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14th March 2022 Order Paper - Bridging Island Plan

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14th MARCH 2022


9.30 a.m.  Communications by the Presiding Officer and other announcements Approx. 9.40a.m.  Island Plan 2022-25: Approval. (P.36/2021.)

Note: There are 93 amendments, and 20 amendments to amendments, to the proposition. These are listed under Public Business and, in the order they will be taken, in the appended Running Order.

Arrangement of public business at subsequent meetings

Lunch adjournment likely around 12.45 p.m., until 2.15 p.m.

If business is not completed by around 5.30 p.m. the Assembly usually adjourns for the evening and will resume its meeting at 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, Thursday 17th, Friday 18th, Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th and Friday 25th March 2022.


14th MARCH 2022



In accordance with Standing Order 34(1), the proposers of the following propositions lodged au Greffe' have informed the Greffier of the States that they are to be withdrawn –

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – nineteenth amendment. (P.36/2021  P.36/2021 Amd.19)) – second amendment  Amd.(19) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .  Amd.(2).

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Les Quennevais Development.  Amd.(32). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field J229, St. John .  Amd.(34). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. John .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field J236, St. John .  Amd.(35). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. John .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field J939, St. John .  Amd.(36). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. John .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-third amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Shoreline.  Amd.(53). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021 St. Brelade 's Bay.  Amd.(54) Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Bay Parking.  Amd.(55). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Workers' Accommodation.  Amd.(56). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-ninth amendment (P.36/2021  P.36/2021 Amd. Amd. (59)) – amendment  (59) Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of fields G403C, G403D and part of G432A, Grouville  Amd.(66) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy S.M. Wickenden of St. Helier .  (re-issue) Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Fields B26 and B27 in St. Brelade for Vehicle Inspection Centre  Amd.(77) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Minister for Infrastructure.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-seventh amendment  P.36/2021 Amd. (P.36/2021 Amd.(77)) - amendment  (77) Amd. Use of Fields B26 and B27 in St. Brelade for Vehicle Inspection Centre

Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment


Island Plan 2022-25: Approval.  P.36/2021. Lodged: 19th April 2021, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval - Addendum.  P.36/2021. Presented: 19th April 2021, Minister for the Environment.  Add.

Island Plan 2022-25: approval (P.36/2021) – amendment.  P.36/2021. Removal of St Helier Fields.  Amd. Lodged: 1st July 2021, Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: approval (P.36/2021) – second amendment.  P.36/2021. Removal of St Saviour Fields.  Amd.(2). Lodged: 5th July 2021, Deputy K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – third amendment.  P.36/2021. Play Area Proximity.  Amd.(3). Lodged: 6th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Field P558 in St. Peter .  Amd.(4). Lodged: 6th July 2021, Connétable of St. Peter .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Children's Play Space.  Amd.(5). Lodged: 8th July 2021, Deputy L.M.C. Doublet of St. Saviour .  (re-issue)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Education Estates.  Amd.(6). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Restriction of Parish Priority.  Amd.(7). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Gas site Tunnell Street St. Helier .  Amd.(8). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Springfield Development.  Amd.(9). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – tenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Nelson Street Car Park.  Amd.(10). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eleventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Field 630, St. Ouen .  Amd.(11). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Connétable of St. Ouen .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twelfth amendment.  P.36/2021. Removal of Field H1219 St. Helier .  Amd.(12). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Connétable of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirteenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Trees and Water Features.  Amd.(13). Lodged: 9th July 2021, Connétable of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fourteenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Double Glazing.  Amd.(14). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy of St. Peter .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifteenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Corbière Walk.  Amd.(15). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy G.J. Truscott of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixteenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field MN410, St. Martin .  Amd.(16). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy of St. Martin .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventeenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Field MN489 for Over-55s Homes.  Amd.(17). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy of St. Martin .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighteenth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field L127.  Amd.(18). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator S.W. Pallet.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – nineteenth amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan Time Frame.  Amd.(19). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator S.W. Pallet.

Island  Plan  2022-25:  Approval  P.36/2021   nineteenth  amendment P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd.(19)) – amendment.  Amd.(19). St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan Amended Timeframe.  Amd. Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twentieth amendment.  P.36/2021. La Gigoulande Quarry.  Amd.(20). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator K. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-first amendment.  P.36/2021. Disability Inclusion – Active Travel.  Amd.(21). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Disability Inclusion – Homes for Independent Living.  Amd.(22). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Disability Inclusion – Clauses.  Amd.(23). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Disability Inclusion – Listed Building Accessibility.  Amd.(24). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Future Affordable Housing Provision.  Amd.(25). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator S.Y. Mézec .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-fifth amendment  P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd.(25)) - amendment  Amd.(25) Future Affordable Housing Provision  Amd. Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Amendments to Policy H8, Policy SP2 and Policy PL5.  Amd.(26). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator K.L. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Waterworks Valley.  Amd.(27). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy K.F. Morel of St. Lawrence .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Traditional Farm Buildings.  Amd.(28). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy K.F. Morel of St. Lawrence .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – twenty-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. First-Time Buyers.  Amd.(29). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Saviour .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirtieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Coastal National Park.  Amd.(30). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy R.J. Renouf of St. Ouen .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-first amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Helier Country Park.  Amd.(31). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Field J371, St. John .  Amd.(33). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. John .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Aquaculture.  Amd.(37). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy K.F. Morel of St. Lawrence .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Warehousing.  Amd.(38). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy K.F. Morel of St. Lawrence .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – thirty-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Conservation Areas.  Amd.(39). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy K.F. Morel of St. Lawrence .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fortieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field 559 – Affordable Housing.  Amd.(40). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator K.L. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-first amendment.  P.36/2021. States' Owned Land.  Amd.(41). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator S.Y. Mézec .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-first amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd.(41)) - amendment  Amd.(41) States' Owned Land  Amd. Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Transport and Parking.  Amd.(42). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Les Quennevais.  Amd.(43). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-third amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd.(43)) - amendment  Amd.(43) Les Quennevais  Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy H4.  Amd.(44). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-fourth amendment  P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd.(44)) - amendment  Amd.(44) Policy H4  Amd. Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.  

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Night-Time Economy.  Amd.(45). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Driveways.  Amd.(46). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Warwick Farm.  Amd.(47). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Deputy K. Morel of St. Lawrence .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Tall Buildings.  Amd.(48). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – forty-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field MY563, St. Mary .  Amd.(49). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Mary .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fiftieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Field MY493, St. Mary .  Amd.(50). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Mary .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-first amendment.  P.36/2021. Marine Park.  Amd.(51). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Senator L.J. Farnham .  (re-issue)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-first amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd.(51) – amendment.  Amd.(51)Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Senator L.J. Farnham .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Coastal National Park Exclusion.  Amd.(52). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of Grouville .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Tourist Economy and Public Amenities.  Amd.(57). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island  Plan  2022-25:  Approval  (P.36/2021)   fifty-seventh  amendment P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd. (57)) – amendment.  Amd.(57) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .  Amd.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Bay Development.  Amd.(58). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – fifty-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Bay Community Participation.  Amd.(59). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixtieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Performance Measures.  Amd.(60). Lodged: 12th July 2021, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island  Plan  2022-25:  Approval  (P.36/2021)   sixtieth  amendment P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd. (60)) – amendment.  Amd.(60) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .  Amd.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-first amendment.  P.36/2021. Glasshouses  Amd.(61) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator K.L. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Withdrawal of G392A, Grouville  Amd.(62) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy of Grouville .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Amendment to Policy SP1.  Amd.(63) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator K.L. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Amendment to Policy CI2.  Amd.(64) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator S.W. Pallett.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Amendment to Policy GD7.  Amd.(65) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator I.J. Gorst .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of fields G508, G508A, G526, g526A G521A, Grouville  Amd.(67) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy S.M. Wickenden of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Field T1404, Trinity  Amd.(68) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator S.W. Pallett.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – sixty-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Fields P655 and P656, St. Peter  Amd.(69) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Connétable of St. Peter .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Fields G234 and adjacent land, Grouville  Amd.(70) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Connétable of Grouville .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-first amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Fields G355, Grouville  Amd.(71) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy S.G. Luce of St. Martin .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Fields G538A, Grouville  Amd.(72) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy S.G. Luce of St. Martin .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Field MN727, St. Martin  Amd.(73) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy S.G. Luce of St. Martin .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Replacement of Policy HE1  Amd.(74) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Residential Delivery and Management Strategy  Amd.(75) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator K.L. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Visitor Parking  Amd.(76) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy J. M. Maçon of St. Saviour .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-sixth amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd.(76)) – comments  Amd. (76) Presented: 1st March 2022, Comité des Connétable s.  Com.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Rezone Field H1219A for accessible homes  Amd.(78) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy S.M. Ahier of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Amendment to Policy CI3  Amd.(79) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eightieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Use of Villa de l'Aube & Field P818, St. Peter  Amd.(80)(re- Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy R. Huelin of St. Peter .  issue)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-first amendment.  P.36/2021. Changes to Passivhaus Policy.  Amd.(81) Presented: 7th February 2022, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny


Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy GD5  Amd.(82) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier .  

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Quarrying and Air Quality Amendment to Policy MW1  Amd.(83) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Deputy K.F. Morel of St. Lawrence .  

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Amendment to Policy CI3  Amd.(84) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Senator K.L. Moore .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy EV1  Amd.(85) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-fifth amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (85) – amendment.  Amd.(85)Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-fifth amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (85)) – second amendment.  Amd.(85) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .  Amd.(2)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan  Amd.(86) Lodged: 7th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Green Backdrop Zone and Shoreline Zone  Amd. (87) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island  Plan  2022-25:  Approval  (P.36/2021)   eighty-seventh  amendment P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd. (87)) – amendment.  Amd.(87) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Brelade .  Amd.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Marine Spatial Plan  Amd.(88) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island  Plan  2022-25:  Approval  (P.36/2021)   eighty-eighth  amendment P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd.(88) – amendment.  Amd.(88)Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Senator L.J. Farnham .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Historic Environment Policies  Amd.(89) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-ninth amendment (P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (89)) – amendment.  Amd.(89)Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Deputy of St. Peter .

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – eighty-ninth amendment  P.36/2021. (P.36/2021 Amd.(89)) – second amendment  Amd.(89) Historic Environment  Amd.(2) Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninetieth amendment.  P.36/2021. Overall housing supply  Amd.(90) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-first amendment.  P.36/2021. Affordable housing provision  Amd.(91) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-first amendment.(P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (91)) – amendment.  Amd.(91)Amd. Lodged: 14th February 2022, Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St Helier.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-first amendment.(P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (91)) – second amendment.  Amd.(91) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St Helier.  Amd.(2)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-first amendment.(P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (91)) - third amendment.  Amd.(91) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. Saviour .  Amd.(3)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-first amendment.(P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (91)) – fourth amendment.  Amd.(91) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. John .  Amd.(4)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-first amendment.(P.36/2021 P.36/2021. Amd. (91)) – fifth amendment.  Amd.(91) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Connétable of St. John .  Amd.(5)

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-second amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy H8 - Housing outside the built-up area  Amd.(92) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.  

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-third amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy ME1 - 20% reduction in target energy rate  Amd.(93) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-fourth amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy CI1: Education facilities - consolidated  Amd.(94) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-fifth amendment.  P.36/2021. Policy CI5: Sports, leisure and cultural facilities  Amd.(95) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-sixth amendment.  P.36/2021. Travel and transport policies  Amd.(96) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.  

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-seventh amendment.  P.36/2021. Safeguarded minerals site: Simon Sand and Gravel  Amd.(97) Lodged: 10th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-eighth amendment.  P.36/2021. Tabor Park  Amd.(98) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – ninety-ninth amendment.  P.36/2021. Minor Proposed Map Changes  Amd.(99) Lodged: 14th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – one-hundredth amendment.  P.36/2021. Sustainable Communities Fund  Amd. (100) Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.  

