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Supporting Statement

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Supporting Statement




Copy No


Issued To








Rev :






J Weatherby



December 2006


S.E Davies





J. Weatherby




Primary Distribution – Transport and Technical Services Department (TTSD)



Staff Member



John Richardson

Chief Officer


William Gardiner

Director, Waste Strategy Project


Quintin Murfin

Principal Engineer, Waste Strategy Project

Copyright Babtie Fichtner Limited. All rights reserved.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................................III 1  INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1

1.1  Background........................................................................................................................1

2  PROJECT DRIVERS ...............................................................................................................2

  1. The Current Incinerator at Bellozanne...............................................................................2
  2. Solid Waste Management..................................................................................................3
  3. Current European Practice.................................................................................................4
  1. Technology Selection for the New Plant...........................................................................5
  2. Plant Capacity....................................................................................................................7

3  PROJECT BENEFITS..............................................................................................................9

  1. Sustainable Disposal of Jersey's Residual Waste..............................................................9
  2. An integrated Bulky Waste Facility...................................................................................9
  3. Recovery of Renewable Energy........................................................................................9
  4. A Potential Channel Islands Solution..............................................................................10

4  SITE SELECTION..................................................................................................................11

  1. Reasons for Selecting La Collette....................................................................................11
  2. Visual Impact...................................................................................................................13
  3. Impact on Development of Area......................................................................................17



1.1  Background

In May 2005, the States of Jersey Environment and Public Services Committee published their Solid Waste Strategy "Changing the Way We Look at Waste". The Strategy, which was supported by an overview document "Dealing with Jersey's Waste", reflected the internationally accepted Waste Hierarchy of Prevention, Minimisation, Reuse, Recycling/Composting, Energy Recovery and lastly Disposal. The Solid Waste Strategy (The Waste Strategy) was adopted by the States of Jersey on 13th July 2005.

While prevention and minimisation are ideally the most preferred of the options, there are limits to what can be achieved with these measures in practical, environmental and economic terms. Prevention  and  minimisation  are  only  likely  to  slow  down  the  rate  of  increase  of  waste production. Although the long term aim is to reduce waste, in the short to medium term the States of Jersey's Strategy is to focus on increasing the amount of material reuse, recycling and composting, and to improve the efficiency of energy recovery.

Accordingly, the Strategy identified the need for the following key additional services and facilities:

  • Encourage home composting through suitable initiatives
  • Expand the existing "bring" bank collection system to a wider geographical area and to include a wider range of materials
  • Pilot a kerbside collection of recyclables in partnership with the Parishes
  • Improve the "bring" collection systems for domestic green waste
  • Establish a new Re-use and Recycling Centre (for collection of recyclables, end of life electrical and electronic goods and bulky waste)
  • Develop an enclosed Composting Facility for green waste
  • a new Energy from Waste (EfW) facility;

All of these initiatives have been pursued by Transport and Technical Services since the Solid Waste Strategy was approved. Home composting is being promoted with subsidised composting bins, an expansion of the "bring" bank system is programmed to take place in the Spring of 2007, a pilot kerbside collection of recyclables in partnership with the Parish of St John has been successful  and  expansion  to  other  Parishes  is  proposed  in  2007,  a  temporary  Re-use  and Recycling Centre will be established in January 2007 and an expression of interest for land for siting an enclosed compost facility was issued in December 2006.

The development of a new Energy from Waste facility forms an integral part of the States of Jersey Waste Strategy.

A formal planning application is being submitted, together with a complete Environmental Impact Statement which describes the Environmental Impact Assessment carried out on the proposed facility.

This supporting statement forms part of the planning application and is intended to summarise the main drivers behind the project, and the benefits of the proposal.


  1. The Current Incinerator at Bellozanne

The existing incinerator at Bellozanne disposes of approximately 80,000 tonnes per annum of solid waste. The incinerator consists of two streams installed in 1974 and a third stream installed in 1992. The installation of the third stream was necessitated by the large increase in residual solid waste over the interim years. At the time of commissioning, the Bellozanne plant was best available technology. Over time, air quality requirements have become more stringent and Energy from Waste technology has improved significantly to match these requirements, meaning the existing Bellozanne plant no longer offers best practice.

Existing Incinerator at Bellozanne

The existing plant operates close to its capacity. Whilst the plant has a total design capacity of about 19 tonnes per hour, it normally operates at about 14 tonnes per hour if all streams are running. Energy from waste plants normally require a reasonable amount of maintenance, and

typically operate for between 80-88% of the year. Due to its age, the existing Bellozanne plant is operating below the lower end of this range, and at times cannot keep up with the amount of waste produced. During 2006, several thousand tonnes of waste were stockpiled whilst the plant was being repaired. As the Bellozanne plant becomes older, it is likely that the need for more extensive repairs will increase, and so it will not have sufficient capacity to deal with the increase in waste volumes expected on the island.

The current Bellozanne plant also has an extremely limited gas clean-up system, consisting of an electro static precipitator, which removes dust from the flu gas. If the plant was located anywhere else in the European Union, it would have been shut down in 1996 following the introduction of tighter regulations due to the unacceptably high emissions. The Bellozanne plant is the largest single source of airborne pollution on the Island. With limited abatement, emissions of acid gases, dust, dioxins and heavy metals all significantly exceed current European emission standards. To put the emissions in context, the Bellozanne incinerator is estimated to emit about twenty times as many dioxins and furans as are emitted from all the United Kingdom's municipal waste incinerators[1]. The Bellozanne incinerator is the only significant source of hydrogen chloride (an acid gas) on the Island, and emits about 60-70 times more than the permitted amount in Europe.

A detailed engineering review by Babtie Fichtner [2] in 2001 reviewed the possibility of bringing the Bellozanne plant up to modern standards, including adding a flue gas cleaning plant. The review concluded that this would be expensive and, due to the age and construction of the plant, would not offer good value for money. The conclusion was that it would be much more cost effective in the long term to replace the old plant with a new one.

