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Review: Review of the Marine Spatial Plan

Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel
Launch Date: 22 July 2024 Close Date: 8 October 2024
Submissions Deadline: 30 August 2024 Review Status: Review concluded
Review Report(s):
Ministerial Response(s):

​The Panel has launched its review and is inviting members of the public with experience or with a view that they wish to share to make submissions to the review.


The Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel has launched a review of the Marine Spatial Plan (MSP). The MSP is a wide-ranging document which seeks to enable actions which strike a good balance between commercial activity, leisure activity, the Island's cultural heritage and the needs of the natural environment.

There are particular elements of the MSP which have proved contentious in striking the balance between activity and the natural environment, including the development of Marine Protected Areas.

The key issues identified by the Panel for examination during its review are:

  • How Government intends to embed the actions so that the plan remains actionable by future Governments.
  • What mechanisms Government will be establish to ensure that the actions become part of departmental business as usual.
  • How Government intends to ensure that the actions continue to be understood and prioritised by senior officers and Ministers.
  • How the consultation and engagement was conducted and, in particular, how stakeholder feedback was weighted to inform the MSP.
  • Whether the Marine Protected Areas allow Jersey to meet its international obligations to protect specific habitats and species and the current and future requirements of the fishing industry.
  • Whether the proposals for a three-tier fishing zone framework are fit for purpose.
  • What political and international pressure was exerted during the development of the MSP.
  • Whether the Government has the necessary statutory powers to enforce the Marine Protected Areas and sufficient staffing and technical expertise to do so.

Terms of reference

  1. To investigate whether the Marine Spatial Plan achieves the correct balance between commercial activity, leisure activity, the Island's cultural heritage and the needs of the natural environment. To include:
    1. Evaluation of the validity of the consultation process undertaken and the weighting and assessment of feedback received.
    2. The impact on the fishing and marine leisure industries.
    3. The impact on the marine environment.
    4. The impact on Jersey's marine heritage and culture.
  2. To assess the decision-making process and rationale in reducing the percentage of the Marine Protected Areas and the impact of this decision on Jersey's ambition to meet international obligations and standards.
  3. To examine whether the Marine Spatial Plan has been developed in accordance with best international practice.
  4. To determine whether the Marine Spatial Plan works in alignment with those developed by and for neighbouring jurisdictions.
  5. Whether political and international pressure had an impact on how the Marine Spatial Plan was developed.
  6. To examine the structures developed for monitoring the successful implementation of the Marine Spatial Plan and whether successful implementation will provide the information required to inform the next Island Plan.