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – one-hundred and first  P.36/2021. amendment.  Amd. (101) WER4 Land Reclamation

Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.

Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – one-hundred and second  P.36/2021. amendment.  Amd. (102) Protecting landscape and seascape character

Lodged: 28th February 2022, Minister for the Environment.  

DR. M. EGAN Greffier of the States

9th March 2022 Note –

In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2022 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, Thursday 17th, Friday 18th, Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th and Friday 25th March 2022.

Explanatory Note regarding the main respondents for items listed under Public Business (Item L)

In accordance with Standing Order 104A, a time limit of 15 minutes applies to speeches made during debate, unless discretion has been exercised to allow for a longer, or shorter, time limit. No time limit applies to either speech made by the proposer.

Discretion is exercised by the Presiding Officer in accordance with guidance issued by the Bailiff , following consultation with the Privileges and Procedures Committee. The current guidance was presented to the States in the report Time Limits on Speeches in Debates: Guidance on the Exercise of Discretion' (R.3/2021). The report states that discretion may be exercised to allow for a longer speech than 15 minutes where the member speaking is designated as the main respondent' to the debate.

The main respondent for amendments from States Members will be the Minister for the Environment. There will be no main respondent to the Minister for the Environment's amendments.

The main respondent for amendments to amendments will be the original proposer of the amendment. In instances where this would be the same person, there will be no main respondent.

Appendix – Running Order


The Greffier will read the whole proposition [potentially as amended by amendments accepted by the Minister, if there is no opposition from the Assembly to doing so] (P.36/2021):

THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

to approve, in accordance with Article 3(1) of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, as amended by the Covid-19 (Island Plan) (Jersey) Regulations 2021, the draft Island Plan 2022-25.

The Minister proposes the proposition.

The proposition may be proposed as amended by a number of amendments. A list of such amendments will be made available to Members and will be read out by the Bailiff . Any Member may object to the proposition being read as amended by any such amendment. If the proposition is read as amended, there is no separate debate or vote on the amendment(s).

The running order is organised in sections mirroring the sections in the Draft Bridging Island Plan. In relation to specific policies and proposals, any amendment from the Minister of the Environment is taken first, followed by other amendments in accordance with the order in which they affect the Draft Bridging Island Plan. Where an amendment seeks to amend more than one policy or proposal it is to be taken at the first point it affects the Draft Bridging Island Plan, or in relation to the principal policy or proposal it affects.

[Note, the following Amendments have been withdrawn: 19 (2nd amd), 32, 34, 35, 36, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59(amd), 66, 77(amd)


Section one: Strategic Proposals and policies ............................................................................................ 18 88 ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 88. Amd ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 51 ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 51 Amd. ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 43 ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 43 Amd. ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 63 ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 23 ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 59 ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Section two: Places ..................................................................................................................................... 22 102 .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 30 ................................................................................................................................................................ 23 52 ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 100 .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Section three: General development ........................................................................................................... 24 46 ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 82 ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 22 ................................................................................................................................................................ 25 48 ................................................................................................................................................................ 25 65 ................................................................................................................................................................ 26 87 ................................................................................................................................................................ 26 87 Amd. ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 58 ................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Section four: Natural environment ............................................................................................................. 28 13 ................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Section five: Historic environment ............................................................................................................. 28 89 ................................................................................................................................................................ 28 89 Amd. (2) ................................................................................................................................................ 30 89 Amd. ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 74 ................................................................................................................................................................ 32 24 ................................................................................................................................................................ 32 14 ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 39 ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Section six: Economy ................................................................................................................................. 33 45 ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 57 ................................................................................................................................................................ 34 57 Amd. ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 85 ................................................................................................................................................................ 35 85 Amd. (2)_ .............................................................................................................................................. 35 85 Amd. ...................................................................................................................................................... 35


Section one: Strategic Proposals and policies

Minister for Environment proposes the Eighty-eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that within Strategic Proposal 3 – Creating a marine spatial plan for Jersey –

  1. after the words "Spatial Plan", there should be inserted the words "before 2025"; and
  1. after the words "territorial waters", the word "to" should be replaced with the words "in particular, to develop a network of marine protected areas which will"".

Strategic proposal 3, p29 Amendment proposed.

Duplicates parts 1(a) and

(b) of 51st Amendment


Senator Farnham proposes the Amendment to the Eighty-eighth Amendment:

1 PAGE 2, PART b) – After the words "marine protected areas" insert the words "within a National Marine Park, to cover at least 30 per cent of Jersey's territorial waters by 2025,".

Amendment proposed, debated and voted on.

Check on relationship with 51st Am

88. Amd

After the Amendment is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Eighty-eighth Amendment [as amended].


Senator Farnham proposes the Fifty-first Amendment: 1 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Strategic Proposal 3 –

  1. after the words "Marine Spatial Plan" there should be inserted the words "before 2025";
  1. after the words "Jersey's territorial waters" there should be inserted the words ", and in particular, to develop a network of marine protected areas which will"; and
  1. after the words "economic and social objectives." There should be inserted the words "In addition to the Marine Spatial Planning process, Jersey's existing designated areas (Ramsar sites and Marine Protected Areas), as well as known areas of high-biodiversity and carbon value, extending approximately down to the 20m depth contour, should be protected via the designation of a national marine park. Such an area will be expected to cover approximately 900km2,

Strategic proposal 3, p29

Parts 1(a) and (b) cannot be proposed if 88th Amendment

has been debated and voted on.

Note, Amendment could be read as Amended.


over 30% of Jersey's territorial waters, and its designation will protect the area against inappropriate development and damaging activities."".

2 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Policy NE1 –

  1. in the second paragraph the word "that" should be deleted and the word "importance" should be replaced with "protection"; and
  1. after the words "Ramsar sites" there should be inserted the words "and areas of highest terrestrial and marine biodiversity, the latter extending approximately to the 20m depth contour."'".

3 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Policy NE3 –

  1. after the words "and its setting," there should be included the words "including high value marine habitats";
  1. after the words "development within" there should be included the words "these areas";
  1. after the words "protect or improve" there should be included the word "their";
  1. after the words "of the park" should be included the words "and marine areas";

(c) within sub-paragraph a. after the first paragraph, after the words "heritage of the park" there should be included the words "and marine areas"; and

(f) within sub-paragraph b. after the first paragraph, after the words "and enjoyment of" there should be included the word "their"".

4 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of the amendments to Strategic Proposal 3, Policy NE1 and Policy NE3."


Senator Farnham proposes the Amendment to the Fifty-first Amendment:

1 PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – After the words "marine protected areas" insert the words "within a National Marine Park, to cover at least 30 per cent of Jersey's territorial waters by 2025,".

51st Amendment could be read as amended.

51 Amd.


If the Amendment to the 51st Amendment is debated separately, once it is disposed of the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Fifty-first Amendment [ as amended].

Deputy Tadier proposes the Forty-third Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. on page 38, the words "at higher densities" should be deleted;
  1. the existing Strategic Proposal 4 – A west of island planning framework'  should  be  deleted,  and  there  should  be  inserted  the following new Strategic Proposal – "Strategic Proposal 4 – A west of island  masterplan  The  Minister  for  the  Environment  will  bring forward  a  masterplan  for  Les  Quennevais  and  adjacent  areas, including Jersey Airport, in consultation with key stakeholders, no later than May 2023.";
  1. within Proposal (Sustainable Communities Fund), after the words "future development of Town" should be inserted the words "and other parts of the island's built-up area."; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)."

Strategic proposal 4, page 30 Amendment proposed


Minister for the Environment proposes the Amendment to the Forty- third Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

  1. Replace paragraph (a) with the following – "within the preamble to SP2 – Spatial strategy (on p.38) after the words "buildings at higher densities" there should be inserted the words "at higher densities that are appropriate to the character of the area";
  1. in paragraph (b), for the proposed Strategic Proposal 4, substitute the following –

"Strategic Proposal 4 – A west of island planning framework and area masterplans The Minister for the Environment will bring forward a west of island planning framework together a series of more focused masterplans, for Les Quennevais and adjacent areas, including Jersey Airport,  as  appropriate,  in  consultation  with  key  stakeholders, including the parish, landowners, local residents and their children, and businesses. The planning framework will be brought forward first, with specific areas-based masterplans, as necessary, to follow during the bridging plan period up to 2025."

Amendment proposed, debated and voted on.

43 Amd.

After the Amendment is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Forty-third Amendment [as amended].

Senator Moore proposes the Sixty-third Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words – ",except  that,  within  Policy  SP1,  paragraph  6,  before  the  word "utilises" there should be inserted the word "which", and after the words "forms of energy" there should be inserted the words "and the use of renewable and recyclable construction materials".

SP1, p36


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Twenty-third Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy SP3, paragraph 4, after the words "accessible and inclusive design" there should be inserted the words "having regard to the needs of those with disabilities,";
  1. within Policy SP7, after the words "meet the changing needs of individuals  and  families"  there  should  be  inserted  the  words "including those with disabilities and additional needs"; and
  1. within Policy GD1, there should be inserted the following new paragraph 2 – "2. It has regard to, and seeks to avoid or mitigate, the impact of the development on the needs of people with disabilities." And the subsequent paragraph re-numbered accordingly

SP3, p41, para 4


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Fifty-ninth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within  Proposal  10   Percent  for  art  supplementary  planning guidance,  after  the  final  paragraph  there  should  be  inserted  the following new paragraph – "Such Guidance shall include a procedure for  the  independent  verification  of  the  valuation  process  and an opportunity for neighbours and members of the public who are likely to experience proposed art regularly to review and comment on the proposed installation on the planning register.";
  1. within Policy SP3, within the eighth paragraph, the words "where required,  it  has  been  informed  by  engagement  with  the  local community" should be replaced with the words "it has evidence of support  of  the  local  community  in  the  immediate  vicinity  and representative  bodies  or  local  environmental  groups  generally associated with the relevant area"; and
  1. within Proposal 7 – Guidance for community participation, after the  final  paragraph  there  should  be  inserted  the  following  new paragraph – "Such guidance shall:

SP3, p41, para 8


  1. discourage  developers  or  their  agents  from  stating  they  have consulted with any person or group without providing relevant and accurate details of their response to the final proposals, and
  1. ensure minutes of pre-application meetings are published or, as a minimum, statements by developers' agents suggesting they have been given certain advice by Planning or its Director (such as in the Wayside  application)  are  checked  and  publicly  approved  by  the relevant representative of Planning."


Section two: Places

Minister for the Environment proposes the One-hundred and Second Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within  Policy  PL5   Countryside,  coast  and  marine environment on page 76 of the draft bridging Island Plan, the second sentence of the first paragraph should be substituted with the following –

"They  should  also  protect  or  improve  the  special  landscape  and seascape character of the Protected Coastal Area.

In the Coastal National Park, they should similarly protect or improve its special landscape and seascape character and special qualities of the Coastal National Park and its setting and be compatible with the purposes of the park";

  1. at the end of the section entitled Jersey Coastal National Park', on page 71 of the draft bridging Island Plan, there should be inserted the following –

"Proposal - National park legislation

The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture will work with the Council of Ministers to bring forward, for approval by the States Assembly, proposals for the establishment of a national park in law, with appropriate provisions and mechanisms to:

  1. define the purposes of a national park in Jersey;
  2. determine its appropriate governance, in order to secure the purposes of the park;
  3. determine the spatial extent of the park;
  4. manage land and activities within the park in accord with its purposes; and
  5. ensure  public  and  stakeholder  engagement  and consultation on all matters associated with national park.
  1. within Proposal – Change permitted development rights in the Coastal National Park, on page 116 of the draft bridging Island Plan, the words "Coastal National Park" should be replaced with  the  words  "Protected  Coastal  Area"  each  time  they appear;
  1. within Policy NE3 – Landscape and seascape character on page  118  of  the  draft  bridging  Island  Plan,  the  second paragraph should be substituted with the following –

"The highest level of protection will be given to the Protected Coastal Area, and its setting.