Finally, the existing plant generates some electricity, up to 3 Megawatts per hour, of which about a third is used by the incineration plant. However, about half of the heat produced is lost as the existing steam turbine is too small for the amount of steam generated by the plant. A modern plant would be more efficient, with a larger steam turbine, and would produce up to 10.5 Megawatts of electricity for export to the Island's electrical network.

  1. Solid Waste Management

Our society produces significant amounts of waste material. Whilst the majority of people would prefer this was not the case, the reality is that our way of living inevitably creates waste. As the body responsible for disposing of Jersey's solid waste, Transport and Technical Services (TTS) has to take a long term view of the requirement to safely and securely dispose of all waste materials generated on the Island. To do this, TTS is following established European practice and setting up an integrated waste management system to enable the Island to deal with the waste as beneficially as possible. The foundation of this is the internationally accepted "Waste Hierarchy", which promotes the most sustainable waste management practices, such as waste reduction and recycling before considering energy treatment for waste that is not recycled.

Jersey's Solid Waste Management Strategy promotes these activities, but acknowledges that as an Island, there is a limit to the amount of recycling which can be carried out in an economically sensible and environmentally sustainable manner. As Jersey has little industry, the majority of recyclable material has to be exported from the Island, and the environmental impact of transport and reprocessing can therefore become significant. The current Strategy indicates that an overall recycling and composting rate of at least 32% can be achieved by 2009 and sustained in the long term. TTS is committed to expanding recycling and composting whenever this is considered to be economically and environmentally advantageous.

It would be possible to increase recycling substantially above this level by collecting kitchen waste from households separately and composting this waste. However, this was ruled out within the Solid Waste Strategy for the foreseeable future, due to the lack of outlets on the Island for compost  produced  from  kitchen  and  catering  wastes.  Countries  with  high  recycling  rates generally achieve these by separating and composting kitchen and organic waste alongside other materials such as paper, glass and metal. However, larger European countries have much larger land  masses,  and  kitchen  waste  compost  can  be  used  in  less  sensitive  locations,  such  as restoration of landfills or contaminated industrial sites, or in forestry areas. Jersey, with a high proportion of prime agricultural land, and absence of biodegradable waste landfills, does not have this option.

The assumption within the Solid Waste Strategy is therefore that there will be around 68% of waste left for disposal. With the Island Plan predicting a small growth in households due to reductions in household size, and with potential for economic growth, and potentially increased tourism, the Strategy predicts that there is likely to be a continued growth in the total amount of solid waste arising every year for the foreseeable future.

Jersey  has  no  biodegradable  landfill,  where  organic  waste  can  be  buried,  and  this  is  not considered to be environmentally beneficial in any case, as organic waste in landfill releases methane - a powerful greenhouse gas. Therefore, the conclusion of the Solid Waste Strategy is Jersey should manage its own waste in a responsible manner, and the best approach is to recover some energy value from the residual waste through an Energy from Waste facility.

  1. Current European Practice

European practice is quite variable, with some countries such as Germany, Holland and Austria taking a lead in waste management. These countries decided in the 1990s that landfill was not a suitable way to deal with waste, and through legislation and public pressure developed structures to recycle, compost and recover energy from waste. Other countries, such as the UK, Ireland and Spain, have been slow to introduce more sustainable waste management processes and have been heavily reliant on landfill. Partly due to a greater public awareness, and partly to European legislation such as the Landfill Directive, this situation is rapidly changing and all European countries are now developing more sustainable waste management systems.

Data on waste management is gathered in the European Union database, Eurostat. The most advanced  countries  in  waste  management  have minimised  landfill  by  expanding  recycling, composting and energy recovery. Sweden and Denmark landfilled less than 10% of their waste by  recycling  44%  and  41%  respectively  of  their  waste  in  2004.  The  residual  waste  was incinerated to recover its energy, 47% and 55% respectively. Holland achieved the highest recycling rates in 2004, about 64%, and with energy recovery rates of 34%. This compared with the less advanced countries where landfill was preferred, with Italy landfilling 57% and the UK 69% in 2004. Recycling and composting in these countries was 32% and 22% respectively, with only around 10% used for energy recovery.

It is important to note that different countries adopt different definitions of waste treatment, and this can lead to fairly large differences in comparing recycling performance. For example, in the UK if metal or ash is recycled after processing the waste in an energy from waste plant, this is

classified as energy recovery. However, in Germany, this would be counted towards recycling figures. In Germany, where 24% of the waste goes for energy recovery, and about 50% of the ash is recycled, this means that the German recycling figure will be about 3% higher than the comparable UK one.

Comparing Jersey with other European countries, it can be seen that Jersey's current recycling rate is better than many, but significantly lower than the most developed. As the Solid Waste Strategy develops, the intention is to move Jersey's combined recycling and composting rate to at least 32%. The main reasons for the acceptance of a lower recycling rate than elsewhere in Europe are:

  • Currently  Jersey  is  not intending  to  compost  kitchen  and  catering  waste.  This  could increase overall recycling/composting rates by up to 10%, if the material produced had a beneficial use. Current evaluation of Jersey's requirement for this type of compost is that there is no demand for up to 10,000 tonnes per annum of such material.
  • Recycling of the ash as secondary aggregate would further increase recycling rates. If 60% of the ash, and the ferrous metals separated, are re-used, this would increase recycling rates by about 12%. Currently the loadings of heavy metals in the incinerator ash are too high to allow re-use, but separation of materials containing heavy metals, such as batteries and electrical equipment is set out within the Solid Waste Strategy and programmed for the period before the proposed facility would become operational. This would raise Jersey's recycling rates to similar levels to countries like Sweden.
  • As  an  island,  Jersey  is  not  as  well  placed  as  it  lacks  any  recycling  reprocessing infrastructure and transport to such facilities adds significant costs and potentially counter- productive environmental burdens.

