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9.30 a.m. Communications by the Presiding Officer and other announcements Appointments, matters of privilege, petitions (if any)
Approx. 9.40 a.m. Oral questions with notice
Up to 2 hours 20
Urgent questions (if any)
Up to 45 minutes, Oral questions without notice:
divided between the Minister for Housing and Communities three Ministers Minister for International Development
• Chief Minister
• Minister for Infrastructure regarding an update on the New Health Care Facilities project.
• Minister for Treasury and Resources regarding a complaint relating to the calculation of pension entitlements from the Public Employees' Pension Fund.
Approx. 2.15 p.m. Vote of No Confidence – Chair of the Health and Social Security
Scrutiny Panel (P.7/2023).
Note: Notice has been given of the intention to propose that the minimum lodging period be reduced so that the proposition can be debated.
Establishment of a Climate Council (P.117/2022).
Establishment of a Climate Council (P.117/2022): amendment. (P.117/2022 Amd.).
Draft Banking Business (Amendment No. 7 – Commencement) (Jersey) Act 202- (P.2/2023).
Trainee Minimum Wage (P.5/2023).
Trainee Minimum Wage (P.5/2023): amendment (P.5/2023 Amd.).
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE (P.6/2023).
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE. (P.6/2023): amendment (P.6/2023 Amd.).
Arrangement of public business at subsequent meetings
Lunch adjournment likely around 12.45 p.m., until 2.15 p.m.
If business is not completed by around 5.30 p.m. the Assembly usually adjourns for the evening and will resume its meeting at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd March 2023 if necessary.
28th FEBRUARY 2023
(Explanatory note attached)
Control of Housing and Work (Exemptions) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order R&O.16/2023. 2023.
Motor Vehicles (Registration Fees – Exemption for Zero Emission Vehicles) R&O.17/2023. (Jersey) Order 2023.
Road Traffic (Public Parking Places) (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Order R&O.18/2023. 2023.
* Assembly(P.6/2023) –concommensideratiots.n of the bilateral investments treaty with the UAE P.6/2Com.023. Presented: 24th February 2023, Privileges and Procedures Committee.
* Assembly consideration of the bilateral investments treaty with the UAE P.6/2023. (P.6/2023): Second Amendment (P.6/2023 Amd.(2)) – comments. Amd.(2). Presented: 24th February 2023, Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Com. Panel.
Governance and accountability of independent bodies and office holders R.174/2022. (Thinkpiece) (R.174/2022): Executive Response. Res. Presented: 13th February 2023, Public Accounts Committee.
Appointment of Pan-Island Commissioner for Standards. R.21/2023. Presented: 8th February 2023, Privileges and Procedures Committee.
States Of Jersey Law 2005: Delegation Of Functions – Minister For External R.23/2023. Relations And Financial Services – Delegation Of Financial Services.
Presented: 8th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
Membership of the Legislation Advisory Panel. R.24/2023. Presented: 9th February 2023, Chief Minister.
Annual Statement of the Office of the Superintendent Registrar 2022. R.25/2023. Presented: 10th February 2023, Minister for Home Affairs.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – La Piscine Coffee Bar, Les R.26/2023. Quennevais Sports Centre, La Route des Quennevais, St. Brelade – Lease.
Presented: 13th February 2023, Minister for Infrastructure.
Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Board: Appointment of Interim Chair. R.27/2023. Presented: 16th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
States of Jersey Law 2005: Delegation of functions – Minister for External R.28/2023. Relations and Financial Services – Delegation of Financial Services.
Presented: 20th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
States of Jersey Law 2005: Delegation of functions – Minister for External R.29/2023. Relations and Financial Services – Delegation of External Relations.
Presented: 20th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
* Finance Law Delegation Report for the six-month period to 31 December 2022. R.30/2023. Presented: 27th February 2023, Minister for Treasury and Resources.
* States Treasuryof andJer sey ExchequComper laiDepartments Boardnt regardfindingins g t-he MrvaluatioS Newmann and calagainculatiost n thof e R.31/2023. pension entitlements.
Presented: 27th February 2023, Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE (P.6/2023): P.6/2023. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 21st February 2023, Deputy P.M. Bailhache of St. Clement .
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE (P.6/2023): P.6/2023. second amendment. Amd.(2). Lodged: 21st February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
Vote of No Confidence – Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny P.7/2023. Panel.
Lodged: 21st February 2023, Deputy P.M. Bailhache of St. Clement .
Draft Endangered Species (CITES) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 202-. P.8/2023. Lodged: 23rd February 2023, Minister for the Environment.
- – Written Questions
(see attached)
WQ.37/2023 1. The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding Active Card holders.