The  highest level  of  protection  will  also  be  given  to  the  Coastal National Park, and its setting, and additionally development within it

PL5, p76

Para  (d)  of  30th  Amendment falls if para (b) is adopted

Check paras (a) to (c) of 30th


should protect or improve its special qualities and be compatible with the purposes of the park including:"; and

(e)  the draft bridging Island Plan 2022-25, including the Proposals Map – Planning Zones, be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a)-(d)."


Deputy of St. Ouen proposes the Thirtieth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. save for the inclusion of the intertidal zone and shallow water around the offshore reefs, the boundaries of the Coastal National Park in  the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25  shall  be  retained  as  presently established by the Revised 2011 Island Plan;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a);
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a); and
  1. after Proposal 12, insert the following new Proposal – "Proposal – Coastal National Park legislation

The Minister for the Environment will work with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, and, further to consultation with the Council of Ministers, will bring forward for approval by the States Assembly, proposals for the establishment of the Coastal National Park in law with appropriate provisions and mechanisms for:

  1. the management and regulation of land use and activities within the Park;
  1. the promotion of the purposes of the Park;
  1. public and community consultation to inform such management, regulation and promotion functions;
  1. reviews of the spatial extent of the Park and determining changes thereto in consultation with relevant stakeholders including owners, occupiers and users of land affected by such reviews; and
  1. the funding of the activities described above": and
  1. after Proposal 13, insert the following new Proposal – "Proposal – Coastal National Park review

Following the establishment of a legal basis for the Coastal National Park, the Minister for the Environment will work with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, and, further to consultation  with  relevant  stakeholders  including  owners  and

Coastal  National  Park,  p71 onwards

Para  (d)  falls  if  para  (b)  of 102nd Amendment is adopted


occupiers of land within the Coastal National Park, will bring forward for approval by the States Assembly proposals for the clearer definition and understanding of the boundaries of the Coastal National Park to exclude land where it falls within the Interior Agricultural Plateau as defined in the Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Assessment Report, 2020."


Connétable of Grouville proposes the Fifty-second Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. in the Proposals Map forming part of the Plan, the section of Field G252A, as defined in the Map attached at the Appendix of the report of the Connétable of Grouville , should be excluded from the area defined as the Coastal National Park;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

Coastal  National  Park,  p71 onwards


Minister  for  the  Environment  proposes  the  One-hundredth Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words ", except that within Proposal – Sustainable Communities Fund, on page 78, there should be substituted the following for the second paragraph –

"Work to design and introduce the necessary legal mechanisms for the Fund will take place over the plan period of the bridging Island Plan, ready for inclusion into the subsequent review of the Island Plan."".

Proposal   Sustainable Communities Fund, p78


Section three: General development

Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Forty-sixth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Policy GD3, after the words "restoration of land" there should be inserted the words, "including infrastructure,"".

GD3, p84


Deputy Labey proposes the Eighty-second Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that within Policy GD5 –

(a) the word and' should be removed from the end of point 1;

GD5, p87


  1. after point 2 there should be inserted the following – "; or 3. There exists a demonstrable aesthetic and practical benefit to replace over refurbishment.";
  1. in the final paragraph, delete the words "or sustainability" and insert the following – ", sustainability, aesthetic or practical"
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a) and (b)."


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Twenty-second Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within  Policy  H6,  after  the  words  "To  enable  the  supply  of supported housing" there should be inserted the words "and homes that will  support  independent  living  for  those  with  disabilities  and additional needs,";
  1. within Policy H6, after the words "proposals for the development of  supported"  there  should  be  inserted  the  words  "or  specifically designed and adapted homes,"; and
  1. within Policy GD6, after the words "achievement of the highest standards of accessible and inclusive design," there should be inserted the words "having regard to the needs of those with disabilities;".

GD6, p89, point 4


Senator Ferguson proposes the Forty-eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy GD7 the words. "Development of a tall building of over eight storeys within Town will only be supported in exceptional circumstances and where the overall benefit to the community will demonstrably outweigh any adverse impacts. Development of a tall building over eight storeys will not be supported outside of Town." Should  be  deleted  and  replaced  with  the  following  words; "Development of a tall building of over five storeys within Town will only be supported in exceptional circumstances and where the overall benefit to the community will demonstrably outweigh any adverse impacts. Development of a tall building over five storeys will not be supported outside of Town."; and
  1. The Draft bridging Island Plan 2021 be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a)."

GD7, p93, 3rd para


Senator Gorst proposes the Sixty-fifth Amendment:

GD7, p93, 3rd para

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy GD7, for the words "in exceptional circumstances" substitute the words "in appropriate circumstances";
  1. on page 91 of the draft Bridging Island Plan for the words "The development  of  high-rise  buildings  over  eight  storeys  will  not, therefore, be supported in St Helier" substitute "The development of high-rise buildings over eight storeys in St Helier will, therefore, only be supported in appropriate circumstances."; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a)."


Minister  for  the  Environment  proposes  the  Eighty-seventh Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. on the proposals map, the green backdrop zone should be extended to include that part of the built-up area above Ouaisné, as shown in figure 1 of the report;
  1. in Policy GD9 – Skyline, views and vistas, in the third paragraph after the words "provide views" there should be inserted the words "or public access";
  1. in Policy GD9 the following paragraph should be inserted at the end of the policy – "Within the shoreline zone of St. Brelade 's Bay, the redevelopment of a building, involving demolition and replacement, where the proposal would be larger in terms of any gross floorspace, building footprint or visual impact than the building being replaced will not be supported."

GD9, p98 Amendment proposed.

Para  (b)  of  58th  Amendment falls if part (i) is debated and voted on.


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Amendment to the Eighty- seventh Amendment:


For the paragraph to be inserted in Policy GD9 substitute the following paragraph –

"Within the shoreline zone of St. Brelade 's Bay –

i.  the  redevelopment  of  a  building  for  residential  use,  involving demolition and replacement, where the proposal would be larger in terms of any of gross floorspace, building footprint or visual impact than the building being replaced;

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

87 Amd.

  1. the extension of a building for residential use; and
  1. any  proposal  for  development  that  is  not  accompanied  by landscaping proposals sufficient to assist integration of the site with the green backdrop zone, green zone and Coastal National Park areas of the  Bay  from  any  public  viewpoint  from  the  beach  or  coastal headlands, will not be supported.


Once the Amendment is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Eighty-seventh Amendment [as amended].

Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Fifty-eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) within Policy GD9, the final paragraph should be replaced with the following paragraphs – "Skyline and strategic views in St Brelade's Bay shall include:

existing views of its skyline from its beach;

existing views of its skyline and its listed buildings on its shoreline from the following public viewpoints:

  1. its pier,
  2. Portelet Common (Ouaisné headland above La Cotte)
  3. Le Grouin and its headland; and
  4. the cliff path behind St Brelade's church towards Beauport Bay; and

existing views of listed buildings on St Brelade's Bay shoreline from the public terraces or guest rooms of visitor accommodation and dining and entertainment areas of premises in daytime and evening use.

Within the shoreline zone:

  1. the development of new buildings or infrastructure, new structures or  extensions  to  existing  buildings  will  only  be  supported  if  the development overall does not obstruct views (in the case of private residential development) or significant views (in the case of daytime and evening use premises or publicly owned buildings) to, or involve the loss of open spaces which provide views to, the shoreline and sea;
  1. the footprint, scale and mass of any replacement, redeveloped or extended building in private residential use will only be permitted to be larger than the footprint, scale and mass of the building it replaces in minor respects; and

GD9, p98

Para (b) cannot be proposed if part (i) of the 87th Amendment

has been debated and voted on


3. the overall benefit to the community of any proposal shall not include  any  luxury  housing  development.  Redevelopment  and  /or extension of existing development in the shoreline zone should be sensitive to its landscape context in terms of scale, design, materials and  colour  and  should  include  ancillary  green'  landscaping complementary to the wooded scarp areas of the Bay."; and

(b) the Les Ruisseaux Estate and other existing built area in and above Ouaisné Bay as far as the Route des Genets to the north should be re- designated as Green Backdrop Zone, with the Draft Bridging Island Proposals Map Part A amended accordingly.



Section four: Natural environment

The Connétable of St. Helier proposes the Thirteenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that – after paragraph b. of Policy NE2 – Green infrastructure and networks, the following paragraphs should be inserted, with the subsequent paragraph re-designated accordingly and the Plan further amended in such respects as may consequentially be necessary –

"c. ensuring that new trees are planted in the ground if at all possible, with the re-routing of any underground services and other measures that may be necessary to achieve this being undertaken as part of the development;

d. ensuring that, where appropriate, lost watercourses are restored and new water features provided in the public realm, especially in urban areas; and".

NE2, p111, after paragraph b.


Section five: Historic environment

Minister for the Environment proposes the Eighty-ninth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) within the preamble to Policy HE1– Protecting listed buildings and places, and their settings, after paragraph 2 on page 124, there should be inserted a new section – "Inclusive design Everyone should be able to enjoy easy and exclusive access to the historic environment. Listed buildings and places may need to be modified to meet existing access needs as well as the changing needs of occupants and users. Removing barriers to access can allow many more people to use and benefit from the historic environment. If sensitively designed this need not compromise the ability of future generations to enjoy heritage and access these environments. Understanding the significance of a building is a vital first step in thinking about how much it can be changed to ensure sensitive interventions. In most cases access can be improved without compromising the special interest of the historic buildings and it is rare when nothing can be done

HE1, p127

Amendment proposed

– may be proposed as amended.


to improve or facilitate access. By undertaking a careful process of research, consultation and creative exploration of alternative, good quality solutions are usually possible. The provision of improved access can be an important part of a  sustainable  approach  to  caring  for  the  historic  environment  without compromising the significance of special places.";

  1. in Policy HE1 the fourth paragraph should be replaced with the following – "Proposals that do not protect a listed building or place or its setting will not be supported unless and with regard to the comparative significance of the listed building or place, or its setting, and the impact of proposed development on that significance";
  1. in Policy HE2 –

(i) for the first paragraph there should be substituted – "Historic windows and doors in listed buildings or buildings in a conservation area which are of significance or special interest, or which contribute to the character of the conservation area should be repaired using materials and detailing to match the existing. Proposals for the replacement of modern glazing in historic windows with double glazing will be supported where it can be accommodated:

  1. within the existing window or door joinery frames; or
  2. within a like for like frame where the existing frame is beyond repair."; (

ii)  in  the  third  paragraph  the  words  "or  the character  of  a building  in  a conservation area" should be deleted.

  1. a new fourth paragraph should be inserted in as follows – "Where proposals for the replacement of windows and doors in conservation areas will affect the character and appearance of the conservation area, they will only be supported where they protect or improve that character or appearance."
  1. in the first sentence of the existing paragraph four the word "more" should be deleted from before "modern windows", the words "or buildings in a conservation area" should be removed, and the word "and" should replace "or" at the end of the second line;
  1. a  second  sentence  should  be  inserted  at  the end  of  the existing  fifth paragraph as follows – "The use of double-glazing in replacement windows and glazing in doors will, therefore, be supported where replacements replicate the historic window and doors as  far  as practicable helping to meet Jersey's commitment to energy efficiency."
  1. in Proposal 14 – Conservation area designation –

(i) the second paragraph should be replaced with the following – "It is proposed that the first conservation area or areas to be designated should be within the historic areas of St Helier and then drawn from the following list: St Aubin, the areas around the parish churches of Grouville , St. Lawrence , St. Martin , Trinity , St. Ouen, St. Peter, and St. Clement; Gorey Village and Pier, and Rozel Harbour. Designation should follow engagement and consultation with parish authorities, local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders including heritage organisations."


(ii) a new paragraph should be inserted at the end of Proposal 14 as follows – "During the course of the Bridging Island Plan, at least four conservation areas should be designated from those listed in this Proposal."

