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Consolidated Order Paper 7th February 2023

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9.30 a.m.  Communications by the Presiding Officer and other announcements

Appointments, matters of privilege, petitions

Nomination of Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North to the Public Accounts Committee.

Resignation  of  the   Connétable  of  St.  Ouen  from  the  Public Accounts Committee.

Approx. 9.40 a.m.  Oral questions with notice Up to 2 hours 20


Urgent questions (if any)

Up to 45 minutes,  Oral questions without notice: divided between the  Minister for Home Affairs three Ministers  Minister for Infrastructure

Chief Minister

Statements (if any)

Approx. 2.15 p.m.  Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA – Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment

of  Law  and  Regulations)  (No.  2)  (Jersey)  Regulations  202-. (P.115/2022).

Note: The 2nd reading of the Draft Regulations will resume following adoption of the principles on 18th January 2023 and the subsequent referral to the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.110/2022).

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.110/2022): amendment. (P.110/2022 Amd.).

Skills Development Fund. (P.116/2022).

Skills  Development  Fund  (P.116/2022):  amendment (P.116/2022 Amd.).

Draft Limited Liability Companies (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.118/2022).

Draft Limited Liability Companies (Winding Up and Dissolution) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.119/2022).

Draft Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (amendment – Coronation) (Jersey) Act 202-. (P.1/2023).

* Draft Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Supervised Business - Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.3/2023).

Note: Notice has been given of the intention to propose that Standing Order 32 be suspended for the proposition to be listed for debate; and for the minimum lodging period to be reduced so that it can be debated.

Arrangement of public business at subsequent meetings

Lunch adjournment likely around 12.45 p.m., until 2.15 p.m.

If business is not completed by around 5.30 p.m. the Assembly usually adjourns for the evening and will resume its meeting at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th and Friday 10th February 2023 if necessary.



7th FEBRUARY 2023


(Explanatory note attached)

Marriage and Civil Partnership (2023 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2023.  R&O.3/2023. Minister for Home Affairs.

Wildlife (Areas of Special Protection) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2023.  R&O.4/2023. Minister for the Environment.

Wildlife (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Order 2023.  R&O.5/2023. Minister for the Environment.

Comptroller and Auditor General (Board of Governance) (Amendment No. 2) R&O.6/2023. (Jersey) Order 2023.

Chief Minister.

Proceeds of Crime (Amendment No. 6 of Law - Commencement) (Jersey)  R&O.7/2023. Order 2023.

Minister for External Relations and Financial Services.

Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Transitional Provisions) (Jersey)  R&O.8/2023. Order 2023.

Minister for External Relations and Financial Services.

Shipping (Fees) (Amendment) Order 2023.  R&O.9/2023. Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture.


* Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA - Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment of Law P.115/2022. and Regulations – No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.115/2022): comments.  Com. Presented:  3rd  February  2023,  Environment,  Housing  and  Infrastructure

Scrutiny Panel.

* Danrda fRt eSgeualaFtiisohnesr i–e sN(oT. C2A) ( J-eLrsiecye)n sRinegguolaf tFioinshsi2n0g2B- o(Pat.1s)15(A/2m02e2n)d:mcoenmt mofe nLtsa.w P.1Co15/m20.(222).. Presented: 6th February 2023, Minister for the Environment.

Risk Management – follow up (R.150/2022): executive response.  R.150/2022. Presented: 30th January 2023, Public Accounts Committee.  Res.

Children  and  Adolescent  Mental  Health  Service  (R.151/2022):  executive R.151/2022. response.  Res. Presented: 30th January 2023, Public Accounts Committee.

Notification of the conclusion of the Bilateral Agreement for the Promotion and R.6/2023. Protection  of  Investments  between  the  Government  of  Jersey  and  the

Government of the United Arab Emirates.

Presented: 20th January 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial

Deployment of Staff Resources in Health and Community Services.  R.7/2023. Presented: 24th January 2023, Comptroller and Auditor General.

States  of  Jersey  Law  2005:  Delegation of  functions –  Minister  for R.8/2023. Infrastructure – Assistant Minister.

Presented: 27th January 2023, Minister for Infrastructure.  

Presentation of letters – ministerial responsibilities.  R.9/2023. Presented: 27th January 2023, Chief Minister.

States of Jersey Law 2005: Article 30a – ministerial responsibilities.  R.10/2023. Presented: 27th January 2023, Chief Minister.

States Members' Remuneration – appointment of reviewer.  R.11/2023. Presented: 1st February 2023, Privileges and Procedures Committee.

* Government Plan 2023-2026 as amended.  R.12/2023. Presented: 3rd February 2023, Council of Ministers.

* GProevseernntemde: n3trPd lFaneb2r0u2a3ry-22002263a, nCnoeuxnacsil  aomf eMnidneidst.ers.  R.13/2023.

* CProemsemntoend :S3trradt eFgeibcrPuoarliyc y2 022032,3C-2o0u2n6c ial soaf mMeinndisetder. s.  R.14/2023.

* GPraemsebnltiendg: C3ordmFmeibsrsuioarny: e2x0t2e3n,sMioninoisft eCrhfaoirr mEacno naopmpoicinDtmeveenlto. pment, Tourism, R.15/2023. Sport and Culture.

