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Submission - Secondary Education Funding - JCC Updated Guidance

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Children, Young People, Education & Skills (CYPES)


Title:  Guidance to support the functions of Jersey Curriculum Council Date:  March 2023

Author: Kate Sugden

  1. Overview

This policy provides guidance to support the effective administration of Jersey Curriculum Council (JCC) and covers:

  1. recruitment, membership, and composition of the Council
  2. reviewing the Jersey Curriculum
  3. communication process surrounding the business of the JCC
  4. frequency of meetings
  1. Scope Staff in CYPES, particularly those involved with delivery of Jersey Curriculum.
  2. Responsibilities and distribution

This policy should be read alongside the Education (Jersey) Law 1999 Revised 23 March 2023 Schedule 5 (Article 59) Jersey Curriculum Council. This document is attached in Appendix 1.

  1. Background Information

The Jersey Curriculum Council was established in 1999 under the Education (Jersey) Law. Item 2 of Schedule 5 states that:

The functions of the Jersey Curriculum Council shall be to –

  1. conduct consultation on the aims, objectives, content, delivery, and assessment of the Jersey Curriculum
  2. keep the Jersey Curriculum under review
  3. offer independent advice to and undertake research and development on behalf of the Minister in respect of the Jersey Curriculum
  1. provide advice on the Jersey Curriculum to teachers, school governors, parents and other persons concerned with the provision of education; and
  2. disseminate information about the Jersey Curriculum
  1. Guidelines
  1. Recruitment and membership

The membership of the Jersey Curriculum Council is defined in Schedule 5, Article 59, parts 4 to 8 of the Education (Jersey) Law. See Appendix 1.

To ensure full representation from teachers there will be a representative from Early Years and Key Stages 1 to 5, a Primary Headteacher, a Secondary Headteacher, a Special School and Highlands College representative, as well as representatives from CYPES. Additional Specialist Advisers may be co-opted. An exemplar membership is given in Appendix 2.

CYPES shall be represented by either the Chief Officer or Group Director for Education, the Senior Adviser(s) for Curriculum, as well as any co-opted advisers.

Representatives on the JCC will retain their position for three years. When their term comes to an end, a recruitment process will begin unless the JCC representative remains eligible (see item 6(1) of Education (Jersey) Law 1999) and wishes to continue for another term. If the representative is not eligible to stand again, then the opportunity to serve as a representative will be advertised in the Group Director's Brief (or similar). Should there be more than one applicant for the post, then candidates will be requested to submit a statement of interest to the Senior Advisor with responsibility for the JCC. The statements will be considered and the candidates, and their headteachers, will be informed of the final decision in writing.

Teachers wishing to represent any Key Stage must have a signed agreement/recommendation from their Headteacher. Again, names will be submitted to an agreed deadline. It is important that members can fully commit to the JCC meetings to provide continuity for any development work. Members should inform the Senior Advisor with responsibility for the JCC in advance, with reasons, if they are unable to attend. Three consecutive absences may possibly result in a member losing their place on the Council.

Where more than one teacher is recommended for a particular Key Stage, there is a possibility that two teachers may share the Key Stage role. Teachers may also be offered a different Key Stage if there is a suitable vacancy.

All teachers applying to be a representative on the JCC will be expected to attend a face-to-face or online interview process with the Senior Adviser with responsibility for the Jersey Curriculum Council along with another CYPES representative. The interview will explore the candidates' knowledge and understanding of their Key Stage experience and any subject expertise they may possess. Representatives who are continuing to stand for another term will not be expected to attend an additional interview.

Vacancies that occur during the three-year period of appointment will be advertised and the process managed as detailed above.

  1. Reviewing the Jersey Curriculum

The Jersey Curriculum Council will keep the Jersey Curriculum documentation under review and will commission any additional work to be done if revisions are deemed necessary. There is a process for making any revisions or changes to the Jersey Curriculum (see Appendix 3).