(c)  within  the  preamble  to  Policy  HE3   Protection  or  improvement  of conservation areas, a new sentence should be inserted at the end of the last paragraph on page 133 – "This does not preclude high quality modern design of buildings or spaces within the area, rather it seeks a contextual response to fit the place."


Minister for the Environment proposes the Second Amendment to the Eighty- ninth Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

(a)  Replace part (a) with the following –

"within the preamble to Policy HE1– Protecting listed buildings and places, and their settings,

  1. after paragraph 2 on page 124, there should be inserted a new section –

"Inclusive design

Everyone should be able to enjoy easy and exclusive access to the historic environment. Listed buildings and places may need to be modified to meet existing access needs as well as the changing needs of occupants and users. Removing barriers to access can allow many more people to use and benefit from the historic environment. If sensitively designed this need not compromise the  ability  of  future  generations  to  enjoy  heritage  and  access  these environments. Understanding the significance of a building is a vital first step in thinking about how much it can be changed to ensure sensitive interventions. In most cases access can be improved without compromising the special interest of the historic buildings and it is rare when nothing can be done to improve or facilitate access. By undertaking a careful process of research, consultation and creative exploration of alternative, good quality solutions are usually possible. The provision of improved access can be an important part of a sustainable approach to caring for the historic environment without compromising the significance of special places.";

  1. substitute the last paragraph on page 125 with the following –

"In the case of demolition, in whole or in part, justification for this course of action might arise where a building is structurally unsound and is technically incapable of repair; or the demolition or partial demolition relates to a structure which detracts from the special interest of the listed building or place. In exceptional circumstances there may be overriding public policy objectives, related to the delivery of other Government priorities, such as the provision of strategic infrastructure, or compliance with specific policies of direct public benefit  (for  example,  improving  access  for  people  with  disability  or sustainability),  which  would  add  weight  to  a  proposal  for  partial  or  full demolition of a listed building or place.

89th Amendment may be  proposed  as amended  by  this amendment.  If  not, amendment  is proposed, debated and voted on, after which the  Assembly  deals with the Amendment to  the  89th Amendment.

24th Amendment falls if  inclusive  design' section is added to the Plan  as  per  the  89th Amendment  and/or Second  Amendment to  the  89th Amendment.

Para  (a)  of  14th Amendment  falls  if the  89th  Amendment is debated and voted on.

39th Amendment falls if the 89th Amendment is debated and voted on.

89 Amd. (2)

The weight given to heritage values in decision-making should be proportionate to the significance of the building or place and the impact of the proposed change on that significance, together with an assessment of the public benefit to be derived from a demolition proposal. The nature of the predicted public benefit should be clearly described and justified, and should set out how, when and in what form the community will be expected to benefit directly from the proposed development, relative to its impact on the historic environment. To ensure the protection of the island's historic environment the wholesale loss of any listed building would require exceptional justification where it can be demonstrated that public benefit outweighs harm, and where the nature of that benefit to the public is clear, direct and evidenced."

(iii) substitute the third paragraph on page 126 with the following –

"In cases where there is any approved alteration to or loss of historic built fabric from, listed buildings or places, there will be a requirement for an appropriate level of recording and analysis to be undertaken and subsequently publication including to the island's Historic Environment Record. This may also include requirements, especially in the case of works affecting places of archaeological interest, relating to the treatment and care of archival material. In exceptional circumstances, where it is proportionate, reasonable and appropriate to do so, a form of mitigation could involve managed disassembly and reconstruction of a heritage asset on an alternative site. Any such requirements will be secured through planning condition or obligation attached to any such permission."

  1. Replace part (b) with the following –

"in Policy HE1 –

  1. the  fourth  paragraph  should  be  replaced  with  the  following  – "Proposals that do not protect a listed building or place or its setting will  not  be  supported  unless  and  with  regard  to  the  comparative significance of the listed building or place, or its setting, and the impact of proposed development on that significance";
  2. at the end of c., after the words "reasonably practicable" replace the word "or" with the word "and";
  3. at the end of d., after the words "in its setting" add "and where the nature of that benefit to the public is clear, direct and evidenced."
  1. Add a new part (f) as follows –

"(f)  the draft bridging Island Plan 2022-25 be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (b)(ii) and (iii), specifically Policy HE3 – Protection or improvement of conservation areas; Policy HE5 – Conservation of archaeological heritage; Policy NE1 – Protection and  improvement  of  biodiversity  and  geodiversity;  and  Policy  NE3  – Landscape and seascape character, and their associated preambles."


Deputy of St. Peter proposes the Amendment to the Eighty-ninth Amendment:

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (c) – In sub-paragraph b) of the substituted paragraph in Policy HE2, delete the words "where the existing frame is beyond repair".

Amendment proposed, debated and voted on.


89 Amd.

Once the Amendment is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Eighty-ninth Amendment [as amended].

Deputy Labey proposes the Seventy-fourth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the text of Policy HE1 – Protecting listed buildings and places, and their settings should be replaced by the following –

"There will be a presumption in favour of the preservation of the architectural and historic character and integrity of listed buildings and places, and their settings. Proposals which do not preserve or enhance the special or particular interest of a listed building or place and their settings will not be approved. Permission will not be granted for:

  1. the total or partial demolition of a listed building;
  1. the  removal  of  historic  fabric,  which  might  include  roofing  materials, elevational treatments (such as render or stucco) and their replacement with modern alternatives;
  1. the addition of external items which would adversely affect the special interest or character of a listed building or place, and its setting;
  1. extensions,  alterations  and  changes  which  would  adversely  affect  the architectural or historic interest or character of a listed building or place, and its setting.

In those exceptional cases where there is a loss of the historic fabric of a listed building or place, the Minister will ensure that the recording of that fabric to be lost is undertaken, as appropriate. Applications for proposals affecting listed buildings and places which do not provide sufficient information and detail to enable  the  likely  impact  of  proposals  to  be  considered,  understood  and evaluated, will be refused"; and

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of paragraph (a)."

HE1, p127


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Twenty-fourth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except to request that the Minister for the Environment makes appropriate adjustments to ensure  that  consideration  for  disability  and  inclusion  are  more  explicitly incorporated  within  the  justification  to  Policy  HE1,  and  with  regard  to proposals to change historic buildings."

HE1, p127

Amendment  falls  if the  89th  Amendment

[as  amended]  is adopted  including provision  for inclusive design'.


The Deputy of St. Peter proposes the Fourteenth Amendment:

HE2, p131

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy HE2, after the first paragraph, there should be inserted the words "In the case of repair involving the replacement of glazing, the use of double-glazing will be supported, where it can be accommodated within the existing window or door joinery, except where the glass to be replaced is of historic significance."; and
  1. within Policy HE2, for the fifth paragraph there should be substituted the following – "Proposals to improve energy efficiency, where they affect historic windows and doors, are encouraged and will be supported where it can be demonstrated that they do not materially harm the special interest of a listed building or the character of a building in a conservation area. The use of double- glazing  in  replacement  windows  will,  therefore,  be  supported  where replacements replicate the historic window and doors as far as practicable having due regard to Jersey's commitment to energy efficiency."

Part (a) falls if the 89th Amendment  is   debated and voted on.


Deputy Morel proposes the Thirty-ninth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" should be inserted the words "except that –

  1. in Proposal – Conservation Area Designation, the second paragraph should be substituted with the following new paragraph – "It is proposed that the first conservation areas to be designated should be drawn from the following list: St Aubin, the historic areas of St Helier, the areas around the Parish churches of Grouville , St. Lawrence , St. Martin , Trinity , St. Ouen , St. Peter , St. Clement , Gorey Village and Pier, and Rozel Harbour";
  1. after the final paragraph, the following words should be inserted – "During the course of the Bridging Island Plan, at least four conservation areas should be designated from those listed in this proposal."; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of paragraphs (a) and (b).

Proposal 14, p133

Amendment  falls  if the  89th  Amendment

is debated and voted on.



Section six: Economy

Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Forty-fifth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Policy ER4, part 1., the words ", the defined centre at Les Quennevais" should be deleted."

ER4, p152, 1st para


Connétable of St Brelade proposes the Fifty-seventh Amendment: PAGE 2 –

ER4, p152, 5th para

Amendment proposed   could be proposed as amended.

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy ER4, at the end of sub-paragraph a. of Paragraph 5, before the semi-colon, there should be inserted the words "(the site having previously been publicly tendered on the open market at a price no greater than the commercial value of the site for tourist economy use (discounting any potential change of use to enable development for residential purposes) or such price as the seller can demonstrate was the minimum necessary to avoid a loss in capital investment in any premises (or part thereof) in daytime and evening use on the site)"; and
  1. within Policy ER4, after the final paragraph there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "6. Any proposed design for the replacement of the whole or part of any premises daytime and evening economic use in St. Brelade 's Bay shall be supported by an independent  and  objective  professional  assessment  of  the functionality of the design for commercial purpose (including without limitation storage, delivery areas, car parking facilities and potential impediments to customer and kitchen service in the case of a design for any restaurant or café premises), highlighting any design features that  are  likely  to  discourage  commercial  interest  in  the  new premises."


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Amendment to the Fifty- seventh Amendment:

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (a) – For the words to be inserted within Policy ER4 substitute the words "including, with respect to buildings in St. Brelade 's Bay, if refurbished or redeveloped through further investment for such purpose".

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – Substitute the proposed new paragraph

6. With the following paragraph – "6. Any proposed design for the replacement of the whole or part of any site in daytime and economic use  in  St.  Brelade's  Bay  shall  be  supported  by  an  independent professional assessment of the functionality of the design for its stated commercial purpose (including, without limitation, viability of the proposed operations with respect to storage, delivery areas, adequacy of car parking facilities, quality of disabled access (if relevant) and, in the case of a design for a restaurant or café premises, any other impediments  to  customer  and  kitchen  service),  highlighting  any proposed design features that are likely to discourage commercial interest.".

57th  Amendment  could  be proposed as amended.

57 Amd.

If the Amendment to the 57th Amendment is debated, once it is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Fifty-seventh Amendment [as amended].

Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Eighty-fifth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

EV1, p159

Amendment proposed [could be proposed as amended].

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words ", except that within Policy EV1 the following paragraph should be inserted after the sixth paragraph –

"Changes of use of visitor accommodation offering more than 58 beds  will  not  be  supported  in  St.  Brelade's  Bay  unless  it  is demonstrated that:

  1. there is no market demand for the continued use of the premises for visitor accommodation including if refurbished or redeveloped through further investment for such purpose; and
  1. there is no unacceptable adverse effect on the intrinsic character of St. Brelade 's Bay as a tourist destination area."


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Second Amendment to the Eighty-fifth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – Replace the number "58" with "136."

85th  Amendment  could  be proposed  as  amended. Otherwise,  this  amendment could be proposed, debated and voted on.

85 Amd. (2)_

Senator  Ferguson  proposes  the  Amendment  to  the  Eighty-fifth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – In the inserted paragraph, delete the words "offering more than 58 beds".

Amendment proposed, debated and voted on.

Falls if the Second Amendment is adopted.

85 Amd.

After the Amendment is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Eighty-fifth Amendment [as amended].

Senator Pallett proposes the Nineteenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that within Proposal 17 ( St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan) after the words "improvement plan for St. Brelade 's Bay" there should be inserted the words "by December 2023"".

Proposal 17, p160


Senator  Ferguson  proposes  the  Amendment  to  the  Nineteenth Amendment

PAGE 2 – For the words "December 2023" substitute the words "May 2022".

Amendment proposed, debated and voted on.

19 Amd.

After the Amendment to the Nineteenth Amendment is dealt with, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Nineteenth Amendment [as amended].

Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Eighty-sixth Amendment:

Proposal 17, p160

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words ",

except that within the Proposal – St. Brelade 's Bay Improvement Plan –

  1. after the words "visitors and islanders alike" there should be inserted the words "and shall reference the St. Brelade 's Character Appraisal, including the report of public opinion expressed in the St. Brelade Character Study and Recommendations"; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a)."


