted and the issue of pedestrian safety will be carefully considered.)

States should use existing vacant stock before building new. (The comment is noted; however this proposal is to meet Parish need for need housing.)

Impact on Parish infrastructure in respect of policing and traffic management. (The comment is noted and will be referred to the Parish.)

Privacy to nearby properties (The comment is noted and the issues of privacy will be addressed at the application stage.)

The Connétable stated in the JEP that he did not need retirement homes, so please develop homes for first-time buyers instead. (The comment is noted and will be considered following the release of the Housing Needs survey.)




225 104.5 617








227 228




614 Pond














La Maison


Vesconte 608


Pool Pool






605 603 106.4


603 602

La Rue De L'Étocquet















104.6 105.1 106.9







104.7 illedesChenes V


StJohn's 596 Church

1 (CofE)

a L


8 1










PH 107.6




107.6 370


WarMeml Hall

ST. JOHN 105.9 108.2








PpgSta 108.4





Pool 103.8 106.5 Le Close de L'Ecole



376 desB 107.7

ue Pool R










Drawing Number 2007/06


Field 605, St John



Fields 561 and 562, St. Mary   (D  r a w i n g N  o . 2 0 0 7 / 0 8 )

This is a brown field site' which comprises a number of redundant glasshouses; the site area is approximately 5½ vergées and the land is designated in the Island Plan as Countryside Zone.

The site could accommodate at least 33  dwellings, providing a mix of first-time buyer, open market lifelong dwellings for the over-55s and lifelong dwellings for social rent.

The site is located to the south of St.  Mary's Village and is in walking distance of the village amenities and facilities. There is also capacity at St.  Mary's primary school to cater for children living in the first-time buyer homes.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group has no objection to the loss of the site to horticulture.

Health Protection believes that the glasshouse complex may have issues of contamination, which should be investigated prior to the submission of a planning application. In addition, the site should have a sustainable travel links to the town.

Transport and Technical Services do not support the site as there is little opportunity for potential residents to use methods of transport other than single occupant car journeys. Pedestrian permeability and safety in and around the site would require careful attention with the relevant authorities. If the development goes forward then vehicular access should be from La Rue de la Rosière.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation: In broad agreement with the development objectives. (The comment is noted.)

Concern about impact on privacy and amenity to neighbouring property. (The comment is noted and the issue will be addressed if an application is submitted.)

New homes should be positioned away from boundary. (The comment is noted and the design will need to avoid loss of privacy to neighbouring property.)

Housing should be low level to preserve skyline. (The comment is noted, the design of the scheme will need to compliment that of the surrounding neighbourhood.)

Landscaping, boundary treatment and future maintenance should be carefully considered. (The comment is accepted and a good quality landscaping scheme will be required.)

External lighting should not be excessive and observe dark sky policy. (The comment is accepted.) Incorporate traffic calming. (The comment is noted and the issue will be carefully considered.)

ST. MARY 95.9

95.7 493

99.7 487 99.9 99.0

Le Jardin de L'Est

95.5 494



Car Park

Cemetery 495 100.1

Pool 98.4





La Route de Ste Marie

SCtMhuarrcyh's B54 497 MetBheotdhislethCehmurch Hall 567


CHURCH e ier

s o


la e

498 d




99.7 a




565 568



902 903 904

97.2 563

98.1 554


902 903






97.5 96.3


560 556

95.4 95.4




557 548

Les Potirons 93.4


544 90.1

Drawing Number 2007/08 Scale:1:2500 COPYRIGHT STATES OF JERSEY Fields 561 & 562, St. Mary Date:31:10:07

Land north east of Maison St. Brelade  ( D r a w  in g N o . 2007/09)

The site comprises vergées of uncultivated land and is designated in the 2002 Island Plan as Countryside Zone.

This site could accommodate an extension to Maison St. Brelade providing approximately 8 units of accommodation.

The site is located at Maison St.  Brelade and in easy walking distance of the bus stop and a range of shops at Quennevais Precinct and the amenities and facilities at Les Quennevais recreation area.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group has no interest in the land. Health Protection reported no issues with the development of this site.