  1. Communication process surrounding the business of the JCC

The names and contact details of the members of the Jersey Curriculum Council will be published in the Group Director's Brief (or any other future system used to communicate with CYPES staff). The Agenda and Minutes of every Jersey Curriculum Council meeting will also be published on the Curriculum and Resources SharePoint.

Any member of staff wishing to contribute to items on the agenda should contact their Key Stage representative, who will then notify the Senior Advisor with responsibility for the JCC. If there are general queries from either schools and colleges or the community, these should also be directed to the Senior Adviser with responsibility for the Council.

  1. Frequency of meetings

The Jersey Curriculum Council will aim to meet three times a year, and no less than twice a year. Meetings will be held in mid-November, mid-March, and mid-June. Dates, agendas, and minutes will be the responsibility of the Senior Adviser with responsibility for Jersey Curriculum Council and communicated as stated above. Agendas and relevant papers will be shared with representatives no less than two days in advance of the meeting. Draft minutes will be shared within ten days of the JCC meeting being convened. Once agreed, these will then be posted on the Curriculum and Resources SharePoint for all staff to access.

  1. Further information and related documents

See Appendix 1: Education (Jersey) Law 1999 Revised Edition 1 January 2018, Schedule 5 (Article 59).


(Article 59)


  1. There is hereby established a council, to be known as the Jersey Curriculum Council.
  2. The functions of the Jersey Curriculum Council shall be to –
  1. conduct consultation on the aims, objectives, content, delivery, and assessment of the Jersey Curriculum.
  2. keep the Jersey Curriculum under review.
  3. offer independent advice to and undertake research and development on behalf of the Minister in respect of the Jersey Curriculum.
  4. provide advice on the Jersey Curriculum to teachers, school governors, parents and other persons concerned with the provision of education; and
  5. disseminate information about the Jersey Curriculum.
  1. The Jersey Curriculum Council shall fulfil the same functions in relation to –
  1. such elements of a curriculum suitable to the needs of children of compulsory school age as do not form part of the Jersey Curriculum; and
  2. a curriculum suitable to the needs of young persons, as it is required to fulfil in relation to the Jersey curriculum.
  1. The Jersey Curriculum Council shall consist of –
  1. a chairman.
  2. a vice-chairman; and
  3. 13 other members.
  1. The Chief Officer shall be the chairman.
  2. The Minister shall appoint a person to be the vice-chairman.
  3. The 13 other members shall be appointed by the Minister.
  1. With the exception of the chairman and any member of the Jersey Curriculum Council who is an officer in an administration of the States for which the Minister is assigned responsibility, a member of the Jersey Curriculum Council shall vacate the member's office at the expiry of 3 years from the date of the member's appointment but shall be eligible for reappointment.
  2. Any member of the Jersey Curriculum Council shall cease to hold office –
  1. if the member tenders his or her resignation in writing to the Minister.
  2. if the member appoints a special attorney without whom the member may not transact in matters real or personal.
  3. if a curator is appointed for the member; or
  1. if, without reasonable excuse, the member absents himself or herself from 3 consecutive meetings of the Jersey Curriculum Council.
  1. A  person  appointed  to fill  any  casual vacancy  in  the  office  of  a  member  of the Jersey Curriculum Council shall hold office until the date on which the person in whose place the person is appointed would have ceased to hold office.
  1. Each member shall have a vote on any decision, and the decision shall be determined by a simple majority.
  2. The Jersey Curriculum Council may co-opt such specialist advisers as it considers necessary for such periods of time as it considers appropriate.
  3. The members of the Jersey Curriculum Council shall not be entitled to any remuneration, but the Minister shall –
  1. defray such expenses of the Jersey Curriculum Council and its members as the Minister may determine; and
  2. provide such secretarial services, accommodation and facilities as the Jersey Curriculum Council may reasonably require for its meetings.