Deputy Morel proposes the Thirty-eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the  following  should  be  inserted  within the  list  of protected industrial sites in Policy EI1 – Existing and new industrial sites and premises 9. Bienvenue Farm and land adjacent, (The Fencing Centre and The Hidden Garden Company), St. Lawrence '
  1. within  Policy  EI1,  after  the  words  "built-up  area  will  be supported" there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "The  development  of  new;  or  the  redevelopment,  renewal,  or intensification of existing sites and premises at Bienvenue Farm and land  adjacent  (The  Fencing  Centre  and  The  Hidden  Garden Company), will only be supported where it is for the purposes of warehousing and storage, or the nature of the proposed use will complement and support an existing rural business; or enables a new business that has the potential to make a significant contribution to the rural economy. Any such proposals must be accompanied by a business plan which justifies the location of the development; and demonstrates its contribution to the rural economy."; and
  1. within EI1 after the words "In all cases of light industrial" there should  be  inserted  the  words  "/  warehousing  and  storage/  rural economy"."
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a) – (c).

EI1, p163


Deputy Morel proposes the Twenty-eighth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) within Policy ERE3 (Conversion or re-use of traditional farm buildings), in the fourth paragraph, after the words "appearance of the building" add the words "or changing or affecting the employment use or the nature of surrounding agricultural land";

ERE3, p169


(b) the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a).


Senator Moore proposes the Sixty-first Amendment: 1 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy ERE6, after the words "will not be supported" there should  be  inserted  the  words  ";  except  where  a  commercial glasshouse site is located in close proximity to existing settlements and utility services, in which instance no more than 50% of that site will be supported for the provision of affordable housing, with use of the remaining 50% to be the subject of consultation by the Minister with the relevant Parish to determine whether it is should be restored to agricultural use or, to be made available to the Parish for the benefit of the Parish as a community space"; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a)."

ERE6, p173


Deputy Morel proposes the Thirty-seventh Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" should be inserted the words "except that –

  1. within  Policy  ERE8   Fishing  and  aquaculture,  in  the  final paragraph, the words "not be supported" should be replaced by the words "only be supported where", and the following new bullet points should be inserted –

"it  is  required  to  meet  a  proven  need,  which  cannot  be  met elsewhere; and

it would not harm marine biodiversity value."

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a).

ERE8, p176


Section seven: Housing

Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninetieth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) any reference throughout the draft Plan to "3,750 homes", where it relates to the demand for homes, should be substituted with "4,000 homes";

H3, p187


  1. in Policy H3 – Provision of Homes "4,150" should be replaced with "4,300" and "1,500" should be replaced with "1,650"; and
  1. in the second paragraph of Policy H3 – Provision of Homes the words "new homes" should be substituted with the words "up to 600 affordable homes"."


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Forty-fourth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that within Policy H4, after the words latest evidence of need.' There should be inserted the words, Residential developments should,  in  particular,  include  a  proportion  of  smaller  homes  to encourage and enable right-sizing''."

H4, p188 Amendment proposed


Minister for the Environment proposes the Amendment to the Forty- fourth Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

After the words "Residential developments" insert the words "of five or more dwellings", and, after the words "right-sizing", insert the words "where appropriate".

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

44 Amd.

Once the Amendment has been dealt with, the Assembly moves on to debate and vote on the Forty- fourth Amendment [as amended]

Senator Moore proposes the Seventy-fifth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except  that  within  Proposal  21,  there  should  be  inserted  a  third paragraph:  "The  Minister  for  Housing  and  Communities  will  also explore, with others as appropriate, how developments of new homes might be expediated, including the use of pre-fabricated methods of construction".

Proposal 21, p190


Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-first Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

  1. Fields H1186A, H1189, H1198 La Grande Route de St. Jean, St. Helier
  2. Fields MN389 and MN390 La Rue de la Haye, St. Martin
  3. Fields S729 New York Lane, St. Saviour

H5, p193

Amendment proposed.

The Amendment falls if para

(a) is debated and voted on.

4th  Amendment  falls  if  para (b)(vi) is debated and voted on.

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –
  1. H1248 Highview Lane, St. Helier
  2. J1109 La Grande Route de St. Jean, St. John
  3. MY563 La Rue de la Rosière & La Rue de la Vallée, St. Mary
  4. O622 and O623 La Rue de la Croute, St. Ouen
  5. O785  La  Rue  des  Cosnets,  St.  Ouen,  and  also,  amend  the cartographic error on the proposals map to ensure the site remains in the green zone, consistent with all other H5 sites.
  6. P558 La Verte Rue, St. Peter , to be brought forward as part of a comprehensive scheme with P559 and P632
  7. P559 La Route du Manoir, St. Peter , to be brought forward as part of a comprehensive scheme with P558 and P632

viii. S341 Bel Air Lane, St. Saviour

  1. in Appendix 1 – Affordable housing site assessments, from page 325 of the Draft Bridging Island Plan –
  1. the assessments for those sites listed in paragraph (a) should be removed.; and
  1. initial assessments, as set out in Appendix 1 to the amendment of the Minister for the Environment, for those sites listed in paragraph (b) should be added; and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a) and (b)."

40th Amendment falls if para (b)(vii) is debated and voted on.

49th Amendment falls if para (b)(iii) is debated and voted on.


Deputy  Le  Hegarat  proposes  the  Amendment  to  the  Ninety-first Amendment:

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – Delete the words "i. H1248 Highview Lane, St. Helier " and re-number the remaining items accordingly.

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

91 Amd.

Constable of St. John proposes the Fourth Amendment to the Ninety- first Amendment:

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – Insert a new line "ii. J229, La Route du Nord, St. John " and re-number the remaining items accordingly.

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

91 Amd.(4)

Constable of St. John proposes the Fifth Amendment to the Ninety-first Amendment:

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – Insert a new line "ii. J236, La Rue du Cimetière, St. John " and re-number the remaining items accordingly.

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

91 Amd.(5)

Deputy Le Hegarat proposes the Second Amendment to the Ninety-first Amendment:

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – Delete the words "iv. O622 and O623 La Rue de la Croute, St. Ouen " and re-number the remaining items accordingly.

91 Amd.(2)

Connétable  of  St.  Saviour  proposes  the  Third  Amendment  to  the Ninety-first Amendment:

PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH (b) – Delete the words "viii. S341 Bel Air Lane, St. Saviour ".

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

91 Amd.(3)

After the Amendments have been disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Ninety- first Amendment [as amended].

Deputy of Grouville proposes the Sixty-second Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"1. Field G392A Grouville (0.75 hectares/4.2 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."

H5, p193, removal of site 1


Deputy Le Hegarat proposes the Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes:
  1. Field H1186A St. Helier (0.45 hectares/2.5 vergées).
  2. Field H1189 St. Helier (0.85 hectares/4.7 vergées)
  3. Field H1198 St. Helier (0.40 hectares/2.2 vergées);
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a);
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of (a).".

H5, p193, removal of sites 2-4

Falls  if  para  (a)  of  the  91st Amendment  is  debated  and voted on.


The Connétable of St. Helier proposes the Twelfth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

5. Field H1219 St. Helier (1.20 hectares/6.6 vergées);

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a);
  1. the draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

H5, p193, removal of site 5

78th Amendment falls if this Amendment  is  debated  and voted on.


Deputy Ahier proposes the Seventy-eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"5. Field H1219, La Grande Route de Mont a L'Abbé, St. Helier (1.20 hectares/6.6 vergées)";

  1. within Policy H6, after the first paragraph there should be inserted the  following  new  paragraph   "The  following  site  should  be specifically zoned for the provision of purpose-built fully-accessible homes for people with disabilities, and its development for any other use will not be supported:

Field H1219, La Grande Route de Mont a L'Abbé, St. Helier (1.20 hectares/6.6 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a) and (b); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of (a) and (b)."

H5, p193, change to site 5

Falls  if  12th  Amendment  is debated and voted on.


Deputy of St. Martin proposes the Sixteenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

H5, p193, removal of site 7

Note: the Deputy of St Martin has indicated that he wishes to speak to the amendment but then withdraw it, so that the

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

2. Field MN410 St. Martin (0.75 hectares/4.2 vergées).

  1. within Policy H6 – Supported housing', after the words "proposals for the development of supported homes including," there should be inserted the words "age-restricted homes (for people over 55),";
  1. within Policy H6, after the first paragraph there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "To support the provision of homes that help  meet  the  needs  of  an  ageing  society  the  following  sites  are specifically zoned for the provision of age-restricted over-55 homes, and their development for any other use will not be supported:

1.  Field  MN410,  La  Rue  des  Buttes  St  Martin  (0.75  hectares/4.2 vergées), to provide retirement homes for rent and purchase, to be administered by the Sir David Kirch Charitable Trust in conjunction with the Parish of St Martin.";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a) (b) and (c); and

(c) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of (a) (b) and (c)."

amendment  will  not  be debated and voted on.


Deputy Lewis proposes the Second Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be removed from the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –
  1. 10. Field S413 St. Saviour (0.70 hectares/3.9 vergées); 11. Field S415 St. Saviour (0.45 hectares/2.5 vergées);
  2. 14. Field S530 St. Saviour (0.80 hectares/4.4 vergées);
  3. 15. Field S729 St. Saviour (0.45 hectares/2.5 vergées);
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

H5, p193, removal of sites 10, 14, 15


The Connétable of St. Peter proposes the Fourth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

H5, p193, addition of site

Amendment  falls  if  para (b)(vi) of 91st Amendment is

debated and voted on


  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes – '10. Field P558 St. Peter (0.90 hectares/5.0 vergées)';
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."


Senator Pallett proposes the Eighteenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes – "6. Field L127 St. Lawrence (1.25 hectares/6.95 vergées) " with the remaining items on the list re-numbered accordingly;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."

H5, p193, addition of site


Senator Moore proposes the Fortieth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

10. Part of field P559, St. Peter (0.79 hectares/4.34 vergées)';

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of (a).".

H5, p193, addition of site

Amendment  falls  if  para (b)(vii) of 91st Amendment is

debated and voted on.


Connétable of St. Mary proposes the Forty-ninth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes – 8. Field MY563 St. Mary (0.70 hectares/3.9 vergées)'

H5, p193, addition of site

Amendment  falls  if  para (b)(iii) of 91st Amendment is

debated and voted on.


  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).";


Connétable of St. Mary proposes the Fiftieth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes in Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes – 8.  Field  MY493  St.  Mary  (1.03  hectares/5.7  vergées)';  with  the remaining items re-numbered accordingly ;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of (a)."

H5, p193, addition of site


Deputy Wickenden proposes the Sixty-seventh Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

 After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2. Fields G508, G508A Grouville (1.50 hectares/8.34 vergées)";

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"3.  Fields  G526,  G526A  and  521A   Grouville  (1.42  hectares/7.87 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraphs (a) and (b); and (

d) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a) and (b).".

H5, p193, addition of site


Senator Pallett proposes the Sixty-eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

H5, p193, addition of site


After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2. Field T1404 Trinity (0.5hectares/2.7 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and (c) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".


Connétable of St. Peter proposes the Sixty-ninth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2. Fields P655 and P656 St. Peter (0.98 hectares/5.45 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and (c) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

H5, p193, addition of site


Connétable of Grouville proposes the Seventieth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2.  Field  G234  and  adjacent  land   Grouville  (1.18  hectares/6.56 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph  (a),  including  any  planning  obligations  as  detailed  in Appendix 1; and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

H5, p193, addition of site


Deputy of St. Martin proposes the Seventy-first Amendment: PAGE 2 –

H5, p193, addition of site


After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2. Field G355 Grouville (0.68 hectares/3.78 vergees)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".