Jersey is different from most other European countries in that it already has no biodegradable landfill. European waste management development is being driven away from landfill into recycling and energy recovery through financial and legislative instruments. Currently Jersey burns its residual waste in the Bellozanne incinerator. The combination of on-going promotion of waste reduction and re-use, the expansion and optimisation of recycling and composting services and energy recovery for all residual waste, is identified within the Solid Waste Strategy as an integrated and sustainable waste management solution.

Therefore, considering the best practice in other European countries, and the restrictions of an island community, energy recovery is considered to have a key role in dealing with Jersey's residual waste.

  1. Technology Selection for the New Plant

As European waste management has moved away from landfill, new technical solutions have been developed. These can be categorised under the following headings:

  • Conventional  Energy  from  Waste   in  this  type  of  facility,  waste  is  converted  by combustion into heat in the form of steam, and the steam is used either directly or to generate electricity. There are hundreds of such plants operating in Europe, and this type of plant continues to be built throughout Europe, with several new plants built each year.
  • Gasification and Pyrolysis – in this type of plant, the waste is converted thermally into a gas. This gas can then be used, potentially as a feedstock, or to generate electricity either from a gas engine or in a conventional steam cycle. If a conventional steam cycle is used, the plant is very similar to a conventional energy from waste plant. Conversion to a feedstock or use with a gas engine remains largely unproven. There are only around 10 examples of commercial gasification or pyrolysis plants operating in Europe.
  • Note : For the purposes of this planning application, the term "Energy from Waste" is used to  collectively  describe  conventional  and  gasification  energy  from  waste  treatment facilities.
  • Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plants. There are approximately 50 of such plants operating in Europe and several new ones are built each year. In this plant, incoming waste  is  processed  mechanically  and  biologically,  normally  producing  several  output streams. The biological treatment process can also reduce the amount of waste by up to 30% largely through water loss. Typical output streams are refuse derived fuel, metals, glass and stones, an organic residue and residual material which is normally landfilled. Each of the output streams needs to be dealt with to provide a complete solution. There are some limited markets for refuse derived fuel, such as cement kilns, but it is normal to pay the off-taker to take this material. The organic material can be treated in a composting facility, but because it is derived from mixed waste, its quality is not good enough for widespread use as a quality compost. Such material would be difficult to use in Jersey in any great amounts.
  • Mechanical Heat Treatment (MHT) or Autoclave systems. Whilst there are no current examples of such plants yet operating commercially in the United Kindom, although demonstration plants have shown that these plants can work. The raw waste is treated by heating with steam or hot air. This sanitises and breaks the organic material such as paper into a fibre. The waste is then separated mechanically into various fractions, such as organic material, plastics, metals, glass and stones and rejects. As with MBT above, the key issue with this type of plant is how to dispose of each of the various separated fractions.
  • Anaerobic Digestion (AD). Anaerobic digestion is a technology used to treat organic material. The current Jersey sewage treatment plant has an AD system to treat sewage sludge. AD could only ever be used to treat the organic fraction of Jersey's solid waste. The process produces a digestate, in the form of a solid sludge. There is no significant outlet for this sludge on the Island.
  • Fuel production. There are a number of processes being marketed which claim to convert part of the waste stream, such as organic material or plastics, into a fuel such as ethanol or diesel. Such systems could be interesting in producing some of Jersey's fuel requirement. However, use of mixed waste streams has not yet been demonstrated technically, and there are no commercial schemes operating converting mixed municipal waste into transport fuel that are available to Jersey.

As part of the planning application, significant amounts of work have been carried out reviewing the available technologies for residual waste treatment. At an early stage, key constraints were identified to aid this review process:

  • The  process,  or  processes,  must  be  demonstrated  to  be  reliable,  with  identifiable performance and operating costs. This means that commercial reference plants must be operating of a reasonable size, processing similar waste as is produced in Jersey. This is considered to be an absolute requirement, because as an island, Jersey could not accept any significant risk with its main residual waste treatment process.
  • The process, or processes, must be capable of dealing with all of Jersey's residual waste. Where a process produces output streams, there must be an overall solution to deal with these streams. This is the main reason behind the rejection of MBT or MHT solutions. These facilities split the waste into other waste streams. Whilst this type of solution may suit a much larger community where several facilities can be distributed throughout a region, it is not suited to a small island.
  • Suppliers of processes must be able to demonstrate they have sufficient experience and capability to deliver the proposed solution. It would not be advisable for Jersey to enter a contract with a small company, or one with a lack of waste management experience, as the risk of problems of delivery of the project would be too high.
  • Companies must be willing to deliver a project on Jersey – clearly Jersey is not in a position to demand that companies supply equipment. To establish the potential suppliers list, an advertisement was placed in the Official Journal of the European Community. This is an established route for waste management companies to advertise projects, read by all experienced waste suppliers. A number of companies responded to this advert, and whilst some have been eliminated as unsuitable using the criteria above, a sufficient selection of companies remains.

The outcome of this procedure is that there are four companies being considered who are able to supply the residual waste treatment plant for Jersey. All these companies are offering either a conventional energy from waste plant or a gasification plant combined with a conventional steam cycle.  The  proposed solutions  are  sufficiently  similar to  enable  a  generic  outline  planning application to be made.

  1. Plant Capacity

The Environmental Impact Assessment includes a full assessment of the plant capacity, and the main analysis is therefore not repeated here. However, it is important to stress the background to this analysis, as it is an argument that if the plant is too large, it will displace environmentally more suitable alternatives, such as recycling.

