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Survey Results - Maternity Services Review - 24 May 2021

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Health and Social Services Scrutiny Panel Review of Maternity Services

Survey Results Summary

The Health and Social Security Panel undertook a survey with women who had given birth in the last five years in Jersey. The results of the survey are summarised below. The survey was open between 18th March and 5th April 2021. In total 656 people responded to the Panel's survey.

Section One: Introduction

Section Two: Dates and Your Baby (100% (655) provided responses):

Question 1. A1. When did you last give birth?




Last 6 months

18% (121 respondents)

Last year

15% (97 respondents)

Last 2 years

25% (162 respondents)

Last 3 years

16% (105 respondents)

Last 4 years

12% (81 respondents)

Last 5 years

14% (89 respondents)

Question 2. A2. For your most recent pregnancy, did you give birth to a single baby, twins or more in your recent pregnancy?

















630 635 640 645 650 655 660

Single baby Twins Triplets or more

  • 98% (640) respondents said they gave birth to a single baby
  • 2% (15) respondents said they had given birth to twins
  • 0respondentssaidthey hadgiven birthtotriplets

Question 3. A3. Approximately, how many weeks pregnant were you when your baby was born?

  • 48% (314) respondents said they were 40 or more weeks pregnant whentheirbabywasborn
  • 46% (300) respondents said they were between 3739 weeks pregnant when their baby was born
  • 6% (41) respondents said they were less than 37 weeks pregnant when their baby was born
  • <37 weeks
    • 3739 weeks
      • 40 weeks

Question 4. A4. In respect of your most recent pregnancy, did your baby spend any time in SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit)?

  • 17% (113) respondents said that their baby had spent time in SCBU
  • 83% (541) respondents said their baby had not spent any time in SCBU

If yes, how long were they in SCBU for? [OPEN QUESTION]

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

0 1 hour 1 24 hours 1 7 days 1 4 weeks 4 weeks + Other

  • 39% (43) respondents said that their baby spent 17 days in SCBU
  • 35% (38) respondents said that their babyspent14weeksinSCBU
  • 11% (12) respondents said that their babyspent124 hoursinSCBU
  • 6% (6) respondents said that their baby spent more than 4 weeks in SCBU
  • 6% (6) respondents gave other answers
  • 4% (4) respondents said that their baby spent 01 hours in SCBU

Question 5. A5. How many babies have you given birth to in total?

  • 50% (327) responses said they had given birth to one child
  • 34% (224) responses said they had given birth to 2 children
  • 16% (104) responses said they had given birth to 3 or more children

Section Three: Care While You Were Pregnant (Antenatal Care) At the start of your care in pregnancy (94% provided responses):

Question 6. B1. Who was the first health professional you saw or spoke to when you thought you were pregnant?




















0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Other Midwife GP

  • 90% (586) said that a GP was the first health professional they had seen or spoken to when they thought they were pregnant
  • 8% (52) respondents said another professional was the first health professional they had seen orspokentowhentheythoughtthey werepregnant
  • 2% (16) respondents said a Midwife was the first health professional they had seen or spoken to when they thought they were pregnant

Other (please specify): [OPEN QUESTION]

Assisted Reproduction Unit ('ARU')


  • 63% (31) respondents said that Assisted Reproductive Unit (ARU') was the first health professional they had seen or spoken to when they thought they were pregnant
  • 14% (7) respondents said that a consultant was the first health professional they had seen or spoken to when they thought they were pregnant
  • 14% (7) respondents said that an obstetrician was the first health professional they had seen or spoken to when they thought they were pregnant
  • 8% (4) respondents gave other answers

Question 7. B2. Approximately how many weeks pregnant were you when you first saw or spoke to this health professional about your pregnancy care?

  • 72% (471) respondents said they were 06 weeks pregnant when they first saw or spoke to a health professional about pregnancy care
  • 26% (168) respondents said they were 712 weeks pregnant when they first saw or spoke to a health professional about pregnancy care
  • 1% (10) respondents said they were 13 or more weeks pregnant when they first saw or spoke to a health professional about pregnancy care
  • 1% (6) respondents said they did notknoworcould notremember

Question 8. B3. Did you discuss options about where you could have your baby withyour midwife?























Don't know/can't remember

No I could not have a home birth due to Covid

No due to medical reasons I did not have options

No we did not have a discussion about options

Yes we discussed the options of having the baby in hospital or at home

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

  • 51% (331) respondents said yes, they discussed the options of having the baby in hospital or at home
  • 27% (179) respondents said no, they did not have a discussion about options
  • 15% (97) respondents said no, due to medical reasons they did not have options
  • 4% (25) respondents said no, they could not have a home birth due to Covid
  • 3% (23) respondents said they do not know or could not remember

Question 9. B4. Did you receive enough information from either your midwife or GP to help you decide where to have your baby?

  • Yes, definitely
    • Yes, to some extent No
      • Don't know/can't remember
  • 44% (288) respondents said they definitely did receive enough information from either their midwife or GP to help them decide where to have their baby
  • 28% (182) respondents said they did to some extent receive enough information from either their midwife or GP to help them decide where to have their baby
  • 22% (143) respondents said they did not receive enough information from either their midwife orGPtohelp themdecide where to have their baby
  • 6% (37) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 10. B5. If you gave birth after March 2020, did you feel you were givenenoughinformation about Coronavirus restrictions andany implicationsforyourmaternity care?

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 37% (114) respondents that gave birth after March 2020 said they did feel they were given enough information about Coronavirus restrictions and any implications for their maternity care
  • 36% (110) respondents that gave birth after March 2020 said they did not feel they were given enough information about Coronavirus restrictions and any implications for their maternity care
  • 27% (84) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 11. B6. At your antenatal checkups, did you see or speak to the same midwife every time?


























Don't know/can't remember

I did not see or speak to a midwife

No Yes

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

  • 58% (378) respondents said they did not speak to the same midwife at each antenatal check up
  • 39% (250) respondents said they did speak to the same midwife at each antenatal checkup
  • 1% (9) respondents said they did not see or speak to a midwife at all
  • 2% (11) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If no, do you remember how many different midwives you saw? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 2 5 Midwives
    • 6 8 Midwives
      • More than 8 Midwives
        • I saw a different Midwife each time
          • Other
  • 77% (229) respondents said they saw 25 different midwives at their antenatal checkups
  • 13% (38) respondents said they saw a different midwife at each antenatal checkup
  • 8% (24) respondents said they saw 68 different midwives at their antenatal checkups
  • 1% (2) respondents said they saw more than 8 different midwives at their antenatal check ups
  • 1% (4) respondents gave other answers

Question 12. B7. During your antenatal checkups, did the midwife appear to be aware of your medical history?

  • Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember
  • 46% (298) respondents said their midwife did appear to be aware of their medical history
  • 39% (255) respondents said their midwife sometimes appeared to be aware of their medical history
  • 13% (83) respondents said their midwife did not appear to be aware of their medical history
  • 2% (16) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 13. B8. During your antenatal checkups, did the midwife/GP listen to you?




















Don't know/can't remember No

Yes, but only the GP

Yes, but only the midwife Yes, both

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

  • 80% (524) respondents said both the midwife and GP listened to them
  • 9% (60) respondents said only the midwife listened to them
  • 4% (30) respondents said only the GPlistened tothem
  • 4% (24) respondents said they were not listened to by the GP or the Midwife
  • 3% (17) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 14. B9. During your antenatal checkups, did the midwife/GP ask you about your mood' or feelings'inrespectofyour emotional wellbeing?

