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Telephone Mast Review - Description of JMMCG - Submission - 3 February 2007

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No we are not a formal group, what happened is that a group of people starting petitions in different parts of the Island heard of others doing

the same thing and we got together. One woman put the website together, I think three people worked on it, it is to raise public awareness. We have a group email address which any one who is interested can join. We have had three meetings only, they have not been chaired or minuted. We did discuss minuting the first one but sometimes people have not wanted or been able to be noted as being present for example because of where they work. We are more a self help group in that we support each other and provide information as we find it. Some people have been extremely upset with the mast issue and like the idea of a group. One or two of us check the emails and forward them out.

We do not have set objectives or a constitution, we do not have any funds, most of us are average people, we have come together purely because we all believe that there will be too many masts in too small an area (Jersey) and many of these will be too close to peoples work, home and schools. Hence the petition was for 300 metre restriction, this was put as a proposition

purposely to give to the States and a politican helped us with the wording

for this.

The group does enable those of us who have to stay anonomous to get their point of view accross. I have also been called by members of the public asking what they can do about their respective masts. I had told them to write to health and planning and now I say health and scrutiny and to contact their Deputies, Constables.

This aside we are still organised, we always confer to the group by email which direction we are going next. For example the meeting with scrutiny and who would attend has been discussed with all our core members. Anyone can represent the group as long as they request that they do so and why and we have very much all taken an active role in areas we saw fit.

We are a voluntary body and at this stage have no plans to start taking subscriptions. If the masts go ahead and we are then monitoring health we

may consider a newsletter about how people can help themselves stay well. We may then have to consider costs but as of now all our time has been contributed freely because we are so concerned about what is happening here.

I think that the point is being missed here, I would freely give as much

time as I have available to prevent what I see as a catasrpophy in the

making (long term) and there are a core of us who feel the same way and this is growing all the time. I would say we are about 25 in number.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Carol Le Quesne" <> To: Cc: "Malcolm Orbell" <> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 9:31 PM

Subject: Details about your organisation


Deputy Breckon has asked me to get in touch to find out a little more about your organisation, please could you let us know if any of your meetings have been recorded in minutes, if so would the Sub-Panel be able to receive them.

The Scrutiny process relies on evidence to support all of its investigations therefore the Chairman has asked a few other questions which you may be able to answer in order that we fully understand the role and function of your organisation -

Do you have a constitution with aims and objectives Do you have any elected officers

Do you have any funds

How do you become a member of your group

How many members do you have

Do you have a subscription of funds process

Do you have any newsletters or similar

Any of the above would be of assistance

Kind Regards Carol Le Quesne Scrutiny Officer

Telephone 01534 441074 Fax 01534 441077