The plant capacity proposed is intended to handle Jersey's residual waste for thirty years. As it is assumed that waste growth will continue, the plant capacity is larger than required in the early years. However, there are some important points to note:

  1. Jersey is an island with no other residual waste disposal route. If the plant is not available, or is too small, Jersey will either need to stockpile waste or to export it. Export is very expensive, and would require purpose built facilities to bulk and bale the waste prior to transport. It is also unlikely to be allowed under international treaties for anything other than an emergency.
  2. The original plant was built as a two stream plant with spare capacity. Within 15 years it was too small, and a third stream was added on. This was a very difficult operation, and resulted in a plant that was not optimised in layout and therefore difficult to operate and expensive to maintain. Whilst the addition of further capacity would be possible in a new plant, the likelihood of continued waste growth means this is not likely to offer a cost- effective solution and leaves the Island at risk.
  3. There are additional waste streams for which Jersey may require disposal. For example, currently digested sludge from the sewage treatment plant is used on land. Whilst this is

currently the most sustainable solution, it is not certain whether this practice will be sustainable in the longer term. In this event, the most viable alternative is likely to be to burn the sewage sludge in the new incinerator, as has occurred in the past where outlets to land  were  not  available.  Around  10,000  tonnes  per  annum  of  digested  sludge  are generated. There are also other waste streams such as waste oils which are currently stored for export to the UK for disposal. In a new plant with gas clean-up, it may be better to burn this material in controlled quantities in the new energy from waste plant provided that the emission standards required by the Waste Incineration Directive can be achieved.

  1. The proposed capacity of the plant is 18 tonnes per hour, which is very similar to the design  capacity  of  the  existing  plant.  However,  the  existing  plant  has  a  continuous

operating capacity of 14 tonnes per hour, so the new plant will be 29% larger. The new plant will be carefully specified and tested to ensure that its actual operating capacity is 18 tonnes per hour. A plant working at its maximum capacity has a shorter operating life and therefore some spare capacity ensures a higher "availability" for waste. This is a key factor in Jersey where there is limited storage for waste in the event of plant downtime and the cost of exporting waste is prohibitive.

  1. There will be potential in the early years to use additional capacity in the energy from waste plant to process waste from other Channel Islands, if this is determined to be beneficial to both parties.

Despite the above, and the strong belief that the proposed capacity is the right one for the Island, it is important to demonstrate that the Island develops the right sized residual waste treatment facility. Therefore, in line with the commitment given during the States debate on the Solid Waste Strategy on 13th July 2005, plant suppliers will be asked during the tendering process, to provide two proposals: one for an 18 tonnes per hour plant, and one for a plant with a reduced capacity. This will allow a cost benefit analysis to be carried out to demonstrate whether it is better to build a plant with over-capacity in the early years, or opt for a smaller cheaper plant, at the risk of significantly increased costs if additional capacity is added later. The proposed plant capacity of 126,000 tonnes per annum is therefore the maximum to be considered in the outline planning application, but it is possible that a smaller plant would actually be built, if the States Assembly determines this is the preferred approach following the tender process.


  1. Sustainable Disposal of Jersey's Residual Waste

The main benefit of the proposed facility is that Jersey will continue to have a long-term sustainable method of dealing with its residual waste. Selection of reliable, proven technology means that the selected solution will work, and that future operating and maintenance costs can be established.

Questions are sometimes raised over whether Energy from Waste is an "old" technology, past its sell-by-date. Modern Energy from Waste plants are far from this. Over thirty years, constant design improvements have been made in designs to improve efficiency, reduce emissions and reduce maintenance costs. Better selection of construction materials, together with advanced computerised  design  of  combustion  zones,  has  meant  that  the  performance  of  plants  has increased  and  maintenance  has  been  reduced.  Modern  energy  from  waste  plants  are  now designed  to  operate  for  8,000  hours  (11 months)  between  major  outages  for  maintenance, whereas for earlier plants it was commonplace that parts of the boiler were cleaned or replaced every 4,000 hours. The type of plant envisaged for Jersey is that in operation and of proven performance throughout Europe.

The other key impact of the proposed plant will be a large reduction in air pollution. The Jersey incinerator is the most polluting municipal waste incinerator currently operating in Western Europe.  Modern  flue  gas  clean-up  systems  are  extremely  well  designed,  and  will  reduce emissions to negligible levels. In addition, to control emissions and to demonstrate compliance, emissions will be monitored continuously, which is not the case with the existing Bellozanne plant, where emissions are only measured occasionally by sampling carried out by external bodies.

  1. An integrated Bulky Waste Facility

The facility proposed will integrate a Bulky Waste Facility with the Energy from Waste plant, leading to operational improvements. At present, bulky waste is collected on a constrained site at Bellozanne and is shredded in the open, leading to emissions of dust and noise and additional water in the waste. The shredded waste has to be stockpiled in the open, and then transported to the incinerator. These issues will be resolved at the proposed new Bulky Waste Facility, as waste will be received in a covered area and waste will be delivered directly into the Energy from Waste plant bunker by conveyors. The operation will be completely enclosed, containing dust and noise. The Bulky Waste Facility will also be designed to allow recyclable material to be separated.

  1. Recovery of Renewable Energy

The new plant will export up to 10.5 Megawatts of electricity. Of this, around 60% is estimated to come from biodegradable sources, and is therefore considered "renewable" energy. Once in full operation, the plant will export over 50,000 Megawatt hours of electricity, equivalent to 8.5% of the Island's electricity requirements in 2005. This means that 5% of the Island's electricity will be generated from renewable sources due to the proposed plant. The new plant will be the only significant renewable electricity generator on the Island.

Whilst it may be argued that the majority of Jersey's electricity is imported from France, and is therefore generated from nuclear power, another non-fossil fuel energy source, in fact France's nuclear power stations will operate at the same loads, generating the same amount of electricity whether or not Jersey uses this electricity. The electricity would otherwise be exported to other countries, thereby displacing other forms of electricity generated from coal or gas-fired power stations. Therefore, the new energy from waste plant will reduce the net amount of greenhouse gases generated in Europe.

