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Draft Bridging Island Plan
Post-examination response
Minister for the Environment
Ministerial foreword
I am delighted to be able to publish and present, under separate cover, the independent planning inspector's report into the draft Bridging Island Plan, following the examination in public, held in Autumn 2021. This report is my initial response to the comments and recommendations that the inspectors have made.
The inspectors' report provides a thorough and comprehensive reflection on the policies proposed in the draft Bridging Island Plan and the issues raised during consultation, having regard to the extremely valuable input of both the public and States Members, in matters which are of great significance to our island, and the future wellbeing of our community, environment and economy.
I would like to thank every single person who has taken the time to engage with the process to date, during a time which has been challenging for all. I would also like to thank the planning inspectors (Keith Holland BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI ARICS (Lead Inspector); Geoff Salter BA MRTPI (Assistant Principal Inspector); and Derek Stebbing BA (Hons) DipEP MRTPI (Assistant Senior Inspector)) for undertaking the examination process in such a professional manner, which has been particularly efficient, whilst being open, inclusive, respectful and comprehensive.
The process of public engagement leading up to the examination, and the manner in which it was undertaken, has given me great confidence to accept the majority of their commentary and recommendations. Many of these align with either States Member amendments or my own post-consultation response but their recommendations add much value to help improve the plan.
It is my hope that States Members will have close regard to the inspectors' report in their deliberations leading up to our debate in March.
Deputy John Young
Minister for the Environment January 2022
This report aims to provide a summary of both the inspector's formal recommendations and the Minister's initial response to them; and also, the inspectors' commentary on States Members' amendments and the Minister's current position in relation to them, following initial consideration of the inspectors' report.
The report sets out the Minister's intended course of action in respect of both recommendations and amendments.
It is set out in three parts:
Part 1: Response to inspectors' recommendations
This part of the report summarises all recommendations made by the inspectors; their genesis (i.e. whether or not the recommendation aligns to a change suggested by States Member amendment or by the Minister as part of his post-consultation response; or if it is a unique recommendation made by the inspectors); and provides an indication as to whether the Minister is minded to accept or to reject the recommendation, and the course of action that the Minister is intending to take as a result.
Part 2: Position in relation to States Members' amendments
This part of the report summarises all 61 States Members' amendments proposed to date; sets out the Minister's initial position in relation to them prior to the examination in public being undertaken; summarises the inspectors' advice as to whether or not the amendment should be supported following their examination; sets out how this compares to the initial position of the Minister; and then provides the position of the Minister following consideration of the inspectors' deliberations, and his intended course of action. That form of action (i.e. whether the Minister makes a comment or lodges an amendment of his own) may change, subject to liaison with the States Greffe.
Part 3: Further commentary
This part of the report provides additional commentary on those key policy areas where the Minister considers it necessary to provide further information relative to his position. This includes:
- an overview of the revised proposed housing supply;
- a summary of those sites that the Minister is minded to remove from the draft plan; and those which he is minded to maintain or propose for designation as affordable housing sites to help meet the overall supply of homes;
- overall housing supply and housing sites: the steps the Minister plans to take to secure the overall housing supply and housing sites; and
- reasons why the Minister is minded to not accept, or to vary, some of the inspectors' recommendations.
The position of the Minister expressed in this report is not necessarily definitive. It is a current position following the consideration of the inspectors' report, and the Minister will continue to consider matters as the next stages to develop the plan continue to progress. This includes careful consideration of the final round of States Member amendments and participation in the States' debate.
The Minister will, where relevant and necessary, present his own amendments to address the recommendations which he is minded to support and which are not otherwise dealt with by previously lodged amendments.
Part 1: Response to inspectors' recommendations
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 1 In Proposal 6, Sustainable Communities Fund to add the words "and other parts of the island's built-up areas" in the first sentence after the words "future development of Town". In paragraph 2 (as set out in SR66), add the words "the necessary legal mechanisms for" after "design and introduce the", and after "Bridging Island Plan" add the words "ready for inclusion into the subsequent review of the Island Plan". | Recommendation accords with:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response in SR66 |
Recommendation 2 Amend 4. in Policy SP3 to include the words "having regard to the need of those with disabilities" following the words "accessible and inclusive design". Amend bullet point 2 of Policy SP7 by adding the words "including those with disabilities and additional needs" after "individuals and families". | s Recommendation accords with Amd. 23 lodged by Deputy Gardiner , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR05 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd. 23 |
Recommendation 3 Amend the wording in the Places section in accordance with the Minister's proposed modifications schedule (Part 6 of the Post- consultation report). | Recommendation accords with the Minister's own recommendations in SR67 and PCR06 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response in SR67 and PC06 |
Recommendation 4 Amend the figure for housing demand of 3,750 homes to 4,000 homes in every place where it occurs in the Draft Bridging Island Plan. | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6. | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6 |
Recommendation 5 Fields C102, C104 and C105 are not allocated for affordable housing. | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of these fields as an alternative affordable housing site. (this recommendation does not accord with the Minister's post-consultation response identifying these sites as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26) | Accept recommendation | Withdraw Fields C102, C104 and C105 from consideration as potential alternative affordable housing sites |
Recommendation 6 Consider field J1109 as a possible replacement housing site in accordance with SR26 | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this field as an alternative affordable housing site (this recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26) | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to add field J1109 as an affordable housing site under Policy H5 |
Recommendation 7 Remove fields H1186A, H1189 and H1198 from the list of affordable housing sites in Policy H5 and amend the Proposals Map accordingly. | Recommendation accords with Amd. 01, lodged by Deputy Le Hegarat | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd. 01 |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 8 Consider field H1248 as a possible alternative affordable housing site in accordance with SR26. | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this as an alternative affordable housing site (this recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26) | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to add field H1248 as an affordable housing site under Policy H5 |
Recommendation 9 Amend the local centre boundary on the Proposals Map to include the land at Midbay House, St Lawrence in the built-up area. | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this as an alternative affordable housing site (this recommendation does not accord with the Minister's post-consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26) | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) |
Recommendation 10 Remove fields MN389 and MN390 from the list of affordable housing sites in Policy H5 and amend the Proposals Map accordingly. | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR26 | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response in SR26 |
Recommendation 11 Field MN391 is not allocated for affordable housing. | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this field as an alternative affordable housing site. (this recommendation does not accord with the Minister's post-consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26, although the Minister acknowledges that more recent information render this site undeliverable currently) | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) s | Withdraw field MN391 from consideration as potential alternative affordable housing sites |
Recommendation 12 Consider field MY563 as a potential alternative affordable housing site in accordance with SR26. | Recommendation accords with Amd. 49 lodged by the Connétable of St Mary and the Minister's post-consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26 | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd. 49 |
Recommendation 13 Consider fields O622 and O623 as possible replacement affordable housing sites in accordance with SR26. | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this field as an alternative affordable housing site (this recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26) | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to add fields O622 and O623 as an affordable housing site under Policy H5 |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 14 Consider fields P558 and P559 St Peter as possible affordable housing sites, in accordance with SR26 (together with field P632) | Recommendation accords with:
| Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- g examination response) | Lodge an AMENDMENT to both Amd 04 and Amd 40, to ensure that fields P558 and P559 are brought forward as a comprehensive development, together with field P632, to enable the provision of a village green. |
Recommendation 15 Remove S729 St Saviour from the list of affordable housing sites in Policy H5 and amend the Proposals Map accordingly | Recommendation accords with
| Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the Minister's post-consultation response in SR26(a). |
Recommendation 16 Consider field S341 as a possible replacement affordable housing site | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this field as an alternative affordable housing site. This recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response identifying this site as potential alternative affordable housing sites in SR26. | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to add field S341 as an affordable housing site under Policy H5 |
Recommendation 17 Amend the secondary centre boundary on the Proposals Map to include the land at Tabor Park in the built-up area. | Inspectors' recommendation. This recommendation does not accord with the Minister's post-consultation response, as set out in PCR4. | Accept recommendation, subject to additional stipulation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the inspectors' recommendation to include land at Tabor Park within the built-up area boundary, to include a further requirement that this land should be developed to provide supported or over-55s homes only. |
Recommendation 18 Correct the cartographic error on the Proposals Map in accordance with SR67. Allocate field O785 for affordable housing and amend the Proposals Map to reflect this designation. | Inspectors' view as to the relative merit of this field as an alternative affordable housing site. This recommendation
as set out in SR67(4). | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to
Recommendation 19 Add a fourth bullet point to Policy H2 as follows, "the quantity and quality of amenity space and parking, including visitor parking." | Recommendation accords with, at:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to Minister's post-consultation response in SR61 |