* States of Jersey Law 2005: Delegation of functions – Delegation of functions R.16/2023. under  Shipping  (Standards  of  Training,  Certification  and  Watchkeeping)

(Jersey) Order 2021.

Presented: 3rd February 2023, Minister for Economic Development, Tourism,

Sport and Culture.

* Consultants: reporting on their use by the Government of Jersey (P.59/2019) – R.17/2023. report of the Chief minister – July 2021 to June 2022.

Presented: 3rd February 2023, Chief Minister.

* LPraensdTTraradninsagcEtisotnatseu, nEdaesrt RStoaanddsiindge OVredrgere 1in6 8P(u3b)l–ic LOowngnueresvhiilple–RPoraodp o–sRedu eS adlees. R.18/2023. Presented: 6th February 2023, Minister for Infrastructure.

* LSta nBdr eTlaradnes'sa cBtiaoynsP uubnldice rGSatradnednins,gLOarRdeoru1te6 8d(e3l)a–BTahiee, nSet wB reSloaldseh i–neL eCaasfeé'o,f R.19/2023. Ground Site.

Presented: 6th February 2023, Minister for Infrastructure.

Government Plan 2023-2026 Scrutiny Review – Corporate Services  S.R.20/2022. (S.R.20/2022): Response of the Chief Minister and the Minister for Treasury  Res. and Resources.

Presented: 30th January 2023, Chief Minister.

Government Plan 2023-2026: Scrutiny Review by the Children, Education and S.R.21/2022. Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel (S.R.21/2022): Response of the Minister for  Res. Children and Education.

Presented: 23rd January 2023, Minister for Children and Education.

Government  Plan  2023-2026:  Scrutiny  Review  by  the  Economic  and S.R.22/2022. International Affairs Scrutiny Panel (S.R.22/2022): Response of the Minister  Res. for International Development.

Presented: 31st January 2023, Minister for International Development.

Government  Plan  2023-2026:  Scrutiny  Review  by  the  Economic  and S.R.22/2022. International Affairs Scrutiny Panel (S.R.22/2022): Response of the Minister  Res. for External Relations and Financial Services  (2). Presented: 2nd February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial


* Government Plan 2023-2026: Scrutiny Review by the Economic and  S.R.22/2022. International Affairs Scrutiny Panel (S.R.22/2022): Response of the Minister  Res. for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture.  (3). Presented: 3rd February 2023, Minister for Economic Development, Tourism,

Sport and Culture.

States Annual Report and Accounts 2021.  P.A.C.1/2023. Presented: 27th January 2023, Public Accounts Committee.


Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202- P.110/2022. (P.110/2022): amendment.  Amd. Lodged: 20th January 2023, Minister for Social Security.

Skills Development Fund (P.116/2022): amendment.  P.116/2022. Lodged: 31st January 2023, Council of Ministers.  Amd.

Establishment of a Climate Council.: (P.117/2022): amendment.  P.117/2022. Lodged: 20th January 2023, Deputy T.A. Coles of St. Helier South .  Amd.

* Draft  Proceeds  of  Crime  (Supervisory  Bodies)  (Supervised  Business  - P.3/2023. Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.

Lodged: 6th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial



In accordance with Standing Order 34(1), the proposers of the following propositions lodged au Greffe' have informed the Greffier of the States that they are to be withdrawn –

Rent Control Tribunal: Chair and Member nominations.  P.106/2022. Lodged: 1st November 2022, Minister for Housing and Communities.

Rent  Control  Tribunal:  Chair  and  Member  nominations  (P.106/2022)   P.106/2022. amendment.  Amd. Lodged: 3rd January 2023, Minister for Housing and Communities.


Nomination of Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North to the Public Accounts Committee. Resignation of the Connétable of St. Ouen from the Public Accounts Committee.

  1. Written Questions

(see attached)

WQ.1/2023  1. The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding affordable housing providers.

WQ.2/2023  2. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy T.A. Coles of St. Helier South regarding third party data handlers who are responsible for the removal, storage and destruction of medical records.

WQ.3/2023  3. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy M. Scott of St. Brelade regarding training in ethical standards and conduct.

WQ.4/2023  4. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a question asked

by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding Income Support rent components. WQ.5/2023  5. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a question

asked by Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central regarding standards for child contact


WQ.6/2023  6. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a question asked

by Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour regarding the Social Security Fund.

WQ.7/2023  7. The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a question asked by

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North regarding training in identifying coercive behaviour.

WQ.8/2023  8. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the use of NHS trusts to reduce waiting lists.

WQ.9/2023  9. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question asked

by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding inspections on properties on the Affordable Housing Gateway.

WQ.10/2023  10. The Minister for Treasury and Resources tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question

asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central regarding loans to affordable housing providers.

WQ.11/2023  11. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question asked

by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding the number of planning officers and planning policy officers.

WQ.12/2023  12. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on

30th January 2023 to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding the Tourist Regulation Office.

WQ.13/2023  13. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding public sector wage increases. WQ.14/2023  14. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding the number of States

of Jersey employees.

WQ.15/2023  15. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding cancelled medical appointments.