  • Yes, both the GP and midwife did
    • Yes, only the midwife
      • Yes, only the GP
        • No, neither the GP or midwife did
          • Don't know/can't remember
  • 47% (306) respondents said that both their GP and midwife asked about their mood' or feelings' in respect of their emotional wellbeing during antenatal checkups
  • 21% (135) respondents said, neither the GP or the midwife asked about their mood' or feelings' in respect of their emotional wellbeing during antenatal checkups
  • 19% (128) respondents said that their midwife asked about their mood' or feelings' in respect of their emotional wellbeing during antenatal checkups
  • 10% (63) respondents said they did not know or could not remember
  • 3% (23) respondents said that their GP asked about their mood' or feelings' in respect of theiremotionalwellbeingduringantenatalcheckups

Section Four: Care While You Were Pregnant (Antenatal Care) During your Pregnancy (100%providedresponses):

Question 15. B10. Did you feel able to talk to your midwife/GP about your feelings, mood, worries etc. during your pregnancy?

  • Yes, to both the GP and midwife
    • Yes, but only to the midwife Yes,butonlytotheGP
      • No, neither
        • I did not want/need support
          • Don't know/can't remember
  • 53% (345) respondents said they were able to talk to their GP and Midwife about their feelings, mood, worries etc. during pregnancy
  • 17% (109) respondents said they were able to talk to their Midwife about their feelings, mood, worries etc. during pregnancy
  • 12% (78) respondents said they did not want or need support
  • 7% (45) respondents said they were able to talk to their GP about their feelings, mood, worries etc. during pregnancy
  • 2% (13) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If no, why? [OPEN QUESTION]

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

I wasn't asked I was seen by a I didn't see my Insufficient Staff were not I didn't feel Other

different staff midwife enough time approachable comfortable

member each


  • 41% (30) respondents said they didn't feel able to talk to their midwife/GP about their feelings as the staff were not approachable
  • 15% (11) respondents said they didn't feel able to talk to their midwife/GP about their feelings as they didn't feel comfortable
  • 14% (10) respondents said they didn't feel able to talk to their midwife/GP about their feelings as they weren't asked
  • 12% (9) respondents said they didn't feel able to talk to their midwife/GP about their feelings as they were seen by a different staff member each time
  • 7% (5) respondents said they didn't feel able to talk to their midwife/GP about their feelings as there was insufficient time to help
  • 7% (5) respondents gave other answers
  • 4% (3) respondents said they didn't feel able to talk to their midwife/GP about their feelings as they didn't see their midwife enough

Question 16. B11. During your pregnancy, if you contacted a midwifery team, were you given the help you needed?


  • Yes, sometimes No
    • No, as I was not able to contact a midwifery team
      • I did not contact a midwifery team
  • 62% (405) respondents said that they were always given the advice needed by the midwifery team
  • 19% (124) respondents said they sometimes were given the advice needed by the midwifery team
  • 16% (106) respondents said they did not contact the midwifery team
  • 2% (15) respondents said they were not given the advice needed by the midwifery team
  • 1% (5) respondents said they were not able to contact the midwifery team to obtain advice

If no, please explain the reasons for this: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 40% (10) respondents said they did not receive the help they needed when they contacted a midwifery team because they did not receive a response/call back
  • 36% (9) respondents said they did not receive the help they needed when they contacted a midwifery team because their concerns were not taken seriously/listened to
  • 12% (3) respondents said they did not receive the help they needed when they contacted a midwiferyteambecausetherewasinsufficient timetohelp
  • 12% (3) respondents gave other answers

Question 17. B12. Thinkingaboutyour antenatalcare,wereyouinvolvedindecisions about your care?


























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Don't know/can't remember I did not want/need to be involved No Yes, sometimes Yes,always

  • 59% (390) respondents said they were always involved in decisions about their care
  • 30% (194) respondents said they were sometimes involved in decisions about their care
  • 7% (46) respondents said they were not involved in decisions about their care
  • 3% (19) respondents said they did not know or could not remember
  • 1% (5) respondents said they did not want or need to be involved in decisions about their care

Question 18. B13. During your pregnancy, did your midwife provide relevant informationabout feeding your baby?

  • 36% (234) respondents said that their midwife, to some extent provided relevant information about feeding their baby
  • 31% (206) respondents said that their midwife definitely provided relevant information about feeding their baby
  • 29% (188) respondents said that their midwife did not provided relevant information about feeding their baby
  • 4% (27) respondents said they did not know or could not remember
  • Yes, definitely
    • Yes, to some extent No
      • Don't know/can't remember

Section Five: Your Labour and TheBirthofYourBaby(62%provided responses):

Question 19. C1. Did you have a birth plan prelabour?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No Don't know/ Can't remember

  • 72% (471) responders said they did have a birth plan prelabour
  • 27% (177) responders said they did not have a birth plan prelabour
  • 1% (8) responders said they did not know or could not remember

Question 20. C2. Was your birth plan encouraged by health professionals at the start of your labour?

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 54% (255) responders said their birth plan was encouraged by health professionals at the start of their labour
  • 37% (173) responders said their birth plan was not encouraged by health professionals at the start of their labour
  • 9% (44) responders said they did not know or could not remember

If no, why do you think this was the case?


44 45





25 22

20 17

15 12 10 7 5

5 2 2


Medical Birth I wasn't They didn't Due to I was The I didn't Other reasons happened asked read it COVID19 talked out facilities have one

too quickly about it of it were not


  • 33% (44) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because of medical reasons
  • 18% (24) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because they weren't asked about it
  • 16% (22) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because they didn't read it
  • 13% (17) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because they were talked out of it
  • 9% (12) respondents gave other answers
  • 5% (7) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because the birth happened too quickly
  • 4% (5) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because of COVID 19
  • 1% (2) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because the facilities were not available
  • 1% (2) respondents said they didn't think their birth plan was encouraged because they didn't have one

Question 21. C3. Were you able to enact your birth plan?

Yes No

Don't know/can't remember

  • 51% (243) respondents said they were not able to enact their birth plan
  • 44% (206) respondents said they were able to enact their birth plan
  • 5% (23) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If no, why? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 49% (93) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because of medical reasons
  • 10% (20) respondents said that theywerenotabletoenacttheir birth plan because the birth happened too quickly
  • 6% (11) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they were talked out of it
  • 5% (9) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they were not asked about it
  • 5% (9) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because the facilities or staff were not available
  • 5% (10) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they had to be induced
  • 4% (8) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they didn't read it
  • 3% (5) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they did not follow the birth plan – no reason given
  • 3% (6) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birthplanbecauseofCOVID 19
  • 2% (3) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they didn't feelcomfortable
  • 2% (3) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they could not have a water/home birth – no reason given
  • 2% (4) respondents gave other answers
  • 2% (3) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because they didn't have one
  • 2% (3) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because of staff error
  • 1% (2) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because the staff were not approachable
  • 1% (2) respondents said that they were not able to enact their birth plan because of a planned Csection

Question 22. C4. What type of birth did you have?

  • 51% (246)) respondents said they had a vaginal birth (no forceps or ventouse suction cup)
  • 17% (80) respondents said they had an assisted vaginal birth (with forceps or ventouse suction cup)
  • 17% (80) respondents said they had an emergency caesarean birth
  • 15% (72) respondents said they had a planned caesarean birth

Question 23. C5. Before your caesarean, did you go into labour?

  • 52% (100) respondents said that they did not go into labour before their caesarean
  • 37% (71) respondents said that they did go into labour before their caesarean
  • 11% (22) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 24. C6. At the start of your labour, did you feel that you were given appropriate advice and support when you contacted your midwifeorthematernity unitatthehospital?























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Yes No I did not contact a midwife/the hospital

  • 75% (265) respondents said they were given the appropriate advice and support during the start of labour
  • 18% (64) respondents said they were not given the appropriate adviceandsupportduringthe start of labour
  • 7% (23) respondents said they did not contact a midwife/ the hospital

If no, please explain: [OPEN QUESTION]


  • My concerns were not taken seriously/listened to


  • There were communication issues
    • Conflicting advice/support from different staff

members 53% 8%

I was already in hospital; my labour was induced



  • 53% (40) respondents said that the reason they didn't feel they were given appropriate advice and support at the start of their labour was because their concerns were not taken seriously/listened to
  • 23% (17) respondents said that the reason they didn't feel they were given appropriate advice and support at the start of their labour was because they were already in hospital; labour was induced
  • 15% (11) respondents said that the reason they didn't feel they were given appropriate advice and support at the start of their labour was because there was communication issues
  • 8% (6) respondents said that the reason they didn't feel they were given appropriate advice and support at the start of their labour was because they were given conflicting advice/support from different staff members
  • 1% (1) respondent gave another answer

Question 25. C7. During your labour, did staff help to create a more comfortable atmosphere for you in a way you wanted?