Recommendation 20 Revise the supply figure in Policy H3 to make provision for 4,300 homes Amend the first bullet point to read "up to 1,660 affordable homes (including key worker accommodation)". | . Inspectors' recommendation. | Accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the inspectors' recommendation. |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 21 Add a new sentence at the end of paragraph 1 of Policy H4 to read, "Residential developments for 4 or more dwellings should, in particular, include a proportion of smaller homes to encourage and enable right sizing." | Recommendation mostly accords with:
| Accept recommendation with minor change (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to Amd. 44 to give effect to inspectors' recommendation, with a minor change to reference five dwellings instead of four. |
Recommendation 22 In Policy H5 in the penultimate paragraph after the words "Jersey Affordable Housing Gateway", add "where no more than 50% of the allocation for affordable homes for purchase on any given site should be to people who are prioritised due to being able to demonstrate links to the parish in which the homes are located, with no such restriction applying to people aged 55 or over". | Recommendation accords with Amd. 07 lodged by Deputy Gardiner , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR25 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd. 23 |
Recommendation 23 Amend the third paragraph of Policy H5 to read, "All of the sites listed in this policy should be developed in accordance with the guidance to be issued by the Minister for the Environment which will address the site- specific tenure split and where appropriate, the provision of homes to enable the "right sizing" of homes within the existing housing stock." | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR28 | Remains under consideration (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | To be confirmed |
Recommendation 24 Progress Proposal 22, Future affordable housing provision, as a priority with a view to including a requirement for a proportion of affordable housing to be provided in appropriate open market housing developments as a policy in the next ten-year plan in 2025. | Recommendation mostly accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR22. The inspectors recommend that this proposal should be progressed as a priority. | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the inspectors' recommendation. |
Recommendation 25 Amend Policy H6 by adding the words "and homes that will support independent living for those with disabilities and additional needs" in th first sentence after the words "supported housing". Also, in the first sentence add the words "or specifically designed and adapted" after the words "development of supported". | Recommendation accords with Amd. 22 lodged by Deputy e Gardiner , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR38 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd. 22 |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 26 In Policy H8 remove clause 1.b. Add "where it involves" after "extension or" in the first sentence of 2. Replace "a separate household" with "separate households". Remove "and" from the end of 2.a. Add new clause 2.b., "2.b. the accommodation is capable of allowing the creation of additional households where they meet the minimum internal and external space standards and specifications for homes within the existin or extended dwelling;" and re-number existing 2.b. to make it 2.c. | Recommendation mostly accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR40. g | Mostly accept recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to:
Recommendation 27 In Strategic Proposal 3 - Creating a marine spatial plan for Jersey, insert after "Spatial Plan", "before 2025" and insert after "territorial waters", "in particular, to develop a network of marine protected areas which will". | Recommendation accords with Amd.51 Parts (a) and (b), lodged by Senator Farnham , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR53 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to Minister's post-consultation response in SR53. |
Recommendation 28 In Policy NE2, remove "and" from the end of clause b) and add, "c) ensuring that new trees are planted in the ground if at all possible, with the re-routing of any underground services and other measures that may be necessary to achieve this being undertaken as part of the development; d) ensuring that where appropriate, lost watercourses are restored and new water features provided in the public realm, especially in urban areas; and". Existing clause c) becomes clause e). | Recommendation accords with Amd.13, lodged by Connétable of St Helier, as supported by the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR45 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.13. |
Recommendation 29 Add new second sentence to last paragraph on page 133, "This does no preclude high quality modern design of buildings or spaces within the area, rather it seeks a contextual response to fit the place." | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- t consultation response set out in PCR6 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6 |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 30 Add a new section after paragraph 2 on page 124, "Inclusive design Everyone should be able to enjoy easy and exclusive access to the historic environment. Listed buildings and places may need to be modified to meet existing access needs as well as the changing needs o occupants and users. Removing barriers to access can allow many mor people to use and benefit from the historic environment. If sensitively designed this need not compromise the ability of future generations to enjoy heritage and access these environments. Understanding the significance of a building is a vital first step in thinking about how much it can be changed to ensure sensitive interventions. In most cases access can be improved without compromising the special interest of the historic buildings and it is rare when nothing can be done to improve or facilitate access. By undertaking a careful process of research, consultation and creative exploration of alternative, good quality solutions are usually possible. The provision of improved access can be an important part of a sustainable approach to caring for the historic environment without compromising the significance of special places." | f e Recommendation accords with:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to Amd 24 to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post-consultation response in SR41 |
Recommendation 31 In Policy HE1 replace the introductory paragraph 4 with, "Proposals that do not protect a listed building or place or its setting will not be supported unless and with regard to the comparative significance of th listed building or place, or its setting, and the impact of proposed development on that significance:" | Inspectors' recommendation. e | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the inspectors' recommendation |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 32 Amend the first paragraph of Policy HE2 to read, "Historic windows and doors in listed buildings or buildings in a conservation area which are of significance or special interest or which contribute to the character of the conservation area should be repaired using materials and detailing to match the existing. Proposals for the replacement of modern glazing in historic windows with double glazing will be supported where it can be accommodated a) within the existing window or door joinery frames or b) within a like for like frame where the existing frame is beyond repair." In paragraph 3 of Policy HE2 remove the words "or the character of a building in a conservation area". Add a new paragraph 4 to Policy HE2 to read: "Where proposals for the replacement of windows and doors in conservation areas will affect the character and appearance of the conservation area, they will only be supported where they protect or improve that character or appearance." In the first sentence of existing paragraph 4 of Policy HE2 remove "more" before "modern windows". Remove "or buildings in a conservation area" and replace "or" with "and" at the end of the second line. Add a second sentence to the penultimate paragraph of Policy HE2, as proposed in SR47, "The use of double-glazing in replacement windows and glazing in doors will, therefore, be supported where replacements replicate the historic window and doors as far as practicable helping to meet Jersey's commitment to energy efficiency." | Recommendation mostly accords with:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to Amd 14 to give effect to:
Recommendation 33 In Proposal 14, Conservation area designation, revise the second paragraph to read, "It is proposed that the first conservation area or areas to be designated should be within the historic areas of St Helier and then drawn from the following list: St Aubin, the areas around the parish churches of Grouville , St Lawrence, St Martin, Trinity , St Ouen, St Peter, and St Clement; Gorey Village and Pier and Rozel Harbour. Designation should follow engagement and consultation with parish authorities, local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders including heritage organisations." Add a new paragraph to Proposal 14: "During the course of the Bridging Island Plan, at least four conservation areas should be designated from those listed in this Proposal." | Recommendation accords with:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to Amd 39 to give effect to inspectors' recommendation. |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 34 In Policy CI1 in the bullet point relating to Mont à L'Abbé School, remove the words "Part of". Amend the Proposals Map to reflect this change. After field 782 St Ouen, add "Proposals for education facilities outside the built–up area or designated sites will not be permitted except in the most exceptional circumstances where the proposed development is required to meet a proven island need and it can be demonstrated that:
| Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR09 and PCR6 e | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant parts of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR09 and PCR6 |
Recommendation 35 After point 2 in Policy CI4 add a new provision, "3. to address specific deficiencies in the provision of youth facilities the following site is safeguarded for use as a youth facility. The alternative development of this site will not be supported unless it can be demonstrated that it is no longer required for this purpose. Nelson Street Car Park/The Old Fire Station site: Nelson Street, St Helier." Amend the Proposals Map to reflect this change. | Recommendation accords with Amd.10, lodged by Deputy Ward , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR11 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.10. |
Recommendation 36: Amend clause 3. of Policy CI5 by removing the words "or increases" after "redevelopment maintains" and add to the end of the sentence after "public" the words "or increases the proportion of freely accessible public open space". | Recommendation accords with Amd.09, lodged by Deputy Ward , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR14 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.09. |
Recommendation 37 Add the FB Fields to the list of sports and leisure enhancement areas in Policy CI5. After 5. insert "6. FB Fields, La Grande Route De St Clement". Amend the Proposals Map to reflect this change. | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR15 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR15. |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 38 Allocate in Policy CI5 field MN727 St Martin for an indoor cricket school with associated health and fitness facilities. Amend the Proposals Map to reflect this change. | The inspectors' recommendation does not accord with the view of the Minister, as set out in SR16 | Reject recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | The Minister is not minded to accept this recommendation for the reasons stated in Part 3 of the Minister's post-examination response and SR16, and will not, therefore, be lodging an amendment to give effect to it. |
Recommendation 39 In Proposal 25, St Helier Country Park, add a third paragraph, "The development of the country park will reflect an investigation and report by the Council of Ministers on opportunities to incorporate adjacent areas of countryside into the park in the future, in line with the map attached to, and supporting Paragraph 7 of Amendment 38 (as adopted by the States Assembly on 21 June 2011) to the previous Island Plan." | Recommendation accords with Amd.31 Part (c), lodged by the Connétable of St Helier, as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR17 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR17. |
