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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighth amendment Gas site Tunnell Street St Helier

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Lodged au Greffe on 9th July 2021 by Deputy R. J. Ward of St. Helier


2021  P.36 Amd.(8)

ISLAND PLAN 2022-25: APPROVAL (P.36/2021) – EIGHTH AMENDMENT ____________

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After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy CI1, after the words Part of field 782, St Ouen' there should be inserted a new bullet point Jersey Gas Site: Tunnell Street, St. Helier '.
  2. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of paragraph (a); and
  3. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."


Note:  After this amendment, the proposition would read as follows –

THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to approve, in accordance with Article 3(1) of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, as amended by the Covid-19 (Island Plan) (Jersey) Regulations 2021, the draft Island Plan 2022-25, except that –

  1. within Policy CI1, after the words Part of field 782, St Ouen' should be inserted a new bullet point Jersey Gas Site: Tunnell Street, St. Helier '.
  2. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects asmay be necessary consequent upon the adoption of paragraph (a); and
  3. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones shouldbe amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."

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P.36/2021 Amd. (8)


The amendment proposes the safeguarding of a specific site for education facilities thus preventing the development of that site for any alternative use. Jersey Gas site: Tunnell Street, St Helier ("the Site") has not, to my knowledge, been considered as a possible site for a new town primary school and by bringing the amendment this oversight can be addressed.

It is known that there are deficiencies in the provision of education facilities in the Island, as mentioned in the draft Bridging Island Plan in Policy CI1. The pressure on the primary schools, particularly in St. Helier , has been the subject of questions in the States Assembly. WQ.216/2021 confirms that approximately 14% (8 of 59) year groups in town primary schools are at capacity.

The Site is in the perfect location for a primary school in the North of St. Helier . Not only would there be sufficient space to build a school that would be fit for purpose but, given the size of the site, there would be sufficient additional space to provide outdoor play areas and sports facilities for the school children, which facilities are sadly lacking in the other St. Helier primary schools. In addition, there is an opportunity to further extend the area of the park.

Locating a school on the Site would allow more children to walk or cycle to school thereby minimising the need for parents to drive them. It is not uncommon, for example, for parents to drive their children to D'Auvergne School only to return home to park the car before going to work. Such journeys could be negated altogether with a school in closer proximity.

This aligns with The Sustainable Transport Policy ("the STP") which references in the foreword by the Minister that "we need to recognise that our car-dominated transport system is no longer sustainable". Reduction in any car journeys is, therefore, of benefit. The Minister goes on to say that " [we will] find new ways for children to travel safely to school, including re-prioritising road space in town, rolling out Bikeability training (cycling proficiency) to every school". We can go some way to achieving this by providing  a  new  school  in  a  high  density  residential  area  which  will  permit  the redefining of the catchment areas for other primary schools in St Helier to allow more children to walk and/or cycle to their nearest school.

The opportunity to safeguard the perfect site for a new, modern primary school should not, and must not, be missed and I strongly urge members to support this amendment.

Financial and manpower implications

The financial implications of this amendment would be linked to the use of the gas works site and therefore cannot be ascertained at this time.

Child Rights Impact Assessment review

This amendment has been assessed in relation to the Bridging Island Plan CRIA. The amended clauses are positive to all relevant articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, as the amendment seeks to improve access to education, play and wellbeing for children.

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Vote: Adopted 23 March 2022

