Committee/Panel: Gender Pay Gap Review Panel | |
Launch Date: 27 July 2018 | Close Date: 17 July 2019 |
Submissions Deadline: 5 October 2018 | Ministerial Response Date: 9 September 2019 |
Review Status: Report published |

The Panel published its REPORT on 17 July 2019, which also includes a digital report summarising the main findings and recommendations.
A follow-up review was conducted in 2021.
A gender pay gap is the difference between wages earned by men and wages earned by women across a workforce. A gender pay gap is not the same as unequal pay which is paying men and women differently for doing the same (or similar) work. The Panel has gathered qualitative data (views and opinions) rather than quantitative data (statistics).
In England, Wales and Scotland all private, voluntary and public sector employers with 250 or more employees must now publish information on their gender pay gap under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. In Jersey there is no equal pay legislation and therefore no requirement for employers to publish information on their gender pay gap.
The Panel has published its final report and has concluded that there is gender pay gap in Jersey and the Government should take immediate action to close it.
Terms of reference
- To determine whether there is a gender pay gap in the public and private sector in Jersey
- To examine other jurisdictions in order to obtain international evidence on the gender pay gap
- To assess what measures are being taken to promote more equal, inclusive and transparent workforce environments
- To explore the sociological factors associated with the gender pay gap
Submission - Gender Pay Gap - Dr Malcolm Brynin - 28 November 2018 Gender Pay Gap Review Panel - Chamber of Commerce - Submission - 1 November 2018 Gender Pay Gap Review Panel - Advocate Milner - Submission - 30 October 2018 Submission - Gender Pay Gap Review Panel - Tiffany Hall - 29 October 2018 Gender Pay Gap Review Panel - Leah Kerley - Submission - 25 October 2018
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Transcript - Is there a gender pay gap in Jersey - Chief Minister - 20 January 2020 Transcript - Gender Pay Gap - Chief Minister and Chair of the States Employment Board - 21 March 2019 Transcript - Gender Pay Gap - Social Security Minister - 4 March 2019 Transcript - Gender Pay Gap - Jersey Chamber of Commerce - 6 February 2019 Transcript - Gender Pay Gap - Advocate V Milner - 6 February 2019
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