Recommendation 40 Revise the Proposals Map in accordance with the plan in SR19. | Recommendation accords with Amd.15, lodged by Deputy Truscott, as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR19 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.15 |
Recommendation 41 Add two new Proposals "Development of a play strategy. The Minister for the Environment will work with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, and the Minister for Children and Education to develop a play strategy for the Island, with specific focus on play area provision in St Helier" and "Supplementary planning guidance for developers in relatio to the provision of play space. The Minister for the Environment will develop and publish supplementary planning guidance in relation to the provision of play space." Amend the first paragraph of Policy CI8 by adding "as well as helping children access and spend time in nature" following "social and imaginative". Add "safe" to after "10 minutes" in paragraphs 2 and 3. Add a new fourth paragraph, "In the first instance developers should seek to include as much green or natural play space as possible. Play space could also be provided as outdoor play equipment, playscapes (landscaped design that incorporates play features), space for ball games and dedicated space that encourages safe bike riding, skateboarding and scootering. In some circumstances indoor communal space may form part of the space for play contribution, such as communal games rooms or youth facilities. Other types of space for play will be considered where the developer has undertaken appropriate consultation and there is clear evidence of community support." | n Recommendation accords with:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd. 05 Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to other parts of the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR20. |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 42 Revise the last paragraph of Policy CI9 by replacing the words that follow "Grands Vaux Reservoir" with "and Valley and Waterworks Valley have been identified on the Proposals Map as strategic countryside access sites and proposals that encourage, enable or enhance public access to the countryside here will be encouraged". Amend the Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones - to reflect the policy, as set out in SR21. | Recommendation accords with
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to Amd 27 to give effect to the spatial definition for the area of Waterworks Valley to be embraced by this amendment as set out in the Minister's post-consultation response SR21 |
Recommendation 43 Amend Policy CI5 and the Proposals Map to identify land in the vicinity of fields P789B, P898 and P789A as a sports and leisure area of potential. In 5. After "Framework Area" insert "The development of sports and leisure uses may also be supported in the identified sports and leisure area of potential (St Peter) but only where the public benefit and contribution to the viability and success of local sports can be proven to outweigh any loss or harm to the landscape and agricultural land." | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR13 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR13. |
Recommendation 44 Amend Policy EI1 to add "9. Field S380, St Saviour" as a protected industrial site, and amend the Proposals Map accordingly. | The inspectors' recommendation does not accord with the view of the Minister, as set out in SR56 | Reject recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | The Minister is not minded to accept this recommendation for the reasons stated in Part 3 of the Minister's post-examination response and SR56, and will not, therefore, be lodging an amendment to give effect to it. |
Recommendation 45 Amend Policy EI1 to add "10. Fields B.26 and B.27, St Brelade" as a protected industrial site, and amend the Proposals Map accordingly. | The inspectors' recommendation does not accord with the view of the Minister, as set out in SR56 | Reject recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | The Minister is not minded to accept this recommendation for the reasons stated in Part 3 of the Minister's post-examination response and SR56, and will not, therefore, be lodging an amendment to give effect to it. |
Recommendation 46 In Proposal 17, St Brelade's Bay Improvement Plan, insert "by December 2023" after St Brelade's Bay. | Recommendation accords with Amd.19, lodged by Senator Pallett, as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR60 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.19 |
Recommendation 47 At the end of text in Policy ERE8, delete "not be supported" and replace with, "only be supported where: • It is required to meet a proven need, which cannot be met elsewhere • It would not harm marine biodiversity value." | Recommendation accords with Amd.37, lodged by Deputy Morel , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR58 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.37 |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 48 Insert in Policy GD1, "2. it has regard to, and seeks to avoid or mitigate, the impact of the development on the needs of people with disabilities." Renumber existing 2. as 3. | Recommendation accords with Amd.23, lodged by Deputy Gardiner , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR05 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.23 |
Recommendation 49 In Policy GD3 after the words "restoration of land" insert "including infrastructure". | Recommendation accords with Amd.46, lodged by the Connétable of St Brelade, as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR04 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.46 |
Recommendation 50 Add to Policy GD6 after "design", "having regard to the needs of those with disabilities". | Recommendation accords with Amd.22, lodged by Deputy Gardiner , as supported by the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR05 | Accept recommendation | Lodge COMMENT to accept Amd.22 |
Recommendation 51 Extend the Green Backdrop Zone to the built-up area above Ouaisné, as shown in SR51. Amend the Proposals Map accordingly. | Recommendation accords with
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the Minister's post-consultation response set out in SR51. |
Recommendation 52 Add to Policy GD9, "Within the shoreline zone of St Brelade's Bay, the redevelopment of a building, involving demolition and replacement, where the proposal would be larger in terms of any gross floorspace, building footprint or visual impact than the building being replaced will not be supported." | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR51 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR51 |
Recommendation 53 That the Minister reconsiders his position, as set out in SR63, not to support further extraction of existing reserves within the existing area of Simon Sand and Gravel | The inspectors' recommendation does not accord with the view of the Minister, as set out in SR63 | Accept recommendation, subject to conditions (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the inspectors' recommendation to allow further sand extraction at Simon Sand and Gravel quarry such that:
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 54 Under the heading Jersey mobility hierarchy (page 251), add a new second sentence to the first paragraph, "Access to travel and transport i also affected by other forms of disability and not just those that are related to mobility and sensory impairment". In the second paragraph after the words "users of the development" add "including those people with all forms of disability". In Policy TT1 in 2.a. add "and other forms of disability" after the words mobility impairments. In the section entitled Active Travel (page 149), in the first paragraph ad the words "including people with disabilities" at the end of the last sentence. In Proposal 27, Active travel network, add "including the Disability Inclusion Group" after the words "relevant parish(es); stakeholders,". | s Recommendation accords with:
d | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to Amd 21 to give effect to Minister's post-consultation response in SR42 |
Recommendation 55 Substitute "motor vehicle" for "car" in the third line of Policy TT4. Add a new paragraph 4 to Policy TT4, "Development involving the loss of front gardens and their boundary features to provide parking with direct access to/from the highway will not be supported where this would harm the character and appearance of the street scene or compromise highway safety." | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR61 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in SR61 |
Recommendation 56 Remove "for large-scale" from the heading to Policy ME1 and substitute "new development". Amend Policy ME1 to Withdraw the words "in the built-up area for non-residential development with a gross floorspace of 200 sq m or more; or residential developments of five or more homes". | Recommendation mostly accords with:
| Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to
Recommendation 57 In the title and line 1 of Policy ME2 remove the word "affordable". At th start of the second paragraph, remove the words "Outside the built-up area". Amend the explanatory text on page 209 to reflect the revised policy. | Recommendation partially accords with: e a) the Minister's post-consultation response set out in at SR52; and b) extends the application of this policy to all new development, as recommended by inspectors. | Reject recommendation (see Part 3 of the Minister's post- examination response) | The Minister is not minded to accept this recommendation for the reasons stated in Part 3 of the Minister's post-examination response. |
Inspectors' recommendation | Genesis of recommendation | Minister's position | Minister's intended action |
Recommendation 58 Amend the built-up area boundary on the Proposals Map to reflect the changes detailed in SR67 in relation to Le Pepiniere, St Lawrence, Land at Glenwhern, Grouville , field MN402 St Martin and the sewage treatment plant at Bellozane. The built-up area boundary at Field O785, St Ouen should also be amended, as set out in SR67, but the land use allocation for the site is considered separately at Recommendation 18. | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response, relative to built-up area boundary changes, set out in SR67 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the Minister's post-consultation response, relative to built-up area boundary changes, set out in SR67 |
Recommendation 59 Amend the protected open space and built-up area boundary to the south of Mont à L'Abbé cemetery in accordance with the change in the Minister's proposed modifications schedule (Part 6 of the Post- consultation report). | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6 | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6 |
Recommendation 60 Amend the Draft Bridging Island Plan in accordance with the Minor' changes as indicated in the final column of the Minister's proposed modifications schedule (Part 6 of the Post-consultation report), other than the modification relating to field S729. | Recommendation accords with the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6 (except for that relating to S729, which would be superseded by Recommendation 15). | Accept recommendation | Lodge AMENDMENT to give effect to the relevant part of the Minister's post- consultation response set out in PCR6 (save for that relating to Field S729). |
Part 2: Position in relation to States Members' amendments
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 01 | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat | Removal of St Helier fields for affordable homes: | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Recommendation 7: Support proposed amendment | Does not accord with Minister's post-consultation response | Changed: the Minister is now minded to accept the amendment | |
* H1186A | ||||||||
* H1189 | ||||||||
| ||||||||