  1. A Potential Channel Islands Solution

Jersey is the only Channel Island to currently incinerate and generate electricity from its residual solid waste. Guernsey currently landfills the majority of its waste and is currently considering how to dispose of its waste. Other islands, for example Alderney, do not have sustainable waste management solutions and are considering options such as incineration without energy recovery or export.

An  investigation  into  a  joint  Channel  Island  facility  was  carried  out  between  Jersey  and Guernsey. This concluded that such a facility was possible, and would be best located at La Collette in Jersey, as Jersey has larger waste arisings than Guernsey, and easy access for Guernsey's waste would be possible from the docks. Guernsey is not currently pursuing this option, as the combined cost of transporting its waste by sea and paying for disposal in a Jersey- based facility was not considered value for money. However, when Jersey's new facility is operational, its use by Guernsey or other Channel Islands remains a potential option.


  1. Reasons for Selecting La Collette

During  the  development  of  the  Solid  Waste  Strategy,  several  sites  across  the  Island  were considered for the possible location of a residual waste treatment facility. As would be expected on a small island, there are only a limited number of suitable locations. Ten potential sites were evaluated, with two sites emerging for detailed evaluation as potential locations for a new energy from waste facility; these being the site of the current refuse handling plant in Bellozanne and the area south of the Jersey Electricity Company power station at La Collette.

Refuse Handling Facility at Bellozanne

La Collette with proposed site located on green waste reception area

The  two  sites  were  considered  in  detail.  The  La  Collette  site  has  clear  advantages  over Bellozanne. These are:

  • Reduced cost. An evaluation comparing the differences between the two sites indicates that the La Collette site will be cheaper overall, despite additional design and foundation costs. This is largely due to the cheaper use of sea water cooling at La Collette, together with no requirement to relocate the Refuse Handling Plant (RHP), which is currently at Bellozanne, during the construction period. In either case, the intention would be to locate a Bulky Waste Facility near to the new Energy from Waste plant.
  • Use of Jersey Electricity Company facilities. Potential exists to share Jersey Electricity Company facilities, using existing equipment which is no longer required. This includes the use of the Jersey Electricity Company chimney, which will mean the Island has only one large chimney. This would also lead to cost savings at La Collette.
  • Potential to import other Channel Island's waste in the early years of operation when the Jersey plant is not operating at full capacity. This would only be viable at La Collette, due to proximity to the docks. This would have a major financial benefit for Jersey.
  • Construction Issues. Whilst it is possible to build a plant at Bellozanne, during construction there  would  be  significant  disruption  in  the  local  area  and  to  the  existing  waste management operations and additional costs due to the narrow access and lack of space at Bellozanne.

All of these factors strongly support locating the new plant at La Collette.  The site comparison indicates that there is no great difference in environmental impact between the two locations reviewed. La Collette is preferred because the plant will be located further away from residences, making it easier to minimise disruption from traffic and noise. Disruption during construction will also be much less, as access to the Bellozanne site is quite restricted and special access provisions would be required. The main disadvantage of La Collette is it is more open, so the plant will be much more visible once it is built.

  1. Visual Impact

The proposed Energy from Waste plant is a significant facility. The height of the cranes above the bunker and the boilers means that a building height of about 35m is likely to be required. At Bellozanne, the plant would be located in a narrow valley and visual impacts will be small. However, at La Collette, the plant will be on the coast and visible from several locations.

The current preferred design has been developed from a series of possible designs, shown in the following picture, with the Jersey Electricity Company power station to the left.

A review was held to consider potential architectural treatments for the proposed facility. The review was undertaken on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Waste Strategy Steering Group, which includes politicians and senior officers from several States Departments. Based on the various potential options, the preferred design was selected as the second picture down (highlighted), which minimised the overall size of the plant. It was also agreed that it was important to minimise the visual impact of the plant, and so a light blue cladding colour was chosen as the most suitable. Landscaping in common with the surrounding area has been selected to screen the plant and allow trees and shrubs to be used to break up the overall impact.

This architectural treatment and colouring selection was developed using building and landscape architects  to  produce  the  current  outline  design,  shown  below. The  views  are  computer generated taken from various directions around the site, and show the landscaped mound with some vegetation.

View from South East

View from South West

View from North West

View from North East

The architectural treatment of the proposed facility will be dependent upon the technology used, (which will be determined through the tendering process) and following an integrated approach to design quality during the tender process, considering the impact, functionality and build quality requirements for the facility.

An  Outline  Design  Statement  within  the  Environmental  Impact  Assessment  describes  the fundamental design principles which will be incorporated in the final detailed design. This will be used as the design basis for the plant. The detailed design of the plant will be carried out by the preferred supplier for the plant, who will be selected by competitive tender. The detailed design of the plant will be submitted to the Planning Department for detailed planning consent.

  1. Impact on Development of Area

The proposed development is located within the wider East of Albert Pier regeneration area, which includes the entire La Collette reclamation area. A master-plan is being developed for the East of Albert area by a Steering Group led by the States Chief Executive coordinated by Property  Holdings  and  with  representation  from  the  Harbours,  Transport  and  Technical Services,  Planning,  Economic  Development,  the  Waterfront  Enterprise  Board  (WEB), Treasury, Chief Minister's Department and the Parish of St Helier.

. The master-plan is being conducted in two stages. Stage 1 (feasibility stage) will cover:

  • · Background Research
  • · Land Assembly Proposal
  • · Traffic Report/Scheme Proposals Development
  • · Risk Analysis
  • · Provisional Land Use Concepts
  • · Provisional Viability Appraisals
  • · Strategic Supplementary Planning Guidance
  • · Strategic Options for Implementation

Stage 2 will develop a detailed development master-plan.

The Waterfront Enterprise Board has been charged with coordinating research and identifying outline  development  options.  The  initial  feasibility  stage  report  is  expected  shortly.  This feasibility study will be brought to the Council of Ministers and published for public consultation prior to decisions being taken on which options should be the subject of more detailed study in the second stage.