WQ.38/2023 2. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding reviewing the operation of zero- hours contracts in Jersey.
WQ.39/2023 3. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to a question
asked by Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central regarding access to Les Quennevais School. WQ.40/2023 4. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to a question
asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding registering Jersey-based teachers
on to the cover staff list.
WQ.41/2023 5. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding standards of ethical conduct in Government.
WQ.42/2023 6. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy
S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South regarding the Financial Services portfolio.
WQ.43/2023 7. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding a breakdown of the payroll expenditure by ministerial department.
WQ.44/2023 8. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding payroll expenditure as a percentage of overall government expenditure.
WQ.45/2023 9. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding savings in payroll expenditure.
WQ.46/2023 10. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on
20th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding Government funding for the Jersey Football Association (JFA).
WQ.47/2023 11. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding full-time employees (FTE) in Broad Street.
WQ.48/2023 12. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding the timescale for all 2022 public sector pay awards being settled.
WQ.49/2023 13. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the living wage.
WQ.50/2023 14. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a
question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the various funding options' referred to in her response to Written Question 20/2023.
WQ.51/2023 15. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at Loughborough University on Minimum Income Standards (MIS).
WQ.52/2023 16. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy
L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding new staff in the Ministerial Office.
WQ.53/2023 17. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy
L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding Ministerial travel.
WQ.54/2023 18. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy
L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding conflicts of interest during any meetings of the Council of Ministers.
WQ.55/2023 19. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services.
WQ.56/2023 20. The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour regarding the AquaSplash facility on the Waterfront. WQ.58/2023 21. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy
M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding a perceived disparity in the application of the principle of
open justice by the Jersey judiciary.
WQ.59/2023 22. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to a question asked
by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding conflicts of interest representing the Planning Committee.
WQ* .60/2023 23. Thquestione Min ister asked fobyr HeaDepulthtyandM.SB. ocial AndServrews icesof St.tabledHel ier an Nortanswer h regardon 27inth g February the total nu2023 mber to ofa
medical appointments offered by her Department.
WQ.61/2023 24. The Minister for Treasury and Resources tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question
* asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding entities registered under the Zero/Ten' regime.
WQ.62/2023 25. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a
* question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding the current number of vacancies within each Government department.
WQ.63/2023 26. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a
* question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding a list of activities which could potentially lead to the dismissal of a public employee.
WQ.64/2023 27. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked
* by the Connétable of St. Brelade regarding invasive extractor fan noise for residents of La Rue du Crocquet in St. Aubin.
WQ* .65/2023 28. Thby e the MinDepuister ty foM.r Home R. Le Hegarat Affairs tabledof St. Helier an answer Nortonh regard27th February ing Time2023off into Liea questionu in the Stateaskeds
of Jersey Police.
WQ.66/2023 29. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a
* question asked by the Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding a report on the potential impact of the adoption of the terms and conditions contained in the Jersey Ethical
Care Charter for Homecare.
WQ.67/2023 30. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked
* by the Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding a report on the potential impact of the adoption of the terms and conditions contained in the Jersey Ethical Care Charter for
WQ* .68/2023 27th February 2023 to a question asked by the Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding
31. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on the direct involvement in planning applications of Ministers and officers of their departments.
WQ.69/2023 32. The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked
* by the Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North regarding domestic violence incidents and rape allegations.
WQ.70/2023 33. The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked
* by the Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North regarding the States of Jersey Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance, Customs and Immigration and Prison services.
WQ* .71/2023 34. Thquestione Chair asked of thbye States the DepuEmploty M.yment R. Scott Boardof tabled St. Brelade an answer regardonin g 27thth e FebrProbiuaty rystand2023 ardto toa
which the States Employment Board requires all public servants to adhere.
WQ* .72/2023 35. Th27the MinFebruary ister fo2023r Econtoomic a quDevelopestion askmeentd , byTo urthe ism, DepuSportyt R.J. and Cul Ward ture oftabled St. Helier an answer Centronal
regarding Jersey Sport.
WQ* .73/2023 36. ThR.J. e Chi Ward ef MiofniSt.ster Helier tabledCentral an answer regardon 27thing part FebruCM ary 20P623 ' ofto tha e quCehistioef n Minasked ister's by thpue Depublishedty
WQ.74/2023 37. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on
* 27th February 2023 to a question asked by the Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding section MEDTSC P7.1' of the Ministerial Delivery Plans relating to the Opera
WQ.75/2023 38. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked
* by the Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding a review of the benefits system. WQ.76/2023 39. The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a
* question asked by the Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South regarding the Affordable Housing Gateway and the Assisted Purchase Pathway.