* H1198 | ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 02 | Deputy Kevin Lewis | Removal of St Saviour fields for affordable homes: * Field S413 * Field S415 * Field S530 * Field S729 | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment, apart from Part (a)(iii) relating to field S729, as set out in SR26(a). | SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes; and SR 26(a) - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Para. 3.64-3.68 and Recommendation 15: Do not support proposed amendment apart from Part (a)(iii) relating to field S729 | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the proposed amendment apart from Part (a)(iii) relating to field S729, which will be the subject of his own amendment. | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 03 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Play area proximity, space and supply. | The Minister is: · not minded to accept part (a) and (b) · minded to accept part (c) and (d) of the proposed amendment | SR 20 - Policy CI8 - Space for children and play amendments | Para. 6.22 and Recommendation 41: Do not support part (a) and (b), and support part (c) and (d) of the amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to: reject parts (a) and (b), and accept parts (c) and (d) of the amendment, which will be the subject of his own amendment. | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 04 | Connétable of St Peter, Richard Vibert | Inclusion of Field P558 for affordable homes. | The Minister · is not currently minded to support the proposed amendment · but may be minded to support it, as a replacement site, to maintain the integrity of affordable housing supply and the sustainable distribution of affordable housing development. | SR 31 - Policy H5 - Rezoning request of Field P558, La Rue des Sapins, St Peter for affordable homes SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Para. 3.60-3.63 and Recommendation 14: Support proposed amendment (and further amend to include P559 and P632) | Does not accord with Minister's post-consultation response but accords with Minister's assessment of the site as a potential alternative affordable housing site | Changed: the Minister is now minded to accept the amendment, with further amendment (to ensure delivery of a comprehesive development of this site with P559 and P632). | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 05 | Deputy Louise Doublet | Amendments to enhance children's play space. | The Minister is minded to accept part (a) (b) and (c), as proposed. | SR 20 - Space for children and play amendments | Para. 6.22 and Recommendation 41: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 06 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Government sites and education estate. | The Minister is not minded to accept this proposed amendment, pending the conclusion of the review of the education estate being carried out for St Helier primary schools. Once this work is | SR 08 Policy CI1 - Capacity of education estate | Para. 6.8-6.9: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
| concluded the Minister will reconsider whether further amendment to Policy CI1 should be made to ensure needs of the primary education estate can be secured through the Plan. |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 07 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Parish priority for affordable housing allocation except for those aged 55 or older. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 25 - Policy H5 - Affordable homes and parish priority | Para. 3.93 and Recommendation 22: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 08 | Deputy Robert Ward | Jersey Gas Site - Tunnell Street St Helier - School Site | The Minister is not minded to accept this proposed amendment, pending the conclusion of the review of the education estate being carried out for St Helier primary schools. Once this work is concluded the Minister will reconsider whether further amendment to Policy CI1 should be made to ensure needs of the primary education estate can be secured through the Plan. | SR 08 Policy CI1 - Capacity of education estate | Para. 6.8-6.9: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 09 | Deputy Robert Ward | Springfield development and green space. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 14 - Policy CI5 - Springfield sports and leisure enhancement area | Para. 6.13 and Recommendation 36: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 10 | Deputy Robert Ward | Safeguard Nelson Street Car Park for youth facilities. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR11 - Policy CI4 - Community facilities and community support infrastructure amendment | Para. 6.12 and Recommendation 35: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 11 | Connétable of St Ouen, Richard Buchanan | Amend Field 630, St Ouen, for use for housing rather than protected open space | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 18 - Policy CI7 - Field O630 - protected open space designation | Para 6.19: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 12 | Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft | Removal of Field H1219 for affordable homes. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Para 3.47: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 13 | Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft | Tree and water features. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 45 - Street trees and water features | Para. 4.13 and Recommendation 28: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 14 | Deputy Roland Huelin | Historic buildings and windows. | The Minister for the Environment is minded to accept the proposed amendment, with further amendment. | SR 47 - Double-glazing in heritage buildings | Para 5.7 and Recommendation 32: Support proposed amendment with further amendment | Mostly accords with Minister's post-consultation response | Changed: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment with further amendment to give effect to the inspectors' recommendations | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 15 | Deputy Graham Truscott | Corbière Walk - protected open space. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 19 - Policy CI7: Protected open space - Corbière Walk | Para 6.21 and Recommendation 40: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 16 | Deputy Steve Luce | Removal of Field MN410 as a site for affordable homes and allocation for over-55 homes only . | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Para. 3.52-3.53, and 3.99- 3.100: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
(to be administered by a charitable trust and Parish of St Martin) | ||||||||
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 17 | Deputy Steve Luce | [View Amendment 17] | Field MN489 to be allocated and to be used for homes for people over-55 and administered by the Parish of St Martin. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 35 - Policy H6 - Rezoning request of Field MN489, La Longue Rue, St Martin for affordable over 55's homes | Para. 3.73: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 18 | Senator Steve Pallett | Include Field L127 as a site for affordable homes | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 29 - Policy H5 - Rezoning request of Field L127, La Fraide Rue, St Lawrence for affordable homes | Para. 3.72: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 19 | Senator Steve Pallett | Insert deadline for St Brelade's Bay Improvement Plan (of December 2023). | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 60 - Policy EV1 - St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan – timeframe | Para. 7.14 and Recommendation 46: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 19: Amendment | Senator Sarah Ferguson | Shorter deadline than original amendment (of May 2022). | The Minister is not minded to accept the further amendment to amendment 19. | SR 60 - Policy EV1 - St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan – timeframe | Para. 7.14 and Recommendation 46: Do not support proposed amendment to amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment to the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: |
| Removal of Field MY966 (La Gigoulande Quarry) as |
| SR 62 - Minerals: Zoning of Field MY966 and La |
| Accords with Minister's post- | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Approval: Amendment 20 | Senator Kristina Moore |
| a safeguarded site for minerals extraction. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | Gigoulande Quarry safeguarded mineral area | Para. 9.1-9.15: Do not support proposed amendment | consultation response |
SR55 - Waste and water - La Gigoulande Quarry | ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 21 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Disability inclusion and Active Travel. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment with further amendment | SR 42: Disability inclusion and Active Travel. | Para 10.5 and Recommendation 54: Support amendment and further amendments suggested by the Minister | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment with further amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 22 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Disability inclusion - Homes for independent living. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 38: Disability inclusion - Homes for Independent Living. | Para. 8.7 and Recommendation 50: Support amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 23 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Disability inclusion - clauses for design. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 05 - Disability inclusion - strategic and general policies | Para. 8.2 and Recommendation 48: Support amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 24 | Deputy Inna Gardiner | Historic buildings and disability access. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment with further amendment | SR 41 - Disability inclusion in the historic environment | Para. 5.3 and Recommendation 30: Support amendment and further amendments suggested by the Minister | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment with further amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 25 | Senator Sam Mezec | Requirement for private developers to make affordable housing contribution and powers for the Minister to amend %. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 22 - Future affordable housing provision | Para.3.94-3.98 and Recommendation 24: Do not support amendment, but recommend amending proposal | Mostly accords with the Minister's post-consultation response but with further amendment | Mostly unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment but to lodge his own amendment to give effect to the inspectors' recommendation | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 26 | Senator Kristina Moore | Enabling policy to allow conversion, extension or subdivision of existing buildings to meet housing demand and reduce development in the countryside. | The Minister is | SR 40 - Housing outside the BUA | Paras. 2.18, 3.103-3.104 and Recommendation 26: Do not support amendment but offer qualified support for the Minister's suggested amendment. | Mostly accords with the Minister's post-consultation response | Mostly unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment but to lodge his own amendment to give effect to most of the inspectors' recommendation; and to make a new proposal. | |
· not minded to accept the proposed amendment | ||||||||
· minded to propose his own amendment to give further flexibility to housing outside the built-up area | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 27 | Deputy Kirsten Morel | Include Waterwork Valleys and identify as 'strategic countryside access site'. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 21 - Waterwork Valley: countryside access | Para.6.23 and Recommendation 42: Support amendment with further amendment proposed by the Minister | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment with further amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: | Deputy Kirsten Morel | Restoring traditional farm buildings for alternative uses if not required for agricultural use. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 57 - Traditional farm buildings | Para. 7.16: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Amendment 28 |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 29 | Connétable of St Saviour, Sadie Le Sueur - Rennard | Fields S415A and S470 should be developed for affordable homes for purchase by first-time buyers only. | The Minister is · not minded to accept the proposed amendment · minded to propose his own amendment to give further flexibility in tenure mix on sites rezoned for affordable housing | SR 28 - Policy H5 - Tenure mix on affordable housing sites | Para. 3.65, 3.93 and Recommendation 23: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Under consideration | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 30 | Deputy Richard Renouf | Coastal National Park - retention of current boundaries and various proposals. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 43 - Coastal National Park | Para. 4.1 - 4.12: Do not support amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 31 | Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft | Delivery and future expansion of St Helier Country Park. | The Minister is: | SR 17 - Warwick Farm/ St Helier Country Park amendments | Para. 6.16-6.17 and Recommendation 39: Do not support part (a) and (b), but support part (c) of the amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to | |