Yes, definitely Yes, to some extent No Don't know/can't remember

  • 41% (146) respondents said that staff definitly helped to create a more comfortable atmosphere for you in a way they wanted
  • 39% (139) respondents said that staff to some extent helped to create a more comfortable atmosphere for you in a way they wanted
  • 18% (65) respondents said staff did not help to create a more comfortable atmosphere for you in a way they wanted
  • 2% (5) respondents said they did notknoworcould notremember

Ifno,please explain: [OPEN QUESTION]

Other 3

I had a positive experience with staff 8

I had a home birth 3

Staff were unable to do so due to the facilities available 13

The quality of service differed depending on staff 7

I was not listened to/taken seriously 19 There was insufficient time to do this 11

This was not offered to me 20

0 5 10 15 20 25

  • 24% (20) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labour staff did not help create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because it was not offered to them
  • 23% (19) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labour staff did not help create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because they were not listened to/takenseriously
  • 15% (13) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labour staff did not help create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because staff were unable to do so due to the nature of the facilities available
  • 13% (11) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labour staff did not help create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because there was insufficient time to do this
  • 10% (8) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labourstaffdid nothelp create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because they had a positive experience with staff
  • 8% (7) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labour staff did not help create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because the quality differed depending on the staff
  • 4% (3) respondents said that the reason they felt that during labour staff did not help create a more comfortable atmosphere in the way they wanted was because they had home births
  • 4% (3) respondents gave other answers

Question 26. C8. During your labour, what type of pain relief did you use? [please tick all that apply]

I did not use pain relief Other

















Injection of Pethidine or a similar painkiller

Gas and air

TENSmachine Water/birthing pool Natural methods

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

  • 37% (245) respondents said they used gas and air
  • 20% (134) respondents said they had an Epidural
  • 12% (81) respondents said that they used natural methods during labour
  • 9% (61) respondents said they had the Injection of Pethidine or a similar painkiller
  • 7% (50) respondents said they used a TENS machine
  • 7% (44) respondents said they did not use pain relief
  • 6% (43) respondents said they had a water/birthing pool
  • 2% (11) said they used another type of pain relief

Question 27. C9. Did you feel supported by the midwives/health professionals in your choice of pain relief during labour?

  • Yes, definitely Yes, to some extent No Don't know/can't remember
  • 59% (208) respondents said they defiantly felt supported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour
  • 32% (113) respondents said they felt to some extent supported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour
  • 8% (30) respondents said they did not feel supported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour
  • 1% (4) respondents said they did notknoworcould notremember

If no, please explain why and who you felt wasn't supportive:

Other 5

I had a positive experience with staff 6

I could not choose due to medical reasons 4

The staff did not help me manage my use of pain relief 13

The staff did not respond appropriately to my level of pain 21

Staff insisted on pain relief I didn't want 3

I was refused pain relief 5

0 5 10 15 20 25

  • 9% (5) respondents said that they felt unsupported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour because they were refused pain relief
  • 5% (3) respondents said that they felt unsupported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour because staff insisted on pain relief that they didn't want
  • 37% (21) respondents said that they felt unsupported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour because the staff did not respond appropriately to their level of pain
  • 23% (13) respondents said that they felt unsupported by the midwives/health professionals in their choice of pain relief during labour because the staff did not help them manage the use of pain relief
  • 7% (4) respondents said that they felt unsupported by the midwives/health professionals in theirchoiceofpainreliefduringlabourbecausethey could not choose due to medical


  • 11% (6) respondents said that they felt unsupported by the midwives/health professionals in theirchoiceofpainreliefduringlabourbecausethey hada positiveexperience withstaff
  • 9% (5) respondents gave other answers

Section Six: The Birth of Your Baby (56% provided responses):

Question 28. C10. Was your labour induced?

  • 62% (330) respondents said their labour was not induced
  • 37% (199) respondents said their labour was induced
  • 1% (3) respondents said they could not remember or did not know

Question 29. C11. Were you given enough information about induction before you were induced?














0 50 100 150 200 250

Yes, definitely Yes, to some extent No Don't know/can't remember

  • 41% (82) respondents said they were definitely given enough information about inductions before they were induced
  • 38% (76) respondents said to some extent they were given enough information about inductionsbeforetheywereinduced
  • 19% (38) respondents said they were not given enough information about inductions before they were induced
  • 2% (5) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 30. C12. Were you involved in the decision to be induced?


























Don't know/can't remember

I did not want/need to be involved

No Yes

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

  • 76% (152) respondents said they were involved in the decision to be induced
  • 18% (36) respondents said they were not involved in the decisiontobeinduced
  • 4% (9) respondents said they did not want or need to be involved in the decision to be induced
  • 2% (4) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 31. C13. Where did you give birth?

  • 76% (403) respondents said theygavebirthonabed
  • 2% (13) respondents said they gave birth on the floor
  • 5% (25) respondents said they gave birth in a water/birthing pool
  • 17% (89) respondents said they gave birth somewhere else

Other (please specify): [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 10%(9)respondentssaidthattheygavebirthstanding
  • 77% (67) respondents said that they gave birth in theatre
  • 3% (3) respondents said that they gave birth sitting/lying down
  • 9%(8)respondentsgaveotheranswers

Section Seven: The Staff Caring for You (100% provided responses):

Question 32. C14. Had any of the midwives who cared for you during labour been involved in your antenatal care?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 87% (571) respondents said the midwives caring for them duringlabour had not been involved in their antenatal care
  • 11% (69) respondents said the midwives caring for them during labour had been involved in their antenatal care
  • 2% (14) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 33. C15. Were you (and/or your partner or a companion) left alone by midwives or doctors at a time when it worried you? [please tick all that apply]

  • 66% (462) of responders said they were not left alone at all
  • 12% (87) responders said they (and/or your partner or a companion) were left alone by midwives or doctors, this worried them during early labour
  • 12% (82) responders said they (and/or your partner or a companion) were left alone by midwives or doctors, this worried them during shortly after the birth
  • 8% (58) responders said they (and/or your partner or a companion) were left alone by midwives or doctors, this worried them during later stages of labour
  • 2% (16) responders said they (and/or your partner or a companion) were left alone by midwives or doctors, this worried them during the birth
  • Question 34. C16. Was your partner as involved in the whole birthing experience as much as you wanted?
  • Yes No Don't know/can't remember
  • 85% (557) respondents said their partner was involved as much as they wanted in the whole birthing experience
  • 13% (85) respondents said their partner was not involved as much as they wantedin the whole birthing experience
  • 2% (12) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If no, please explain why: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 32% (26) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much as they wanted because their partners' involvement was not considered by staff
  • 19% (15) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much as they wanted because of medical reasons
  • 19% (15) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much as they wanted because their partner was not allowed by staff
  • 11% (9) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as muchastheywantedbecauseofCOVIDrestrictions
  • 6% (5) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much as they wanted because their partner had other commitments
  • 5% (4) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much as they wanted because their partner was not comfortable/did not want to attend
  • 4% (3) respondents gave other answers
  • 2% (2) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much astheywantedbecausetheydidnotwanttheirpartnertoattend
  • 2% (2) respondents said that their partner was not involved in the birthing experience as much astheywantedbecausetheydidnothaveapartner

Question 35. C17. If you raised a concern during labour and birth, did you feel that it was taken seriously?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No I did not raise any concerns

  • 46% (302) respondents said they did feel like when they had raised a concern during labour and birth it was taken seriously
  • 36% (236) responders said they did not raise any concerns
  • 18% (116) respondents said they did not feel like they were taken seriously when they had raised a concern during labour and birth

Ifno,please explain: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 23% (23) respondents said that they felt their concerns, raised during labour and birth, weren't taken seriously because their level of pain was not taken seriously
  • 3% (3) respondents said that they felt their concerns, raised during labour and birth, weren't taken seriously because their emotional wellbeingwasnottaken seriously
  • 50% (50) respondents said that they felt their concerns, raised during labour and birth, weren'ttakenseriouslybecausetheir concerns abouttheir progress during labour and birth were not taken seriously
  • 7% (7) respondents said that they felt their concerns, raised during labour and birth, weren't taken seriously because they were asked to agree to things that made them uncomfortable
  • 11% (11) respondents said that they felt their concerns, raised during labour and birth, weren't taken seriously because they were not kept informed aboutwhatwashappening
  • 6% (6) respondents gave other answers

Question 36. C18. During labour and birth, were you able to get a member of staff to help you when you needed it?


