WQ.16/2023  16. The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding private investment into Andium Homes.

WQ.17/2023  17. H.M. Attorney General tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question asked by Deputy

R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding sexual offences in Jersey.

WQ.18/2023  18. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question

asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding agency cover staff from U.K. agencies.

WQ.19/2023  19. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question asked by Deputy G.P.

Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill. WQ.20/2023  20. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a

question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the survey of

"attitudes to healthcare funding".

WQ.21/2023  21. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to a question asked

by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central regarding the provision of Household Medical Account benefits.

W*Q.22/2023  question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding compliance to ISO9000.

22.  The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a

WQ.23/2023 23. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a

* question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding non-ethical activities by public servants.

WQ.24/2023  24. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question asked

* by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade regarding a Planning Services Review.

WQ.25/2023  25. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question

* asked by the Connétable of St. Martin regarding reports generated through inspections and audits of Private Primary and Secondary Schools.

WQ.26/2023  26. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question

* asked by the Connétable of St. Martin regarding schools self-assessments.

W*Q.27/2023  27. TDheep uMtyinMis.tRer. foLer HInefragasrtarut octfuSret. tHabelleiedr aNnoarnthswreergoarnd6inthg Ftheebrruedareyv e2l0o2p3mteonat oqfuFesotritoRn eagskenedt. by WQ.28/2023  28. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy

* M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North regarding the employment of consultants in the Government of Jersey.

W*Q.29/2023   Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central regarding the recent floodings.

29. The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question asked by

WQ.30/2023  30. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a

* question  asked  by   Deputy  M.B.   Andrews  of  St.  Helier  North  regarding  consultant remuneration.

W*Q.31/2023  February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding a

31. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 6th national sports stadium.

WQ.32/2023 32. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a

* question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North regarding Locum and Agency Staff.

WQ.33/2023  33. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question asked by Deputy L.V.

* Feltham  of  St.  Helier  Central  regarding  communications  campaigns  launched  by  the Government.

W*Q.34/2023  to a question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding constituency offices.

34. The Chair of the Privileges and Procedures Committee tabled an answer on 6th February 2023

WQ.35/2023  35. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question

* asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding teaching vacancies.

WQ.36/2023  36. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to a question asked

* by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central regarding Andium Homes' tenants are currently repaying loans for carpets.

  1. Oral Questions

(2 hours 20 minutes)

OQ.13/2023  1.   Deputy L.J. Farnham of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter will ask the following question of the

Minister for Health and Social Services –

"In the absence of a coherent plan for the new hospital, will the Minister advise what is being done to make Jersey attractive to skilled overseas medical staff and care workers in this highly competitive global recruitment market?"

OQ.9/2023 2.   Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North will ask the following question of the Minister for

Infrastructure –

"Will the Minister provide details of the work, if any, that is being undertaken to address infrastructure issues in the Grands Vaux area in the aftermath of the recent flooding?"

OQ.19/2023  3.   Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South will ask the following question of the Minister for the

Environment –

"Will the Minister advise when he will be lodging Regulations to introduce the licencing of rented dwellings, as he has previously stated is his intention, and what measures will be included in these Regulations which are different from previous versions?"

OQ.15/2023  4.   Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Chief

Minister -

"Will the Chief Minister provide the Assembly with an update on Ministerial delivery plans and advise when they will be published?"

OQ.16/2023  5.   Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for

Children and Education –

"Given that the Minister has indicated that collaboration in relation to the Jersey Schools Review Framework depends on the relationship between the Government of Jersey and individual schools, will she outline what factors will impact the review process, and any subsequent actions, and advise how these may differ between fully state funded schools and non-provided, grant funded schools?"

OQ.18/2023  6.   Deputy C.S. Alves of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Chief Minister -

"Will the Chief Minister advise what work, if any, is being undertaken to reduce the duplication of an individual's personal data across multiple computer systems in different areas of the government digital infrastructure?"

OQ.11/2023  7.   Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for

Health and Social Services –

"Does the Minister accept Recommendation 5 of the Comptroller and Auditor General's report dated 24th January 2023, which recommends that Government implements contractual requirements to work evening and weekends for all staff involved in the delivery of services in the hospital; and, if so, when will she deliver on this objective?"

OQ.21/2023  8.   Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Children

and Education –

"Will the Minister provide an update of the progress of the free school meals programme, including details as to which schools will be included and when the program is intended to start within each school?"

OQ.20/2023  9.   Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

"Does the Chief Minister stand by her previous voting record in wanting the proportion of affordable homes delivered by the States of Jersey Development Company on the Waterfront and South Hill increased from 15 to 30 percent, and if not, why not?"

OQ.12/2023  10.   Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for

Health and Social Services –

"Does the Minister accept Recommendations 6 and 7 of the Comptroller and Auditor General's report dated 24th January 2023 to "review the arrangements for the funding of clinical negligence insurance to ensure that they match the objectives of future clinical models and the future private patient strategy" and to "develop, publish and implement a Government of Jersey private patient strategy"; and, if not why not?"

OQ.17/2023  11.   Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central will ask the following question of the Minister for

Social Security –

"Will the Minister advise what amount has been spent on any campaigns to promote applications for the Community Cost Bonus?"