Chairman: Chief Officer (CYPES) or Group Director, Education Vice Chairman: Minister's Appointee

13 Other Members:

Teacher Representative Early Years Teacher Representative KS1

Teacher Representative KS2

Teacher Representative KS3

Teacher Representative KS4

Teacher Representative KS5 Representative Highlands Representative Special Education Headteacher Representative Primary

Headteacher Representative Secondary

CYPES Officer SA with JCC responsibility CYPES Officer

CYPES Officer

Additional co-opted special advisers as required.

The Minister for Children and Education will be invited to all meetings as the statutory role of the Jersey Curriculum Council is to offer independent advice to and undertake research and development on behalf of the Minister in respect of the Jersey Curriculum.' Education (Jersey) Law 1999 Revised Edition 24 March 2023, Schedule 5 (Article 59), Part 2c.

Jersey Curriculum Council

Process for Reviewing or Making Changes to the Curriculum

In the first instance a definition of Curriculum' is required, because this has wider implications than the remit of the Jersey Curriculum Council. This will clarify the duties that the Council provides. UNESCO International Bureau of Education defines curriculum as follows:

Curriculum is a systematic and intended packaging of competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes that are underpinned by values) that learners should acquire through organised learning experiences both in formal and non-formal settings. Good curriculum plays an important role in forging life-long learning competencies, as well as social attitudes and skills, such as tolerance and respect, constructive management of diversity, peaceful conflict management, promotion and respect of Human Rights, gender equality, justice, and inclusiveness. At the same time, curriculum contributes to the development of thinking skills and the acquisition of relevant knowledge that learners need to apply in the context of their studies, daily life and careers. Curriculum is also increasingly called upon to support the learner's personal development by contributing to enhancing their self-respect and confidence, motivation, and aspirations.'

In addition, it is also helpful to add that because the Jersey Curriculum is strongly linked to the English National Curriculum, it is worth considering Ofsted's understanding of curriculum:

"The curriculum is a framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage (intent); for translating that framework over time into a structure and narrative, within an institutional context (implementation) and for evaluating what knowledge and understanding pupils have gained against expectations (impact/achievement)."

Education (Jersey) Law, 1999: Article 16 states:

 The Minister shall, after consultation with the Jersey Curriculum Council –

  1. establish a basic curriculum for the education of children of compulsory school age, to be known as the Jersey Curriculum; and
  2. revise that Curriculum whenever the Minister considers it necessary or expedient to do so.

Any review of or change to the Jersey Curriculum (or individual subjects) should take into account an aspect of the areas set within the Education Law. This may include:

  1. the age and stage at which subjects should be taught.
  2. range or ranges of subjects that a child may elect, at any particular stage of the child's education, to be taught.
  3. disapplication or modification.
  4. the matters, skills and processes which must be taught.
  5. the minimum number of hours in the school year for which the subject must be taught.
  6. the knowledge, skills and understanding which children of different abilities and maturities are expected to have attained by the end of any particular stage in their education.
  7. the arrangements for assessing children for the purpose of ascertaining the level of knowledge, skills and understanding they have attained by the end of any particular stage in their education.
  8. the extent to which the Jersey Curriculum has breadth and balance in order to prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
  9. the extent to which the Jersey Curriculum is available to children of compulsory school age and to parents of children of compulsory school age.
  10. reporting on the progress of a child in relation to all subjects and activities undertaken by the child at the school, and the results of any assessments made in accordance with the requirements of the Jersey Curriculum.
  11. reviewing Religious Education, and the associated syllabus (as agreed by REAC and approved by the Minister).
  12. acts of worship, rights of withdrawal, alternative provision.

The Process for Considering a Review or Curriculum Change (including the adoption of a new Island-wide syllabus or resource):

Is the review/research being requested part of the timetabled Jersey Curriculum Council business as usual'?

Yes- Go to section A

No – Go to Section B


Section A

Section B

The review or research will be timetabled and agreed within the Jersey Curriculum Council minutes in relation to the Education (Jersey) Law, 1999: Article 59, Schedule 5.2b and 2c.

