Next week’s States Meeting: Tuesday 18 March
States Assembly
14 March 2025

First in States business, the Bailiff will announce the appointment of an unelected member of the Public Accounts Committee.
Oral Questions
States Members will question Ministers for up to 2 hours and 20 minutes. These oral questions will have been issued to them in advance (i.e. ‘with notice’). Details of next week’s oral questions with notice can be found on page 8 of the Order Paper.
The following Ministers will then answer oral questions which they have not been given in advance of the meeting (i.e. ‘without notice’) for 15 minutes each:
- Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce
- Minister for External Relations, Deputy Ian Gorst
- Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham
The Chair of the Hospital Review Panel, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, will make a statement following the publication of a report into the Government’s New Healthcare Facilities Programme.
Public Business
The States Assembly will then begin debating the following:
Proposition: | More information: |
P.2 Re-instatement of Senators |
Deputy Elaine Millar is proposing to reintroduce the office of Senator, which would be elected on an Island-wide basis, by removing one Deputy from each constituency, therefore creating nine Senator roles. Read the Proposition in full. |
P.2 Re-instatement of Senators - amendment |
Deputy Tom Coles is proposing an amendment which would reintroduce the office of Senator by removing the role of Constable from the States Assembly, therefore creating 12 Senator roles. Read the Amendment in full. Deputy Kristina Moore is proposing an amendment to the amendment to replace the role of Constable with eight Senators, therefore reducing the number of Members within the States Assembly to 45. Read the Amendment to the Amendment in full. |
P.2 Re-instatement of Senators – second amendment |
Deputy Sam Mézec is proposing an amendment which would reintroduce the office of Senator, while keeping the current number of Deputies. It also requests that an Independent Boundaries Commission is established to analyse the impact it would have on voter equity. Read the Amendment in full. |
P.2 Re-instatement of Senators – third amendment |
The Privileges and Procedures Committee is proposing an amendment to delay the reintroduction of Senators until the 2030 election. Read the Amendment in full. |
P.2 Re-instatement of Senators – fourth amendment |
Deputy Kristina Moore is proposing an amendment which would replace nine Deputies with seven Senators, reducing the number of Members within the States Assembly to 47. It also requests that the Senators form the entire Council of Ministers. Read the Amendment in full. |
P.2 Re-instatement of Senators – fifth amendment |
Deputy Montfort Tadier is proposing an amendment which would see a separate election day for the role of Senator, which would be held before the nomination deadline for Connétables and Deputies. Read the Amendment in full. |
P.4 Draft Shipping (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-. | The Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, is proposing an amendment to the Shipping Law to expand the definition of a ship to include small watercraft used for leisure activities. Read the Proposition in full. |
P.6 National Day for Jersey | The Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey, is proposing that Liberation Day is adopted as Jersey’s official National Day. Read the Proposition in full. Deputy Montfort Tadier is proposing an amendment which requests that the 28 September is adopted as a second National Day and that ‘Man bieau p’tit Jèrri’ or ‘Beautiful Jersey’ is adopted as the Island’s official anthem. Read the Amendment in full. |
P.7 Rate Appeal Board: Appointment of Members | The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Elaine Millar, is proposing to appoint, and re-appoint, a number of members of the Rate Appeal Board for varying terms of office. Read the Proposition in full. |
P.12 Social Security Tribunal: Re-appointment of Panel Members | The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Lyndsay Feltham, is proposing to appoint Mr Robert Douglas, Ms June Summers-Shaw and Mrs Susan Cuming as members of the Social Security Tribunal for a four-year period. Read the Proposition in full. |
P.13 Income Support Medical Appeal Tribunal: Re-appointment of Panel Members | The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Lyndsay Feltham, is proposing to appoint Mr Robert Douglas and Ms June Summers-Shaw as lay-members of the Income Support Medical Appeal Tribunal Panel for a four-year period. Read the Proposition in full. |
P.14 Jersey Police Complaints Authority: Appointment of Member | The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, Deputy Mary Le Hegarat, is proposing to appoint Mr David Porter as a member of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a three-year period. Read the Proposition in full. |
A notification when each debate begins, a summary of the Proposition and the results of each debate will be shared on the States Assembly X page (formerly Twitter) throughout the meeting. A summary of the meeting will be shared at the end of each day on the news section of the States Assembly website.