OQ.10/2023  12.   Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North will ask the following question of the Minister for

External Relations and Financial Services –

"How many trade, investment, or tax agreements are currently being negotiated which are expected to be finalised in 2023?"

OQ.14/2023  13.   Deputy L.J. Farnham of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter will ask the following question of the

Minister for Health and Social Services –

"Will the Minister indicate what proportion of the approximately £700,000 allocated to support the Care Sector during the height of the pandemic in 2021 was utilised and in what way; and further advise how many carers were recruited as a result of this funding and what proportion of the remaining funds were reallocated to support the Care Sector going forward?"

  1. – Questions to Ministers without notice (45 minutes)

1st question period – Minister for Home Affairs 2nd question period – Minister for Infrastructure 3rd question period – Chief Minister


Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA – Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment of Law P.115/2022. and Regulations) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.

Lodged: 15th December 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Note: The 2nd reading of the Draft Regulations will resume following adoption of the principles on 18th January 2023 and the subsequent referral to the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel under Standing Order 72(1).

* Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA - Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment of Law and P.115/2022. Regulations – No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.115/2022): Comments  Com. Presented: 3rd February 2023, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny


Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.  P.110/2022. Lodged: 18th November 2022, Minister for Social Security.

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202- P.110/2022. (P.110/2022): amendment.  Amd. Lodged: 20th January 2023, Minister for Social Security.

Skills Development Fund.  P.116/2022. Lodged: 16th December 2022, Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North .

Skills Development Fund (P.116/2022): amendment.  P.116/2022. Lodged: 31st January 2023, Council of Ministers.  Amd.

Draft Limited Liability Companies (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.  P.118/2022. Lodged: 22nd December 2022, Minister for External Relations and Financial

Draft  Limited  Liability  Companies  (Winding  Up  and  Dissolution) P.119/2022. (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.

Lodged: 22nd December 2022, Minister for External Relations and Financial


Draft Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (amendment – Coronation) (Jersey) P.1/2023. Act 202-.

Lodged: 10th January 2023, Chief Minister.

* Draft  Proceeds  of  Crime  (Supervisory  Bodies)  (Supervised  Business  - P.3/2023. Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

Lodged: 6th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial


Note: Because of the requirement for a six-week lodging period, the minimum lodging period of the proposition of the Minister for the External Relations and Financial Services will expire on Monday 20th March 2023. Furthermore, notification for the proposition to be listed for debate could not be provided in accordance with the timescale set out Standing Order 32. The Minister has therefore given notice of his intention to propose, in accordance with Standing Order 80, that Standing Order 32 be suspended in order that the proposition may be listed for debate at the meeting; and subsequently to propose, in accordance with Standing Order 26(7), that the minimum lodging period for the proposition be reduced in order that it can be debated at the meeting.


28th February 2023

Establishment of a Climate Council.  P.117/2022. Lodged: 22nd December 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Establishment of a Climate Council.: (P.117/2022): amendment.  P.117/2022. Lodged: 20th January 2023, Deputy T.A. Coles of St. Helier South .  Amd.

Draft Banking Business (Amendment No. 7 – Commencement) (Jersey) Act P.2/2023. 202-.

Lodged: 17th January 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial


21st March 2023

* Draft Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 202-  P.4/2023. Lodged: 6th February 2023, Minister for External Relations and Financial


L.-M. HART Greffier of the States

2nd February 2023 Note –

In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2023 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th and Friday 10th February 2023.

Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.

(See Item B)


Marriage and Civil Partnership (2023 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for Home Affairs.

This Order increases certain fees prescribed by the Civil Partnership (Forms, Registration and Fees) (Jersey) Order 2012 and the Marriage and Civil Status (Jersey) Order 2018 by 2.5%. These fees were last increased on 1st January 2022.

The new fees take effect on the day after the Order is made.

The Order was made on 23rd January 2023 and came into force on 24th January 2023.


Wildlife (Areas of Special Protection) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for the Environment.

This Order amends the Wildlife (Areas of Special Protection) (Jersey) Order 2022 (the "2022 Order") to designate 2 areas within Les Minquiers as Areas of Special Protection ("ASPs") and to specify certain requirements relating to those ASPs.

Article 1 provides that this Order amends the 2022 Order.

Article 2 amends the interpretation provision of the 2022 Order, in particular to add a definition of "Les Minquiers" and to provide that the relevant breeding period in relation to Les Minquiers is from 1st February and 31st August inclusive each year. The relevant breeding period on Maîtr'Île on Les Ecréhous is also amended to begin on 1st February each year instead of beginning on 24th January.

Article 3 amends Article 2 of the 2022 Order to make it clear that Article 2 applies only to Les Ecréhous.

Article 4 inserts a new Article 2A into the 2022 Order. New Article 2A designates 2 ASPs within Les Minquiers – bird breeding areas and boundaries surrounding those areas on Maîtresse le and Les Maisons. These areas are indicated respectively in newly inserted Schedules 5 and 6.

Article 5 amends the offence in Article 3 of the 2022 Order to create an exception for an unauthorised person to enter a breeding area during the relevant breeding period only in an emergency.

Article 6 inserts Schedules 5 and 6 into the 2022 Order, showing respectively the ASPs on Maîtresse le and Les Maisons.