· not minded to accept part (a) and (b) | reject part (a) and (b), and | |||||||
· minded to accept part (c) | accept part (c) | |||||||
| ||||||||
of the proposed amendment. | and to lodge his own amendment to give effect to this. | |||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 32 | Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft | Removal of Les Quennevais, and application of associated policies, as a secondary urban centre. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment. | SR 03 - Les Quennevais - role and density | Para. 2.8-2.10: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 33 | Connétable of St John, Andy Jehan | Rezoning of Field J371 for community use. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR16 - Policy CI6 - Provision and enhancement of open space - field J371, St John | Para 6.18: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 34 | Connétable of St John, Andy Jehan | Field J229 to be allocated for the provision of age- restricted (over-55) rental homes only. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 36 - Policy H6 - Rezoning request of Field J229, La Route du Nord, St John for affordable homes | Para. 3.99-3.100: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 35 | Connétable of St John, Andy Jehan | Field J236 to be allocated for the provision of age- restricted (over-55) homes for purchase only. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 37 - Policy H6 - Rezoning request of Field J236, La Rue du Cimetiere, St John for affordable homes | Para. 3.99-3.100: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 36 | Connétable of St John, Andy Jehan | Field J939 to be allocated for affordable housing for purchase only outwith the Affordable Housing Gateway and instead | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 30 - Policy H5 - Rezoning request of Field J939, La Route du Mont Mado, St John for affordable homes | Para. 3.70: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
| administered by the Parish of St John. |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 40 | Senator Kristina Moore | Field P.559 to be added to list of fields for affordable homes. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Recommendation 14: Support proposed amendment (and further amend to include P559 and P632) | Does not accord with Minister's post-consultation response | Changed: the Minister is now minded to accept the amendment, with further amendment (to ensure delivery of a comprehesive development of this site with P558 and P632). | |
but accords with Minister's assessment of the site as a potential alternative affordable housing site | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 41 | Senator Sam Mezec | All States/ALO owned land to be used for affordable homes unless unviable. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 27 - Policy H5 - States owned land | Para. 3.93 (p.46): Do no support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 42 | Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft | Sustainable Transport Zones (STZs), Parking Strategy, and provision of off street parking. | The Minister is: · minded to accept part (a) of the proposed amendment and to also propose further amendment to this and other policies · not minded to accept part
· not minded to accept part
| SR 61 - Parking | Para. 10.7 and Recommendation 55: Support part (a) of the amendment and further amendments suggested by the Minister, but do not support parts (b) and (c) | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to: accept part (a) of the amendment but reject parts (b) and (c) with further amendment, which will be the subject of his own amendment. | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 43 | Deputy Montfort Tadier | Les Quennevais densities, masterplan and application of Sustainable Communities Fund to other built-up areas | The Minister is: | SR 03 - Les Quennevais - role and development | Para. 2.8-2.11 and Recommendation 1: Do not support parts (a) and (b) of the amendment but support part (c), with further amendment proposed by the Minister | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to: reject parts (a) and (b) of the amendment but accept part (c) with further amendment, which will be the subject of his own amendment. | |
· not minded to accept part (a) and (b) of the proposed amendment | ||||||||
· minded to accept part (c) of the proposed amendment | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 44 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Developments to include smaller homes to enable 'right-sizing'. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 24 - Policy H4 - Right- sizing SR 39 - Demand for over 55's & right-sizing homes | Para. 3.91-3.92 and Recommendation 21: Support proposed amendment and proposes further amendment | Mostly accords with Minister's post-consultation response | Changed: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment with further amendment | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 45 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Exclude Les Quennevais from daytime and evening economy uses policy . | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 03 - Les Quennevais - role and development | Para. 2.8-2.10: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 46 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Update obligations of developers to restore land to also include infrastructure. | The Minister is minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 04 - Policy GD3 – POA's Driveways | Para. 8.3 and Recommendation 49: Support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 47 | Deputy Kirsten Morel | Removal of Warwick Farm as a country park. | The Minister is not minded to accept this proposed amendment | SR 17 - Warwick Farm/ St Helier Country Park amendments | Para. 6.16-6.17: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 48 | Senator Sarah Ferguson | Amend Policy GD7 to limit the development of tall buildings to five storeys | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 07 - Policy GD7 - Tall buildings | Para. 8.8-8.10: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 49 | Connétable of St Mary, John Le Bailly | Field MY563 to be included for affordable homes. | The Minister · is not currently minded to support the proposed amendment · but may be minded to support it, as a replacement site, to maintain the integrity of affordable housing supply and the sustainable distribution of affordable housing development. | SR 33 - Rezoning request of Field MY563, La Rue de la Rosiere, St Mary for affordable homes SR 26 - Policy H5 - Provision of affordable homes | Para. 3.56 and Recommendation 12: Support proposed amendment | Does not accord with Minister's post-consultation response | Changed: the Minister is minded to accept the amendment | |
but accords with Minister's assessment of the site as a potential alternative affordable housing site | ||||||||
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 50 | Connétable of St Mary, John Le Bailly | Include Field MY493 for affordable housing. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 34 - Rezoning request of Field MY493, La Route de L'Eglise, St Mary for affordable homes | Para. 3.74: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 51 | Senator Lyndon Farnham | Creation of a Marine Park. | The Minister is: · minded to accept part 1 (a) and (b) · not minded to accept the other parts of the proposed amendment | SR 53 - Creation of a Marine Park | Para. 4.11-4.12 and Recommendation 27: Support proposed amendment part 1 (a) and (b), but do not support all remaining parts | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to accept parts 1 (a) and (b) of the proposed amendment; but to reject all other parts. The Minister will lodge his own amendment to give effect to this. | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 52 | Connétable of Grouville , John Le Maistre | Exclude Field G252A from CNP designation to allow creation of a petanque court. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 46 - Coastal National Park: change to Grouville boundary | Para. 4.14: Do not support proposed amendment | Accordswith Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 53 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Development of the shoreline zone of St Brelade's Bay should seek to contribute to the daytime and evening economy rather than residential development alone. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 51 - St. Brelade 's Bay - Development | Paras. 2.17, 2.26, 8.6 and 8.10: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 54 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Creation of shoreline extension zone' to restrict residential development. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 51 - St. Brelade 's Bay - Development | Paras. 2.17, 2.26, 8.6 and 8.11: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 55 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | St Brelade's Bay Improvement Plan and future parking needs. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 50 - St. Brelade 's Bay - parking | Paras. 2.5 and 2.17: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 56 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Protection for workers accommodation for tourism in St Brelade's Bay. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 51 - St. Brelade 's Bay - development | Paras. 3.105 and 5.11: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 57 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Protection of daytime and evening economy land from change of use for accommodation. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 51 - St. Brelade 's Bay - Development | Para. 7.17: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 58 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Protection/improvement of views, and the shoreline zone, in St Brelade's Bay from development. | The Minister is: | SR 51 - St. Brelade 's Bay - Development | Paras. 8.11-8.12 and Recommendations 51 and 52: Do not support part (a) of proposed amendment but support Part (b); and the Minister's proposed amendments | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject part (a) of the proposed amendment; to accept part (b); and to propose further amendment. The Minister will lodge his own amendment to give effect to this. | |
· not minded to accept part (a) | ||||||||
· minded to accept part (b) | ||||||||
· minded to propose his own amendments | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 59 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Improve community participation and transparency in planning matters, especially with regard to public art installations. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment | SR 06 - St. Brelade 's Bay - Community participation | Para. 2.17 and 8.13: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | |
Title | Proposer | Link to proposition | Proposition summary | Minister's post- consultation response | Post-consultation statement response | Inspectors' comment and/or recommendation | Status | Minister's post- examination response |
Island Plan 2022-25: Approval: Amendment 60 | Connétable of St Brelade, Mike Jackson | Proposed amends to performance measures so that deterioration or improvements in scenic landscape areas and loss of land suitable for tourist economy or public amenity development can be assessed. | The Minister is not minded to accept the proposed amendment. | Para. 12.2: Do not support proposed amendment | Accords with Minister's post- consultation response | Unchanged: the Minister is minded to reject the amendment | ||
Part 3: Further commentary
This part of the report deals only with issues where the Minister considers it important that more detail is provided to explain his position, relative to the inspectors' recommendations or proposed States Members' amendments, at this stage.
- Summary of proposed change to overall housing supply
Since the publication of the draft plan, more recent housing completion data showed that
actual completions for the period 2011 to the end of 2020 was 4,058 homes (previously
estimated as 4,300). As a consequence, the Minister proposed a change at the end of the
public consultation (See Part 6 of the Minister's post-consultation report) to revise the overall
housing requirement figure in the DBIP to reflect a five-year housing development target,
increasing from 3,750 to 4,000. This matter was considered in the examination in public, and
the inspectors have recommended that the revised figures should be incorporated into the
Plan, in accordance with the Minister's own recommendation. (see inspectors' recommendation 4).