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Don't know/can't remember I did not wan't/need this

A member of staff with me all the time No

Yes, sometimes Yes,always

  • 60% (393) respondents said they were always able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed it
  • 20% (130) respondents said they sometimes were able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed it
  • 5% (32) respondents said they were not able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed it
  • 9% (61) respondents said they had a member of staff with them at all times
  • 5% (30) respondents said they did not want or need a member of staff
  • 1% (8) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Question 37. C19. Thinking about your care during labour and birth, were you spoken to in a way you could understand?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 75% (489) responders said they were always spoken to in a way they could understand
  • 21% (141) responders said they sometimes were spoken to in a way they could understand
  • 3% (19) responders said they were not spoken to in a way they could understand
  • 1% (5) responders said they did not know or could not remember

Question 38. C20. Thinking of your care during labourandbirth,wereyouinvolved in decisions about your care?


























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Don't know/can't remember I did not want/need to be involved No Yes, sometimes Yes,always

  • 61% (397) responders said they were always involved in decisions about their care
  • 28% (184) responders said they were sometimes involved in decisions about their care
  • 8% (53) responders said they were not involved in decisions about their care
  • 1% (7) responders said they did not want or need to be involved in decisions about their care
  • 2% (13) responders said they did not know or could not remember

Ifno,please telluswhy:[OPEN QUESTION]

  • 32% (16) respondents said that they were not involved in decisions about their own care during labour and birth because staff did not acknowledge their wishes or listen to their concerns
  • 18% (9) respondents said that they were not involved in decisions about their own care during labour and birth because they were not consulted by members of staff
  • 20% (10) respondents said that they were not involved in decisions about their own care during labour and birth because they were not given options about their care
  • 10% (5) respondents said that they were not involved in decisions about their own care during labour and birth because they had to have a Csection
  • 10% (5) respondents gave other answers
  • 6% (3) respondents said that they were not involved in decisions about their own care during labour and birth because they were asked to agree to procedures or care which they did not understand
  • 4% (2) respondents said that they were not involved in decisions about their own care during labour and birth because their baby was hospitalised

Question 39. C21. Thinking about your care during labour and birth, were you treated with respect and dignity?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 75% (493) responders said they were always treated with respect and dignity
  • 20% (132) responders said they sometimes were treated with respect and dignity
  • 4% (26) responders said they were not treated with respect and dignity
  • 1% (4) said they did not know or could not remember

Question 40. C22. Did you have confidence and trust in the staff caring for you throughout your labour and birth?





























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Don't know/can't remember No Yes, to some extent Yes, definitely

  • 69% (448) respondents said they definitely had confidence and trust in the staff carrying for themduring labourandbirth
  • 24% (157) respondents said that to some extent they had confidence and trust in the staff carrying for them during labour and birth
  • 7% (46) respondents said they did not have confidence and trust in the staff carrying for themduring labourandbirth
  • 0% (1) respondent said they did not know or could not remember

If no, please tell us why and who you didn't have trust/confidence in: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • I did not have trust or confidence in the doctor caring for me 6% 11%


I did not have trust or confidence in the midwife caring for me


My concerns were ignored


  • A member of staff behaved inappropriately towards me/staff 21%
    • Due to previous experiences 8%
      • I had a positive experience
        • I received inconsistent care
          • Other 38%
  • 11% (9) respondents said that they didn't have trust or confidence in the doctor caring for them
  • 21% (17) respondents said that they didn't have trust or confidence in the midwife caring for them
  • 38% (31) respondents said that they didn't have trust/confidence in the staff caring for them because their concerns were ignored
  • 9% (7) respondents said that they didn't have trust/confidence inthestaffcaringforthem because a member of staff behaved inappropriately towards them/staff
  • 6% (5) respondents said that they didn't have trust/confidence in the staff caring for them because ofpreviousexperiences
  • 5% (4) respondents said that they didn't have trust/confidence in the staff caring for them because they had a positive experience
  • 5% (4) respondents said they didn't have trust/confidence in the staff caring for them because they received inconsistent care
  • 6% (5) respondents gave other answers

Question 41. C23. After your baby was born, did you have the opportunity to ask questionsabout your labour and birth?

0 50 100 150 200 250

Don't know/can't remember I did not want/need this No Yes, to some extent Yes, completely

  • 33% (215) respondents said they did not have the opportunity to ask questions about their labour and birth after their baby was born
  • 30% (195) respondents said they did completely have the opportunity to ask questions about their labour and birth after their baby was born
  • 24% (158) said they did to some extent have the opportunity to ask questions about their labour and birth after their baby was born
  • 10% (67) respondents said they did not need to ask questions
  • 3% (20) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

Section Eight: Home Births (52% provided responses):

Question 42. C24. Did you have a home birth?

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No

  • 95% (625) respondents said they did not have a home birth
  • 5% (625) respondents said they did have a home birth

Question 43. C25. Did you require hospital care immediately after your home birth?

  • 33% (10) responders said they did require hospital care immediately after their home birth
  • 67% (20) responders said they did not require hospital care immediately after their home birth

Section Nine: Care in the Maternity Ward After Birth (Postnatal Care) (97% provided responses):

Question 44. D1. How long did you stay in hospital after your baby was born?

Less than 12 hours 1224hours 12 days 34 days More than 5 days

  • 32% (201) respondents said they stayed in hospital for 12 days after their baby was born
  • 23% (150) respondents said they stayed in hospital for 34 days after their baby was born
  • 22% (138) respondents said they stayed in hospital for more than 5 days after their baby was born
  • 15% (95) respondents said they stayed in hospital for 1224 hours after their baby was born
  • 8% (50) respondents said they stayed in hospital for less than 12 hours after their baby was born

Question 45. D2. Was the length of time you stayed in hospital a decision taken by yourself?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 50% (318) responders answered yes
  • 48% (304) respondents answered no
  • 2% (13) responders said they did not know or could not remember

If no, please explain why you stayed in hospital for a longer/shorter period than you had wanted: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 40% (114) respondents said that they stayed longer/shorter in hospital than they wanted to due to medical reasons
  • 21% (59) respondents said that theystayedlonger/shorterin hospital than they wanted to due to their baby's medical reasons/wellbeing
  • 10% (28) respondents said that they wanted to leave hospital earlier because they were not supported by staff after they gave birth
  • 9% (26) respondents said that theystayedlongerin hospitalthan they wanted to because their baby was in the Special Care Baby Unit
  • 9% (25) respondents said that theystayedlongerin hospitalthan they wanted to because of advice given by staff
  • 3% (8) respondents said that they stayed shorter in hospital than they wanted to for mental health/wellbeing reasons
  • 3% (8) respondents gave other answers
  • 2% (6) respondents said that they left hospital earlier due to COVID19 restrictions
  • 1% (4) respondents said that they stayed longer in hospital than theywanted toformental healthreasonsfollowingadifficult/traumaticbirth
  • 1% (4) respondents said that they stayed longer in hospital than they wanted due to staff error

Question 46. D3. If you needed attention while you were in hospital after the birth, were you able to get a member of staff to help you when you needed it?




