Article 7 gives the title by which this Order may be cited and provides for it to come into force on the day after it is made.

The Order was made on 23rd January 2023 and came into force on 24th January 2023.


Wildlife (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for the Environment.

This Order sets out the fees payable for licences to undertake various activities otherwise prohibited under the Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2021.

Article 1 contains the definitions of terms used in the Order.

Article 2 limits the application of the Order to applications for the grant of the licences covered by the Order made on or after 1st April 2023.

Article 3 introduces the 2 tables set out in the Schedule, one setting out the fees for certain types of licences and the other the exemptions from paying the fees.

Table 1 in the Schedule sets out the fees for annual licences to survey bats in trees for conservation purposes only, to survey bats and other species for scientific or educational purposes and to control herring gulls and common pheasants. It also sets out the fees for project licences in cases of development under the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 with appropriate mitigation of the effects of the development on protected species or on their nests, dens, breeding sites or resting sites, for the control of birds for air safety purposes and to authorise other prohibited activities not covered by other categories of licence.

Table 2 provides for exemptions from fees in certain circumstances for scientific or educational purposes, where the activities are to be undertaken by charitable bodies or to prevent the spread of disease.

Article 4 requires a fee to be paid before the grant of a licence may take effect. A renewal fee is due on each anniversary of that grant, in default of which the licence will lapse. There is also power for the applicant to seek a determination in advance of the grant of a licence whether a different type of licence is more appropriate or whether an exemption from the fee applies, which the Minister then has to decide. A refusal to pay the fee decided upon generates a refusal to grant a licence (which is then subject to an appeal under the Law).

Article 5 specifies the name by which the Order may be cited and provides for it to come into force on 1st February 2023.

The Order was made on 23rd January 2023 and came into force on 1st February 2023.


Comptroller and Auditor General (Board of Governance) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2023. Chief Minister.

This Order amends the Comptroller and Auditor General (Board of Governance) (Jersey) Order 2015 to –

  1. allow for Board of Governance of the office of Comptroller and Auditor General (other than the Comptroller and Auditor General) to be constituted by 2 to 4 members instead of 2 or 3 as previously (Article 2(1));
  2. allow for members to be appointed for up to 5 years instead of for 4-year terms (Article 2(2));
  3. limit the time for which members can be appointed to an aggregated period of 9 years (Article 2(3));
  4. delete 2 Articles that are spent (Article 3).

The Order comes into force 7 days after it is made.

The Order was made on 26th January 2023 and came into force on 2nd February 2023.


Proceeds of Crime (Amendment No. 6 of Law – Commencement) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for External Relations and Financial Services.

This Order provides for the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 2022 to come into force on 30th January 2023.


Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Transitional Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2023. Minister for External Relations and Financial Services.

This Order makes transitional provisions in connection with the coming into force of the Proceeds of Crime (Consequential and Miscellaneous) (Jersey) Regulations 2023 (the "Consequential and Miscellaneous Regulations").

Article 1 is the interpretation provision.

Article 2 permits, until 1st July 2023, a registered person who, immediately before the commencement of the Consequential and Miscellaneous Regulations, was carrying on a Schedule 2 business in respect of which the registered person does not hold a registration certificate under Article 14 of the Law to continue to carry on that Schedule 2 business. The registered person is treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law in respect of that Schedule 2 business. The registered person must make an application for registration under Article 13 of the Law before 1st July 2023. If a registered person makes an application before 1st July 2023, until the application and any appeal against the decision of the Commission in respect of the application are determined, the registered person may continue to carry on the Schedule 2 business stated in the application and is treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law for that Schedule 2 business. The application must be accompanied by the fee under Article 13(1)(c) of the Law.

Article 3 permits, until 1st July 2023, a regulated person (as defined in Article 1 of the Law) who, immediately before the commencement of the Consequential and Miscellaneous Regulations, was carrying on a Schedule 2 business that is a regulated business or in respect of which the regulated person was deemed registered under Article 14 of the Law to continue to carry on that Schedule 2 business. The person is treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law in respect of that Schedule 2 business. A regulated person must, before 1st July 2023, notify the Commission under Article 11(3) of the Law that the regulated person intends to continue to carry on the Schedule 2 business. Further, Article 11(4)(c) of the Law does not apply so that there is no requirement to include in a notification the principal address and any other address from which the person intends to carry on the Schedule 2 business. Despite Article 11(5) of the Law, no fee is payable for a notification.

Article 4 permits a person, until 1st July 2023, to carry on a Schedule 2 business and to be treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law in respect of that Schedule 2 business if the person is not a regulated person and immediately before the commencement of the Consequential and Miscellaneous Regulations, the person was, subject to paragraph (5), a former regulated person (as defined in Article 4(5)) and was carrying on a Schedule 2 business. The person must make an application for registration under Article 13 of the Law before 1st July 2023. If a person makes an application before 1st July 2023, until the application and any appeal against the decision of the Commission in respect of the application are determined, the person may continue to carry on the Schedule 2 business stated in the application and is treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law for that Schedule 2 business. An application under paragraph (2) must be accompanied by the fee under Article 13(1)(c) of the Law.