Whilst the Minister had proposed revision of the housing requirement figure, the Minister did not revise the overall level of housing supply proposed by the plan as the overall supply already proposed in the draft plan remained above the overall assessed level of housing demand. The draft plan already provided a supply 4,150 homes relative to an original demand of 3,750 homes (a margin of just over +10%). As a result of the revised housing demand figure (at 4,000 homes), the overall supply of homes remained within a margin of about +4%. Providing a buffer in the supply of homes that are required in a development plan is normal practice, to account for the uncertainties that might prevent some development from coming forward over the course of the plan-period.
Upon examination, the inspectors have recommended that the margin of housing supply, relative to demand, should be increased to a level that is at least comparable with that achieved in the Revised 2011 Island Plan (which had a margin of about +5%). The inspectors' recommendation 20, therefore, suggests that the housing supply figure expressed in Policy H3 of the draft plan should make provision for 4,300 homes (including key worker accommodation), and also, that the additional supply provided should deliver affordable homes. The Minister intends to accept this recommendation.
An effect of accepting this change is that there is a requirement to ensure that the draft plan increases the level of housing supply, and specifically the allocation of sites to provide affordable homes. The draft plan currently makes provision for about 450 affordable homes, and this will need to be increased by a further 150 to ensure that the plan makes provision for at least 600 affordable homes.
The inspectors also make recommendations about the relative merits of sites already proposed for the development of affordable homes in the draft plan, and other sites which might be suitable for this form of development, which will also serve to affect overall housing supply. The table below provides a comparison between sources of housing supply as set out in the draft Bridging Island Plan and the changes that the Minister is minded to make as a result of the inspectors' recommendations.
Details about the specific sites which contribute towards the supply of homes to be derived from rezoning, is provided in more detail, below.
Supply source | Five-year supply estimate 2021-25 | Revised five-year supply estimate 2021-25 | |||
Affordable | Open Market | Affordable | Open Market | ||
Under construction (end 2020) | 625 | 700 | 625 | 700 | |
Planning permission (March 2021) | 0 | 700 | 0 | 700 | |
Town Capacity | Private sites | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 |
Government/approved housing provider sites | 425 | 150 | 425 | 150 | |
Windfall (outside of Town) | 0 | 500 | 0 | 500 | |
Rezoning - strategic extension sites | 150 | 0 | 82 | 0 | |
Rezoning - suburban extension sites | 150 | 0 | 191 | 0 | |
Rezoning - rural extension sites | 150 | 0 | 337 | 0 | |
Total estimated supply | 1,500 | 2,650 | 1,660 | 2,650 | |
4,150 | 4,310 |
Note: strategic extension sites are defined as those on the edge of the primary urban centre of St Helier; suburban extension sites are defined as those on the edge of the suburbs of St Saviour and Grouville ; and rural extension sites include sites on the edge of parish centres.
Table 1: Comparison of sources of housing supply: draft bridging Island Plan and Minister's proposed changes, post- examination
- Summary of proposed change to Policy H5: affordable housing sites
The inspectors have proposed a number of changes to the allocation of affordable housing sites. This responds to both the recommendation to increase the overall level of housing supply to deliver affordable homes, as set out above; and the need to replace some of the proposed housing sites in the draft plan which are not capable of delivery.
The Minister is minded to accept all of the recommendations proposed by the inspectors in respect of affordable housing sites, as set out in Part 1 of this report. As a result, the proposed list of affordable housing sites now comprises a mix of sites previously proposed in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable housing sites; and sites which the Minister previously stated he might be minded to support as replacement housing sites (as set out in statement response 26 (SR26) of the Minister's post-consultation response, often referred to as the Plan-B list'). The inspectors have also recommended the inclusion of a further site which is currently allocated for the provision of affordable homes in the Revised 2011 Island Plan, but which has yet to be developed.
The tables below (tables 2, 3, 4 and 5) provide a consolidated view of all sites which the Minister intends to propose, remove or disregard for re-zoning as affordable housing sites, including their approximate yield.
The tables also provide details about the origin of a site where H5 refers to Policy H5 - Provision of affordable housing sites in the draft Bridging Island Plan; and SR26 refers to the Minister's post-consultation response statement response 26 (i.e. Plan-B' sites). Some sites are also the subject of States Members' amendments, and these are also identified.
Location maps for sites identified in Table 2 are at Appendix 1.
Site | Origin | Potential yield (@35dph)* |
Fields for affordable housing in the draft Bridging Island Plan | ||
G392A La Sente des Fonds, Grouville | H5 | 26 |
J525 La Rue des Buttes, St John | H5 | 20 |
H1219 La Grande Route de Mont a l'Abbe , St Helier | H5 | 42 |
MN410 La Rue des Buttes, St. Martin | H5 | 26 |
O594 and O595 La Rue de la Croix, St Ouen | H5 | 34 |
P632 La Route du Marais, St Peter | H5 | 46 |
S413, S415, S415A and S470 La Grande Route de St. Martin , St Martin | H5 | 81 |
S530 Princes Tower Road, St Saviour | H5 | 70 |
Fields proposed for inclusion as affordable housing sites | ||
J1109 La Grande Route de St. Jean, St John | SR26 | 42 |
H1248 Highview Lane, St Helier | SR26 | 40 |
MY563 La Rue de la Rosiere & La Rue de la Vallee, St Mary | Amd.49/SR26 /SR33 | 25 |
O622 and O623 La Rue de la Croute, St Ouen | SR26 | 77 |
P558 and P559 La Verte Rue & La Route du Manoir, St Peter | Amd.04/Amd. 40/SR26 | 47 |
S341 Bel Air Lane, St Saviour | SR26 | 14 |
O785 La Rue des Cosnets, St Ouen | Revised 2011 Island Plan | 20 |
Total units (@35dph) | 610 |
(* note that the potential yield is expressed as 35dph [dwellings per hectare], but sites could be developed at a density of between 30-45dph, dependent on location, context and design).
Table 2: updated list of affordable housing sites proposed by the Minister for the Environment for inclusion in Policy H5
As a result of comments received both during the consultation and at the examination in public, and in light of the inspectors' recommendation to designate a further affordable housing site in the locality, the Minister is minded to lodge a further amendment to the draft plan for a proposal to prepare a masterplan to support the positive development of the Five Oaks area.
Minister's proposed action: masterplan for Five Oaks
The Minister for the Environment will lodge an amendment to include a proposal in the Bridging Island Plan to develop a masterplan for the Five Oaks area, which will consider:
• travel and transport improvements, particularly for active travel (walking and cycling);
• community facilities and open space provision; and
• future employment land opportunities.
In accordance with the inspectors' recommendations, the Minister is minded to support the removal of the following sites from the plan as proposed affordable housing sites in Policy H5: (Location maps for sites proposed to be removed from Policy H5 are at Appendix 2)
Sites proposed to be removed from draft | Origin | Potential yield(@35dph) |
Policy H5 | ||
H1186A, H1189, H1198 La Grande Route de St. Jean, St Helier | Amd.01 and inspectors' recommendation | 89 |
MN389 and MN390 La Rue de la Haye, St Martin | Minister's recommendation, supported by the inspector | 31 |
S729 New York Lane, St Saviour | Amd.02 (part(a)(iii)) and Minister's recommendation, supported by the inspector | 16 |
Total units deducted from H5 | 136 |
Table 3: List of proposed affordable housing sites, proposed to be removed from Policy H5
In addition to the above, and for the purpose of completeness, the table below lists those other sites that have previously been under consideration by the Minister as potential alternative affordable housing sites (as set out in SR26) but which, in light of the inspectors' recommendation, he no longer intends to consider for this purpose in the context of the current Island Plan Review.
(Location maps for sites no longer under consideration for affordable housing are provided at Appendix 3)
Sites not proposed to be taken forward for affordable housing | Origin | Inspectors' recommendation | Potential yield(@35dph) |
C102, C104 and C105 La Grande Route de la Cote, St Clement | SR 26 | Not supported for inclusion | 78 |
MN391 Le Longue Rue, St Martin | SR26 | Not supported for inclusion | 56 |
Midbay House (Field L880), St Lawrence* | SR26 | Designate as BUA | 7 |
*Note the Minister has accepted the inspectors' recommendation to include Midbay House, St Lawrence within the built- up area boundary which, if accepted by the Assembly, would make the site available for open-market housing
Table 4: List of affordable housing sites which the Minister is no longer minded to consider as potential affordable housing sites (from the list at SR26)
The inspectors have provided a comment on all States Members' proposed amendments, lodged to date, in relation to affordable housing sites and sites for over-55's homes. Three amendments have been supported for inclusion as affordable housing sites (Amd.49 relating to field MY563, St Mary; and Amd.04 and Amd.40 relating fields P558 and P559, St Peter) as set out above: all other housing site amendments sponsored by States Members for the inclusion of other sites to be developed for the provision of affordable homes have not been supported by the inspectors, as summarised below:
(Location maps for un-supported sites are provided at Appendix 3)
Site | Origin | Inspectors' recommendation | Potential yield (@35dph) |
J939 La Route du Mont Mado, St John | Amd.36 | Not support | 11 |
J229 La Route du Nord, St John | Amd. 34 , | Not support | 11 |
J236 La Rue du Cimetiere, St John | Amd.35 | Not support | 14 |
L127 La Fraide Rue, St Lawrence | Amd.18 | Not support | 30 |
MN489 La Rue de Payn, St Martin | Amd.17 (over 55's) | Not support | 46 |
MY493 La Route de L'Eglise, St Mary | Amd.50 | Not support | 39 |
O630 La Cache de l'Eglise, St Ouen | Amd.11 | Not support (i.e. retain POS designation) | 5 |
Table 5: List of proposed housing sites, the subject of States Member amendments, which the Minister is not minded to consider as potential housing sites.
