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Public Accounts Committee
Record of Meeting
Date: 8th February 2016
Present | Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman Deputy S.M. Wickenden, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor (from Item 4) Deputy J.A. Martin Mr. R.J. Parker Mr. M.J. Robinson |
Apologies | Mr. G. Drinkwater |
Absent |
In attendance | Mrs. K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Mr. M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer Ms. C. Tomlinson, Scrutiny Officer to the Public Accounts Committee |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Apologies Apologies were received from Mr. G. Drinkwater. The Chairman agreed to query availability of Mr. Drinkwater at future meetings. | AL |
| 2. Minutes It was noted the minutes of 11th January contained an error to be corrected before they could be confirmed. Mindful of the recent FOI legislation, the Committee agreed that the future agendas and minutes would be formatted to align with those of other Scrutiny Panels, with the exception of confidential matters. It was further agreed that all items would be itemised separately, for ease of reference and to avoid duplication of discussion. Hence, the minutes of this meeting were reformatted to reflect this change. | CT |
| 3. Conflicts of Interest No potential conflicts of interest were reported. |
| 4. PAC Terms of Reference and Codes of Practice The Chairman briefly explained the background to discussions at Chairmen's Committee. Some concern was expressed that the terms of reference and Codes of Practice could become too detailed and prescriptive, potentially reducing flexibility. The Committee agreed that its preference would be for new Codes of Practice to be relatively simple, with more complicated issues to be referred to the Policy and Procedures Committee as and when necessary. The Committee agreed this should be fed back to the Chairman's committee promptly. | CT |
| 5. Public Sector Reform Regarding the ministerial response to the Committee's report |
512/27 | (PAC.3/2015), the Chief Minister's Department had been invited by the Chairman to reconsider its response to recommendation 1. No further correspondence had yet been received. It was agreed written questions would be drafted to request a formal progress update. | CT |
512/1/1(6) | 6. Financial Directions Review The C&AG advised the Panel she had received responses to the recommendations in her report and would prepare a follow-up report for the second half of the year. | C&AG |
512/28 | 7. Financial Management The Committee considered and amended a framework of questions to be asked of the witnesses (Chief Executive Officers of Health and Social Services, Infrastructure, Constitutional Affairs and the Greffier of the States), in advance of the Public Hearing on 9th February 2016. It was agreed that the Treasurer should be sent a letter requesting the project plan for implementation of the recommendations made by the C&AG. The Committee agreed the Chairman would consider a draft request to the previous witnesses asking for further information and written responses to questions posed. | CT AL |
512/1/1(6) | 8. The States as Shareholder – JT The Chairman had written to the Treasury Minister asking him to set out the reasons for ownership, and to clarify the shareholder function but no reply had yet been received. It was agreed that a further letter should be sent reiterating the request, mindful that the PAC were concentrating on the shareholder management function rather than other aspects that the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel was considering. | CT |
512/1/1(6) | 9. Use of Management Information in Health and Social Services (HSSD) operating theatres The Committee noted further correspondence from the Chief Executive Officer of the HSSD concerning the use of Management Information in the Health Department (dated 23rd December 2015). |
512/1/1(6) | 10. Procurement The Committee noted a further response from the Treasury, dated 23rdrd December 2015, regarding the C&AG's report (R.96/2015) The Treasurer had agreed it would send a procurement strategy by January 2016, which the Committee had not yet received. The Committee agreed it should send a reminder letter. | CT |
| 11. Ongoing Scrutiny Training The Committee agreed it would wish to follow up on the training received in 2015, and directed the Officer to organise such training with a strong practical learning element. | CT |
| 12. Chairmen's Committee meeting - Transfer of Functions The Committee noted the Transfer of Functions paper and agreed names should reflect the functions undertaken. |
512/25 | 13. Executive Response to PAC 2.2015 (Financial Directions) The Committee noted the response dated 4th January 2016 from the Executive and noted its action plan in relation to recommendations made. |
512/1/1(6) | 14. Community and Social Services (C&AG report) The Committee praised the comprehensive response from the Chief Executive Officer of HSSD, regarding the recommendations set out in R.131/2015. It agreed it would send a letter to the CEO, advising it would follow the timely implementation of those recommendations with interest and follow up as and when necessary. | CT |
AE Article 37 512/1/1(6) | 15. C&AG – Financial Management Follow up report The C&AG presented a brief confidential update on her plans to follow up the R.38/2015 report. |
QE Article 37 512/1/1(6) | 16. C&AG – Modernising Financial Management The Committee received a confidential copy of the presentation given recently by the C&AG to the Financial Advisory Board, entitled, "Modernising Financial Management". |
QE Article 37 512/1/1(6) | 17. C&AG – Jersey Audit Office Audit Plan The C&AG presented a brief confidential update on the progress made. |