Article 5 permits, until 1st July 2023, a person, other than a registered person or regulated person who, immediately before the commencement of the Consequential and Miscellaneous Regulations, was carrying on a business that became a Schedule 2 business on the commencement of the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 2022 to continue to carry on that Schedule 2 business. The person is treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law in respect of that Schedule 2 business. The person must make an application for registration under Article 13 of the Law before 1st July 2023. If a person makes an application before 1st July 2023, until the application and any appeal against the decision of the Commission in respect of the application are determined, the person may continue to carry on the Schedule 2 business stated in the application and is treated as being registered under Part 3 of the Law for that Schedule 2 business. An application under paragraph (2) must be accompanied by the fee under Article 13(1)(c) of the Law.

Article 6 provides the title of the Order and provides that it comes into force immediately after the commencement of the Consequential and Miscellaneous Regulations.


Shipping (Fees) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2023.

Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture.

This Order amends the Shipping (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2013 to increase fees payable under the Shipping (Jersey) Law 2002 in relation to the registration of ships. The fees are set out in these enactments, and the majority were last uprated with effect from the dates specified (some of the fees having last been uprated with effect from an earlier date) –

  1. Shipping (Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 2004 – 1st January 2019;
  2. Shipping (Local Small Ships Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 2004 – 1st January 2019;
  3. Shipping (Tonnage) (Jersey) Regulations 2004 – 1st January 2016;
  4. Shipping (Fishing Vessels Safety Codes of Practice) (Jersey) Regulations 2015 – 1st January 2016;
  5. Shipping (Load Line) (Jersey) Regulations 2004 – 1st January 2016;
  6. Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) (Jersey) Order 2021 (fees formerly set out in the Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) (Jersey) Order 2004) – 1st January 2016;
  7. Shipping (Safety of Navigation) (Jersey) Order 2009 – 1st January 2016;
  8. Shipping (Survey and Certification) (Jersey) Order 2013 – 1st January 2016;
  9. Shipping (Safety Code – Yachts and Small Ships) (Jersey) Regulations 2013 – 1st January 2016.

The amendments made by this Order increase the fees in line with, or below, inflation from the date on which each fee was last increased, with the fees being rounded up or down.

This Order comes into force on 1st February 2023.

The Order was made on 30th January 2023 and came into force on 1st February 2023.


  1. The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central

"Given that the waiting list for individuals registered for affordable rented housing is available to all affordable housing providers (the "Providers") who contact individuals when suitable properties arise, will the Minister advise –

  1. what criteria, if any, must be met for an entity to become a Provider;
  2. whether the Government has any agreements in place with Providers; and, if so, do the terms therein ensure that any rented property is in good condition at the commencement of a lease;
  3. what safeguards exist regarding the condition of a rented property at the commencement of a lease, if no agreements with Providers are in place; and
  4. who determines what constitutes affordability and what is the definition used?"
  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy T.A. Coles of St. Helier South

"Will the Minister provide details of the policy within the Health and Community Services Department in relation to third party data handlers who are responsible for the removal, storage and destruction of medical records from the General Hospital, in particular in relation to –

  1. the criteria required for appointment as a data handler;
  2. the level of screening applied to all employees of the data handler;
  3. the Standard Operating Procedures for all areas
  4. the regularity of risk assessments carried out, both personal safety and security risk; and
  5. the frequency of on-going security checks and due diligence carried out and at what intervals to ensure compliance with the policy?"
  1. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M. Scott of St. Brelade

"Will the Chair outline the nature and extent of training in ethical standards and conduct that is undertaken within the Government of Jersey; and further elaborate on how this is organised, delivered, tested and brought up to best international practice?"

  1. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister provide details, for every year since 2018, of the Income Support rent components received by each affordable housing provider who has access to the waiting list for affordable rented housing?"

  1. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister advise –

  1. whether she will engage with the Jersey Care Commission to clarify why the requirements imposed on standards for child contact centres should exceed those in place in the UK for unsupervised contact; and
  2. whether, in light of the recently publicised impact on Milli's Child Contact Centre (the "Centre"), what support, if any, she or her department are considering for the Centre, or similar centres, to ensure the continuation of their services?"
  1. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour

"Further to the decision to stop the States grant from the Consolidated Fund to the Social Security Fund for the last few years, can the Minister advise the following –

  1. the amount unpaid to the Social Security Fund in each year; and
  2. whether a payment of these funds will be considered before any proposed increase in employee/employer contributions?"
  1. The Minister for Home Affairs tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North

"Will the Minister outline what training is provided to all officers within the Justice and Home Affairs department in identifying coercive behaviour and confirm how many officers have completed such training, broken down by service –

  1. States of Jersey Police;
  2. Ambulance Service;
  3. Fire and Rescue Service;
  4. Jersey Customs and Immigration Service;
  5. States of Jersey Prison Service;
  6. Health and Safety Inspectorate;
  7. Jersey Field Squadron; and,
  8. any supporting/civilian Government of Jersey officers within the department?"
  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 23rd January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central

"With reference to the availability of private care through some National Health Service (NHS) trusts such as the East Sussex Trust, used to reduce waiting lists on the Island; will the Minister outline what arrangements, if any, exist with such trusts to ensure that any profits go to NHS services and not to the private sector?"