- Overall housing supply and housing sites: next steps
In light of the issues raised above, in relation to the proposed change to the overall supply of homes, and the proposed allocation of affordable housing sites, the Minister will prepare and lodge comments, amendments and/or amendments to amendments.
Following the publication of the inspectors' report, States Members will have an opportunity to lodge amendments, and amendments to amendments, of their own; and to make changes to any amendments already made.
It is, therefore, possible that more or less sites are proposed to be allocated for the provision of affordable homes, relative to the overall supply of homes that is required (i.e. an overall level of supply of 4,300 homes; comprising 1,650 affordable homes of which 600 are required to be provided on rezoned sites).
The Minister is, however, required to have regard to the overall ability of the Bridging Island Plan to ensure that it provides for sustainable development, in a manner which best serves the interests of the community. A significant undersupply of affordable housing sites would likely lead to an insufficient number of new homes being delivered; and a significant oversupply would likely lead to excessive and unnecessary harm to the character and nature of the countryside and may not be capable of delivery. The Minister will also seek to ensure that the distribution of proposed housing development accords with the spatial strategy of the draft plan.
The Minister considers it particularly important that a holistic view is taken of all sites proposed for re-zoning in the plan, including those arising from the Minister's position, and the position expressed by other States Members in proposed amendments. It is, therefore, only after the amendments period has ended, that it will be possible for the Minister to take-stock' of the overall supply which might be delivered and its distribution across the island. The Minister therefore commits to publish a further comment in relation to housing sites prior to the draft Bridging Island Plan debate taking place. Having this view should support States Members in understanding the overall supply and locational impact of each amendment, before they are debated.
Minister's proposed action: housing supply position statement
The Minister for the Environment will, following the end of the final States Members' amendments period, and prior to the commencement of the States' debate, publish a position statement in relation to all housing sites proposed for inclusion or removal from the draft Bridging Island Plan, relative to the overall level of housing supply.
d.) Other issues: Minister's further justification for change
- Include land at Tabor Park within the built-up area boundary: recommendation 17 The Minister is minded to support this recommendation – which involves the inclusion of a small site along the frontage of Tabor Park within the built-up area boundary. The Minister is concerned to ensure, however, that any development of this site complements the existing form of development at Tabor Park and encourages right- sizing'.
On this basis, the Minister is minded to accept the inspectors' recommendation but to seek to make his own further changes to restrict the occupation of any homes developed on the site to people over-55. This will likely require amendment to Policy H6 – Supported housing. (Location map provided at Appendix 3)
- Residential development and right-sizing: recommendation 21
The Minister supports this recommendation but wishes to make a small change to the threshold of development to which this policy will apply i.e. to change from the recommended threshold of four dwellings to five dwellings.
The Minister's reason for this minor change is to ensure that the policy remains consistent with the wider plan where the accepted threshold for additional policy considerations, relative to scale of development, is generally set at levels of either five or ten dwellings. In light of the inspector's recommendation, the Minister is minded to propose a change to set the threshold at five dwellings or more for Policy H4 – Meeting housing needs.
- Mix of tenure on sites for affordable housing: recommendation 23
The inspectors' recommendation is in accordance with the Minister's position as set out in his post-consultation report (see SR28), which was proposed as a result of polarised representations made regarding the allocation of affordable homes for purchase, versus affordable homes for rent in policy H5.
Whilst the Minister generally agrees with the reasons provided by the inspectors to make this recommendation, it is now felt – as a result of the discussion during the examination in public hearings - that this matter should be considered further before making any changes to the Policy H5, as presently proposed.
The Minister will consult and engage further with the Minister for Housing and Communities to review the implications of removing a tenure split from Policy H5 including:
• the potential affect upon the ability to successfully value, negotiate and deliver affordable housing sites;
• the availability of adequate data to be able to make locally distinguished tenure allocations, in a manner which is both fair and accurate; and
• the need to engage with local stakeholders and in particular, the parishes.
The Minister will seek to resolve his position as soon as practically possible and will propose an amendment to give effect to any change which might ultimately be considered necessary, by the end of his own amendments period.
- Housing outside the built-up area (Policy H8): recommendation 26
The inspectors do not support the proposed amendment of Senator Moore (Amd. 26), who's amendment seeks to enable the creation of new households in the countryside through the conversion, extension and/or sub-division of existing buildings. They are concerned that this will undermine the plan's spatial strategy, and the sustainability of the plan.
They do, however, acknowledge and generally endorse the Minister's proposal to introduce more limited flexibility to enable more efficient use of existing dwellings in the countryside, where it is more appropriate to do so, where the Minister sets out a series of tests in his statement response on this matter (SR40). They consider, however, that the Minister's test about a significant increase in occupancy' to be potentially confusing, and do not support its inclusion in a revised policy.
The Minister is not minded to accept this part of the inspectors' recommendations. He is concerned to ensure that any relaxation of policy which allows the creation of more homes throughout the countryside needs to be closely regulated, and that change here needs to be managed and proportionate. The Minister considers it helpful to retain this test in order to achieve these objectives.
In light of the inspectors' comments, however, the Minister is minded to propose the development of additional supplementary planning guidance to help ensure that this policy can be interpreted and applied in practice.
- Field MN727 St Martin for an indoor cricket school with associated health and fitness facilities: recommendation 38
The Minister does not agree with the inspectors' recommendation to designate this site for development as an indoor cricket training facility with supporting health, fitness and wellbeing activities.
The Minister set out his initial response to this proposal in his statement response SR12 as part of his post-consultation report. The primary reason for the Minister's initial objection to this proposal was because of the unsustainable location of the proposed development and the significant harm that such a facility would have on the character and nature of what is a rural area, including the loss of agricultural land.
The inspectors have provided two key reasons as the basis for their own recommendation to designate this site for sports-related development, which they consider to outweigh the Minister's objection against it:
- they consider the site to be in a logical place for such a facility, being adjacent to the existing cricket ground, which provides an excellent facility for cricket in the island. The proposal is supported by the International Cricket Council and the ground has provided a venue for international teams to compete against the Jersey team.
- during the hearing, they were told that alternative arrangements for existing indoor sporting facilities at Fort Regent are being sought as Fort Regent is not ideal for indoor sports.
The Minister does not consider that these are sufficient reasons to overcome his concerns and is, therefore, minded to maintain his position and to reject the inspectors' recommendation.
Proposed Policy CI5 – Sports, leisure and cultural facilities is clear that the Minister wishes to focus new large-scale sports and leisure facilities within the primary and secondary centres, or within the sites designated as sports and leisure enhancement areas. Not only is the site not within, or near, the primary or secondary centres, it would also go significantly beyond the sites already identified as sports and leisure enhancement areas in the draft Plan, where each site proposed for designation is either within the built-up area, or immediately adjacent to it with the land already in sports and leisure use.
Whilst the Minister seeks to ensure the draft Bridging Island Plan is able to accommodate all sports facilities to the benefit of islanders, this is not the right location for a sports and leisure facility. It is acknowledged that there are existing cricket facilities to the east of field MN727, but this alone cannot be the justification to significantly intensify a sports and leisure use in a rural location, where such a rural location is not justified for the type of activity intended on the site. (Location map provided at
Appendix 3).
- Designation of Field S380, St Saviour as a protected industrial site: recommendation 44
The Minister cannot support the inspectors' recommendation to designate Field S380 as a protected industrial site and maintains his position as set-out in his statement response SR56 of his post-consultation report.
The inspectors suggest that this site does not perform any role as a landscape buffer, as there are fields and an agricultural holding to the north west and north east of the site. The Minister does not accept this point and considers that the site, together with the surrounding land, makes a positive contribution to the rural aspect of Rue à la Dame
and Mont Sohier, presenting a green buffer between the industrial land to the south- east and residential development to the south-west and the more open countryside to the north.
Whilst it may be that the proposal accords broadly with the spatial strategy objective to locate new development in around existing centres - and also that there is some advantage to the site being adjacent to an existing industrial and warehousing site - this is not considered sufficient justification to allow intensification and extension of industrial activity in this location.