Once Stage 1 has been completed and agreed, Stage 2 will develop the preferred option(s) to the stage of a detailed master-plan that could be submitted to planning for outline approval and also used to secure external investment and funding. Before committing to that stage there will need to be detailed consideration of the development process. The other consideration will be the relationship of this land to the other waterfront developments and the regeneration of St Helier.

The approval by the States of the proposed location of the Energy from Waste facility at La Collette 2 on 29th June 2006 is being taken into account within the feasibility study being

prepared by the Steering Group.


Jersey Island Plan 2002 – Assessment of Proposed Energy from Waste Facility against all Planning Policies

Careful consideration has been given on whether the proposed application fits with Jersey's Planning Policies. The following tables describe how this has been achieved.

General Policies




Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Sustainable Development


The purpose of this facility is to provide an upgraded energy from waste facility in accordance with the Waste Strategy and to replace the existing incinerator at Bellozanne. The location at La Collette would minimise environmental impact and the design would aim to minimise nuisance.


General Development Considera- tions


The  Environmental  Impact  Assessment demonstrates  compliance  with  General  Development principles through site specific investigations. Site pollution control would be implemented via the site licencing procedure and the on site Working Plan.


Quality of Design


Incorporated within the Environmental Impact Statement. See also G4.


Design Statements


A Design Statement may be requested to accompany planning applications at the discretion of the Planning & Environment Department. Certain types of proposals will however always require a statement including those developments involving a building more than 5 storeys high. The Energy from Waste would be higher than a 5 storey building. Notwithstanding the above, the Minister is keen to see Design Statements for most applications. To that end, Design Statements will be required for any development comprising more than 100m2 of new building (gross internal area (GIA).  


Environmental Impact Assessment


An  Environmental  Impact  Assessment  has  been  carried  out  and  an  Environmental  Impact Statement is submitted with the planning application.


Transport Assessments


Included  within  the  Environmental  Impact  Statement  due  to  potential  impacts  of  traffic movements to and from the proposed site.


Control of Unauthorised Develop- ment


The application is in accordance with the formal planning application process. The Client (TTSD) is intending to obtain outline planning permission prior to awarding the contract to the preferred bidder thereby removing any possibility of construction proceeding without planning approval


Access for All


No public access to Energy from Waste plant and Bulky Waste Facility. Planning application does include infrastructure improvements to adoptable highway and also to the coastal path. The design would also include an amenity walkway on the seaward side of the screening mound as an




Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance




additional public amenity feature.


Designing Out Crime


The site would be surrounded by secure fencing.


Planning Obligations


Road infrastructure is being incorporated into the design. This would be to an adoptable standard.


Sites of Special Interest


Site investigations and consultations indicate that the site would not directly affect any Sites of Special Interest. The South East Coast of Jersey Ramsar Site would not be directly affected by the proposed facility. Discharge of cooling water to the sea would be within the existing discharge consent conditions.


Archaeological Resources


Consultations indicate that no sites of archaeological interest would be directly affected


Buildings and Places of Architec- tural and Historic Interest


Indirect visual impact from Elizabeth Castle would be mitigated by design of the facility building and landscape bunding


Protection of Trees


No trees would be felled at the site


Replacement Buildings


No buildings are to be replaced at the site


Demolition of Buildings


No buildings are to be demolished at the site


Contaminated Land


A watching brief during excavations would be implemented.


Signs and Advertisements


The facility would have an external site noticeboard as specified within the Working Plan. Signage would be controlled via a planning condition


Satellite Antennae


Applications for the installation of satellite dishes will be judged on their merits, having par- ticular regard to:

  1. the nature of the building and its surroundings;
  2. the type, size and colour of the equipment in relation toits background; and
  1. whether the building is a Site of Special Interest, a Building of Local Importance or within a Conservation Area.


Light Pollution


The site would be lit however this is in context of the industrial area at La Collette. The facility would be partially screened from Havre Des Pas by landscape bunding / mounding






Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Sustainability and Stewardship of the Countryside


La Collette falls within the Built Up Area boundary as shown on Jersey Island Plan 2002 Town Proposals Map and not the countryside.


Countryside Character


La Collette falls within the Character Area G3 St Aubins Bay however the proposed development is in context of the industrial use of La Collette reclamation area




The  facility  would  have  minimal  impact  on  biodiversity  or  the  coastal  Ramsar  site.  Site investigations revealed no biodiversity interest on the site and the drainage at the facility is designed to prevent pollution to the Ramsar site. Pollution control measures are specified within the  Environmental  Impact  Statement  and  would  be  incorporated  within  the  Working  Plan. Discharge of cooling water to the sea would be within the existing discharge consent conditions.


Zone of Outstanding Character


Site is not within this zone


Green Zone


Site is not within this zone


Countryside Zone


Site is not within this zone


St. Ouen 's Bay Planning Framework


Site is not within the St. Ouen Bay area


Landscape Management Strategy


See policies C4, C5 and C6


Trees and Woodlands


None of these present at the site


Walls,  Fosses,  Banques  and Hedgerows


None of these present at the site


Countryside Access and Awareness


Not in the countryside


Tourism  and  Recreation  Support Facilities in the Countryside


Not applicable as facility is in Built Up Area Zone and not the Countryside Zone


Safeguarding Farmland


Site is not farmland


Stewardship in Agriculture




Diversification of Agriculture




New  Agricultural  Buildings  and Extensions




New Dwellings for Agricultural Workers




Change of Use and/or Conversion of Traditional Farm Buildings






Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Change of Use and/or Conversion of Modern Farm Buildings




Redundant Glasshouses


Not applicable

Built Environment





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


St.  Helier  Urban  Character Appraisal


La Collette is not within the urban townscape of St. Helier town but it is within the built up area boundary as defined by the Town Proposals Map. The proposed facility is within context of the La Collette reclamation area which has industrial / commercial sites.