Transport and Technical Services support  the site.  However, either La Petite  Route des  Mielles should be investigated for traffic calming or improvements for pedestrian links to the railway walk should be investigated.

The site can be connected to mains services.

No site-specific comments were received from the public consultation.




El SubSta 64.0



Pool 66.0

65.7 Pool


Le Pont Marquet Drive 63.3

Pool 119 119





60.1 70.8


126 127


69.0 Les Mielles des Quennevais 128



Car Park

Maison St Brelade


154 154


Drawing Number 2007/09 Scale:1:2500 COPYRIGHT STATES OF JERSEY Land North East of Maison St Brelade Date:31:10:07

Field 148, Rue des Maltières, Grouville (D  r a w i n g N  o .  2007/10)

The site is an infill development of land between Clos des Maltières and residential properties fronting Rue des Maltières and Rue Horman. It is designated as Countryside Zone in the 2002 Island Plan, and comprises approximately 4 vergées. The south-east part of the site is adjacent to Grouville Marsh and should be retained in its natural state. It benefits from a field access to Rue Horman, which could enable a direct pedestrian route to Gorey Village.

The site could accommodate approximately 20 lifelong dwellings for the Parish of Grouville , the development of which would be undertaken by the Gouray Lodge Charitable Trust and appropriate protection measures for the marsh will be required during construction and once the dwellings are occupied.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group has advised that the top ¾ of the field produces a crop of early potatoes and should be retained in agriculture.

Health Protection reported no issues with the development of this site.

Transport and Technical Services support the site and advise that improvements for pedestrians should be investigated.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation:

Many other land owners were willing to make land available why weren't they consulted? (Other sites were mentioned by the Connétable , however this site best met the Connétable 's requirement.)

Island Plan Policy  C6 makes a presumption against development therefore this site should not be considered. (The comment is noted, hence the Minister's decision to take a report and proposition to the States to rezone the land.)

The Jersey Pottery site should be used instead or build homes on the green area next to Jersey Pottery. (The comment is noted; however permission has already been given for open market housing on the JP site. The adjacent green area is an essential part of the village flood relief scheme and cannot be built on.)

Eco-impact to the marsh. (The comment is noted and the Environment Department will be consulted on any necessary measures.)

Need for Parish rental houses not proven. (The comment is not accepted. The Connétable has confirmed the Parish need for elderly housing.)

Benefactor's generosity is over-riding planning policy. (Notwithstanding the benefactor's generosity, the site meets the requirements for elderly housing.)

The site floods. (The comment is noted. It is understood that the lower section of the field is wet and this area could not be built on and would be retained as a buffer zone.)

The site is too steep for elderly people. (The comment is not accepted; the existing Parish homes at Hilgrove work well and are on a much steeper site.)

60  houses on the Pottery site will strain infrastructure and amenities and increase traffic.(The comment is not accepted. The traffic impact study for the Potteries site showed that the replacement of the tourist use with residential would reduce traffic.)

These homes should be built in town or on the Waterfront. (This would not address the Parish need.)

Reduce speed limit in Rue Horman to 20  m.p.h.(The comment is noted and will be referred to the Parish.)

Site is 600  m. from village which is too remote for elderly people.(The comment is not accepted. The site is in reasonable walking distance to the village centre and the shops.)

Object to adjacent land being made Green Zone if the site is rezoned. (The comment is noted.)

The field is a wildlife corridor. (The comment is noted and the Environment Department will be consulted on any necessary measures.)

View over the common to France will be lost if this field is developed. (The comment is noted; however the loss of a view is not a material planning consideration. It will however provide the elderly residents with a wonderful amenity.)

Children will not be able to play in Rue des Maltières. (The comment is noted. However, encouraging children to play in a public road is not condoned.)

Development will result in light pollution. (The comment is noted and the issue of light pollution will be addressed at the application stage.)

Design and materials should blend in with the surrounding landscape. (The comment is accepted.)

Build a 1.8  m. wall around the site to safeguard neighbour privacy.(The comment is not accepted; however boundary treatment will need to be carefully designed to ensure it does not have an unreasonable impact on the area.)

Design homes to avoid overlooking and over bearing prejudice to neighbours. (The comment is accepted.) Soft landscaping needs to be carefully designed to avoid impact to neighbours (The comment is accepted.)