WQ.77/2023 40. The Assistant Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked by
* the Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South regarding projects that have existed for the purposes of implementing e-government.
WQ* .78/2023 41. ThS.Y.e ChiMéef zeMic onif ster St. Helier tabled San ouanswer th regardoning 27thcomplainFebruary ts 20by23 civilto a servants question aboasked ut thby e thcone Depuduct ofty
Ministers or Assistant Ministers.
WQ.79/2023 42. The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a
* question asked by the Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding priorities in relation to their Communities' portfolio.
WQ.80/2023 43. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked by the Deputy
* L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding Government of Jersey buildings and accessibility. WQ.81/2023 44. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to a question asked by the Deputy
* L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding accessibility of Government services.
- – Oral Questions (2 hours 20 minutes)
OQ.30/2023 1. Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for
Social Security –
"Will the Minister provide an update regarding the high-level evaluation of existing benefit areas, as outlined in action MSS P5.1 of her Ministerial Delivery Plan?"
OQ.35/2023 2. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South will ask the following question of the Minister for
Housing and Communities –
"Will the Minister advise whether he intends to bring forward legislation to enshrine the definition for homelessness in law and, if so, will he advise when this will be and whether such legislation will include a duty for public authorities to immediately house someone when they present themselves as homeless?"
OQ.32/2023 3. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for
Social Security –
"Further to the response to Written Question 75/2023, will the Minister indicate to members what measures she would prefer to use to reduce the number and type of households/individuals in relative poverty by (a) increasing pay rates in the minimum/living wage; (b) increases/revision of benefits; (c) a mixture of both; or (d) other mechanisms such as minimum income standards?"
OQ.26/2023 4. Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Home
Affairs –
"Will the Minister advise whether she is aware of any problems caused by a lack of legal recognition in Jersey of what is referred to elsewhere as Common Law Marriage' and, if so, will she provide any examples of concerns that have been raised with her about this, and advise whether she is minded to recommend any changes in this area?"
OQ.28/2023 5. Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"Following the publication of the median earnings report, will the Chief Minister outline what actions, if any, are being taken by Government to address gender income inequality, which now appears to be at its highest level in recent history?"
OQ.24/2023 6. The Connétable of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs -
"Will the Minister provide an update on the development and rollout of the notification of domestic abusers as outlined under the Domestic Abuse (Jersey) Law 2022, with reference to what additional work is still ongoing and when this is expected to be completed?"
OQ.34/2023 7. Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Health
and Social Services –
"Will the Minister advise how many locally-based consultants and clinicians, who have reached retirement age, are employed part-time across the Island's health service?"
OQ.22/2023 8. Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North will ask the following question of the Minister for
External Relations –
"Will the Minister indicate whether he will be seeking to negotiate tax and trade agreements on behalf of the Island with non-polyarchy states across this 4-year term of office, and if so, why?"
OQ.29/2023 9. Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for
Health and Social Services –
"Will the Minister advise what concerns, if any, she has in relation to the reported shortages of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) medicines and what action is proposed to ensure that Jersey maintains sufficient supplies?"
OQ.36/2023 10. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South will ask the following question of the Minister for
Infrastructure –
"Following the adoption of the 24th amendment to the Government Plan 2023-2026 which allocated funding for urban renewal work at Havre des Pas, will the Minister advise what he plans to have accomplished towards this aim by the end of this year?"
OQ.25/2023 11. The Connétable of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs
"Further to Written Question 163/2022, where the Minister confirmed that the Taskforce on Gender-Based Violence would run until 10th December 2022, will the Minister now confirm when the results of that consultation will be made public, including its recommendations?"
OQ.27/2023 12. Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Chair of the States
Employment Board –
"Given the Government's policy on carbon reduction and sustainable transport, will the Chair outline what consideration, if any, is being given to providing electric pool cars for Government employees who are currently expected to use their own vehicles as part of their working day?"
OQ.23/2023 13. Deputy M.A. Andrews of St. Helier North will ask the following question of the Minister for
Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture –
"Will the Minister provide an indication of how many fishermen will be supported by the Marine Sector Support Scheme and the allocated budget of £300,000?"
OQ.31/2023 14. Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for
Infrastructure –
"Will the Minister advise what work, if any, has been or will be undertaken to ensure that users of the AquaSplash swimming facilities will continue to have access to a Town-based pool throughout the course of the redevelopment of the St. Helier Waterfront?"
OQ.33/2023 15. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for
Health and Social Services –
"Further to the response to Written Question 66/2023 will the Minister assure Members that she will engage with all Ministerial stakeholders to try to unblock progress on the implementation, after 5 years, of the Ethical Care Charter as detailed in P.48/2017 and approved, as amended, by the Assembly in July 2017?"
