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Further to the presentation by his predecessor of the Williamson Report - Implementation Plan - Approval and Funding' (R.8/2009) on 4th February 2009, can the Minister inform members which, if any, of recommendations 1 to 11 and A to C have been fully implemented and, if not, can he provide the reasons behind any decisions not to implement recommendations, when those decisions were made and by whom?
(Please see overleaf.)
The table below outlines the recommendations of the Williamson Report, the States Implementation Plan 2009 and a current update.
No | Recommendation | States Implementation Plan 2009 | Update |
1 | Create the post of Minister for Children whose responsibilities should be determined following discussions about whether the scope of this role should be for all children or specifically vulnerable children and their families. | The "Corporate Parent" is replaced by a single Minister, the Minister for Health & Social Services. The Minister will have designated responsibility at the Council of Ministers for services for vulnerable children and their families. For the day to day political oversight of these services, the Minister will formally delegate this function to the Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services. | The political lead for corporate parenting was delegated to the Children and Young People's Policy Group. This responsibility now rests with CAVA (the Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Group). |
2 | Redesign Children's Executive to report to Minister | It is proposed that services currently under the remit of the Children's Executive should report to the Minister for Health and Social Services | All services within the remit of Children's Services report to the Minister for Health and Social Services. |
3 | Appoint external organisation to review Children's Service on a bi annual basis | Bi-annual external inspection of children's services will be commissioned from nationally respected agencies specialising in the area of children's services and secure provision. The first inspection will focus on residential and secure accommodation and will take place in 2009. The second inspection will take place in 2010 and focus upon Child Protection Services. Thereafter, children's services will be subject to a rolling programme of bi-annual inspection. | Inspections were carried out in 2012 by the Scott ish Social Work Services Inspection Agency (now the Care Inspectorate) with a follow up Inspection in 2013. Children's services continue to be audited and subject to external scrutiny and challenge. Ongoing audits of social work practice were completed in 2015. This process will be replicated this year. Work is ongoing to scope a review of residential services for children. Audit outcomes are reported to the Children's Services Improvement Board chaired by the Chief Minister. |
4. | Appoint external Reviewing Officer | A full-time Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) will be appointed. The IRO must be independent of the statutory child protection' and looked after children' authorities and be able to guarantee that personalised planning is provided for all children and young people. They would also provide external scrutiny of the work of children's services generally provided in these areas. | The Independent Safeguarding Service (ISS) has been established to review children's plans independent of case management responsibility. This service has been increased from 2 FTE to 4 FTE posts of Independent Reviewing Officers. In addition, the management of the service has been strengthened. |
5. | Establish group representing users of remodelled Children's Service | It is proposed that a wholly independent service is established for Looked After Children, primarily (though not exclusively) for those in residential care, particularly those who do not have on-going contact with their parents. It will be dedicated to monitoring and ensuring their well being and helping them to express their wishes and feelings by encouraging self advocacy or advocating on their behalf and reporting any cause for concern to the Independent Reviewing Officer. Health and Social Services is already in discussion with the Jersey Care Leavers Association, working towards identifying how best to support this developing group. | A group of volunteers known as the Independent Visitors for Young People (IVYP) has been established to fulfil this remit. Regular meetings take place between this group and Children's Services Managers. There is work taking place to consider the medium/long term role of the IVYP in preparation for the establishment of the Commission and the implementation of the Regulation of Care Act. In addition a contract has been awarded to Barnardo's to provide an independent "Participation Officer" to seek the views of children in care and develop a "Children In Care Council" (CICC). |
6. | Refine contractual approach to external agencies e.g. NSPCC, Brig Y Don, The Bridge, identify gaps in provision and prioritise areas for future service development. | A scoping project will take place to consider the role and function of existing preventative and supportive services working in this sector. It will recommend the most efficient and effective way to develop, alter or extend existing provision to ensure that parents and children, particularly the most vulnerable, can be provided with easy to access, user friendly' support services which result in improved outcomes for children and which enable, in appropriate cases, easy transition to specialist services. It will examine arrangements for joint strategic and operational planning and make recommendations to enhance the co-ordination and management of services across key providers of family support services, and across specialist services including the statutory child protection agencies. It will also identify gaps in provision and prioritise areas for future service development. | The Children and Young People's Framework was developed and launched in 2011 providing a strategic framework for partners to deliver agreed outcomes reporting to the Children's Policy Group. A strong working partnership between The Bridge and the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) has been established. Professional practices at Brig y don and other children's homes have been modernised over the last year. Additional staffing has been agreed that ensures the capability to deliver to the most up to date standards of care. There is active dialogue between the children's service and other major providers including Barnardo's and NSPCC. |
7 | Consider future role of children's residential homes | The investment in fostering and adoption services and the focus on preventative' work with young people has | The service is under the management of a Head of Service for Looked after Children. With the rapid increase in the number |