The purpose of the review will be agreed at the time of the scheduling as either to

  1. keep the Jersey Curriculum under review or;
  1. offer independent advice to and undertake research and development on behalf of the Minister in respect of the Jersey Curriculum.

The method of the review or research is to be drafted and agreed with the Jersey Curriculum Council in advance of being adopted. This may include:

Data analysis

Policy review

Curriculum documentation review

Consultation (in line with Participation Standards and taking into account the views of Ministers, SLT, Unions, SIAS, schools or wider community groups as required)

Research review

School visits (documentation, observations, pupil / staff / parent interviews and/or questionnaires)

The personnel responsible for leading the review should be identified and agreed in advance (i.e., whether internal or external

Is the matter raised relevant to the context of the work of the JCC as laid out above?

No – revise or dismiss Yes – proceed

Sufficient evidence should be presented to the Minister and JCC to state a clear case for review or for changing the Jersey Curriculum. This may include:

Government strategic plans

Data analysis

Preliminary consultation and evidence (including views from SLT, SIAS, pupils (using the Participation Standards Toolkit) and headteachers)

Policy / documentation review

Research review to gain international perspective

Status vs future benefits

Statement of change / review request and outline of timeline and


The Minister and JCC will have the opportunity to challenge and clarify the case for change/ review.

The Minister and JCC will vote as to whether to adopt the case for changing the Jersey Curriculum or to support further review. Timeframes may be adjusted on the basis of other commitments relative to the Curriculum.

Regular updates based on the agreed timelines will be presented to the JCC either through the officer responsible for the JCC,


leads are required).

The JCC should receive regular updates against an agreed timeline.

A draft report detailing outcomes should be presented to the Minister of Children and Education and the JCC.

The Minister of Children and Education and JCC should have an opportunity to respond to any recommendations and this should be minuted.

The report should be amended if necessary and a final copy submitted to JCC members.

The report should then be shared with SLT, SIAS, headteachers, and wider stakeholders as agreed in the initial method.

or in person by the individual leading the agreed change.

Review procedures will follow those laid out in Section A

Changes to the Jersey Curriculum

The Jersey Curriculum is a statutory document that sits under the Education (Jersey) Law, 1999. Non-statutory guidance sits alongside the statutory statements within the document to exemplify choice or meaning.

The process for change to both statutory and non-statutory elements should be the same to preserve the rigor of the documentation and appropriate stakeholder engagement.

  1. Determine a need for change through consultation with all relevant stakeholders including Children and Young People (using the Participation Standards) in developing the draft documentation.
  2. Present the case (as above) to JCC.
  3. Gain agreement to proceed.
  4. Commission a working party or other statutory group (e.g., REAC) with suitable levels of expertise regarding the subject being changed.
  5. Share completed draft for comment with SIAS and redraft if required.
  6. Share draft with SLT and Minister for comment and redraft if required.
  7. Present draft to the Minister and JCC for final ratification and comment. Minute agreement.
  8. Communicate with Headteachers and/or any relevant Subject Leaders.
  9. Amend all paper, e-copies, and online copies of documentation.
  10. If the changes are significant, develop a notice / booklet for parents and young people to highlight changes and share via



school / parent communication systems (including websites, social media), via a press release and via




Date Issued

Issued by

Reason for Change



Sarah Johnson

First Draft for review



Sarah Johnson

Final Draft for consideration by JCC



Sarah Johnson

Final Copy accepted by Jersey Curriculum Council



Debbie Michel

To reflect new nomenclature



Kate Sugden

Updating details and processes to reflect current practice. Addition of processes to review and change the Jersey Curriculum.



Kate Sugden

Revisions incorporating views of Minister and JCC membership.



Presented To

Approved by:


Secondary Head Teachers



Primary Head Teachers



Police / Honorary Police



Senior Management Team



 Minister for Children and Education



Jersey Curriculum Council





Planned review date:




Associated policies