Proposals in the Town of St. Helier


As above


Town Centre Vitality


Not within the Town Centre Area of St. Helier


Waterfront Development Area


Not within the Waterfront Development Area


Tall Buildings


The proposed Energy from Waste facility would be a tall building however it would be in context of the La Collette reclamation area. The height is estimated at 35m. The building would be partially screened by landscape bunding.


Action Areas


Just outside of Havre des Pas Action Area


Settlement Plans


Not within a settlement plan area


Important Open Space


Not open space in the context of the policy which refers to green spaces. Not within defined Open Space Area. The nearest Defined Open Space is La Collette Gardens


Conservation Areas


La Collette reclamation area is not within a Conservation Area


Green Backdrop Zone


Not within Green Backdrop Zone


Shoreline Zone


Not within the shoreline zone


Percent for Art


Site not suitable as a general access area for public recreation.


Frontage Parking


Not applicable


Street Furniture and Materials


No street furniture associated with facility other than signing - See G18

Marine Environment





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Marine Protection Zone


The proposed Energy from Waste facility is not within the inter-tidal or Marine Protection Zone. See comments in C3. It will however discharge to the Marine Protection Zone under an existing Trade Effluent consent


Coastal  Zone  Management Strategy


This policy refers to the development of a strategy.


Marine Biodiversity


A coastal Ramsar site lies to the south and east of La Collette reclamation area. The designed drainage systems and pollution control measures are specified within the Environmental Impact Statement. See comments in C3


Shoreline Management


Policy refers to the development of a Shoreline Management Plan.


Fishing and Fish Farming


Facility not relevant to fishing or its support industry.


Marine Sites of Special Interest


Policy refers to South East Coast Ramsar site. This policy is dealt with under the provisions of Policy G11. Also see comments on Policy M3 and C3






Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Housing Policies



Social and Community





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance

SC1- SC11

Social and Healthcare policies



Industry and Commerce





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Provision of Office Accommodation


Not applicable.


Offices in St. Helier Town Centre




Offices Outside of St. Helier Town Centre


Ditto. This facility is not designed to provide office provision.


Conversion  of  Upper  Floors  of Commercial  Buildings  for  Office Accommodation


Not applicable.


Other  Small  Scale  Office Developments


Not applicable


Businesses Run from Home


Not applicable


Provision of Industrial Land


Land comprising 21 acres/47 vergéesis designated at La Collette 2 for industry, storage and warehousing. Site footprint falls partially within Site Proposed for Industry


Protection  of  Existing  Industrial Sites


Proposed facility does not fall within designated existing industrial sites or within the area of La Collette 1.


Proposals  for  New  Industrial Buildings


The proposed facility is designed to be in accordance with this policy. Pollution and nuisance control measures are specified in the Environmental Impact Statement. Traffic impact is assessed in the Environmental Impact Statement.


Relocation of Bad Neighbour Uses


The existing facility at Bellozanne is currently not meeting environmental air quality standards and traffic congestion is causing a nuisance to local residents.

A Health Impact Assessment will be carried out as part of the planning process in order to consider community effects.


Extensions  or  Alterations  to Existing Industrial Buildings


Works within the Jersey Electricity Company power station are not included within this planning application as they classed as exempt works under the Island Planning (Exempt Operations) (Jersey) Regulations 2002.


New Industrial Development in the Countryside




Protection  and  Promotion  of   St. Helier for Shopping




Protection and Promotion of Local






Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Shopping Centres




Development of Local Shops




Development of Evening Economy Uses




Food Retailing Proposals




Retail Warehouses


Not a retailing facility


Retailing within Industrial Sites




Retail  Development  Outside  the Built-up Area




Take-away Food Outlets


Not applicable


Beach Kiosks



Tourism and Recreation




Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Development of New Tourist Ac- commodation


Not applicable


Tourist Destination Areas


Havre Des Pas is listed as A Tourist Destination Area. Potential nuisance from the site to Havre Des Pas is covered under General Development Policies.


New  or  Extended  Tourism  and Cultural Attractions


Not applicable


Protection  of  Recreational  and Cultural Resources


There would be no loss of recreational or cultural facilities due to the proposed facility.


Development  of  Recreation Resources


This policy is aimed more at sporting facilities and is therefore not applicable to the proposed facility.


Land for Recreation


The site of the proposed Energy fromWaste is in the main on land identified within the Island Plan as Land for Recreation. This proposal is addressed at Policy TR6 of the Plan which identifies the site as being part of a larger area that had the potential to provide new recreation facilities. In particular through the approved planning framework for La Collette 2 this larger area was seen as providing the opportunity for a major landscaped feature and public open space along with access to water at all states of the tide and facilities for small leisure craft.

Travel and Transport





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Strategic Travel Policy


A transport assessment is included as part of the Environmental Impact Statement. Junction improvements  would  be  required  and  form  part  of  the  transport  assessment.  Infrastructure improvements would be to adoptable standard.


Travel Awareness Campaign


Refers to a campaign to alter public modes of travel to reduce congestion. The facility would not affect the campaign.


Island Route Network


Facility does not affect designation of island route network.


Protection  of  the  Footpath  and Cycle Network


Existing footpath or cycle routes would not be adversely be affected by the proposed facility. See TT10.


Primary Route Traffic Studies


Refers to traffic studies for the junction of Commercial Buildings and the A17 and new road construction to facilitate the flow of traffic and improve access at Mount Bingham both close to La




Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance




Collette. See comments in TT1.


Improvement Lines


None of the access points to La Collette are designated as improvement lines.


Town Centre Movement Strategy


Not applicable


Pedestrian Improvement Areas




Walking Strategy




Cycle Network


An existing cycle path runs along side the Jersey Electricity Company power station. A cycle lane is  being  incorporated  within  the  adoptable  highway  infrastructure  improvements  within  La Collette. The footpath around the perimeter of La Collette as part of the landscaping / recreation proposals would include a cycle lane.