- – Questions to Ministers without notice (45 minutes)
1st question period – Minister for Housing and Communities 2nd question period – Minister for International Development 3rd question period – Chief Minister
• The Minister for Infrastructure will make a statement regarding an update on the New Health Care Facilities project.
• The Minister for Treasury and Resources will make a statement regarding a complaint relating to the calculation of pension entitlements from the Public Employees' Pension Fund.
Vote of No Confidence – Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny P.7/2023. Panel.
Lodged: 21st February 2023, Deputy P.M. Bailhache of St. Clement .
Note: Because of the requirement for a two-week lodging period, the minimum lodging period of the proposition of Deputy Bailhache will expire on Tuesday 7th March 2023. The Deputy has therefore given notice of his intention to propose, in accordance with Standing Order 26(7), that the minimum lodging period for the proposition be reduced in order that it can be debated at the meeting. In addition, in accordance with Standing Order 31 (2)(d), this proposition has been listed as the first item for debate.
Establishment of a Climate Council. P.117/2022. Lodged: 22nd December 2022, Minister for the Environment.
Draft Banking Business (Amendment No. 7 – Commencement) (Jersey) Act P.2/2023. 202-.
Lodged: 17th January 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
Trainee Minimum Wage. P.5/2023. Lodged: 7th February 2023, Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North .
* Assembly consideration of the bilateral investments treaty with the UAE P.6/2023. (P.6/2023) – comments. Com. Presented: 24th February 2023, Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE (P.6/2023): P.6/2023. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 21st February 2023, Deputy P.M. Bailhache of St. Clement .
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE (P.6/2023): P.6/2023. second amendment. Amd.(2). Lodged: 21st February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial
* Assembly Consideration of the bilateral investments treaty with the UAE P.6/2023. (P.6/2023): Second Amendment (P.6/2023 Amd.(2)) – comments. Amd.(2). Presented: 24th February 2023, Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Com. Panel.
21st March 2023
18th April 2023
Draft Endangered Species (CITES) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 202-. P.8/2023. Lodged: 23rd February 2023, Minister for the Environment.
L.-M. HART Greffier of the States
23rd February 2023 Note –
In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2023 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd March 2023.
Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.
(See Item B)
Control of Housing and Work (Exemptions) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 2023. Chief Minister.
This Order further amends the Control of Housing and Work (Exemptions) (Jersey) Order 2013. It creates a new exemption from the requirement in the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 for all undertakings carrying out activities in Jersey to have a valid business licence (Article 1(2)).
The exemption covers undertakings working in Jersey temporarily to assist in dealing with any critical incident or its aftermath. A critical incident is defined by new provision inserted by Article 1(3). The Order comes into force on the day after the day on which it is made (Article 2).
The Order was made on 9th February 2023 and came into force on 10th February 2023.
Motor Vehicles (Registration Fees – Exemption for Zero Emission Vehicles) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for Infrastructure.
This Order amends the Motor Vehicle Registration (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1993 and the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Jersey) Order 1998 to provide that certain fees are not payable in relation to the registration of zero emission motor vehicles specified by the Minister for Infrastructure (the "Minister").
Article 1 amends Schedule 2 of the Motor Vehicle Registration (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1993 (the "General Provisions Order").
Schedule 2 sets out the documents that may be required by the Inspector of Motor Traffic (the "Inspector") in support of an application for the registration of a motor vehicle under the Motor Vehicle Registration (Jersey) Law 1993. Those documents include a certificate of approval (which may be required where the motor vehicle does not conform to the relevant type approval legislation).
The amendment provides that no fee is payable on an application for a certificate of approval in respect of a make and model of motor vehicle which is specified by the Minister. It provides that the Minister may specify, for this purpose, any make and model of motor vehicle which is type approved and which is a zero emission motor vehicle.
The amendment also requires the Minister to publish the list of specified makes and models of motor vehicle.
A zero emission motor vehicle is one that does not emit greenhouse gases from the exhaust, either because it is an electric vehicle without an exhaust, or because it is a converted petrol or diesel vehicle which has an exhaust but does not emit through it.
This amendment will for example enable the Minister to specify a zero emission motor vehicle which is type approved as a category L vehicle (that is, as a quadricycle) rather than as a category M vehicle (that is, as a motor vehicle designed and constructed primarily for the carriage of passengers).
Article 2 amends Article 2 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Jersey) Order 1998 (the "Construction and Use Order").