Adjacent properties should be rezoned as built-up area. (The comment is noted. If the land is rezoned then the area will be looked at by the Island Plan review.)

Footpath link necessary for easy access to the village. (The comment is accepted.)











75A 12.3 8.9 74







i l

o ë

R o 73 N

72 l u c A e

e la

B P 72A B22 Le La



153B 53A

10.2 r u

te u

72A s o re C

ltiè le 73 Ma 8.l1ace

11.8 es P

d a

in 8.1L

m 10.0



C 8.0









ts e m


12.9 m











142 7.3

la Poterie



R La


d a


R in a




illa P




o G







El Sub Sta

y u6ra.8


G e


148 los


6.6 e

















7.6 0


222 B



















th a







Drawing Number 2007/10



Field 148, Rue des Maltieres, Grouville


Fields 818 and part of Field 873, Trinity ( D r a w  in g N o .  2007/11)

The site presently comprises approximately vergées of agricultural land and is designated in the 2002 Island Plan as Countryside Zone.

The site could accommodate approximately 12 one-bedroom lifelong dwellings for social rent.

The site is a logical extension to the existing Parish sheltered homes and is in easy walking distance to the post office, pub, church and youth centre.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group has advised that the loss of this land will not have a significant impact on the agricultural industry.

Health Protection advise that dwellings may be affected by noise from the church bells and the Trinity Arms and appropriate mitigation measures may need to be put in place.

Transport and Technical Services support the site for the provision of housing for the over-55s. However, improvements for pedestrians outside the nearby shop should be investigated.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation: Support site for OAPs behind existing home. (The comment is noted.)

371.5 584





Cemetery 582


Holy Trinity 112.1 y Parish Church la (C of E) 578 Bou



e 580 u





El Sub S


2 0

578 580 582 C1


Cemetery 110.5 Le Carrefour


112.0 110.0 La Rue ès Picots



109.5 8 821 ur

817 816 Carrefo








818 873

822 873 105.0






de 105.8 ue


823 872





101.7 99.5 881


Pond 866



87 867

Drawing Number 2007/11 2007/11 Scale:1:2500

COPYRIGHT STATES OF JERSEY Field 818 and part of 873, Trinity Date:24:04:08

Field 578, Trinity     ( D r a w  in g N o . 2 0 0 7 /1 2 )  

The site presently comprises approximately vergées of agricultural land and is designated in the Island Plan as Green Zone.

The site could accommodate approximately 36  homes, providing a mix of first-time buyer and one-bedroom lifelong dwellings for social rent.

The site is in a prominent and elevated position, located opposite the existing Parish sheltered homes and is in easy walking distance to the post office, pub, church and youth centre. There is also adequate capacity at Trinity primary school to cater for children living in the first-time buyer homes.

The Rural Economy Strategy Group have advised that this is a commercially viable field which should be retained for the long-term use of the agricultural industry.

Health Protection advise that dwellings may be affected by noise from the church bells and the Trinity Arms and appropriate mitigation measures may need to be put in place. They also recommend the provision for transport links via bus/pedestrian/cycle links.

Transport and Technical Services do not support the development of the site as there is little potential for residents to use methods of transport other than single car occupancy. If the scheme were to go ahead then the development should fund a number of important infrastructure improvements. Provision could be made to relocate the shop into the development site. A pedestrian refuge should be created to assist pedestrians in crossing Rue ès Picots, which would require a degree of road alignment. Entrance to the site should be sited away from La Rue de Presbytère. Roadside pavements should also be provided wherever possible and appropriate.

The site can be connected to mains services.

The following site-specific comments were received from the public consultation:

The development would need careful landscaping and tree planting (The comment is accepted and a good quality landscaping scheme will be required.)

Existing trees should be retained (The comment is accepted, however some roadside improvements would be necessary.)

Red squirrels live in the area. (The comment is noted and the Environment Department will be consulted on this matter.)

Retain privacy for the rectory. (The comment is noted and this issue will be addressed at the application stage.)

Request for a 20 m.p.h. speed limit along that stretch of road.(The comment is noted and will be referred to the Connétable and TTS for consideration.)