Cycle Facilities


This policy refers to cycle lock up facilities etc. where members of the public have access. There would be no public access to the Energy from Waste facility by cycle due to safety issues of vehicles delivering waste to the facility


Safe Routes to Schools


See comments in TT1


Public Transport Services


Not applicable – unlikely that the Energy from Waste development would generate the need for a bus route, however in the longer term it is probable that future development of the reclamation area would generate sufficient need.


Bus Priority Corridor




Facilities for Bus Passengers




Community Transport




Transport Centre




Relocation of Bus Depots


Connex operate a bus depot at La Collette. Access to the depot would not be adversely affected by the proposed Energy from Waste plant. Junction improvements would improve access to the Connex depot.


Accessibility Audits


Junction  improvements  and  new  highway  layout  are  included  as  part  of  the  submission. Infrastructure improvements would be to adoptable standards and in line with current guidance for the mobility impaired.


Shopmobility Centre


Not applicable


Reducing Traffic Pollution


See comments for TT1. The potential impact of traffic generated by the facility and its impact is assessed in the Environmental Impact Statement


Travel Plans


Travel Plans are required for major developments where the floor area of an industrial building is greater than 5,000 metres squared. Assuming a wall thickness of 200mm the floor area of the BW and Energy from Waste combined is 4947 metres squared and the proposal does not need a Travel




Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance






Traffic Calming and Road Safety in Urban Areas


Not applicable


Road Safety in Rural Communities




Parking Strategy


Not a parking facility therefore not applicable


Parking Guidelines


The parking standards are based on areas as defined by a map that does not show any of La Collette 2, however, the worst case scenario would be 1 space per managerial staff with 1 space for every 2 other members of staff plus 10% visitor parking


Provision of Public Parking Space




Private Car Parks




Parking for the Disabled


A disabled parking space will be provided.


Commuted  Payment  in  Lieu  of Parking


Not applicable the development meets TT26


Proposals  for  New  Car  Parks outside St. Helier


Not a car park


Operational Development at Jersey Airport


Not applicable


Aircraft Noise Zones




Airport Public Safety Zone




Jersey Harbour Operational Area


Not within the Jersey Harbour Area but see policy TT36


St. Helier Waterfront, Harbour and La Collette Related Traffic


Not within the Jersey Harbour Operational Area. A traffic assessment has been carried out for the proposed waste facilities arising out of the Waste Strategy including the use of La Collette. This is presented within the Environmental Impact Statement.

Natural Resources and Utilities





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Protection of Water Resources


This includes coastal waters surrounding La Collette. Engineered drainage systems and pollution control measures would be incorporated into the design of the facility. These are outlined in the Environmental Impact Statement.


Foul Sewerage Facilities


This proposed facility would use the foul sewerage network served by Bellozanne. Discharge to foul sewer would be controlled by Trade Effluent Consent.


Water Conservation


Development proposals will be encouraged to incorporate water conservation and management measures to conserve the Island's water resources.The feasibility of utilising clean roof water will be considered during the detailed design stage


Renewable Energy Proposals


This facility is a renewable energy scheme. It is re use of a disposed waste. There are wider implications but these are captured in the EIS.


Energy Efficiency


The building would not be heated. Only the control room would possibly have heating provided.


New  or  Extended  Mineral Workings


Not applicable


Use  of  Planning  Conditions  on Mineral Workings




Use of Legal Agreements




Secondary Aggregates


Not applicable. This scheme does not produce secondary aggregates. However the scheme does produce a cut volume of approximately 1,500 cubic metres and a need for approximately 30,000 cubic metres of landscaping fill that could be provided by the disposal of inert waste from the nearby aggregate recycling operations.


New  Off-Loading  Facilities  for Imported Aggregates


Not applicable




This scheme is not a new facility for a utility company.


Telecommunications Masts


Not applicable. This facility would not have a telecommunications mast.


Safety  Zones  for  Hazardous Installations


Site falls within the safety zone for the La Collette fuel farm (consortium made up Jersey Gas, Shell, Total and Esso Mobil). Consultations have been carried out with the Health & Safety Officer, Fire Chief, the Emergency Planning Officer and the Port Energy Group for a Major Hazard Assessment.

Waste Management





Comments / Design mitigation to achieve compliance


Waste Minimisation and Recycling


This facility arises out of the Solid Waste Strategy (2005) – Changing the way we look at waste. This facility is an energy recovery facility from waste and therefore is in compliance with the policy.


Construction  and  Demolition Wastes Plan


No buildings would be demolished in order to construct this facility. There would be some inert waste from excavations for foundations which either would be reused on site on deposited in the La Collette Phase reclamation area. This development would not generate a significant amount of waste and would not therefore require a Waste Management Plan as specified by the policy.


New  and  Expanded  Waste Management Facilities


This  proposed  new  waste  management  facility  is  submitted  for  planning  approval  and  is accompanied by a full Environmental Impact Statement in accordance with policy G5. Potential impact from pollution and nuisance is assessed within the Environmental Impact Statement and the  design  would  incorporate  measures  to  mitigate these.  Design  measures  and  Operational practices would be specified within the Site Working Plan in accordance with the site Licence Conditions.


Safeguarded Waste Site


This refers to Bellozanne as a safeguarded site for redevelopment of the incinerator however the favoured option for the site is La Collette Phase 2 Reclamation.


Land  Reclamation  and  Landfill Sites


Policy refers to landfill at La Gigoulande Quarry and to landfill reclamation sites elsewhere on Jersey (other than La Gigoulande and La Collette). La Collette is still referred to as a potential landfill area and although not specifically identified for ash disposal the policy seems to leave the option available.


Restoration  of  Land  Reclamation and Landfill Sites


This facility is not a new land reclamation or landfill site.

The proposed facility would include proposed landscaping plans for the La Collette area