Article 78 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956 (the "Road Traffic Law") enables the Inspector to grant a licence authorising the use of a vehicle which does not fully comply with an Order under Article 77 of the Road Traffic Law (such as the Construction and Use Order or the Road Traffic (Lighting) (Jersey) Order 1998).
The amendment provides that no fee is payable on an application under Article 78 of the Road Traffic Law for a licence in respect of a motor vehicle which is of a make and model specified by the Minister under the General Provisions Order (as amended by this Order).
This Order comes into force 7 days after it is made.
The Order was made on 10th February 2023 and came into force on 17th February 2023.
Road Traffic (Public Parking Places) (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for Infrastructure.
This Order amends the Road Traffic (Public Parking Places) (Jersey) Order 2006 (the "2006 Order"). It incorporates the content of the Road Traffic (Public Parking Places – Charges) (Jersey) Order 2017 into the 2006 Order, removing the need for a separate Order setting prescribed parking charges and excess charges.
This Order increases the prescribed charges for parking units and monthly season tickets by between 7.18% and 8.16%. Excess charges remain the same. The charges were last increased with effect from 1st February 2022.
This Order also removes references to 4 car parks in St. Helier which are no longer in existence. This Order comes into force on 1st March 2023.
The Order was made on 21st February 2023 and comes into force on 1st March 2023.
- The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Will the Minister advise the number of Active Card holders broken down annually for each of the past five years; and will he further advise for each of these years the budget surplus or deficit of Active Jersey?"
- The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister outline what progress, if any, has been made in reviewing the operation of zero- hours contracts in Jersey, and state whether she intends to bring forward for debate any necessary legislation (indicating, if so, the relevant timeframe for such legislation) to fulfil the requests made by the Assembly through the adoption of Regulation of Zero-Hours Contracts' (P.32/2021), as amended, in particular –
- the prevention of employers requiring zero-hour workers to always be available for work;
- a right for zero-hour workers to a reasonable notice of work schedule;
- a right to switch to a contract which reflects the normal hours worked; and,
- a right for zero-hour workers to receive compensation for shift cancellation or curtailment without reasonable notice?"
- The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister advise whether access to Les Quennevais School cannot be securely maintained due to there being no gate and there being an insufficient door entry system; and will she further indicate whether there are any consequential safeguarding issues that need to be rectified urgently?"
- The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister state how long it currently takes to register Jersey-based teachers on to the cover staff list for Jersey schools; and will she explain how this process works?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"Further to the response to Written Question 3/2023, regarding standards of ethical conduct in Government, will the Chair –
- provide the definition of "accountability" used in drafting the response; and
- advise what specific activities are totally prohibited and would lead to the dismissal of a public sector employee and state whether any of the following are included in such prohibited activities –
- lying;
- violence;
- threats;
- abusive behaviour;
- offering promotions or advancing applications for paid public positions in return for sexual or other favours;
- accepting bribes or payment from any third party, outside of the acceptable gifts and hospitality policy;
- ignoring Conflicts of Interest;
(viii) engaging in retaliatory actions against any citizen or any other public employee;
- discriminatory behaviour based on a person's age, gender, religion, race, disability status, sexual orientation, family relations;
- failing to keep safe the data of citizens or sharing that data without consent in breach of legal obligations;
- breaching confidentiality; and
- failing to undergo training in ethical standards during every year of employment within the public sector or to meet a target number of hours of training or to pass independent testing on ethical standards?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 13th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South –
"Further to her statement on 6th February 2023 regarding the Financial Services portfolio, in which she referred to a letter received from the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services, will the Chief Minister publish this letter in full and, if not, why not?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Will the Chair provide a breakdown of the payroll expenditure by ministerial department for each year since 2017 to date?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Will the Chair provide government payroll expenditure as a percentage of overall government expenditure for each year since 2017 to date?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Further to the response to Written Question 14/2023 and the increase in the States of Jersey headcount from 1,015 since 2018, will the Chair advise whether savings in payroll expenditure will be made in future Government Plans across this term of office?"
- The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister detail the current level of Government funding for the Jersey Football Association (JFA) and advise what, if any, charges the JFA incur when using Government owned facilities?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chair provide the number of current full-time employee's (FTE) in Broad Street, broken down per Ministerial department, with a comparison of the number of FTEs in those departments as of February 2022, and including the Communications Team as a separate line of information?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chair provide the timescale for all 2022 public sector pay awards being settled and allocated to staff?"
- The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Following the debate of P.78/2022 the Council of Ministers agreed a sum of £30,000 in the Government Plan 2023 to 2026 to evaluate the technical aspects of the different options to deliver the living wage; will the Minister advise what progress, if any, has been made in developing these options?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister outline what the "various funding options" referred to in her response to Written Question 20/2023 are and will she further confirm what expenditure, if any, there had been on the planned questionnaire by the Government of Jersey before the decision was made to change direction?"