0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Don't know/can't remember I did not want/need this No Yes, sometimes Yes,always

  • 46% (290) responders said they were always able to reach a member of staff to help them when needed
  • 40% (254) responders said they sometimes were able to reach a member of staff to help them when needed
  • 11% (68) responders said they were not able to reach a member of staff to help them when needed
  • 3%(19)responderssaidtheydidnotwant/needthis
  • 0% (2) responders said they could not remember or did not know

If no, please explain why: [OPEN QUESTION]



22% The staff did not have enough time

  • Staff did not respond to calls for attention
    • Staff members were not supportive


The care I received was inconsistent 29%


  • 22% (22) respondents said that they were not able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed attention after the birth because the staff did not have enough time
  • 29% (30) respondents said that they were not able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed attention after the birth because staff did not respond to their calls for attention
  • 39% (40) respondents said that they were not able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed attention after the birth because staff members were not supportive
  • 7% (7) respondents said that they were not able to get a member of staff to help them when they needed attention after the birth because the care they received was inconsistent
  • 3% (3) respondents gave other answers

Question 47. D4. Thinking aboutthecareyoureceivedinhospital afterthe birth of your baby, were you given the information or explanations you needed?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 43% (273) responders said that they were always given the information or explanations needed
  • 41% (260) responders said that they sometimes were given the information or explanations needed
  • 15% (97) responders said they had not been given the information or explanations needed
  • 1% (4) responders said they did not know of couldn't remember

Question 48. D5. After the birth, whilst in hospital, were you treated with kindness and understanding?

  • Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember
  • 54% (338) responders said they were always treated with kindness and understanding
  • 37% (236) responders said they were sometimes treated with kindness and understanding
  • 9% (59) responders said they were not treated with kindness and understanding

If no, please tell us why: [OPEN QUESTION]


2 2




















Other I had a positive experience The staff were too busy

The treatment I received was inconsistent and depended on who was working

Myphysicalandemotionalneeds were not considered

Due to the attitude of the staff who cared for me


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

  • 43% (52) respondents said that they were not treated with kindness and understanding after their birth because of the attitude of the staff who cared for them
  • 25% (31) respondents said that they were not treated with kindness and understanding after their birth because the treatment they received was inconsistent and depended on who was working
  • 24% (29) respondents said that they were not treated with kindness and understanding after their birth because their physical and emotional needs were not considered
  • 5% (6) respondents said that they were not treated with kindness and understanding after their birth because the staff were too busy
  • 2% (2) respondents said that they were not treated with kindness and understanding after their birth because they had a positive experience
  • 2% (2) respondents gave other answers

Question 49. D6. If your partner or someone else you were close to you was involved in your care, were they able to stay with you as much as you wanted? [please tick all that apply]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


No, due to restricted visiting hours

No, due to a lack of accomodation for them on the maternity ward

No, due to Covid restrictions

No, they were not able to stay for another reason

I did not have a partner/companion with me

  • 44% (330) respondents said their partner or someone else close to them was able to stay with them as much as they wanted
  • 23% (170) responders said their partner or someone else close to them was not able to stay with them as much as they wanted due to restricted visiting hours
  • 19% (142) responders said their partner or someone else close to them was not able to stay with them as much as they wanted due to lack of accommodation for them on the maternity ward
  • 10% (78) responders said their partner or someone else close to them was not able to stay with them as much as they wanted due to Covid restrictions
  • 4% (29) responders said their partner or someone else close to them was not able to stay with them as much as they wanted for another reason
  • 0% (4) responders said they did not have a partner or companion with them

Section Ten: Feeding Your Baby (86% provided responses):

Question 50. E1. When you were pregnant, how did you want to feed your baby when they were born?

Exclusively breastfeed Exclusively formula feed Both breastfeed and formula feed I didn't have a plan

  • 62% (391) responders said they wanted to exclusively breastfeed
  • 13% (83) responders said they wanted to exclusively formula feed
  • 18% (116) responders said they wanted to both breastfeed and formula feed
  • 7% (43) responders said they did not have a plan

Question 51. E2. Inthefirstfewdaysafterthebirthhowwasyourbabyfed?


























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Don't know/can't remember Formula only

Both breast milk and formula milk Breast milk (or expressed breast milk) only

  • 55% (356) responders said they fed their baby breast milk or expressed milk only
  • 26% (172) responders said they fed their baby both breast milk and formula milk
  • 19% (125) responders said they fed their baby formula only
  • 0% (0) responders said they could not remember or did not know

Question 52. E3. Are you still breastfeeding your child?

  • 29% (151) responders said they are still breastfeeding
  • 71% (377) responders said they are not still breastfeeding

If no, what age was your child when you stopped? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 36% (121) respondents said that their child was 15 months old when they stopped breastfeeding
  • 23% (77) respondents said that their child was 13 years old whentheystopped breastfeeding
  • 22% (72) respondents said that their child was 611 months old when they stopped breastfeeding
  • 10% (34) respondents said that their child was 13 weeks old when they stopped breastfeeding
  • 7% (22) respondents said that their child was 16 days old whentheystopped breastfeeding
  • 1% (3) respondents said that their child was more than 3 years old when they stopped breastfeeding
  • 1% (5) respondents gave other answers

Question 53. E4. Why did you stop breastfeeding? [please tick all that apply]

Other I returned to work

I did not receive enough support from family/friends/partner to continue

I did not receive enough support from health professionals to continue

For medical reasons I felt uncomfortable breastfeeding in public

I was worried my child was not getting enough nutrients My child stopped wanting my breastmilk

I felt ready to stop

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

  • 23% (132) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because they felt ready to stop
  • 21% (118) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding due to another reason
  • 10% (56) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because their child stopped wanted breastmilk
  • 10% (57) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding for medical reasons
  • 9% (53) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because they did not receive enough support from health professionals
  • 9% (54) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because they were worried their child was not getting enough nutrients
  • 9% (52) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because they returned to work
  • 6% (35) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because they felt uncomfortable breastfeeding in public
  • 3% (17) respondents said they stopped breastfeeding because they did not receive enough support from family/friends/partner

Other (please specify): [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 35% (41) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because they could not produce enough milk
  • 20% (23) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding due to their mental wellbeing
  • 15% (17) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because their child would not latch
  • 9% (10) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because it was too painful
  • 7% (8) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because it was too time consuming
  • 4% (5) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because they found it too difficult
  • 4% (5) respondents gave other answers
  • 3% (4) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because their baby did not receive the breastmilk well
  • 3% (3) respondents said that they stopped breastfeeding because of lack of support from staff

Question 54. Didstoppingbreastfeedingimpactuponyouremotionalwellbeing?


























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Yes, positively No, negatively No, not at all

  • 51% (191) responders said that stopping breastfeeding did not impacted on their emotional wellbeing
  • 28% (106) responders that that stopping breastfeeding impacted negatively on their emotional wellbeing
  • 21% (81) responders said that stopping breastfeeding impacted positively on their emotional wellbeing

Question 55. E5. Were your decisions about how you wanted to feed your baby respected by midwives/health visitors?

















0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Don't know/can't remember No, not by midwives or health visitors Yes, but only by health visitors Yes, but only by midwives

Yes, by both midwives and health visitors

  • 78% (507) respondents said their decisions about how to feed their baby was respected by both midwives and health visitors
  • 9% (60) respondents said their decisions about how to feed their baby was not respected by midwives or health visitors
  • 5% (30) respondents said their decisions about how to feed their baby was respected by midwives only
  • 4% (29) respondents said their decisions about how to feed their baby was respected by health visitors only
  • 4% (26) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If you don't feel that your decisions about feeding your baby were respected by midwives and/or health visitors, please explain why: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • I felt pressured to breast feed 8% 4%
    • Staff were critical/judgemental about 4% my choices
      • I was not provided with enough support 43% to breast feed
        • Decisions about feeding were taken 23% without my consent
          • I received inconsistent care and advice



  • 43% (51) respondents said that they didn't feel their decisions about feeding their baby were respected by midwives and/or health visitors because they felt pressured to breast feed
  • 18% (21) respondents said that they didn't feel their decisions about feeding their baby were respected by midwives and/orhealthvisitorsbecausestaff were critical/judgementalabouttheirchoices
  • 23% (27) respondents said that they didn't feel their decisions about feeding their baby were respected by midwives and/or health visitors because they were not provided with enough support to breast feed
  • 4% (5) respondents said that they didn't feel their decisions about feeding their baby were respected by midwives and/or health visitors because decisions about feeding were made without their consent
  • 7% (9) respondents said that they didn't feel their decisions about feeding their baby were respected by midwives and/or health visitors because they received inconsistent careandadvice
  • 4% (5) respondents gave other answers

Question 56. E6. Did you feel that midwives/health visitors gave you active support and encouragement about feeding your baby?





