Deputy of St. Martin proposes the Seventy-second Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2. Field G358A Grouville (0.55 hectares/3.07 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

H5, p193, addition of site


Deputy of St. Peter proposes the Eightieth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

"2. Villa de l'Aube, St. Peter (0.28 hectares/ 0.95 vergées)

3. Field P818, St. Peter (0.42 hectares/ 2.3 vergées)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".

H5, p193, addition of site

80 (re-issue)

Connétable of St. Saviour proposes the Twenty-ninth Amendment:

H5, p193, para 3

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy H5, for the words "All of these sites (listed at 1.-15. above)", there should be substituted the words "Those sites listed at 1.-

11. and 14.-15. above,"; and

  1. within Policy H5, after the third paragraph, there should be inserted the words "The following sites – fields S415A and S470 (listed at 12.-

13. above) – should be developed for affordable homes for purchase only,  in  order  that  they  might  be  accessible  solely  for  first-time buyers."".


Senator Mézec proposes the Forty-first Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. within Policy H5, after the words "(0.6 hectares/3.3 vergées)" there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "Where States of Jersey or States-owned companies' land is brought forward for the development of new homes, all of the homes provided on it should be affordable except where the provision of only affordable homes would render  the  development  unviable."  and  the  words  "on  these  sites, together  with  any  other  government-owned  sites  or  sites  to  be developed by arms-length bodies, that are brought forward for the provision of affordable homes over the plan period" should be deleted." and;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a).

H5, p193, after 4th para Amendment proposed


Minister for the Environment proposes the Amendment to the Forty- first Amendment:


Replace the words "all of the homes provided on it should be affordable except where the provision of only affordable homes would render the development unviable." with the words, ", these shall be for affordable homes unless it has been otherwise approved that the development needs to specifically provide open market homes, particularly where this is required to ensure the viability of public realm and community infrastructure delivery, in line with an approved Government Plan. In such cases, a minimum of 15% should be made available to eligible persons in accordance with "making more homes affordable" policy (HXX), for assisted purchase housing"

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on

41 Amd.

Once the Amendment has been dealt with, the Assembly moves on to debate and vote on the Forty-first Amendment [as amended]

Deputy Gardiner proposes the Seventh Amendment:

H5, p193, 7th para

PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that, within Policy H5, after the words "Affordable Housing Gateway" should be inserted the words, ", where no more than 50% of the allocation of affordable homes for purchase on any given site should be to people who are prioritised due to being able to demonstrate links to the Parish in which the homes are located, with no such restriction applying to people aged 55 or over,""


Senator Mézec proposes the Twenty-fifth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

(a) before Proposal 22 - Future affordable housing provision' there should be inserted the following new Policy – "Policy HX - Future affordable housing provision Residential development, to which this policy applies, will only be supported where a proportion of affordable housing is provided in accordance with the proportions and thresholds set out in supplementary planning guidance issued by the Minister for the  Environment.  The  application  of  this  policy  will  be  phased incrementally, subject to monitoring and review, such that:

  1. the threshold levels for the scale of the development to which it applies will be incrementally reduced over time. It shall initially apply to schemes with a capacity of five or more homes and is intended to apply to schemes with a capacity of two or more homes after five years;
  1. the proportion of affordable housing to be provided will be increased over time. It shall initially be at a rate of 12.5%, rising incrementally to 20% after five years. The percentage of affordable housing shall be rounded up if the figures arrived at contain a proportion of one unit.

The tenure of that proportion of development yield that is to be provided as affordable housing i.e. whether it is to be affordable homes for rent or purchase, shall be determined by guidance issued by the Minister for the Environment. Schemes that are just below the threshold levels, will have to demonstrate that the proposals do not represent an under- occupation of the site, nor that a large site is being brought forward in phases in order to avoid the threshold at each stage. Affordable housing shall be provided on the site for which permission is sought unless one or more of the following circumstances apply:

  1. that the provision of affordable housing on the site would make that development unviable;
  1. that the site is of such a size or nature that the contribution to affordable  housing  would  be  maximised  by  the  contribution  to affordable housing in the form of a commuted payment, to support the delivery and/or procurement of affordable housing elsewhere;
  1. affordable housing is best provided through the mechanism of a site- swap using sites within the ownership and control of the applicant;

Future  affordable  housing provision, p194

Amendment proposed


4. the housing units provided in a mixed-use scheme are directly related to and necessary for the operation of that development.

The Minister for the Environment will review the parameters which apply to the operation of this policy on an annual basis and, where there is a need for change, will issue supplementary planning guidance to revise one or more of the following: the threshold size of developments to which the policy will apply; the proportion of affordability to be derived from those developments to which the policy applies, including the level of commuted sum tariff; and the tenure of the affordable housing development yield.";

  1. Proposal 22 Future affordable housing provision' should be deleted and replaced with the following Proposal –

"Proposal – Affordable housing

The Minister for the Environment will develop and issue supplementary planning guidance for the operation of this policy in order that it might take effect from, 1st January 2023; and

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a) and (b)."


Minister for the Environment proposes the Amendment to the Twenty- fifth Amendment:

PAGE 2, paragraph (a) –

The proposed Policy HX – Future Affordable Housing Provision should be replaced with the following new Policy –

"Policy HX – making more homes affordable

Development proposals involving the creation of 50 or more new dwellings will only be supported where at least 15% of the development is made available for sale or occupation by islanders eligible for assisted purchase housing.

Access and eligibility criteria for such homes will be established and maintained by the Minister for Housing and Communities.

Schemes that are just below the threshold level must demonstrate that the proposals do not represent an under-occupation of the site, having regard to development density levels considered appropriate for the area, or, that a large site is not being brought forward in phases in order to avoid meeting this policy requirement. In any such proven cases, development  proposals  may  be  refused,  or  planning  obligation agreements used to ensure that a phased development will make a proportionate contribution.

The proportion of assisted purchase homes shall be provided on the site for which permission is sought, unless one or more of the following circumstances apply:

Amendment  proposed, debated and voted on.

25 Amd.

  1. that the provision of the housing product(s) specified by the Minister for Housing and Communities on the site would make that development unviable, and in such cases, the applicant has demonstrated that an appropriate alternative form of discount or financial assistance will be provided as far as possible;
  2. that the site is of such a size or nature that the contribution to assisted purchase housing would be maximised in the form of a  commuted payment, to support the delivery and/or procurement of assisted purchase housing products elsewhere. A commuted payment will not be accepted where  it  is  intended  to  cross-subsidise  homes  already subject to an affordable, first-time buyer or other assisted purchase requirement, but may be used to increase the supply of assisted purchase homes on another open market site;
  3. where assisted purchase housing is best provided through the  mechanism  of  a  site-swap  using  sites  within  the ownership  and  control  of  the  applicant,  which  will be secured using a planning obligation agreement.

This  policy  will  be  in  effect  from  January  2023,  following  the development and publication appropriate assisted purchase products and eligibility criteria, as relevant to the application of this policy.

The Minister for the Environment, in consultation with the Minister for Housing and Communities, will periodically review the parameters which apply to the operation of this policy and, should a need for change  be  identified,  will  issue  further  supplementary  planning guidance to revise one or more of the following:

the threshold size of developments to which the policy will apply;

the proportion of homes to which the policy applies;

the type and value of first-time housing products which might be applicable;

the means by which the contribution can be made, including the level of commuted sum tariff;

the housing gateway band(s) from which the homes are to be allocated.

PAGE 3, paragraph (b) –

The words ", 1st January 2023" should be replaced with "January 2023.

The Minister will also further assess the viability of decreasing the threshold to which this policy applies and/or increasing the proportion of contribution that is to be made. Such work will be undertaken in consultation with key stakeholders, with a view to increase the policy requirement in the subsequent Island Plan (2026-2035). The overall impact on housing supply and viability will be assessed having regard to the need for restrictions to be put in place to ensure that contributions to  the  proposed  Sustainable  Communities  Fund  are  viable, proportionate and appropriate in light of the provision of affordable and other types of first-time buyer and assisted purchase homes."




Once the Amendment is dealt with, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Twenty-fifth Amendment [as amended].

Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-eighth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. in Policy H6, after the words "built-up areas.", there should be inserted a new paragraph as follows –

"Land identified at Tabor Park, St. Brelade shall be safeguarded for the future  development  and  expansion  of  supported  living  or  over-55 homes.";

  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to include land at Tabor Park within the defined built-up area, as shown in the area outlined in green in Plan 1 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (98)); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to include land at Tabor Park as a designated supported housing site, as shown in the area highlighted in orange in Plan 1 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (98))."

H6, p195


The Deputy of St. Martin proposes the Seventeenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After  the  words  "the  draft  Island  Plan  2022-25"  insert  the  words "except that –

  1. within Policy H6 – Supported housing, after the words "proposals for the development of supported homes, including" there should be inserted the words "age-restricted homes (for people over 55),";
  1. within Policy H6, after the first paragraph there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "To support the provision of homes that help  meet  the  needs  of  an  ageing  society  the  following  sites  are specifically zoned for the provision of age-restricted over-55 homes, and their development for any other use will not be supported:

1. Field MN489, La Longue Rue, St. Martin (1.3 hectares/7.2 vergées), to provide homes for rent, to be administered by St Martin's Parish.";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a) and (b); and

H6, p195, 1st para


(d) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of (a).".


Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-second Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. In Policy H8 – Housing outside the built-up area, section 2, together with sub-sections a. and b., should be substituted with the following –

"2. in the case of an extension or where it involves the sub-division of part of an existing dwelling that would lead to the creation of separate households:

  1. the  accommodation  is  required  to  provide  independent accommodation for someone who requires a high degree of care and/or support for their personal wellbeing and health; or
  1. the accommodation is capable of allowing the creation of additional households, where they meet minimum internal and external space standards and specifications for homes, within the existing or extended dwelling; and
  1. it does not facilitate a significant increase in potential occupancy; and
  1. where the accommodation is capable of re-integration into the main dwelling."
  1. after Policy H8 there should be inserted a new proposal, as follows

- "Proposal – Housing outside the built-up area The Minister for the Environment will develop supplementary planning guidance to assist with the interpretation and application of Policy H8 - Housing outside the built-up area."

H8, p200

Parts (b) and (c) of para 1 of the 26th Amendment fall if the 92nd Amendment is adopted


Senator Moore proposes the Twenty-sixth amendment: 1 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words – "except that, in order to achieve the ability for existing properties to be sub-divided or traditional buildings to be converted to create additional units of accommodation, within Policy H8

  1. the word "and" at the end of sub-paragraph 1.a. and sub-paragraph 1.b. should be deleted;
  1. in paragraph 2. the words "in the case of an extension or" should be substituted with the words "it involves";
  1. in paragraph 2. for the word "household" there should be substituted the word "households" and sub-paragraphs 2.a. and 2.b. should be deleted; and

H8, p200

Paras  (b)  and  (c)  of  this Amendment  fall  if  the  92nd

Amendment is adopted.


(d) the word "and" should be inserted at the end of paragraph 5.a, and sub-paragraph 5.b should be deleted, with the remaining sub-paragraph redesignated accordingly.

2 PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words – "except that, within Policy SP2, after the words "in its location" there  should  be  inserted  ";  or  where  it  involves  the  conversion, extension and/or subdivision of existing buildings";

3 PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words – "except that the second paragraph of Policy PL5 should be deleted and replaced with the following paragraph – "To protect the countryside and coast and to ensure development is concentrated in the most sustainable locations, the development of new homes will be supported in limited circumstances including the conversion, extension and/or sub-division of existing buildings."";

4 PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words – "except that the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in  such respects as may be  necessary consequent to the adoption of the amendments to Policy H8, Policy SP2 and Policy PL5."



Section eight: Managing emissions

Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-third Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Policy ME1 – 20% reduction in target energy rate for large-scale developments –

  1. in the Policy title, the words "for large-scale developments" should be replaced with the words "new development";
  1. after the words "Development proposals", the words "in the built-up area for non-residential development with a gross floorspace of 200sqm or more; or residential developments of five or more homes", should be replaced with the words "for the construction of new dwellings and other buildings, where they are required to meet the technical requirements of building bye-laws technical guidance documents:

Part 11 Conservation of fuel and power in new dwellings (2016 edition)

Part  11  Conservation  of  fuel  and  power  in  buildings  other  than dwellings (2016 edition)";

  1. after the words "where it outperforms the target energy rate by 20%", there should be inserted the words "as demonstrated using the existing Jersey Standard Assessment Procedure (JSAP) calculator, or Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) tool";
  1. after the words "the higher standard is to be applied.", there should be inserted the words "If during the course of the Bridging Island Plan period, the relevant 2016 editions of the technical guidance documents

ME1, p208


are revised to meet or exceed a 20% reduction of target energy rate, this policy will no longer be applied."; and

(e) the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraphs (a)-(d)


EHI Panel proposes the Eighty-first Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. Policy ME2 – Passivhaus standards for affordable homes and major development outside the built-up area – should be deleted;
  1. in the Proposal Review of building bye-laws'', after the words arising from buildings.'' insert the following new paragraph – "The Minister for the Environment will establish a working group to consider the  environmental  benefits  and  Green'  opportunities  presented  by Passivhaus and other energy efficient building standards and to inform decisions on the most appropriate standard for use in Jersey, with a view to the implementation of increased requirements within the next Island Plan."; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a) and (b).''

ME2, p211



Section nine: Community infrastructure

Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-fourth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that within Policy CI2 - Education facilities –

  1. after the words "Mont à L'Abbé School:", the words "part of" should be deleted;
  1. after the words "field 782 St. Ouen ", there should be inserted the following words –

"Proposals  for  education  facilities  outside  the  built–up  area  or designated sites will not be permitted except in the most exceptional circumstances where the proposed development is required to meet a proven island need and it can be demonstrated that:

a. the development is essential to the delivery and continuation of education services and cannot reasonably be met through alternative sites, service delivery arrangements or co-location with other services; and

CI1, p225

9th  Amendment  falls  if  this Amendment is adopted.


b.  sufficient  work  has  been  undertaken  to  consider  reasonable alternative sites for the development and the selected site represents the most sustainable option, with the focus on accessibility to the community relative to the defined spatial strategy, local demand, its impact on the character and nature of the landscape and the scale of development that may be required."; and

(c) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Sixth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy CI 1, after the words "Part of field 782, St Ouen", there  should  be  inserted  the  following  new  paragraph   "Where additional needs for the primary school estate within the parishes of St. Helier and St. Saviour have been identified by the responsible Minister,  the  redevelopment  of  States  of  Jersey  or  States-owned companies' land for the purposes of meeting education needs will be given the highest priority. Proposals for the redevelopment of States of Jersey or States-owned companies' land within the vicinity of existing primary schools in the parishes of St. Helier and St. Saviour must be able to demonstrate that they will not compromise the ability to address identified education needs."
  1. within Policy PL 1, there should be inserted a new third paragraph as follows – "Where additional needs for the primary school estate have been identified by the responsible Minister, the redevelopment of States of Jersey or States-owned companies' land in Town for the purposes of meeting education needs will be given the highest priority. Proposals for the redevelopment of States of Jersey or States-owned companies' land within the vicinity of existing primary schools in Town must be able to demonstrate that they will not compromise the ability to address identified education needs."; and
  1. within Policy PL 3, there should be inserted a new fourth paragraph as follows – "Where additional needs for the primary school estate have been identified by the responsible Minister, the redevelopment of States of Jersey or States-owned companies' land in local centres for the purposes of meeting education needs will be given the highest priority. Proposals for the redevelopment of States of Jersey or States- owned companies' land within the vicinity of existing primary schools in  local  centres  must  be  able  to  demonstrate  that  they  will  not compromise the ability to address identified education needs.""

CI1, p225


Deputy Ward proposes the Eighth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

CI1, p225


  1. within Policy CI1, after the words Part of field 782, St Ouen' there should be inserted a new bullet point Jersey Gas Site: Tunnell Street, St. Helier '.
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."


Senator Pallett proposes the Sixty-fourth Amendment: 1 PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that within Policy CI2 –

  1. in the first paragraph there should be inserted after 3. the following

- 4. within the site designated for a nursing facility, Field MN688, St. Martin

  1. in the second paragraph after the words "a proven island", there should be inserted the words "or parish specific";
  1. in  the  second  paragraph  replace  sub-paragraph  a.  with  the following;  "a.  the  development  is  essential  to  delivery  and continuation of health and social care services, including where there is a specific local need arising within a parish, and which cannot reasonably  be  met  through  alternative  sites,  service  delivery arrangements or co-location with other services in a suitable location; and";
  1. in the second paragraph, sub-paragraph b. after the words "spatial strategy" there should be inserted the words "and any parish-specific needs and (c) the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a)-(e)."

CI2, p229


Senator Moore proposes the Eighty-fourth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. on page 229 of the draft Island Plan 2022-25, at the end of the third paragraph under the heading Delivery of Our Hospital', there should be inserted the words – "Provision is made within policy, however, for the eventuality that the Assembly amends its decision.";
  1. in Policy CI3, after the words "Our Hospital Development Site'" there should be inserted the words "(including the alternative use of an existing health and social care facility as approved by the States Assembly)" and after the word "site" in the final paragraph, there should be inserted the words "(or sites)";

Delivery of Our Hospital, p229


(c) within Policy CI3, after the words "will not be supported" there should be inserted the words ", except where it can be demonstrated that the site, or any part of it, is no longer required to support the delivery of Our Hospital"; and

(d) the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraphs (a)-(c)."


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Seventy-ninth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words – "except that within Policy CI3 after the word "practicable" at the end of sub-paragraph (c) there should be inserted "including, but not limited to –

  1. considering the impact on the physical integrity and/or proper functioning of the arterial road network to and from the hospital with particular reference to the following roads - Tower Road, New St. John 's Road, Old St. John 's Road, Queen's Road; and the specific mitigation  measures  required  where  increased  traffic  will  have ramifications on such infrastructure and surrounding neighbourhood; and
  1. ensuring that any proposal complies with Policy GD1 "Managing the health and wellbeing impact of new development" and that it addresses the issue of privacy for neighbouring properties. with the draft Plan further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of the amendments to Policy CI3."

CI3, p231


Deputy Ward proposes the Tenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" should be inserted the words "except that –

  1. within Policy CI4, after the words "existing community facilities." there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "To address specific deficiencies in the provision of youth facilities, the following site  is  safeguarded  for  use  as  a  youth  facility.  The  alternative development  of  this  site  will  not  be  supported  unless  it  can  be demonstrated that it is no longer required for this purpose: Nelson Street car park /The Old Fire Station site: Nelson Street, St. Helier "
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."

CI4, p232




Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-fifth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Policy CI5 - Sports, leisure and cultural facilities –

  1. at point 3, the words "or increases" should be deleted, and after the words "use by the public" there should be inserted the words "or increases the proportion of freely accessible public green space";
  1. after "Southwest St. Helier Planning Framework Area", there should be inserted "6. FB Fields, La Grande Route de St. Clement ";
  1. after the words "Southwest St. Helier Planning Framework Area." there should be inserted the words – "The development of sports and leisure uses may also be supported in the identified sports and leisure area of potential ( St. Peter ) but only where the public benefit and contribution to the viability and success of local sports can be proven to outweigh any loss or harm to the landscape and agricultural land";
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraphs (a)-(c).
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of (b) and (c)."

CI5, p235


Deputy Ward proposes the Ninth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" should be inserted the words "except that –

  1. within Policy CI5, at point 3, the words "or increases" should be deleted and, after the words "use by the public" there should be inserted the words "or increases the proportion of freely accessible public green space"; and
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a).

CI5, p235, bullet 3

Falls  if  94th  Amendment adopted


Deputy of St. Martin proposes the Seventy-third Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be designated as sports and leisure enhancement areas at Policy CI5 – Sports, Leisure and Cultural facilities –

"6. Field MN727 St. Martin (0.99 hectares/5.5 vergées) ";

CI5, p235, after bullet 5


  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects  as  may  be  necessary  consequent  upon  the  adoption  of paragraph (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".


Deputy Morel proposes the Forty-seventh Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. Proposal 25 - St Helier Country Park should be deleted in its entirety;
  1. the  following  be  removed  from  the  areas  identified  and safeguarded for provision of open space in Policy CI6 – Provision and enhancement of open space – 2. Warwick Farm, La Grande Roue de Saint-Jean,  St.  Helier"  With  the  remaining  item  re-numbered accordingly;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a) and (b); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of (a) and (b)."

Proposal 25, p239


The Connétable of St. Helier proposes the Thirty-first Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within Proposal 25 – St. Helier Country Park –

  1. at the end of the first sentence, there should be inserted the words "upon the expiry of the present lease in January 2023";
  1. after the first paragraph, there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "The Council of Ministers will establish a project board to develop proposals to be included in the next Government Plan in order that the St. Helier Country Park can be delivered during the period covered by the Bridging Island Plan."
  1. after the second paragraph there should be inserted the following new paragraph – "The development of the country park will reflect an investigation and report by the Council of Ministers on opportunities to incorporate adjacent areas of countryside into the park in the future, in line with the map attached to, and supporting, Paragraph 7 of Amendment 38 (as adopted by the States Assembly on 21st June 2011) to the previous Island Plan."

Proposal 25, p239


The Connétable of St. John proposes the Thirty-third Amendment:

CI6, p240, 4th para

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, in Policy CI6 – Provision and enhancement of open space, the following amendments should be made, with the Plan further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon their adoption –

  1. in the fourth paragraph, after the words "provision of new" there should be inserted the words "or enhanced"; and
  1. in the fifth paragraph, after the words "3. Grands Vaux Reservoir and  valley,  as  defined  by  Policy  CI9  Countryside  access  and awareness" there should be inserted the words –

"4.  Field  J371,  La  Rue  Gombrette,  St.  John  (0.70  hectares/3.89 vergées)".

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a) and (b).


Connétable of St. Ouen proposes the Eleventh Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the designation of field 630 ( St. Ouen ) as protected open space (as referenced on page 241 of the Plan) be removed, with the designation as built-up area retained;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a);
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of (a).".

Protected open space, p241


Deputy Truscott proposes the Fifteenth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that the Corbière Walk (as spatially defined in the Policing of Parks (Jersey) Regulations 2005) should be designated as protected open space and subject to Policy C17, with the draft Island Plan 2022- 2025 Proposals Map and the draft Island Plan 2022-2025 amended accordingly."

Protected open space, p241


Deputy Doublet proposes the Fifth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except  that,  in  Policy  C18   Space  for  Children  and  Play,  the following amendments should be made, with the Plan further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon their adoption –

CI8, p243, 1st para


  1. after the words "social and imaginative" insert the words "as well as helping children access and spend time in nature";
  1. in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Policy, before the words "walking distance" insert the word "safe" every time they appear;
  1. after paragraph 3, insert the following new paragraph: "In the first instance, developers should seek to include as much green or natural play space as possible. Play space could also be provided as outdoor play equipment, playscapes (landscape design that incorporates play features), space for ball games and dedicated space that encourages safe bike riding, skateboarding and scootering. In some circumstances, indoor  communal  space  may  form  part  of  the  space  for  play contribution, such as communal games rooms or youth facilities. Other types of space for play will be considered where the developer has undertaken appropriate consultation and there is clear evidence of community support."


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Third Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. within Policy CI8, the words "within 10 minutes walking distance, or 1,000m from the site", should be replaced with "within 5 minutes walking distance, or 500m from the site" each time that they appear;
  1. within Policy CI8, after paragraph 3, insert the words "If any such agreed,  off-site  contribution  cannot  be  met  within  the  specified distance, new play space must be provided elsewhere and evidence of options considered must be provided, together with a justification for the proposed location and an explanation as to how this will benefit the occupants of the development.";
  1. before Policy CI8, insert the following new Proposal; "The Minister for  the  Environment  will  work  with  the  Minister  for  Economic Development,  Tourism,  Sport  and  Culture,  and  the  Minister  for Children and Education, to develop a play strategy for the Island, with a specific focus on play area provision in St. Helier "; and
  1. before Policy CI8, insert the following new Proposal; "The Minister for the Environment will develop and publish supplementary planning guidance for developers in relation to the provision of play space".

CI8, p243, 2nd para


Deputy Morel proposes the Twenty-seventh Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, in Policy CI9 – Countryside access and awareness, the following  amendments  should be  made,  with the Plan  further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon their adoption –

CI9, p245


  1. after the words "Grands Vaux Reservoir", the remaining words should be substituted with "and valley, and Waterworks Valley have been identified on the proposals map as strategic countryside access sites' and proposals that encourage, enable or enhance public access to the countryside here will be supported."; and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a)."


Section ten: Travel and transport

Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-sixth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. in the preamble to Policy TT1 – Integrated safe and inclusive travel

  1. in the first paragraph, under the heading Jersey mobility hierarchy (on page 251), after the words "different modes of travel." There should be inserted the words "Access to travel and transport is also affected by other forms of disability and not just those related to mobility and sensory impairment."; and
  1. in  the  second  paragraph,  after  the  words  "all  users  of  the development" there should be inserted the words "– including those of people with all forms of disability –";
  1. in Policy TT1 – Integrated safe and inclusive travel. Section 2.a., after the words "sensory or mobility impairments" there should be inserted the words, "and other forms of disability";
  1. in the first paragraph of the preamble to Proposal 27 – Active travel network (page 253), after the words "islanders of all abilities," there should be inserted the words "including people with disabilities.";
  1. in Proposal 27 Active travel network, after the words "the relevant parish(es); stakeholders," there should be inserted the words "including the Disability Inclusion Group;";

(c)  in  Policy  TT4   Provision  of  off-street  parking,  in  the  first paragraph, after the words "convenient off-street" the words "motor vehicle" should be substituted for the word "car" and a new paragraph at the end of Policy TT4 should be inserted as follows –

(i)  "Development  involving  the  loss  of  front  gardens  and  their boundary features to provide parking with direct access to/from the highway will not be supported where this would harm the character and appearance of the street scene or compromise highway safety.";

(f) in Policy H2 – Housing density, after the third bullet point there should be inserted an additional bullet point –

TT1, p253

Part  (a)  of  42nd  Amendment falls  if  part  (f)  of  this amendment  is  debated  and voted on.

21st  Amendment  falls  if  this amendment  is  debated  and voted on.


- • "the quantity and quality of amenity space and parking, including visitor parking."; and

(g) in Proposal 29 Sustainable transport zones, after the words "including residential," there should be inserted the words "to meet all users' needs, including those of visitors".


Deputy Gardiner proposes the Twenty-first Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except –

  1. to request that the Minister for the Environment makes appropriate adjustments to ensure that considerations for disability and inclusion are more explicitly incorporated in the chapter of the draft Island Plan 2022-2025 on Active Travel; and
  1. that, within the Proposal entitled "Active Travel Network", after the word "stakeholders" there should be inserted the words "; the Disability Inclusion Group;""

TT2, p258

Amendment  falls  if  96th Amendment  is  debated  and voted on.



Connétable of St. Helier proposes the Forty-second Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. in Policy H2 – Housing density', after the third bullet point of the third paragraph, there should be inserted the following bullet point –

 "the  quantity  of  amenity  space  and  parking,  including  visitor parking";

  1. in the Proposal   Sustainable transport zones', for the word "publish" in the first sentence there should be substituted the words "and bring to the States Assembly for approval, in conjunction with the Minister for Infrastructure's forthcoming Parking Strategy, draft";
  1. in Policy TT4 Provision of off-street parking', in the third paragraph, for the words after the word "supported" there should be substituted the words "unless the new spaces will be provided for the use of residents, shoppers and visitors".

Sustainable transport, p263


Deputy Maçon proposes the Seventy-sixth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) after Policy TT4: Provision of off-street parking' there should be inserted  the  following  new  Policy   "Policy   Visitor  Parking

TT4, p264


Development proposals that have the potential to generate vehicular movements and a requirement for car and other forms of parking will be supported only where consideration has been given to the use of a site for the provision of services and care. Development proposals that do not have sufficient visitor parking provision will not be approved.";

  1. after Policy TT4: Provision of off-street parking' there should be inserted the following new Proposal – "Proposal – Visitor Parking The Minister will produce guidelines that require sufficient visitor parking provision in both urban and countryside areas of the Island."
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a) and (b).



Section eleven: Minimising waste and environmental risk

Minister  for  the  Environment  proposes  the  One-hundred  and  first Amendment:

PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words ", except that –

in Policy WER4 – Land Reclamation, for the penultimate paragraph substitute  the  following  paragraph  "The  fill  material  for  land reclamation  schemes,  other  than  for  engineering  elements,  will comprise inert waste derived material that cannot economically be processed to meet an engineering material specification and that meets the structural and environmental protection standards required for the scheme".

WER4, p282


Section twelve: Minerals extraction and solid waste disposal

Minister  for  the  Environment  proposes  the  Ninety-seventh Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) on page 303, after the words "the facility would continue to operate as a result of exhausting the mineral reserve" the whole of the paragraph that begins "In terms of securing a supply of sand for the island" should be replaced with the following paragraphs – "Having regard to the need and desirability to reduce dependency on more expensive  and  less  sustainable  import  options  it  is  considered appropriate to safeguard the remaining existing local reserves of sand, where they remain within the existing boundaries of the Simon Sand and Gravel Quarry site, to enable their potential extraction. Any proposal for further extraction here will, however, be subject to a full environmental impact assessment as an integral part of a planning application,  which  would  need  to  address  all  relevant  issues, including  the  potential  existence  of  land  contamination  and  any hydrogeological implications of further extraction, along with the

Provision of minerals, p303


restoration of the site. Continued extraction will be conditional upon the provision of appropriate environmental mitigation measures and the agreement and commencement of a phased restoration plan for the whole  quarry  site,  to  be  secured  through  a  planning  obligation agreement. Restoration, where it involves the importation of material onto the site, should be undertaken using clean, inert material from natural sources as far as possible and practicable."

(b) in Policy MW1, after the words "Proposals for the extension of extraction  beyond  the  boundaries  of  the"  the  words  "existing consented area (under RC2018/0816) at Simon Sand and Gravel ( St. Brelade / St. Peter )" should be replaced with the words "safeguarded mineral sites".


Senator Moore proposes the Twentieth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. Field MY966, La Gigoulande Quarry ( St. Peter / St. Mary ) should be removed from Policy MW1;
  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a); and
  1. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones be amended to reflect the adoption of (a)."

MW1, p304


Deputy Morel proposes the Eighty-third Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) within Policy MW1, after the final paragraph, there should be inserted the following new paragraphs–

  1. Proposals for extensions to mineral extraction sites will only be supported where there is at all times during the working life of the site, a minimum distance of 250 metres between the proposed face of the extraction site and the nearest occupied buildings, whether those buildings are for residential or employment use.
  1. A proposal for extensions to mineral extraction sites will only be supported where real-time air quality and dust monitoring systems are provided and operated within the guidelines set out by the Institute of Air  Quality  Management  and  the  results  of  that  monitoring  is published online.

MW1, p304


iii) All proposals for extensions to mineral extraction sites must be accompanied by a Dust and Particulate Matter Impact Assessment before Planning Permission may be granted.

(b) the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent to the adoption of (a)."


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Sixtieth Amendment: PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that, within the table headed "Thematic Island Plan policy" (in the Chapter headed "Island Plan performance framework") –

  1. in the potential performance measure relating to Policy GD8, for the  words  "floor  areas"  there  should  be  substituted  the  word "footprint" and, after the word "zone", there should be inserted the words "and additional storey/built height area"; and there should be included the following additional potential performance measures – "Number  and  estimated  heights  and  spread  of  trees  and  shrubs exceeding four metres lost (including in the 5 years preceding site development if identifiable)"; and "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs planted exceeding or expected to exceed four metres in height";
  1. there should be included as an additional potential performance measure relating to Policy GD

9 an indication of the extent to which strategic views (including from coastal headlands) of listed buildings on shorelines are obstructed by approved new building development;

  1. in the potential performance measure relating to Policy ER4, after the words "floor area" there should be inserted the words ", building footprint, additional story area, built height area";
  1. in the potential performance measure relating to Policy ER4 there should be included the words "Extent to which loss is to residential or public amenity development"; and
  1. in the potential performance measures relating to Policy NE3, there  should  be  added  the  following  performance  measures  – "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs lost exceeding  4  metres  in  height  (including  5  years  preceding  site development if identified)"; and "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs planted exceeding or expected to exceed four metres in height".

Performance framework, p318 Could be proposed as amended.


Connétable of St. Brelade proposes the Amendment to the Sixtieth Amendment

PAGE  2   Replace  the  words  and  all  paragraphs  immediately following the words after "except that," with the following words and paragraphs –

"within the Chapter headed "Island Plan performance framework"–

60th  Amendment  could  be proposed as amended.

60 Amd.

  1. the Proposal headed "Proposal – Strengthening the Island Plan performance  framework"  the  words  "to  development"  should  be substituted  with  the  words  "to  develop,  in  consultation  with  the Statistics  User  Group  (or  any  replacement  Statistical  Advisory Council) and the Economic Council (or any replacement independent body performing a similar advisory function),"; and
  1. the table headed "Thematic Island Plan policy" (in the Chapter headed "Island Plan performance framework") –
  1. and within the potential performance measure relating to Policy GD8, after the word "zone", there should be inserted the words "and additional storey/built height area"; and there should be included the following additional potential performance measures – "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs exceeding four metres lost (including in the 5 years preceding site development if identifiable)"; and "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs planted exceeding or expected to exceed four metres in height";
  1. and within the potential performance measure relating to Policy ER4   Daytime  and  evening  uses,  there  should  be  included  the following additional potential performance measures – "Total cubic building area for daytime and economic use gained and lost in St Brelade's  Bay"  and  extent  to  which  lost  to  public  amenity  or residential development;
  1. and within the potential performance measure relating to Policy EV1 –Visitor accommodation, there should be included the following additional potential performance measures – "Total cubic building area for visitor accommodation gained and lost in St Brelade's Bay and  extent  to  which  lost  to  public  amenity  or  residential development";
  1. and within the potential performance measure relating to Policy NE3, there should be included the following additional potential performance measures – "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs lost exceeding 4 metres in height (including 5 years preceding site development if identified)"; and "Number and estimated heights and spread of trees and shrubs planted exceeding or expected to exceed four metres in height".


If the Amendment is debated separately, one it is disposed of, the Assembly returns to debate and vote on the Sixtieth Amendment [as adopted].

Minister for the Environment proposes the Ninety-ninth Amendment:

PAGE 2 – After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

(a) the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended as follows:

Consequential  amendments  to proposals map


  1. Le Pepiniere, St. Lawrence : amend the built-up area boundary as shown in green, at Plan 1 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99));
  1. Land at Glenwhern, Grouville : amend the built-up area boundary as shown in green, shown at Plan 2 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99));
  1. Field MN402, St. Martin : amend the built-up area boundary as shown in green, at Plan 3 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99));
  1. Sewage treatment plant, Bellozane, St. Helier : amend the built- up  area  boundary  as  shown  in  green,  at  Plan  4  of  the  report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99));
  1. Field O785, St. Ouen : amend the built-up area boundary as shown in green, at Plan 5 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99));
  1. Land  to  the  south  of  Mont  à  L'Abbé  cemetery:  amend  the protected open space and built-up area boundary as shown in red at Plan 6 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99)); and
  1. Midbay House (L880), St. Lawrence : amend the built-up area boundary as shown in green, at Plan 7 of the report accompanying the amendment of the Minister for the Environment (P.36/2021 Amd. (99)).