- The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister outline what attention, if any, has been given to the work of the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at Loughborough on Minimum Income Standards (MIS) during her department's research into the minimum and living wage; and will she further advise why no MIS exist for Jersey, through which we could evaluate poverty levels in the Island, when Guernsey, Isle of Man, United Kingdom, Inner and Outer London all have this data?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chief Minister advise how many new staff have been appointed within the Ministerial Office since she took office, including details of –
- their role;
- whether it was a new, existing or changed position;
- the job grade; and
- the recruitment process followed?
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chief Minister provide details of all Ministerial travel, and the associated expenses (including those of any accompanying staff), since she took office, including the purpose, length, and outcomes of each visit?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chief Minister advise whether Ministers have declared any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest during any meetings of the Council of Ministers; and if any conflicts of interest have been declared, how they were managed?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"Will the Chief Minister advise –
- what proportion of the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services' work relates to promoting, protecting or otherwise representing the Island in finance industry matters in his ongoing External Relations portfolio;
- with respect to her press statement dated 6th February 2023 regarding her objective of restoring trust and confidence in Government and the standards to which she holds Ministers, what distinction she has made in supporting the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services in continuation of his role in External Relations whilst applying these standards to his Financial Services portfolio, and what consideration she has given to a possibility that this could demonstrate a lack of consistency in application of the said standards;
- any risk assessment and industry consultation she has undertaken with respect to this support; and
- whether she or any other member of the Council of Ministers has received any communications from the public (including current and former members of the finance industry) expressing concern regarding the continuation of the Minister of External Relations and Financial Services in the role of Minister for External Relations and, if so, how many?"
- The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour –
"Further to Written Question 208/2022 regarding the AquaSplash facility on the Waterfront, will the Minister advise:
- the amount paid to the operator each year since the start of the contract in 2003;
- how much will be paid annually in the new contract from July 2023;
- what will be the duration of the new contract from July 2023 and detail any provisions for further increases (e.g., inflation); and
- who negotiated the new contract and when?
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"Following concerns raised recently by the local media regarding a perceived disparity in the application of the principle of open justice by the Jersey judiciary compared with the judiciary in England and Wales:
- what action, if any, will the Chief Minister be taking to ensure the principle of open justice receives statutory recognition in Jersey?
- is consideration being given to aligning the practice of Jersey courts more closely with the guidance issued by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales to the judiciary of England and Wales and related media law in that jurisdiction; and
- does the Chief Minister support the implementation of measures that reflect the recommendations in the Justice Committee of England and Wales' Report on Open Justice and Court Reporting in the Digital Age?"
- The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 20th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"Has the Minister considered that in situations where the Planning Committee has decided to refuse a planning application against officer advice, there is a conflict of interest for the Director of Planning or any senior planning officer to represent the Planning Committee in an appeal against the decision; and if so, will he explain what action he proposes to take to resolve that conflict, and if not, will he explain why?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Will the Minister state the total number of medical appointments offered by her Department for the period 2018 to date, and advise what percentage of those appointments have been cancelled?"
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Will the Minister state how many entities have registered under the Zero/Ten' regime since 2013?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North –
"Will the Chair state the current number of vacancies within each Government department?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"Further to the responses provided to Written Questions 23/2023 and 41/2023, including (for the latter) in respect of a list of activities which could potentially lead to the dismissal of a public employee, will the Chair –
- specify which of these listed activities are characterised as gross misconduct in a public servant's contract of employment with a sanction of summary dismissal without notice in the event of a breach having been proved following a disciplinary hearing;
- provide the content of the ethical organisational guidelines and ethical standards that are intended to address each of these activities, specifying whether such guidelines are intended to encompass the ethical standards fully; and
- advise whether each of these activities is covered in the training of public sector employees and, if so, in what way is this training delivered and how often it is refreshed?"
- The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Connétable of St. Brelade –
"Will the Minister advise whether he will instruct the Environmental Health Department to deal with the situation of residents of La Rue du Crocquet in St. Aubin as a priority, in light of their indications that they have been subject to invasive extractor fan noise for months without any action being taken; and will the Minister undertake to communicate a timeline for resolution of the problem to the residents?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North –
"Will the Minister state –
- the maximum number of hours that States of Jersey Police officers are allowed to accumulate as Time off in Lieu';
- who monitors the system of Time off in Lieu';
- how many officers have accumulated more than the allowed hours;
- how many hours are currently recorded in the system;
- how many hours are given at the start of each year as part of any previous pay settlement; and
- whether the Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service and Prison Service have a similar system, and if so, the details for these systems as requested in the queries above in paragraphs
(a) to (e)?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Following Oral Question 215/2021, and in the light of the recruitment and retention difficulties currently experienced in the care sector, will the Minister indicate whether, in consultation with the Care Commissioner, she will prepare a report on the potential impact of the adoption of the terms and conditions contained in the Jersey Ethical Care Charter for Homecare, as agreed by the States through adoption of P.48/2017 but never delivered by previous Ministers?"