  1. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister advise what level of inspection is carried out on properties rented from housing providers through the Affordable Housing Gateway to ensure that the providers are supplying properties that are in good physical condition and state of repair at the commencement of a lease; and, if no inspections take place, how is this minimum standard for rented property ensured for those on the waiting list for affordable rented housing?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister provide details of any loans, or other Government of Jersey subsidies, given to each specific affordable housing provider for every year since 2018, including details of any outstanding loans that remain due for repayment?"

  1. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade

"Will the Minister provide details of the number of planning officers and planning policy officers, if any, who commute to the Island to perform their duties, and of any travel, accommodation or additional costs to the Government of Jersey in supplement to any salary payments incurred in this respect?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade

"Will the Minister provide details of –

  1. the role of the Tourist Regulation Office (T.R.O.) within the Department of the Economy;
  2. the number of staff employed within the T.R.O. and the total annual salary cost over the last five years; and,
  3. the annual number of visitor accommodation premises regulated by the T.R.O. over the last five years?"
  1. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade

"Will the Chair advise, when setting public sector wage increases –

  1. what information and intelligence, if any, the States Employment Board gathers from the local private sector to inform its decision; and
  2. whether such decisions take into account the effect any wage increases will have on the business operations of the local private sector and the possible impact on the cost of living?"
  1. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North

"Will the Chair provide the total headcount of States of Jersey employees for each year since 2012, broken down by salary bands?"

  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North

"Will the Minister state the total number of cancelled medical appointments in 2022?"

  1. The Minister for Housing and Communities tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North :

"Will the Minister advise whether any discussions have taken place with private institutional investors in order to procure private investment in the Government of Jersey's social housing provider, Andium Homes?"

  1. H.M. Attorney General tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central

"Given that the Crown Prosecution Service (C.P.S.) in England and Wales provides access to statistics on prosecutions, conviction rates, appeals and victims' right to review, will H.M. Attorney General provide these statistics for sexual offences in Jersey, and advise how many special measure applications have been submitted and declined since the introduction of the Criminal Procedure (Jersey) Law 2018?"

  1. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister state the total spend on agency cover staff from U.K. agencies from 1st September 2022 to date, broken down into the following categories –

  1. travel to and from Jersey for staff;
  2. accommodation;
  3. daily rate of pay to staff; and
  4. daily rate paid to agency?"
  1. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central

"Further to the response to Written Question 258/2022, what approach does the Chief Minister propose to take in relation to the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, pursuant to which the U.K. Government intends to cease participating in 4,000 E.U. laws by the end of year 2023, and furthermore –

  1. what actions does she propose in respect of any changes to Jersey legislation to better align with, or diverge from, current standards;
  2. will she bring any variations to the Assembly for agreement or will any changes be made by Ministerial Decision; and
  3. what resources does she have to deliver such adjustments?"
  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister provide members with a detailed analysis of the survey of "attitudes to healthcare funding", as referred to in response to Oral Question 132/2022, and ensure that such analysis includes –

  1. the sums paid to the health economists who directed the research;
  2. the use of focus groups; and
  3. the use of sortition techniques and other methods to avoid the possibility of any hidden bias in the survey;

and will the Minister agree to publish these details in advance of any launch date for the survey?"

  1. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 30th January 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central

"Further to the response to Oral Question 122/2022, will the Minister provide a detailed explanation of the changes to the provision of Household Medical Account benefits over the past 5 years, including the use of grants and loans through the Health Access Scheme for medical costs and the use of Long- Term Incapacity Allowance and Income Support medical or personal components?"

  1. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade

"Will the Chair advise if the States Employment Board intends all Government of Jersey departments to become ISO9000 compliant and, if so, how this will be achieved and by when?"

  1. The Chair of the States Employment Board tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade

"Given the response to Written Question 3/2023, will the Chair advise –

  1. what specific non-ethical activities by public servants are absolutely prohibited with the sanction of immediate dismissal;
  2. what is the sanction for public employees engaging in any retaliatory action against a member of the public for any reason; and,
  3. what is the minimum number of tested ethical compliance training sessions that public sector employees are required to complete each year and how is their completion of training assessed?"
  1. The Minister for the Environment tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade

"With respect to the recently-announced Planning Services Review, will the Minister provide the following information –

  1. how the review is to be undertaken;
  2. whether the review will extend to the planning policy making process and whether the Minister accepts that the quality of that process is critical to the quality of planning decision
  1. what opportunity, if any, there will be for Islanders to meet Mr Mackinnon individually; and
  2. the expected cost of the review to the taxpayer?"
  1. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Connétable of St. Martin

"Would the Minister outline the Government of Jersey's awareness of, and access to, the reports generated through inspections and audits of Private Primary and Secondary Schools in Jersey and, if access is not already openly available, advise –

  1. whether these documents can be made readily available to the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills in extraordinary circumstances; and
  2. whether the Minister is satisfied that these documents can be readily made available to key stakeholders, including parents of enrolled pupils and teaching unions?"
  1. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by the Connétable of St. Martin

"Will the Minister confirm what support the Government of Jersey is able to provide to private schools in Jersey seeking to improve the quality and transparency of self-assessments, including the provision of further opportunities for stakeholders to provide additional challenge and feedback where possible, and whether this support is currently being provided?"