| seen a significant reduction in the total number of Looked After Children. This has had a knock on effect on the number in residential care. The last two years have seen a reduction from 42 to 21 and further decreases are predicted. A small number of young people will continue to require residential care. It is expected that the need for residential child care beds will reduce from 29 to 15 by the end of 2009. Residential Units will therefore be configured as follows: Two 6 bedded and one three bedded residential unit will be provided. One of the 6 bedded units will be Brig-Y-Don. Consideration needs to be given to the possibility of using some of the current residential stock or seeking to release capital from the selling of these properties to allow for the purchase of another 6 bedded property. | of children looked after and the number of children subject to child protection plans in 2015, it is still necessary to expand the number and type of placements available on the island for looked after children. Residential care provisions will be remodelled to provide more intensive therapeutic support for looked after children. The role of Greenfields Secure Unit is being changed to provide services to young people remanded or receiving custodial sentences as an alternative to prison. |
8 | Develop a new management structure to ensure all services – Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Youth Action Team (YAT), Youth Service and Schools contribute to wellbeing of children and young people | The new Children's Directorate will bring together all the children's services mentioned above and will be the conduit by which all issues relating to vulnerable children and their families are managed. This represents a substantial and ground breaking development bringing together as it does children's social care and health services under one management structure. Existing resources will be re-configured and re-aligned to create the necessary senior management structure. A Director of Social Work will join the Corporate Directorate of H&SS to work alongside the Medical Director and Director of Nursing & Governance | Children's Services are within the Community & Social Services directorate within the Health and Social Services Department. The Managing Director of Community & Social Services is a registered social worker. |
9 | Develop whistle blowing policy for all staff | The policy has been re-written. A suitable independent person/organisation is being sought to provide the assurance that all concerns raised by those who work for the States of Jersey are tackled in an open, timely and transparent way. The Comptroller and Auditor | A whistle blowing policy is in place across the States of Jersey. Raising Concerns guidance is also available to HSSD staff. |
| General, has indicated that he may be prepared to be considered for this role. Clear advice has been included in the policy about how to handle anonymous and off the record' statements. |
10 | Develop a link between the Greenfields Secure Unit and La Moye Youth Offenders Wing with the Jersey Child Protection Committee to ensure that the safeguarding responsibilities are maintained | The JCPC Procedures and Audit Sub-Committee, working as appropriate with the Safeguarding Children Living Away From Home Sub- Committee will be asked to make recommendations to the JCPC about safeguarding procedures. Recommendations regarding the development of safeguarding arrangements for looked after children and those in the YOI will take account of the following:
ensures that the young people are confident that there will be no adverse impact on themselves if they make a complaint.
entail building on existing formal arrangements for monitoring self-harm and violent incidents between young people | The Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board (JSPB) has replaced the former Jersey Child Protection Committee. The responsibilities of the JSPB in respect of children are governed by a "Memorandum of Understanding". The objective of the JSPB is to co-ordinate what is done by each person or body represented on the Board for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the area and to ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each such person or body for those purposes. All services are included under this remit and have representatives on the Safeguarding Partnership Board. As stated above there is an independent Visitors for Young People Service in place. There have been a number of Serious Case Reviews under the governance of the Safeguarding Partnership Board. There is an actions tracker' in place to ensure progress of recommendations and necessary actions. |
11 | Replace the present Emergency Duty system which uses the Police Service by one which uses 24 hour Health and Social Services availability | The system of calls coming through the General Hospital needs to be redesigned and consideration given to whether this is more appropriately delivered via the combined fire and ambulance control room. This will provide an effective filtering' system whereby the staff ask some very deliberate and careful questions to confirm that the matter is an emergency' | Out of hours support and an on call' service is in place which supports multi agency working. |
| and that other options for dealing with the presenting situation have been adequately explored, before it is forwarded to the Duty Officer. |
A | Develop individual Training Plans for members of staff | It is proposed that the training officer function currently under the Children's Executive will be brought together with a new Training Co-ordinator' post. This will capitalise upon the joint expertise to develop a training unit' which will lead on delivering individual plans in a co-ordinated manner by liaising with team/unit managers in the respective areas. | Supervision arrangements have been strengthened with all staff in receipt of regular supervision. Annual appraisals are completed. Training plans are collated into a training needs assessment which is used by senior managers to ensure the workforce is skilled to meet service objectives. |
B | Develop a Court Advisory Service similar to CAFCASS in the UK | The proposal is for the creation of the Jersey Court Advisory Service. It is recommended that the Probation Board would be the appropriate responsible body to monitor the work of the service, at least through its initial phases of separation from the existing structures and development as a stand-alone service. | A Jersey Court Advisory Service has been established under the auspices of the Probation Service. |
C | Lord Laming Compliance – Case management | Ensure that Social Worker caseload size and complexity is monitored, evaluated and where necessary reduced so that staff are effectively supported in discharging their responsibilities under the Children (Jersey) Law 2002. To set a target reduction in caseload size to 12 child protection and looked after and accommodated children per Children and Families social worker and ensure sufficient legal advice is available to enable Social Workers to effectively discharge their duties | Caseloads are routinely monitored. It is recognised that caseloads have been high in children's services and this is one of the areas that will be addressed with the additional resource agreed in the MTFP 2. Resources have been provided to ensure that safeguarding standards and effective child care practices can be maintained. |