- The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Following Oral Question 215/2021, and in the light of the current recruitment and retention difficulties experienced in the care sector, will the Minister indicate whether, in consultation with the Care Commissioner, he will prepare a report on the potential impact of the adoption of the terms and conditions contained in the Jersey Ethical Care Charter for Homecare, as agreed by the States through adoption of P.48/2017 but never delivered by previous Ministers?"
- The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"In respect of the direct involvement in planning applications over the last five years of each of the following –
• both himself and former Ministers for Economic Development';
• officers in the Department for Economic Development or the Department for Economy; and
• the Regulation Standards Officer (with respect to administration of the Minister's powers under the Tourism (General Provisions) Order 1990);
will the Minister state –
- the number of occasions on which a Minister or an officer of either Department has exercised the right to comment on a planning application relating to land designated for economic use, including (without limitation) farmland and visitor accommodation;
- the activity conducted at the premises to which any such comment related;
- the number of times the Regulation Standards Officer., acting in a tourist regulation capacity and having been contacted by a planning officer in respect of premises used for an economic purpose, has informed the planning officer that the Department had no comment because the premises did not relate to visitor accommodation; and
- the number of times the this Officer has passed comment on an application that was not of the nature to which paragraph (c) refers?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North –
"Will the Minister state –
- how many domestic violence incidents were recorded in 2021 and 2022; and, of these, how many resulted in successful prosecutions;
- how many rape allegations were recorded in 2021 and 2022; and, of these, how many resulted in successful prosecutions; and
- in respect of the rape allegations, how many identified a suspect?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North –
"In relation to the States of Jersey Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance, Customs and Immigration and Prison services, will the Minister advise –
- the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) officers each service has;
- the number of FTE civilian staff each service has;
- the headcount of officers currently in each service;
- the headcount civilian staff currently in each service;
- what recruitment, if any, is currently underway in each service; and
- what number of officers, if any, are above their earliest retirement date in each service?"
- The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade –
"With respect to the Probity standard to which the States Employment Board requires all public servants to adhere, and the duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any such conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest, will the Chair provide a copy of any specific information given to public servants –
- to enable them to identify a private interest, including any definitions or examples that are provided to them for such purpose;
- to enable them to establish whether a conflict between a private interest and their public duty has arisen;
- that indicates the level of objectivity and risk assessment to be used to establish whether a conflict of interest has occurred or is likely to occur requiring them to take steps to resolve the conflict;
- that details the procedure that a public servant is required to follow to resolve any conflict; and
- that details the training they are required to attend (and, if such training is required, over what period and with what frequency) to ensure they are fully aware of all such information?"
- The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"In relation to the arm's length organisation Jersey Sport, will the Minister provide details of the following –
- the total annual budget;
- the pay structure for sports officers as equivalent to civil service pay bands;
- the annual total expenditure on sports officers; and
- the total expenditure on sports coaches and Move More' instructors from the overall budget?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"Further to the Chief Minister's published delivery plan, part CM P6' of which states that the Government will –
- "bring forward a lasting solution for the Haut de la Garenne site
- amend Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2019 and appoint a new Children's Commissioner
- prioritise making our safeguarding approach and underpinning relationships increasingly effective, to protect children now and into the future",
will the Chief Minister advise what actions, if any, have been taken in relation to these delivery plans and state what the timeline is for actioning each of these areas?"
- The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central –
"Further to section MEDTSC P7.1' of the Ministerial Delivery Plans regarding the Opera House, in which there is a stated aim to "Develop a new legal operating entity and corporate structure and review operating model", will the Minister advise –
- which stakeholders are being included in this development and when in Quarter 2 of 2023 will this be completed; and
- whether any new corporate structure will be brought to the States Assembly for its approval and, if not, who will have the final sign-off of the corporate structure?"
- The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister update the Assembly on what progress she has made, if any, in her review of the benefits system; and, in particular, what targets, if any, she has identified for the reduction in number and type of households living below the low-income thresholds?"
