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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-sixth amendment. St. Brelade’s Workers’ Accommodation.

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Lodged au Greffe on 12th July 2021 by the Connétable of St. Brelade


2021  P.36 Amd.(56)

ISLAND PLAN 2022-25: APPROVAL (P.36/2021) – FIFTY-SIXTH AMENDMENT ___________

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within  Policy  HE4,  the  following  new  paragraph  should  be  inserted immediately after the third paragraph –

"Subject to any further guidance provided in the St. Brelade's Bay Improvement Plan, within the shoreline zone, the shoreline extension zone and other areas of strategic value to the tourist industry of St. Brelade's Bay, including sites used for staff accommodation, the meeting of identified housing needs' shall not take precedence over the need to accommodate growth, and serve the needs, of the Bay's daytime and evening economy and the potential provision of public amenities in such areas." and

  1. within Policy H9, the following new paragraph should be inserted immediately after the final paragraph –

"The change of use of residential accommodation in St. Brelade's Bay for workers involved in tourism shall be discouraged."



After this amendment, the proposition would read as follows – THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to approve, in accordance with Article 3(1) of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, as amended by the Covid-19 (Island Plan) (Jersey) Regulations 2021, the draft Island Plan 2022-25, except that –

  1. within  Policy  HE4,  the  following  new  paragraph  should  be  inserted immediately after the third paragraph –

"Subject to any further guidance provided in the St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan, within the shoreline zone, the shoreline extension zone and other areas of strategic value to the tourist industry of St. Brelade 's Bay, including sites used for staff accommodation, the meeting of identified housing needs' shall not take precedence over the need to accommodate growth, and serve the needs, of the Bay's daytime and evening economy and the potential provision of public amenities in such areas." and

  1. within Policy H9, the following new paragraph should be inserted immediatelyafter the final paragraph –

"The change of use of residential accommodation in St. Brelade 's Bay for workers involved in tourism shall be discouraged."

Page - 3

P.36/2021 Amd.(56)


St Brelade's Bay is a high profile and popular scenic seaside resort that has been identified as a Tourist Destination Area in the draft Island Plan 2022-25. It also has proved popular for wealthy residents and speculative developers to construct and extend private residences.

A prejudice towards private housing development could prejudice areas of strategic value  to  the  Bay's  present  future  tourist  industry  for  the  provision  of  staff accommodation.

The  report  of the  public engagement  exercise carried  out  in connection with  the St. Brelade 's Bay character appraisal, that is part of the core evidence base for the draft Island Plan 2022-25, found:

  1. an overwhelming' concern that the Bay should be for the local community and visitors, not an elite or exclusive residential domain for the ultra-rich as it is increasingly becoming', and;
  2. a concern expressed by most of the Bay's tourist businesses that the tourism offer needs to be supported or tourism businesses will continue to decline'.

This amendment seeks to stall current trends so that land that has current tourist economy value (through providing staff accommodation) can be better preserved for the benefit of the wider community.

Financial and manpower implications  

There  are  no  financial  or  manpower  implications  in  relation  to  the  proposed amendments.

Child Rights Impact Assessment implications  

These amendments have been assessed in relation to the Bridging Island Plan CRIA. Improved  well-being  of  children  will  arise  from  improved  public  access  to,  and improved enjoyment of, a public beach and recreation area.

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