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Island Plan 2022-25: approval (p.36/2021) – amendment (Removal of St Helier Fields)

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(P.36/2021) – AMENDMENT

Lodged au Greffe on 1st July 2021 by Deputy M. R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier


2021  P.36/2021 Amd.

ISLAND PLAN 2021: APPROVAL (P.36/2021): AMENDMENT ____________

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After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes:
  1. Field H1186A  St. Helier  (0.45 hectares/2.5 vergées).
  2. Field H1189  St. Helier  (0.85 hectares/4.7 vergées)
  3. Field H1198  St. Helier  (0.40 hectares/2.2 vergées);
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a);
  2. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of (a).".


Note:  After this amendment, the proposition would read as follows – THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to approve, in accordance with Article 3(1) of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, as amended by the Covid-19 (Island Plan) (Jersey) Regulations 2021, the draft Island Plan 2022-25, except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned foraffordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes:

2.  Field H1186A  St. Helier  (0.45 hectares/2.5 vergées).

  1. Field H1189  St. Helier  (0.85 hectares/4.7 vergées)
  2. Field H1198  St. Helier  (0.40 hectares/2.2 vergées)';
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 be further amended in such respects as maybe necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a);
  2. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zonesbeamended to reflect the adoption of (a).".

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Fields H1186a, H1189, H1198, La Grande Route de St. Jean, St. Helier have been identified as possible sites within the new Draft Bridging Island Plan.

The exiting use of the three fields is by the nearby dairy and is classified as strategically important for this continuation of business for the dairy. It is surprising that these fields have therefore been included within the plan. It is clear that dairy herds need land adjacent or very close by the farm as it is not practical to move animals long distances to pasture and it is necessary to keep them close to the milking parlour. It is also worth mentioning that this herd has taken four years to gain organic status. The Island identity utilises the Jersey Cow as of significant importance to Jersey and  it is  therefore imperative to preserve its environment.

La Grande Route de Mont à L'Abbé and La Grande Route de St. Jean are already very congested, particularly at certain times of the day. The additional traffic that between 52-76  homes  would  cause  is  concerning.  No  clear  plan  has  been  provided  by Infrastructure at this stage as to the implications of this additional traffic load. The proposed Hospital is due to be built at Overdale - which will also contribute to the traffic flows in this location. It is also highlighted that there are already poor bus service and waiting facilities. There is also a Grade 3 listed building in the vicinity which will have to be taken into consideration in order to protect it.

St. Helier has acknowledged that the Parish provides a considerable amount of new development, however it is also acknowledged that residents are entitled to some green space around them. This development will be a step too far and it is important that the countryside is preserved.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no financial or manpower implications in relation to the removal of the sites as identified.

Child Rights Impact Assessment implications

This amendment has been assessed in relation to the Bridging Island Plan CRIA. Whilst this amendment will remove some sites from those allocated for affordable housing, it will maintain land that is being legitimately used for farming purposes, providing green infrastructure, supporting the dairy culture of the Island and providing healthy food products from well-maintained animals. All these have importance to children growing up in the Island.

It should also be noted, as within the report above, that introduction of affordable housing without the necessary infrastructure to provide safe travel for children could result in further complications for access and traffic.

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