Don't know/can't remember

No,neithermidwivesorhealth visitors

Yes, but only health visitors

Yes, but only midwives

Yes, by both midwives and health visitors

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

  • 69% (448) responders said they were given active support and encouragement about feeding their baby by both midwives and health visitors
  • 10% (69) responders said they were not given active support and encouragement about feeding their baby by either midwives or health visitors
  • 9% (56) responders said they were given active support and encouragement about feeding their baby by midwives only
  • 8% (54) responders said they were given active support and encouragement about feeding their baby by health visitors only
  • 4% (26) responders said they did not know or could not remember

Question 57. E7. Was the advice you received from different midwives/health professionals about feeding your baby consistent?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 56% (363) responders said they did receive consistent advice from different midwives/health professionals about feeding their baby
  • 35% (230) responders said they did not receive consistent advice from different midwives/health professionals about feeding their baby
  • 9% (60) responders said they didn't know or couldn't remember

Section Eleven: Care After Birth (97% provided responses):

Question 58. F1. After your baby's birth, were you visited at home by midwives/health visitors?

  • Yes, by both
    • Yes, but only by midwives
      • Yes, but only by health visitors
        • No, due to pandemic restrictions
          • No, for other reasons
            • Don't know/can't remember
  • 71% (463) responders said they were visited at home by both their midwives and health visitors
  • 4% (23) responders said they were visited at home by their midwife only
  • 19% (126) responders said they were visited at home by a health visitor only
  • 5% (34) responders said they were not visited due to pandemic restrictions
  • 1% (7) responders said they were not visited due to other reasons
  • 0% (2) responders said they did not know or could not remember

If no for other reasons, please explain: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 54% (15) respondents said that they were not visited at home after their baby's birth by midwives/health visitors because they were visited by midwives/health visitors
  • 18% (5) respondents gave other answers
  • 14% (4) respondents said that they were not visited at home after their baby's birth by midwives/health visitors because they weregiventheoption togo to the Bridge centre
  • 7% (2) respondents said that they were not visited at home after their baby's birth by midwives/health visitors because they were hospitalised
  • 4% (1) respondent said that they were not visited at home after their baby's birth by midwives/health visitors because they had to go to a clinic
  • 4% (1) respondent said that they were not visited at home after their baby's birth by midwives/health visitors because they were offered support over the phone

Question 59. F2. How many times did a community midwife visit you at home/speak to you on phone/video call after birth?

  • 27% (171) responders said they were visited once
  • 26% (168) responders said they were visited twice
  • 22% (137) responders said they were visited three times
  • 16% (100) responders said they were visited five or more times
  • 9% (60) responders said they were visited four times

Question 60. F3. How many times did health visitors visit you at home/speak to youon phone/video call after birth?

  • 35% (224) responders said they were visited twice
  • 26% (163) responders said they were visited five or more times
  • 19% (118) responders said they were visited three times
  • 16% (103) responders said they were visited once
  • 4% (26) responders said they were visited four times

Question 61. F4. Didyou seeorspeaktothe samecommunitymidwifeeverytimeafter birth?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 55% (354) of respondents answered No'
  • 36% (229) of respondents answered Yes'
  • 9% (58) of respondents answered Don't know/Can't remember'

Question 62. F5. Did you see or speak to the same Health Visitor every time after birth?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 70% (447) of respondents answered Yes'
  • 24% (154) of respondents answered No'
  • 6% (41) of respondents answered Don't know/Can't remember'

Question 63. F6. Would you have liked to have seen or spoken to a community Midwife/Health Visitor..





























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

I saw or spoke to a community midwife/health visitor as much as I wanted

Would liked to have seen/spoken toahealthvisitorlessoften

Would liked to have seen/spoken to a community midwife less often

Would liked to have seen/spoken to a health visitor more often

Would liked to have seen/spoken to a community midwife more often

  • 67% (428) responders said they saw or spoke to a community midwife/health visitor as much as I wanted
  • 21% (131) responders said they would have liked to be seen/spoken to a community midwife more often
  • 8% (53) responders said they would have liked to be seen/spoken to a health visitor more often
  • 3% (18) responders said they would have liked to be seen/spoken to a health visitor less often
  • 1% (4) responders said they would have liked to be seen/spoken to a community midwife less often

Question 64. F7. Did the community midwife/health visitor that you saw or spoke to appear to be aware of the medical history of you and your baby?

  • 55% (353) responders said both the midwife and health visitor appeared to be aware of the medicalhistoryofthemselvesandtheirbaby
  • 14% (92) responders said that the midwife appeared to be aware of the medical history of themselves and their baby
  • 12% (78) responders said they didn't know or couldn't remember
  • 10% (62) responders said neither the midwife or the health visitor appeared to be aware of the medical history of themselves and their baby
  • 9% (57) responders said the health visitor appeared to be aware of the medical history of themselves and their baby

Question 65. F8. Were you offered a debrief about your labour from the community midwife/health visitor that you saw or spoke to about your labour?

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes,fromboth Yes, but only from the midwife Yes, but only from the health visitor

No, neither offered a debrief Don't know/can't remember

  • 58% (375) respondents said they were not offered a debrief about their labour from the midwife or the health visitor
  • 15% (99) respondents said they could not remember if they had a debrief about their labour
  • 14% (92) respondents said they were offered a debrief about their labour from both the community midwife and the health visitor
  • 9% (54) respondents said they were offered a debrief about their labour from their midwife
  • 4% (25) respondents said they were offered a debrief about their labour from their health visitor

Question 66. F9. Did you feel that the midwife/midwives that you saw or spoke to after birth always listened to you?

  • Yes,always
    • Yes, sometimes
      • No
        • Don't know/can't remember
  • 63% (406) respondents said that their midwife/midwives always listened to them
  • 26% (165) respondents said that their midwife/midwives sometimes listened to them
  • 7% (47) said that their midwife/midwives did not listen to them
  • 4% (26) said that they could not remember

Question 67. F10. Did you feel that the health visitor/s that you saw or spoke to after birth always listened to you?

  • Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember
  • 65% (416) respondents said that their health visitor always listened to them
  • 24% (158) respondents said that their health visitor sometimes listened to them
  • 8% (51) said that their health visitor did not listen to them
  • 3% (19) said that they could not remember

Question 68. F11. Did you have confidence and trust in the midwife/midwives that you saw or spoke to after going home?


