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Review: Proposed Budget 2025 – 2028 Review – Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Committee/Panel: Children, Education and Home Affairs Panel
Launch Date: 30 August 2024 Close Date: 22 November 2024
Submissions Deadline: 18 October 2024 Review Status: Comments published
Ministerial Response(s):

The Panel completed its review and published a comments paper on 22nd November 2024 (available here).
Please find the Ministerial Response to the published a comments paper (available here)

The Panel collected submissions from a range of external stakholders and held public review hearings with the Minster for Education and Lifelong Learning (on 11 October), the Minster for Children and Families (on 16 October), and the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs (on 9 October)


The Proposed Budget 2025-28 [P.51/2024] was lodged on 2 August 2024 for debate on 26 November 2024. The presentation of the Financial Annex to the Proposed Budget 2025-28 [R.133/2024] was presented on 13 August 2024 and provides further financial detail.

The Proposed Budget (previously entitled 'Government Plan'), the Common Strategic Policy 2024-2026 [R.115/2024]  and Departments' Business Plans  aim to link the Council of Ministers' high-level priorities with their delivery.

The Common Strategic Policy 2024-2026, which was approved by the States Assembly on 21 May 2024 defines thirteen strategic priorities for delivery over the next two years. This is aligned with the long-term vision set out in the Future Jersey Report and the ten Island Outcomes arising from it.

The Budget

The Proposed Budget explains the financial context in which Ministerial priorities will be delivered and also outlines the financial approvals that Ministers are proposing to ensure that taxpayers' money is focused on delivering both their priorities and existing services, whilst ensuring the ongoing sustainability of Government and States' finances. It is a rolling four-year plan that is revised and updated each year to reflect changes in the Island's economic outlook.

The Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 requires the Council of Ministers to each financial year, prepare a government plan and lodge it in sufficient time for the States to debate and approve it before the start of the next financial year.

Details of the Proposed Budget include:

  • Estimated income and expenditure of the Consolidated Fund.
  • Amounts to be internally transferred between States Funds.
  • Any other proposed financing.
  • Revenue Expenditure Growth and Projects and their proposed costs.
  • Estimated income and expenditure from States Trading Operations to be paid into the States Trading Operations Fund.
  • Amounts to be appropriated from the Consolidated and States Trading Operations Funds for the next financial year.
  • Estimated amounts in States Funds at the start and finish of each financial year.
  • Borrowing and Debt Management Framework.

Key Issues to consider include:

  • Whether the Proposed Budget meets the requirements of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019.
  • Whether the Proposed Budget is fiscally sound and economically sustainable.
  • Whether the Proposed Budget follows the advice of the Fiscal Policy Panel and Income Forecasting Group.
  • The impact of the Proposed Budget proposals on departmental budgets and staffing levels. 
  • Whether the Proposed Budget aligns with the objectives of the Common Strategic Policy to deliver on the priorities and aligns with Departments' Business Plans.
  • Whether the proposed Revenue Expenditure Growth and Projects are appropriate and deliverable within the timeframes specified. 
  • Whether the resources allocated to Revenue Expenditure Growth and Projects are sufficient and demonstrate the best use of public funds.

The main Funds for the Panel to review under its remit include:

  • Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund

Each Scrutiny Panel has been allocated various revenue expenditure growth and capital and other projects specific to its remit to consider for their reviews of the Proposed Budget for 2025. The Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel will also review any overarching themes within the Proposed Budget. For a list of new revenue expenditure growth and capital and other projects allocated to the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel for this review, please see the document published under Research.

Terms of reference

1.     To review components of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Proposition [P.51/2024] which are relevant to the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel to determine the following:  

  1. The impact of the Budget proposals on departmental budgets, savings and staffing levels. 
  2. Whether the revenue expenditure growth, capital and other projects are appropriate and likely to have a positive impact on Islanders and Island life. 
  3. How the proposed revenue expenditure growth, capital and other projects align with the Common Strategic Policy to deliver on the priorities, and in line with the Departments' Business Plans. 
  4. Whether the resources allocated to revenue expenditure growth and capital and other projects are sufficient, ensure value for money and demonstrate best use of public funds. 

2.    To assess the impact of the Budget proposals on the Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund.