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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 28 January 2016

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 28th January 2016



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman

Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman [items 7,9 and 10 only] Deputy T. McDonald





In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer

Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Officer (acting up)


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on 14th January 2016. The Chairman thereby signed it accordingly.


14/01/16 Item 3


2. Staff Recruitment and Retention Review

The  Panel  discussed  and  agreed  a  timeline  to  work  to  for  the presentation of the report.

The  Panel  agreed  to  meet  on  Wednesday  3rd  and  Tuesday  16th February in order to finalise the report ready for presentation.


14/01/16 Item 4


3. Zero-Hours Contracts Review

The Panel noted that it was due to meet on Monday 1st February to finish considering the remainder of the first draft of the report.

The  Panel  agreed  to  meet  on  Thursday  11th  February  after  its scheduled Panel meeting to consider the second draft of the report.


14/01/16 Item 5


4. Future Hospital Sub-Panel

The Sub-Panel received an update on the progress of the review.

The Officer advised that a Sub-Panel meeting would be arranged once a date for a briefing from the Health and Social Services Department had been agreed.


14/01/16 Item 6


5. Living on Low Income

The Panel was advised that there had not yet been any interest from advisors to assist the Panel with its review. It was also noted that the Medium Term Financial Plan was to be lodged in June and debated in September  2016,  therefore,  the  timeline  for  the  review  could  be increased.  In  light  of  this  the  Officer  agreed  to  recirculate  the engagement brief to previously contacted, potential advisors in the hope that the extended timeline might probe an interest.




The  Panel  considered  a  draft  press  release  and  agreed  that  the Chairman would amend and circulate to be approved.

The Panel was also advised that a draft Call of Evidence would also be circulated for the Panel to approve.

The  Panel  requested  that  the  Officer  confirm  whether  a  budget  to advertise the review on Channel 103 was available.

The Panel agreed that once the press release, Call for Evidence, and radio advert (budget permitting) had been approved that it would aim to send  them  out  simultaneously  the  week  beginning  Monday  8th February.  



6. New Panel Member

The Panel noted that due to other commitments, Connétable S. Le Sueur -Rennard felt that she did not have adequate time to dedicate to the Health and Social Security Panel and therefore decided withdraw her previous interest.



7. Member Resignation

It was noted that due to a conflict of interest, Deputy G. Southern would resign from the Future Hospital Sub-Panel with immediate effect.


17/09/15 Item 6


8. Question Plan: Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services

The Panel discussed question areas for the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services on Thursday 11th February.

The Panel was advised that the Officers would construct a question plan and circulate prior to the hearing on the 11th.



9. Age Discrimination Regulations

The Panel noted that it would receive a briefing from the Department of Social Security on Monday 8th February.



10. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 11th February 2016 in the Le Capelain room, States Building.

The Panel agreed that it would break after the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services and reconvene at 2:00pm to continue with the scheduled Panel meeting.