  • Yes, sometimes No
    • Don't know/can't remember
  • 65% (427) respondents said they always had confidence and trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw or spoke to after going home
  • 26% (168) respondents said they sometimes had confidence and trust in the midwife/midwives that they saworspoketoaftergoinghome
  • 6% (37) respondents said they did not have confidence and trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw or spoke to after going home
  • 3% (20) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If no, please explain why: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 10% (5) respondents said that they did not have trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw/spoke to after going home because they did not see a midwife after leaving hospital
  • 12% (6) respondents said that they did not have trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw/spoketoaftergoinghomebecausethey werenotlistenedto by the midwife/midwives
  • 39% (19) respondents said that they did not have trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw/spoke to after going home because they were upset by how they were treated by the midwives
  • 24% (12) respondents said that they did not have trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw/spoke to after going home because they received conflicting advice from different midwives
  • 8% (4) respondents said that they did not have trust in the midwife/midwives that they saw/spoke to after going home because they had a positive experience
  • 6% (3) respondents gave other answers

Question 69. F11. Did you have confidence and trust in the health visitor/s that yousaworspoketo after going home?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes,always Yes, sometimes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 61% (398) responders said they always had confidence and trust in the health visitor/s
  • 28% (184) responders said they sometimes had confidence and trust in the health visitor/s
  • 10% (62) responders said they did not have confidence and trust in the health visitor/s
  • 1% (9) responders said they did not know or could not remember

If no, please explain why: [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 62% (33) respondents said that they did not have confidence in the health visitors that they saw/spoke to after going home because they were upset by how they were treated by the health visitor
  • 15% (8) respondents said that they did not have confidence in the health visitors that they saw/spoketoaftergoinghomebecausethey werenotlistenedto by the health visitors
  • 11% (6) respondents said that they did not have confidence in the health visitors that they saw/spoketoaftergoinghomebecausethey receivedconflicting advice from different

health visitors

  • 8% (4) respondents gave other answers
  • 4% (2) respondents said that they did not have confidence in the health visitors that they saw/spoke to after going home because they did not see a health visitor after leaving hospital

Question 70. F12. Post birth, did a midwife, health visitor or GP ask you about your emotional well being (i.e. how you were feeling and about your mood)?




















0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Don't know/can't remember No Yes

  • 85% (559) responders said they were asked about their emotional wellbeing
  • 9% (56) responders said they were not asked about their emotional wellbeing
  • 6% (40) responders said they did not know or could not remember

If yes, which health professional asked you? [OPEN QUESTION]


90 87






40 37




20 17 14

10 8


Midwife Health Visitor GP Midwife and Midwife and GP Health Visitor All three asked Other

Health Visitor and GP

  • 31% (87) respondents said that a midwife, health visitor and GP asked about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 25% (71) respondents said that a health visitor asked them about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 13% (37) respondents said that a midwife and health visitor asked them about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 10% (28) respondents said that a GP asked them about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 8% (22) respondents said that a health visitor and GP asked them about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 6% (17) respondents said that a midwife asked them about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 5% (14) respondents said that a midwife and GP asked them about their emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 3% (8) respondents gave other answers

Question 71. F13. Post birth, did a midwife, health visitor or GP ask about the fathers/ your partners emotional wellbeing (i.e. how you were feeling and about your mood)?

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 48% (314) respondents said a midwife, health visitor or GP did not ask about the father/partners emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 38% (244) respondents said a midwife, health visitor or GP asked about the father/partners emotional wellbeing post birth
  • 14% (93) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If yes, which health professional asked the father/your partner? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 49% (59) respondents said that a health visitor asked about the father/their partners' emotional wellbeing
  • 15% (18) respondents said that a midwife, health visitor and GP asked about the father/their partners' emotional wellbeing
  • 9% (11) respondents said that a midwife and health visitor asked about the father/their partners' emotional wellbeing
  • 8% (10) respondents said that a midwife asked about the father/their partners' emotional wellbeing
  • 8% (10) respondents said that a GP askedabout the father/their partners' emotionalwellbeing
  • 3% (4) respondents gave other answers
  • 2% (3) respondents said that a midwife and GP asked about the father/their partners' emotional wellbeing
  • 2% (3) respondents said that a health visitor and GP asked about the father/their partners' emotional wellbeing
  • 2% (3) respondents said that the father/their partner was not asked about their emotional wellbeing

Question 72. F14. Were you given information about any changes you might experience to your mood/feelings/thoughts after having a baby?

Yes No Don't know/can't remember

  • 60% (392) respondents said they were given information about any changes they might have experienced to their mood/feelings/thoughts after having their baby
  • 27% (175) respondents said they were not given information about any changes they might have experienced to their mood/feelings/thoughts after having their baby
  • 13% (85) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If yes, who provided you with this information? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 36% (59) respondents said that a health visitor gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 17% (29) respondents said that a midwife gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 15% (25) respondents said that a midwife and a health visitor gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 7% (11) respondents gave other answers
  • 6% (10) respondents said that they were given a leaflet with information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 6% (10) respondents said that a midwife, a health visitor and a GP gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 4% (6) respondents said that a GP gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 4% (6) respondents said that they were information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby on an antenatal course
  • 4% (6) respondents said that they were given information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby on a Baby Steps Course
  • 2% (3) respondents said that a midwife and a GP gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby
  • 1% (1) respondent said that a health visitor and a GP gave them information about changes in mood/feelings/thoughts that might occur after having a baby

Question 73. F15. Were you told who you could contact if you needed advice about any changes you might experience to your mood/thoughts?

Yes No

Don't know/can't remember

  • 53% (346) respondents said they were told who they could contact if they needed advice about any changes they might have experienced to their mood/thoughts
  • 26% (167) respondents said they were not told who they could contact if they needed advice about any changes they might have experienced to their mood/thoughts
  • 21% (140) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If yes, who were you told to contact? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 21% (25) respondents said they were told to contact a health visitor if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 19% (22) respondents said they were told to contact a GP if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 18% (21) respondents said they were told to contact a GP and health visitor if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 14% (17) respondents said they were told to contact someone if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts via leaflets
  • 9% (11) respondents gave other answers
  • 7% (8) respondents said they were told to contact a midwife and GP if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 3% (4) respondents said they were told to contact a midwife if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 3% (3) respondents said they were told to contact a midwife and health visitor if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 3% (4) respondents said they were told to contact talking therapies if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 2% (2) respondents said they were told to contact a mental health nurse if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts
  • 1% (1) respondent said they were told to contact a midwife, health visitor and GP if they needed advice about changes in mood/thoughts

Question 74. F16. Were you given information about your own physical recovery after the birth?


























0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Don't know/can't remember No, but I did not need this information No Yes

  • 59% (389) responders said they were given information about their own physical recovery after birth
  • 25% (163) responders said they were not given information about their own physical recovery after birth
  • 10% (65) responders said they did not know or could not remember
  • 6% (37) responders said they were not given information about their own physical recovery after birth but, did not need the information

If yes, who provided this information? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 37% (62) respondents said that a midwife gave them information about their physical recovery after the birth
  • 14% (23) respondents said that a health visitor gave them information about their physical recovery after the birth
  • 13% (22) respondents said that a midwife and a health visitor gave them information about their physical recovery after the birth
  • 12% (20) respondents gave other answers
  • 8% (14) respondents said that they were given information about their physical recovery after the birth via leaflets
  • 5% (8) respondents said that a midwife and a GP gave them informationabout their physical recovery after the birth
  • 5% (8) respondents said that a midwife, a GP and a health visitor gave them information about their physical recovery after the birth
  • 4% (7) respondents said that a GP gave them information about their physical recovery after the birth
  • 2% (3) respondents said that a GP and a health visitor gave them information about their physical recovery after the birth

Question 75. F17. In the six weeks after the birth of your baby did you receive help and advice from a midwife or health visitor about feeding your baby?




















0 50 100 150 200 250 300

No No, but I did not need any Don't know/can't remember

  • 61% (398) responders said they did receive help and advice from a midwife or health visitor about feeding their baby in the six weeks after their birth
  • 16% (103) responders said they did not receive help and advice from a midwife or health visitor about feeding their baby in the six weeks after their birth
  • 18% (116) responders said they did not receive help and advice from a midwife or health visitor about feeding their baby in the six weeks after their birth but, did not need any
  • 5% (37) responders said they did not know or could not remember

If yes, who provided the help/advice? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 33% (76) respondents said that a midwife and a health visitor gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 29% (67) respondents said that a health visitor gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 24% (56) respondents said that a midwife gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 6% (13) respondents gave other answers
  • 3% (6) respondents said that other healthcare professionals gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 2% (4) respondents said that the Special Care Baby Unit gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 1% (2) respondents said that a midwife and a GP gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 1% (3) respondents said that a health visitor and a GP gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 1% (2) respondents said that breastfeeding buddies gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 0.5% (1) respondent said that a midwife, a health visitor and a GP gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth
  • 0.5% (1) respondent said that a GP gave them help and advice about feeding their baby in the six weeks after the birth

Question 76. F18. In the six weeks after the birth of you baby did you receive help and advice from health professionals about your baby's health and progress?