Whilst there may be some demand for additional light-industrial space in the island, the needs of the economy, community and environment need to be balanced. In this case, the Minister considers there to be insufficient evidence or justification which might outweigh the landscape harm of the proposed development and potentially compromise the positive growth of the Five Oaks area, to the detriment of the community.
It is also relevant to note that, in light of the response to consultation in the draft plan, where a number of sites are proposed for further residential development in the locality, the Minister proposes to lodge an amendment to the draft plan setting out a proposal to develop a masterplan for the Five Oaks area. This will be designed to support its positive growth; to ensure that the needs of the community in this area are met, and also to further consider the opportunities and effects of further employment
land development in the area. The resultant masterplan will also support the development of the subsequent Island Plan (2026-2035). (Location map provided at Appendix 3).
- Designation of fields B.26 and B.27, St Brelade as a protected industrial site: recommendation 45
Fields B26 and B27 have been considered by both the Minister and inspectors' following a representation received from Ports of Jersey requesting that the site be considered for light industrial use, specifically to facilitate the delivery of a vehicle inspection centre. The Minister's initial response, as set out in SR56, was to resist any such designation on this site, given that inadequate evidence has been provided to demonstrate that no other suitable sites exist in the island to meet the identified need, which is a key test to overcome when considering the re-zoning of land for a specific purpose.
The Minister notes that the inspectors, in their recommendation, recognise that this site may not be best suited as a vehicle testing centre but that, given evidence of ongoing need for land for modern industrial/warehouse premises, the site should be allocated for industry and/or warehousing.
The Minister accepts that this site may be suited for industrial uses in the future but cannot accept the recommendation to allow an unrestricted light-industrial use on the site - particularly where the landowner has not sought this designation – and where it would otherwise be deemed speculative. If not for a vehicle testing centre, then this site could play an important, employment-related role, which will support both the positive development of the airport, and the wider area. This needs to be considered first before any unrestricted light industrial use is allocated on the site, which may not represent the best use of land relative to the wider area.
The original proposal to designate this site to allow the development of a vehicle testing centre may represent the favoured option for the Minister for Infrastructure to secure such a facility in order to meet obligations under the Vienna Convention. The Minister for the Environment has, however, been unable to support this proposal due to insufficient evidence of alternatives being presented as part of the submission seeking designation. There is opportunity for the Minister for Infrastructure to provide this in an amendment, should he wish to pursue one.
Notwithstanding the above, the Minister has proposed to develop a west of island planning framework – this is identified as a strategic proposal (4) in the draft plan - which would include this area and the airport, and would seek to comprehensively explore opportunities for employment land and other infrastructure requirements in order to inform the subsequent Island Plan review. To designate this specific site for a specific purpose in the meantime seems otherwise premature. (Location map provided at Appendix 3).
(viii) Simon Sand and Gravel: recommendation 53:
The Minister for the Environment was originally minded to maintain the adopted policy position of the Revised 2011 Island Plan not to support the continued extraction of sand in the sensitive landscape setting of St Ouen's Bay, and specifically not to allow the continuation of the Simon Sand and Gravel quarry.
Following examination of this issue, and an attended site visit, the inspectors have recommended that the Minister reconsiders his position on this matter.
The Minister has reflected further on this and has given specific consideration to key issues including the wider sustainability implications of aggregate importation (and the consistency of approach relative to sourcing crushed rock, as set out in the plan); the cost implications for the development industry; and the fact that the area in question is already part of the existing quarry operation and, in the view of the inspectors, has little scenic value, contains significant overburden from earlier workings and is covered largely in brambles and is not an untouched dune landscape'.
On balance, the Minister considers that the inspectors are right to request reconsideration of this issue as the context has changed, particularly in relation to the need to give more emphasis to the wider environment costs of importing raw materials to the island.
The Minister is, therefore, minded to change his position in relation to this matter and to bring an amendment which seeks to enable further limited sand extraction at Simon Sand, subject to a full environmental impact assessment as an integral part of any planning application, which would need to address all relevant issues, including a contaminated land assessment and the hydrogeological implications of any further extraction, along with the restoration of the site. Any further extraction will, however, be limited to the extent of the minerals safeguarded area already set out in the plan and
will be conditional on the provision of appropriate environmental mitigation measures and the agreement and commencement of a phased restoration plan for the remainder of the site, to be secured through a planning obligation agreement. (Location map provided at Appendix 3).
(ix) Passivhaus standards for all homes and large-scale development: recommendation 57
The Minister agrees with the inspectors that in light of the established objective for Jersey to achieve carbon neutrality, and the expressed objective of the draft Bridging Island Plan to reduce the energy requirements of new buildings, setting a high-bar for new development to be ultra-high performing in respect its energy demands would be an ideal response. The Minister also agrees that draft Policy ME2 provides sufficient flexibility to overcome most challenges in respect of practicability and viability, where these may arise for new developments which are required to meet the standard. However, the Minister must also have regard to the wider challenges and demands which may arise as a result of a sudden and significant change for all new homes and large-scale development proposals to meet new environmental construction and performance standards, which would represent a high proportion of all new planning applications.
The Minister purposefully adopted a targeted approach in the application ofa Passivhaus requirement, aimed at those developments where the greatest benefit could be realised. These benefits will see the risk of fuel poverty potentially eliminated for persons who qualify for affordable homes, and an element of carbon offsetting where a development is to take place in less sustainable locations with increased need to travel. This approach also purposefully meant that the number of developments required to meet the standard would be limited, and thus help to ensure that the development industry could develop capacity to respond, and also that the additional level assessment required to consider compliance with the standard could be managed by government as the regulatory authority.
The effect of the inspectors' recommendation would be such that the development industry, local architects and building services engineers would universally be required to upskill and change practices very suddenly, which is not considered to be a reasonable expectation. The Minister, in publishing his Carbon Neutral Strategy, accepts the need to pursue a "just transition" to carbon neutrality, meaning he must have regard to the negative consequences of carbon reduction measures, as well as the benefits.
Furthermore, the inspectors' have recommended that Policy ME1 20% reduction in target energy rate for new developments should be applied to all new development, and the Minister has accepted this recommendation. The effect of this broadened policy scope effectively represents an interim uplift in the energy performance requirements of the building bye-laws, affecting a significant number of new developments, but to which it is considered the development industry will be able to respond. Further extending the Passivhaus requirement would significantly uplift this requirement again. The Minister has been clear that undertaking a proper review of the building bye-laws is the right way to achieve a permanent reduction in building energy consumption, and he is very committed to achieve this.
The Minister therefore intends to maintain his position in relation to Policy ME2 and reject the recommendation of the inspectors to apply this more broadly, and immediately, to most forms of development, on the grounds that it would not represent a just transition to carbon neutrality. Appropriate action will be taken to reduce energy consumption from buildings through a comprehensive review of the building bye-laws.
Appendix 1: site maps for fields proposed for affordable housing in Policy H5
G392A La Sente des Fonds, Grouville J525 La Rue des Buttes, St John
H1219 La Grande Route de Mont a l'Abbe , St Helier MN410 La Rue des Buttes, St. Martin
O594 and O595 Le Clos de la Fosse au Bois, St Ouen P632 La Route du Marais, St Peter
S413, S415, S415A and S470 La Grande Route de St. Martin , St Martin S530 Princes Tower Road, St Saviour
J1109 La Grande Route de St. Jean, St John H1248 Highview Lane, St Helier
MY563 La Rue de la Rosiere & La Rue de la Vallee, St Mary O622 and O623 La Rue de la Croute, St Ouen
P558 La Verte Rue, St Peter P559 La Route du Manoir, St Peter
S341 Bel Air Lane, St Saviour O785 La Rue des Cosnets, St Ouen
Appendix 2: site maps for fields proposed to be removed as affordable housing sites in Policy H5
H1186A, H1189, H1198 La Grande Route de St. Jean, St Helier MN389 and MN390 La Rue de la Haye, St Martin
S729 New York Lane, St Saviour
Appendix 3: other sites not proposed to be taken forward for affordable housing, including sites subject to an alternative proposal
C102 La Grande Route de la Cote, St Clement C104 and C105 La Grande Route de la Cote, St Clement
MN391 Le Longue Rue, St Martin Midbay House (Field L880), St Lawrence*
J939 La Route du Mont Mado, St John J229 La Route du Nord, St John
J236 La Rue du Cimetiere, St John L127 La Fraide Rue, St Lawrence
MN489 La Rue de Payn, St Martin MY493 La Route de L'Eglise, St Mary
O630 La Cache de l'Eglise, St Ouen Land at Tabor Park La Route de Genets, St Brelade
MN727 St Martin La Rue de la Croix au Maitre, St Martin S380 La Rue a La Dame, St Saviour
B26 and B27 La Route des Quennevais, St Brelade Simon Sand and Gravel Ltd La Grande Route des Mielles, St Peter