Request for pedestrian crossing. (The comment is accepted. Transport and Technical Services concur with the comment.)

The field should be retained as open space. (The comment is noted.)

Currently developments in Trinity negate the necessity for a Parish development. (The comment is not accepted, none of these developments provide affordable first-time buyer or elderly homes.)

Trinity School will not have capacity. (The Parish primary school has sufficient capacity.)

Could Parish help FTBs to buy flats at Highfield instead? (The comment is noted, however because Field 568 is being given to the Parish free of charge, this enables the Parish to provide affordable homes for young parishioners.)

Retain existing boundary trees and protect roots even the stumps on the north boundary. Uses hedges on the boundary, not walls or fences. (The comment is noted and a detailed landscaping scheme will be required as part of the application.)








116.5 La Rue de la Petite Falaise







0 2 1


115.5 235


ellier 569 S








ytère sb


re P u

d e


Hall 237

u R a















Pool 573




Cemetery 582



Holy Trinity





578 580








578 580 582


Cemetery 110.5 LeCarrefour

PH 112.0


La Rue ès Picots













817 816 four

arre C



R La



818 873

822 873 105.0





Travers 105.8 de


823 872









101.7 99.5 881


Drawing Number 2007/12 Scale:1:2500 RSEY Field 578, Trinity Date:31:10:07

Design and specification criteria General design criteria for all dwellings

The Minister will have regard to the following general design criteria when considering all schemes for development:

Internal and external space of all units shall comply with the minimum requirements of PPN6, unless otherwise specified and all dwellings will be life time home compliant.

The homes are to be designed to reduce the dwelling CO² emission rate and comply with the Minister's proposals to improve energy efficiency requirements of the Jersey Building Bye-Laws.

Any off-site infrastructure which is deemed by the Minister to be necessary in relation to the proposed development will be a planning obligation on the development.

In developer-led schemes, the Parishes shall have initial nomination rights over all the first-time buyer and lifelong dwellings for the over-55s. All social rented dwellings shall be allocated jointly by the

Housing Department and the respective parish.

Permanent Broadband Internet access, telecommunication and digital TV service shall be provided to each home.

A minimum of 10% of the site area should be made available for communal open space within the development.

Central refuse storage areas should be designed with provision for future waste separation and recycling.

On-site parking provision should meet the current requirements contained in PPN6.

Schemes must be designed to minimise the visual impact of car parking.

Sustainable forms of transport that reduce reliance on the private car will be encouraged where practicable.

The design of the units should comply with the design principles issued by the Minister for Planning and Environment and other relevant Island Plan policies.

Specific criteria for lifelong dwellings for older people (over 55)

The Minister will have regard to the following criteria when considering schemes which include lifelong dwellings for older people (over 55):

The minimum net internal floor space of a bedroom lifelong social rented dwelling for older people (over 55) is to be 66 square metres.

The net internal floor space of a two-bedroom lifelong dwelling for older people (over 55) should comply with the minimum internal space requirement of PPN6.

20% of the social rented dwellings are to be fully disabled compliant.

All social rented dwellings are to have wheelchair accessible shower wet' rooms.

Bedrooms should be located with easy access to the bathroom and with adequate wheelchair circulation around the bed. Provision should also be made in the ceiling to enable a hoist to be fitted which can connect the bedroom with the bathroom.

The social rented units should comply with the Housing Department's Minimum standard specification for States rental homes' or similar agreed specification.

The external private and public amenity areas are to be designed to be accessible for the elderly and disabled. Private amenity areas should be a minimum of 20m² and be designed to minimise maintenance,

by providing patios areas with raised planters.

In larger schemes, an area of land should be set aside for an allotment garden for use by the residents.

The preferred unit type will be single-storey bungalows and anything other must have appropriately designed lift access. Any loss of privacy or overbearing impact to neighbouring property must be


All schemes for lifelong dwellings for older people (over 55) shall incorporate a community room, which will provide a point of contact for residents and a store for nursing and home care purposes. The

amenities and facilities provided on the sites will be required to be inclusive and available to all residents. The minimum occupancy age for an open market lifelong dwelling will be 55  years.