- The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South –
"Will the Minister –
- provide a full and up-to-date breakdown by Band and bedroom need of the applications currently on the Affordable Housing Gateway for social rental housing;
- advise what the average waiting time is for each type of application; and
- provide a similar breakdown for the Assisted Purchase Pathway?"
- The Assistant Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South –
"Will the Assistant Minister provide a breakdown for the last 8 years of the projects that have existed for the purposes of implementing e-government, with an explanation as to the direct benefit each has provided to Islanders who interact with Government services and how much they cost (including how much, if anything, has been written off because of failed or halted projects)?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South –
"Will the Chief Minister state how many complaints, if any, have been made internally by civil servants about the conduct of Ministers or Assistant Ministers, and how any such complaints were resolved?"
- The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Minister advise whether he has defined any priorities in relation to his Communities' portfolio and, if so, why any such priorities have not been clearly outlined in his delivery plan for 2023; and if no such priorities have been identified, will he advise why not?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chief Minister advise –
- how many, and which, Government of Jersey buildings have had accessibility audits undertaken;
- how many, and which, Government of Jersey buildings are due to have accessibility audits undertaken;
- what recommendations have been made in any audits undertaken; and
- what progress has been made in relation to any such recommendations?"
- The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 27th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central –
"Will the Chief Minister advise how consideration of access to, and inclusion in, Government services informed the development of the Ministerial Delivery Plans, and what direction, if any, she has given to Ministers and officers to ensure that Government services are accessible to all those who need them?"
Explanatory Note regarding the debate on
Vote of No Confidence: Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel' (P.7/2023)
The structure of the debate on a proposition of no confidence is the same as for the debate on any other proposition under Standing Order 69, with one exception: under Standing Order 103(2)(e) the subject of the proposition of no confidence may speak again before the proposer replies at the conclusion of the debate.
For the purposes of the debate on Vote of No Confidence: Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel' (P.7/2023), the debate will therefore proceed as follows –
- Deputy Bailhache will be invited to move the proposition.
- Once the proposition has been moved, the debate will open and all members (including the Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel) will have the opportunity to speak.
- Once all other members who wish to speak have spoken, the Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel will be invited to speak for a second time.
- Once the Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel has completed his second speech, Deputy Bailhache will be invited to reply.
- The proposition will then be put to the vote.
In accordance with Standing Order 104A, no time limit shall apply to the moving of the proposition, the reply given by Deputy Bailhache once the debate has closed, or either of the speeches given by the Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel.
Explanatory Note regarding the main respondents for items listed under Public Business (Item L)
In accordance with Standing Order 104A, a time limit of 15 minutes applies to speeches made during debate, unless discretion has been exercised to allow for a longer, or shorter, time limit. No time limit applies to either speech made by the proposer.
Discretion is exercised by the Presiding Officer in accordance with guidance issued by the Bailiff , following consultation with the Privileges and Procedures Committee. The current guidance was presented to the States in the report Time Limits on Speeches in Debates: Guidance on the Exercise of Discretion' (R.3/2021). The report states that discretion may be exercised to allow for a longer speech than 15 minutes where the member speaking is designated as the main respondent' to the debate.
The following members have been identified as the main respondents in the debates listed to occur at this meeting –
Debate | Main Respondent(s) |
Vote of No Confidence – Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel (P.7/2023). |
Chair of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel. | |
Establishment of a Climate Council (P.117/2022): amendment (P.117/2022 Amd.). | Minister for the Environment. |
Draft Banking Business (Amendment No. 7 – Commencement) (Jersey) Act 202- (P.2/2023). | Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel. |
Minister for Social Security. | |
Trainee Minimum Wage (P.5/2023): amendment (P.5/2023 Amd.). | Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North . |
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE (P.6/2023). | Minister for External Relations and Financial Services. |
Assembly consideration of the Bilateral Treaty with the UAE. (P.6/2023): amendment (P.6/2023 Amd.). | Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South . |
Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South . |
Questions without notice 2023
1st Session 2023
21st March Social Security Treasury and Resources Chief Minister 18th April Children and Education Economic Development, Chief Minister
Tourism, Sport and
23rd May 13th June 4th July 18th July
2nd Session 2023 12th September 3rd October
17th October 7th November 28th November 12th December
Health and Social Services
Housing and Communities
International Development
Treasury and Resources
Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture
External Relations and Financial Services
Home Affairs Infrastructure Social Security
External Relations and Financial Services
Home Affairs Infrastructure Social Security
Children and Education Environment
Health and Social Services
Housing and Communities
International Development
Treasury and Resources
Chief Minister Chief Minister Chief Minister Chief Minister
Chief Minister Chief Minister
Chief Minister Chief Minister Chief Minister Chief Minister