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Agenda - Public Accounts Committe - 29 March 2021

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Public Accounts Committee Agenda

Date:  Monday 29 March 2021

Time:  1pm – 4:00pm

Venue:  TEAMS (please note this will not be a hybrid' meeting)

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey except for the Public Hearing between 2-3.30pm.


  1. Minutes

To approve the private and public minutes of 8 March 2021

  1. Declaration of Interests

To declare interests in accordance with the Code of Practice.  


  1. Audit Plan Update

To receive an update from the C&AG on the audit plan for 2021

  1. States Employment Board (SEB) Follow Up

To receive a project specification on the planned follow up review of SEB


  1. Public Hearing with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief of Staff (CoS)

To welcome the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief of Staff to a public hearing at 2pm

  1. Question Plan (to follow)
  2. Confidential paper from COO on ICT programme (circulated on TEAMS only)
  3. Chief Ministers Report on the Use of Consultants from January to June 2020    (data table circulated separately)
  4. Complaints Board Report (circulated separately)


  1. Estate Management

a.  To receive a verbal update on the progress of the sub-group.

  1. Performance Management

a.  To receive a verbal update on the progress of the sub-group.

  1. 2020 Annual Report and Accounts

To consider a proposal that the Performance Management subgroup review the States Annual Report and Accounts and consider next steps, including a question plan for the separate private briefings with Mazars and the CEO on 12th April 2021.


  1. Work Programme

To receive an updated work programme for 2021

  1. Citizens' Panels

To consider scrutinising the use of Citizens Panels by the Government:

  1. Draft proposal
  2. Response letter from CEO
  1. C&AG's Report on Anti-Corruption Arrangements
  1. To approve the presentation to the States of the Executive Response
  2. To consider and approve an interim Comments Paper
  1. Appointing Independent IT Adviser

To consider steps to take including:

  1. Setting ToR/Scope of review/piece of work that the adviser will comment on
  2. Engagement/ invitation to apply process
  3. Selection process
  4. Engagement Brief to be drawn up and agreed
  1. Performance of PAC

To consider what quantitative targets should be set, based on parameters to be established in forthcoming States Assembly (Scrutiny Section) Annual Report.

  1. Next meeting

To note that the PAC's next meeting will take place at 1pm – 4pm on Monday 12 April 2021, including a private briefing with Mazars, external auditors for the States and a private briefing from the new Chief Executive (via TEAMS)