Yes No No, but I did not need any Don't know/can't remember

  • 76% (496) respondents said they did receive help and advice from health professionals about their baby's health and progress in the six weeks after the birth
  • 11% (74) respondents said that because they did not need it, they did not receive help and advice from health professionals about their baby's health and progress in the six weeks after the birth
  • 9% (55) respondents said they did not receive help and advice from health professionals about their baby's health and progress in the six weeks after the birth
  • 4% (27) respondents said they did not know or could not remember

If yes, who provided the help and advice? [OPEN QUESTION]

  • 36% (96) respondents said that a health visitor provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 16% (42) respondents said that a midwife and a health visitor provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 12% (32) respondents said that a midwife provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 10% (26) respondents said that a midwife, a health visitor and a GP provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 8% (21) respondents said that a health visitor and a GP provided themwith helpandadvice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 7% (18) respondents said that a GP provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 5% (13) respondents gave other answers
  • 4% (11) respondents said that other health care professionals provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 2% (5) respondents said that the Special Care Baby Unit provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 1% (3) respondents said that Pathways Samares School provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth
  • 0.5% (1) respondent said that a midwife and a GP provided them with help and advice about their baby's health and progress after the birth

Question 77. F19. At the postnatal checkup (around 6 weeks after the birth), did the GP spend enough time talking to you about your own physical health?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes No I have not had a postnatal check Don't know/can't remember

  • 56% (366) responders said that the GP did spend enough time talking to them about their own physical health
  • 30% (196) responders said the GP did not spend enough time talking to them about their own physical health
  • 10% (67) responders said they did not know or couldn't remember if their GP spent enough time talking to them about their own physical health
  • 4% (23) responders said they had not had a postnatal check up

Question 78. F20. At the postnatal checkup, did the GP spend enough time talking to you about your own emotional wellbeing (i.e. how you were feeling and about your mood)?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes, definitely Yes, to some extent No I have not had a postnatal check up Don't know/can't remember

  • 34% (224) responders said that the GP definitely did spend enough time talking to them about their own emotional health
  • 27% (173) responders said that the GP did to some extent spend enough time talking to them about their own emotional health
  • 25% (164) responders said the GP did not spend enough time talking to them about their own emotional health
  • 10% (65) responders said they did not know or couldn't remember if their GP spent enough time talking to them about their emotional health
  • 4% (26) responders said they had not had a postnatal check up

Question 79. F21. Are you content that 6week checkups are provided by your GP?

Yes No, they should be provided by your midwife Don't know

  • 57% (372) respondents said they were content that 6week checkups are provided by their GP
  • 34% (221) respondents said they were not content that 6week checkups are provided by their GP and that they should be provided by a midwife
  • 9% (59) respondents said they didn't know if they are content that 6week checkups are provided by their GP

Question 80. F22. If you gave birth after the summer of 2019, were you made aware of the following website (click here) where you can access information about maternity services in Jersey?

  • 60% (236) respondents said they did not know about the website
  • 24% (97) respondents said they didn't know
  • 16% (63) respondents said they did know about the website

Section Twelve: Mental Health(38%providedresponses):

Question 81. G1. Didyouoryourpartnerhaveanymentalhealthissuesduring or after pregnancy?























0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Yes, me Yes, my partner Yes, both No, neither me nor my partner I don't know

  • 63% (410) respondents said neither themselves nor their partner had mental health issues during or after pregnancy
  • 23% (153) respondents said they had mental health issues during or after pregnancy
  • 6% (40) respondents said both themselves and their partner had mental health issues during orafterpregnancy
  • 4% (26) respondents said their partners had mental health issuesduring orafterpregnancy
  • 4% (25) respondents said they didn't know

Question 82. G2. If you were given support for your mental health during or after your pregnancy, which of these health professionals provided that support? [please tick all that apply]














0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

A midwife A GP A health visitor An Obstetrician None of the above Other

  • 13% (38) respondents said they would want support from a midwife for their mental health
  • 31% (92) respondents said they would want support from a GP for their mental health
  • 22% (69) respondents said they would want support from a health visitor for their mental health
  • 19% (56) respondents said none of the above
  • 14% (42) respondents said other
  • 1% (2) respondents said they would want support from an obstetrician for their mental health
  • 40% (16) respondents said that Adult Mental Health gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 15% (6) respondents said that a therapist gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 13% (5) respondents gave other answers
  • 10% (4) respondents said that they did not seek support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 8% (3) respondents said that a counsellor gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 5% (2) respondents said that Pregnancy in Mind gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 3% (1) respondent said that a health visitor gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 3% (1) respondent said that the Baby Steps Programme gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 3% (1) respondent said that the Yes Project gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy
  • 3% (1) respondent said that the perinatal health team gave them support for their mental health during and/or after their pregnancy

Question 83. G3. Were you referred to a support service?

  • Yes, I was referred
    • I was given information about organisations for more support
      • No, I didn't want to be referred
        • No, the option wasn't suggested to me
          • I don't know/can't remember
  • 34% (72) responders said they were referred to a support service
  • 23% (47) responders said they did not want to be referred
  • 23% (56) responders said that the option was not suggested to them
  • 11% (23) responders said they were given information about organisations for more support
  • 5% (11) responders said they didnotknoworcouldn'tremember

Question 84. G4. Which services were you referred to? [please tick all that apply]

Other The Listening Lounge

Parent and Infant Psychotherapy Jersey Talking Therapies

Baby Steps Healthy Child Program (HCP) Pregnancy in Mind (PIM) Perinatal Mental Health Service

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

  • 25% (34) respondents said they werereferredtoPerinatalMental Health Services
  • 25% (34) respondents said they werereferredtoanotherservice
  • 21%(28)respondentssaidtheywerereferredtoJerseyTalkingTherapies
  • 10% (14) respondents said they were referred to Baby Steps
  • 9% (12) respondents said they were referred to Pregnancy in Mind (PIM)
  • 8% (10) respondents said they were referred to the Listening Lounge
  • 1% (1) respondents said they were referred to Healthy Child Program (HCP)
  • 1% (1) respondents said they were referred to Parent and Infant Psychotherapy

Adult Mental Health

25% 25%

Private Psychologist MESCH Brighter Futures

11% 11% Consellor

Health Visitor

7% 14% Other


  • 25% (7) respondents said that they were referred to Adult Mental Health
  • 25% (7) respondents gave other answers
  • 14% (4) respondents said that they were referred to MESCH
  • 11% (3) respondents said that they were referred to a private psychologist
  • 11% (3) respondents said that they were referred to a health visitor
  • 7% (2) respondents said that they were referred to Brighter Futures
  • 7% (2) respondents said that they were referred to a counsellor

Question 85. G5. How long did it take after referral to be seen?

















Over 4 weeks Within 4 weeks Within 3 weeks Within 2 weeks Within 1 week The same day

0 5 10 15 20 25

  • 3% (2) respondents said it was the same day as referral to be seen
  • 27% (21) respondents said it was within oneweekofreferralto be seen
  • 18% (14) respondents said it was within two weeks of referral to be seen
  • 16% (12) respondents said it was within three weeks of referral to be seen
  • 18% (14) respondents said it was within four weeks of referral to be seen

19% (15) saiditwas over four weeks of referralto beseen(please specify how long): [OPENQUESTION]


43% 5 6 weeks 7 8 weeks

  • Over 8 weeks


  • 28% (2) respondents said it was between five and six weeks of referral to be seen
  • 29% (2) respondents said it was between seven and eight weeks of referral to be seen
  • 43% (3) respondents said it was over eight weeks of referral to be seen