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Written Submission 2.2
Ms Lisa Noel
Reference: Environmental Policies
Significant Environment Issues
- rising sea levels
- SOLAR panels on all states and public buildings
- investment in green technologies
- climate change
- not self reliant couldn't feed ourselves with the crops grown on Island
- not enough variety of crop grown
- over farming
- using pesticides
- sea pollution
- low fish stocks
- bee disease
- building on farmable land
- over population
- not organic farming promoted
- allowing plastics like PP5 into the Island and not recycling it
- having an incinerator that produces toxic ash and storing it up in stead of dealing with it
- over development of the Island
- no respect for green spaces or nature
- our Land is seen only as a commodity
- No investment in infrastructure e.g. sewage system
Further Actions Taken
- Securing Sea walls and increasing their height
- Put in the sewage system Island wide as a matter of urgency
- Increase length of sewage outlet for in St Aubin's bay to be extended far out to sea or if possible an alternative solution found
- set oyster farm in St aubins to eat the green sea lettuce
- Stop the use of cleaning products that are not environmentally friendly e.g detergents
- Stop bringing in PP 5 plastics unless we start recycling it
- Bring in Island wide recycling collections
- Employ people or buy machines to sort rubbish before going into the incinerator
- Cover every building possible with Solar panels no new build should be allowed without it
- All buildings Island wide that can't be lived in should be made habitable and if not the land restored to nature
- All green houses restored for growing so we can have areas where we can control the conditions as the climate changes
- Support local farming we need to eat vital to life we can't eat money
- Reduce the amount of Jersey Royals being grown
- Bring back putting vraic down on the land and leaving some fields fallow each year
- Putting fallen leaves onto fields to build up top soil
- Investing in organic farming
- Encourage people to grow their own vegetables and fruit
- Plant native trees
- Ban plastic bags
- Employ people to clean up the beaches get rid of every piece of plastic
- Reduce fishing to allow stocks to replenish
- Encourage walking and cycling give people who give up their cars a tax incentive
- Increase greatly GST on big cars and cars with high engine capacity
- Make the bus fares 50p
- Introduce car free days
- Stop GST on small low engine capacity cars
- Limit cars per family
- Stop GST on healthy foods
- Increase GST on products with sugar in them
Every future decision made
The Environment should be put first before anything else. If we don't take climate change seriously then nothing else really matters we won't have a future it has to happen now. We can't carry on as we are.