  1. The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North

"In relation to the redevelopment of Fort Regent, will the Minister advise –

  1. the current status of any development plans;
  2. when any proposals are expected to be brought before the States Assembly; and
  3. the number of organisations that still use the facility and proposed date of relocation of these organisations to a new facility?"
  1. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North

"Will the Chief Minister provide the following information in respect of the employment of consultants across the Government of Jersey –

  1. the number of consultants engaged since 1st July 2022 to date;
  2. the specific roles that they are undertaking;
  3. the length of each contract;
  4. the cost per month in relation to each contract;
  5. the terms of reference for each contract;
  6. the process followed for the engagement of each consultant; and
  7. the involvement, if any, of the Council of Ministers in relation to the engagement of these consultants?"
  1. The Minister for Infrastructure tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central

"In relation to the recent floodings, will the Minister advise –

  1. whether he is satisfied that the existing public drainage system is sufficient to prevent flooding in wet weather; and
  2. whether surface water is getting mixed with sewage in many parts of the Island, and, if so, is this due to damaged pipes?"
  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North

"Will the Minister confirm the aggregate cost of consultant remuneration to the Health and Community Services department in 2022?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North

"Can the Minister advise what discussions, if any, have been held with private investors in relation to the construction of a national sports stadium in Jersey?"

  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North

"Will the Minister advise the total cost of Locum and Agency Staff to the Health and Community Services Department in 2022?"

  1. The Chief Minister tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central

"Will the Chief Minister provide the following information in respect of each communications campaign launched by the Government since she took office –

  1. the purpose of the campaign;
  2. the target audience and the number of people estimated to be in that target audience;
  3. the methods and/or media used to reach the target audience;
  4. the cost of the campaign including staff time;
  5. whether she considers that the campaign was effective and provide details of how the effectiveness was measured; and for on-going campaigns detail the effectiveness to date; and
  6. whether any lessons have been learned from the campaign and how such learnings might be applied in future campaigns?"
  1. The Chair of the Privileges and Procedures Committee tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central

"Will the Chair provide details of what plans, if any, are proposed to provide constituency offices to improve facilities for Deputies and allow for improved public engagement?"

  1. The Minister for Children and Education tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minster provide details of the number of current teaching vacancies across the Island's schools?"

  1. The Minister for Social Security tabled an answer on 6th February 2023 to the following question asked by Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central

"Will the Minister advise how many Andium Homes' tenants are currently repaying loans for carpets?"

Explanatory Note regarding the main respondents for items listed under Public Business (Item L)

In accordance with Standing Order 104A, a time limit of 15 minutes applies to speeches made during debate, unless discretion has been exercised to allow for a longer, or shorter, time limit. No time limit applies to either speech made by the proposer.

Discretion is exercised by the Presiding Officer in accordance with guidance issued by the Bailiff , following consultation with the Privileges and Procedures Committee. The current guidance was presented to the States in the report Time Limits on Speeches in Debates: Guidance on the Exercise of Discretion' (R.3/2021). The report states that discretion may be exercised to allow for a longer speech than 15 minutes where the member speaking is designated as the main respondent' to the debate.

The following members have been identified as the main respondents in the debates listed to occur at this meeting –



Main Respondent(s)

Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA – Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment of Law and Regulations) (No.

2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.115/2022).

 Chair of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.110/2022)

 Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.110/2022): amendment. (P.117/2022 Amd.)

 Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel.

Skills Development Fund. (P.116/2022)

 Minister for Social Security.

Skills Development Fund (P.116/2022): amendment (P.116/2022 Amd.).

  Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North .

Draft Limited Liability Companies (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.118/2022)

 Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Limited Liability Companies (Winding Up and  Dissolution)  (Amendment)  (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.119/2022)

 Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Draft  Public  Holidays  and  Bank  Holidays (amendment   Coronation)  (Jersey)  Act  202-. (P.1/2023)

 Chair of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

Draft  Proceeds  of  Crime  (Supervisory  Bodies) (Supervised  Business  -  Amendment)  (Jersey) Regulations 202-. (P.3/2023).

 Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel.


Questions without notice 2023

1st Session 2023

28th February  Housing and  International  Chief Minister

Communities  Development

21st March  Social Security  Treasury and Resources  Chief Minister 18th April  Children and Education  Economic Development,  Chief Minister

Tourism, Sport and


23rd May  Environment  External Relations and  Chief Minister

Financial Services

13th June  Health and Social  Home Affairs  Chief Minister


4th July  Housing and  Infrastructure  Chief Minister


18th July  International  Social Security  Chief Minister


2nd Session 2023

12th September  Treasury and Resources  Children and Education  Chief Minister 3rd October  Economic Development,  Environment  Chief Minister

Tourism, Sport and


17th October  External Relations and  Health and Social  Chief Minister

Financial Services  Services

7th November  Home Affairs  Housing and  Chief Minister


28th November  Infrastructure  International  Chief Minister


12th December  Social Security  Treasury and Resources  Chief Minister